Task Execution and Scheduling in Spring - java

I'm new in spring. Please help me to understand what I have to use (TaskExecutor, #Sceduled,Quarts Sceduler,...) to implement this problem:
I have an Order object and Contacts (connected with 1:N relationship. One Order can have many Contacts). So
When Order is created, application have to send email to all connected Contacts.
When new Contact lately is created and connected to the already created Order, this Contact also have to get an email.
When Order will expire , 2 days later Contact have to get an email.

When Order is created, application have to send email to all connected Contacts.
Add 2 new columns into Contacts Table ( or similar table).
is_Send_Email -> boolean type
Email_Send_Time -> timestamp/date type
While inserting a new row ( new order is created), set is_Send_Email=true and Email_Send_Time = current time. for all related Contacts.
2.When new Contact lately is created and connected to the already created Order, this Contact also have to get an email.
When adding a contact to the Order,set is_Send_Email=true and Email_Send_Time = Current time (while inserting) for newly added Contacts.
3.When Order will expire , 2 days later Contact have to get an email.
Set is_Send_Email=true for all contacts in that expiring order and Email_Send_Time = Current time+2 days.
Enable scheduling using #EnableScheduling in your configuration class.
public class AppConfig {
public MyBean bean() {
return new MyBean();
Use #Scheduled annotation to call your mail sending method at specific intervals.
As per Spring documentation..
34.4.2 The #Scheduled Annotation
The #Scheduled annotation can be added to a method along with trigger
For example, the following method would be invoked every 5
seconds with a fixed delay, meaning that the period will be measured
from the completion time of each preceding invocation.
#Scheduled(fixedDelay=5000) public void doSomething() {
// something that should execute periodically
If a fixed rate execution is desired, simply change the property name
specified within the annotation. The following would be executed every
5 seconds measured between the successive start times of each
#Scheduled(fixedRate=5000) public void doSomething() {
// something that should execute periodically
For fixed-delay and fixed-rate tasks, an initial delay may be
specified indicating the number of milliseconds to wait before the
first execution of the method.
#Scheduled(initialDelay=1000, fixedRate=5000) public void
doSomething() {
// something that should execute periodically
If simple periodic scheduling is not expressive enough, then a cron
expression may be provided. For example, the following will only
execute on weekdays.
#Scheduled(cron="*/5 * * * * MON-FRI") public void doSomething() {
// something that should execute on weekdays only
[Tip] You can additionally use the zone attribute to specify the time
zone in which
the cron expression will be resolved. Notice that the methods to be
scheduled must have void returns and must not expect any arguments. If
the method needs to interact with other objects from the Application
Context, then those would typically have been provided through
dependency injection.
Check each record in Order table, if is_Send_Email=true for an record, then trigger email for that Order/Contacts whatever.
How to send email using Spring , You can refer this article.
Happy Learning :-)


Spring StateMachine reusable statemachine instance

I have spring state machine like in the image below:
I want the state machine to be started at the start of the app. And after that it should go in the Re-State where on some time (Scheduled) it go in State GetOrders with SubStates (GetA, GetB and GetC). After that if there is some error it should go in the error, otherwise if everything is okay it should go in the Re-State where it should wait for the Scheduler.
This is my config
public void configure(StateMachineConfigurationConfigurer<States, Events> config) throws Exception {
And this is the method for the scheduler:
#Scheduled(cron = "0 0 1 1 * *")
public void startStateMachine() {
StateMachine<States, Events> sm = factory.getStateMachine();
Everything is working okay but I have noticed that every time this method executes, the stateMachine that is starting have different UUID with the previous one but the Id is same. So I think I am making multiple instances of the state machine. Is it possible to reuse the same state machine or not finishing the process. Because in my case most of the time the state of the machine should be in Re-State. It can be considered as waiting state.
Try to use SpringStateMachineService to get a state machine instance instead of explicitly retrieving it from StateMachineFactory. You can use default implementation provided by Spring:
public StateMachineService<State, Event> stateMachineService(
final StateMachineFactory<State, Event> stateMachineFactory) {
return new DefaultStateMachineService<>(stateMachineFactory);
So, your code will look like:
#Scheduled(cron = "0 0 1 1 * *")
public void startStateMachine() {
// here we need to get stateMachineId from some storage
stateMachineService.acquireStateMachine(stateMachineId, true)
In the code above you need to provide particular state machine ids. Usually, I store them in the database, query them and instantiate state machine for each one.
Persisting state machine context is out of scope of the question. See Persisting State Machine
Well your state machine should be most likely public and static. So that you would make sure by that there is only one instance of your machine.

Spring JPA: Change attribute of instance that is simultaniously being modified in scheduled task

I'm running a scheduled task in my Spring application that runs a job. The job itself is fetched at the beginning of the task. After that a loop takes place that modifies the job in each iteration (++ a counter). After the loop I merge my instance using the entity manager. It works fairly well, but I'm facing an issue trying to modify the instance from another place. Since the instance has a 'paused' flag, I'm trying to set it. But whenever I do it's quickly reset again, due to the scheduled task unsetting it again (as far as I can tell).
Here's some code:
// This method is called using the #Scheduled annotation to be looping
// constantly with one second delay between invocations.
public void performActions() {
Job job = jobRepository.findFirstByPausedAtIsNull();
// Skip if no unpaused job exists
if(job == null) return;
// Iterate through batch of job actions
for(Action action : job.nextActions()) {
// Merge the action into the persistence context
// Merge the job into the persistence context
Now I'm trying to be able to pause the job at any time from the outside. I use a controller endpoint to call a pause method on the jobService. This method looks like this:
public Job pause(long id) throws JobNotFoundException, JobStatusException {
Job job = this.show(id);
if(job.getPausedAt() != null) throw new JobStatusException("The job is already paused");
job.pause(); // This sets the flag on the instance, same as job.setPausedAt(new Date())
return jobRepository.save(campaign); // Uses CrudRepository
Now calling the method works fine and it actually returns the Job with pausedAt set. But the value is reset quickly after.
I've tried just straight up fetching a fresh instance from the database at the end of performAction and setting the modified instance pausedAt to the freshly fetched one's value.
Any idea how this could be achieved properly?
As far as I understand , You need to stop the job when the pause flag is set ... you can achieve this by applying optimistic lock ... add a #Version field to Job .... apply LockModeType.OPTIMISTIC to the job that you retrieved in performAction() -either by adding it to the find() method or call a refresh() after retrieval -the first is better- ..... now if the other endpoint changes the pause flag the version field will be incremented and you will get OptimisticLockException at persisting .... this has some implications :
1- whatever state changes in the Job , the same behavior will happen (not only the pause field)
2- You will need to handle the Exception from inside the persistence context (i.e. inside performActions()) because after returning it might be mapped to any other exception type ... this is the idea I have now, may be there is something better that gives you more control (track only the pause attribute)

Issue of context switch between two threads

I am Using Quarts Scheduler for job scheduling. I have various jobs which gets medical report of different users daily and send that report to individual user. Each job has a specific user associated with it.
Before each job starts executing its business logic the JobListener implementation class creates an instance of the class UserJobExecution.
public class UserJobExecution
static ThreadLocal currentExecution = new ThreadLocal()
User user;
static UserJobExecution getCurrent(){
(UserJobExecution ) currentExecution.get();
UserJobExecution(String jobName){
user = getUserFromDB(jobName);
User getUser(){
return user;
//rest of the code
class WebServiceUtil{
static HttpClient client = new HttpClient(new MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager());
User user;
WebServiceUtil(User user){
this.user = user;
static WebServiceUtil getDefaultWs(){
UserJobExecution userJobExecution = UserJobExecution.getCurrent();
return (new WebServiceUtil(userJobExecution.getUser()));
static execute(String request){
Both the above classes has a User object that has two fields username and password.
Every job makes a call to a common webservice by calling its executeMethod with its own user name and password to get medical report associated to a particular user.
The webservice takes time to process a report. So first a job requests for a report and gets a report Id and then the job continuously calls the webservice for retrieving that report every 15 secs till webservice processes the report and the job gets the report.
The issue i am facing is that if there are multiple jobs triggered at the same time then it messes up the username and password.(The above getCurrent() method is called to get the currently executing job)
I am creating a single instance of UserJobExecution for every job. The method jobToBeExecuted is called by the Scheduler for every Job before it is executed.
public class ExecutionJobListener implements JobListener {
public void jobToBeExecuted(JobExecutionContext context){
//Other code
UserJobExecution userJobExecution = new UserJobExecution(job)
//Rest of the code
You seem to be using a single instance of UserJobExecution for all the jobs, which leads to a classic synchronization problem. Since all jobs use the same User attribute in the same UserJobExecution instance, several jobs can call getUserFromDB() at the same time, and the user attribute will be overwritten.
Try to build your class so that all jobs do not store the result of getUserFromDB() using a reference that is shared among jobs (e.g. use separate references for each job, by keeping it a local variable for example).
It's not entirely clear from your question what method is scheduled using Quartz Scheduler. Nevertheless I assume that error comes from using ThreadLocal in combination with scheduler. Quartz Scheduler uses internal thread pool to run jobs. When job is called you can't be sure which thread of the pool it is called from. It can be the same thread or any other thread. Consider using JobDataMap to store job state.

Add Quartz Source Java Files on the Fly

I have looked around and around for this answer, but I have not been able to find a good answer. I would like to create a system based on Quartz that allows people to schedule their own tasks. I will use a pseudo example.
Let's say my main method for my Quartz program is called quartz.java.
Then I have a file called sweep.java that implements the Quartz "job" interface.
So in my quartz.java, I schedule my sweep.java to run every hour. I run quartz.java, and it works fine. GREAT; however, now I want to add a dust.java to the quartz scheduler; however, since this is a production service, I don't want to have to stop my quartz.java file, add in my dust.java, and recompile and run quartz.java again. This downtime would be unacceptable.
Does anyone have any ideas on how I could accomplish this? It seems impossible because how could you ever feed another java file into the program without recompiling, linking, etc.
I hope that this example is clear. Please let me know if I need to clarify any part of it.
Partial answer: it is possible to compile, and then instantiate, a class, programatically.
Here are links to example code:
how to compile from a String;
The extracted class is grabbed in the third source file (see method getGeneratedClass, which returns a Class<?> object).
HOWEVER: keep in mind that this is potentially dangerous to do so. One problem, which can be quite serious if you are not careful, is that when you dynamically instantiate a class, its static initialization blocks are executed. And these can potentially wreak havoc on your application. So, in addition, you'll have to create an appropriate SecurityContext.
In the code above, I actually only ever get the Class<?> object and never instantiate it in any way, so no code is executed. But your usage scenario is quite different.
I have not tried any of these but are worth trying .
1) Consider using Quartz camel endpoint .
If my understanding is right, Apache Camel lets you create the camel routes on the fly.
It just needs to deploy the camel-context.xml into a container taking into consideration that the required classes would be already available on classpath of container.
2) Quartz lets you create a job declaratively i.e. with xml configuration of job and trigger.
You can find more information here.
3) Now this requires some efforts ;-)
Create an interface which has a method which you will execute as a part of job. Lets say this will have a method called
public interface MyDynamicJob
public void executeThisAsPartOfJob();
Create your instances of Job methods.
public EmailJob implements MyDynamicJob
public void executeThisAsPartOfJob()
System.out.println("Sending Email");
Now in your main scheduler engine, use the Observer pattern to store/initiate the job dynamically.
Something like,
HashMap jobs=new HashMap<String,MyDynamicJob>();
// call this method to add the job dynamically.
// If you add a job after the scheduler engine started , find a way here how to reiterate over this map without shutting down the scheduler :-).
public void addJob(String someJobName,MyDynamicJob job)
public void initiateScheduler()
// Iterate over the jobs map to get all registered jobs. Create
// Create JobDetail instances dynamically for each job Entry. add your custom job class as a part of job data map.
Job jd1=JobBuilder.newJob(GenericJob.class)
.withIdentity("FirstJob", "First Group").build();
Map jobDataMap=jd1.getJobDataMap();
jobDataMap.put("dynamicjob", jobs.get("dynamicjob1"));
public class GenericJob implements Job {
public void execute(JobExecutionContext arg0) throws JobExecutionException {
System.out.println("Executing job");
Map jdm=arg0.getJobDetail().getJobDataMap();
MyDynamicJob mdj=jdm.get("dynamicjob");
// Now execute your custom job method here.
System.out.println("Job Execution complete");

Executing a Spring Batch job incrementer when running through JUnit

I have a Spring Batch job which takes parameters, and the parameters are usually the same every time the job is run. By default, Spring Batch doesn't let you re-use the same parameters like that... so I created a simple incrementer and added it to my job like this:
When using the standard CommandLineJobRunner to run my job, I have to pass the -next parameter in order for my incrementer to be used.
However, when I run an end-to-end job test from within a JUnit class, using JobLauncherTestUtils.launchJob( JobParameters )... I can't find a way to declare that my incrementer should be used. The job is just quietly skipped, presumably because it has already been run with those parameters (see note below).
The JobParameters class is meant to hold a collection of name-value pairs... but the -next parameter is different. It starts with a dash, and has no corresponding value. I tried various experiments, but trying to add something to the JobParameters collection doesn't seem to be the ticket.
Does anyone know the JUnit equivalent to passing -next to CommandLineJobRunner?
NOTE: I presume that the the issue is my incrementer being ignored, because:
The job works the first time, and it works if I wipe out the job repository database. It only fails on retries.
The job works fine, retries and all, when I hardcode the variables and remove the parameters altogether.
JobLauncherTestUtils class contains a getUniqueJobParameters method which serves exactly the same need.
* #return a new JobParameters object containing only a parameter for the
* current timestamp, to ensure that the job instance will be unique.
public JobParameters getUniqueJobParameters() {Map<String, JobParameter>
parameters = new HashMap<String, JobParameter>();
parameters.put("random", new JobParameter((long) (Math.random() * JOB_PARAMETER_MAXIMUM)));
return new JobParameters(parameters);
Sample usage would be,
JobParameters params = new JobParametersBuilder (jobLauncherTestUtils.getUniqueJobParameters()).toJobParameters();
//extra parameters to be added
JobExecution jobExecution = jobLauncherTestUtils.launchJob(params);

