I have a csv file containing 24231 rows. I would like to apply LOOCV based on the project name instead of the observations of the whole dataset.
So if my dataset contains information for 15 projects, I would like to have the training set based on 14 projects and the test set based on the other project.
I was relying on weka's API, is there anything that automates this process?
For non-numeric attributes, Weka allows you to retrieve the unique values via Attribute.numValues() (how many are there) and Attribute.value(int) (the -th value).
package weka;
import weka.core.Attribute;
import weka.core.Instance;
import weka.core.Instances;
import weka.core.converters.ConverterUtils;
public class LOOByValue {
* 1st arg: ARFF file to load
* 2nd arg: 0-based index in ARFF to use for class
* 3rd arg: 0-based index in ARFF to use for LOO
* #param args the command-line arguments
* #throws Exception if loading/processing of data fails
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// load data
Instances full = ConverterUtils.DataSource.read(args[0]);
int looCol = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
Attribute looAtt = full.attribute(looCol);
if (looAtt.isNumeric())
throw new IllegalStateException("Attribute cannot be numeric!");
// iterate unique values to create train/test splits
for (int i = 0; i < looAtt.numValues(); i++) {
String value = looAtt.value(i);
System.out.println("\n" + (i+1) + "/" + full.attribute(looCol).numValues() + ": " + value);
Instances train = new Instances(full, full.numInstances());
Instances test = new Instances(full, full.numInstances());
for (int n = 0; n < full.numInstances(); n++) {
Instance inst = full.instance(n);
if (inst.stringValue(looCol).equals(value))
test.add((Instance) inst.copy());
train.add((Instance) inst.copy());
// TODO do something with the data
System.out.println("train size: " + train.numInstances());
System.out.println("test size: " + test.numInstances());
With Weka's anneal UCI dataset and the surface-quality for leave-one-out, you can generate something like this:
1/5: ?
train size: 654
test size: 244
2/5: D
train size: 843
test size: 55
3/5: E
train size: 588
test size: 310
4/5: F
train size: 838
test size: 60
5/5: G
train size: 669
test size: 229
I am running nl4py (a python module for NetLogo) in Jupyter notebook. I am trying to get import a list from netlogo into python, but the import is in a Java format. However, when I try to convert the JavaObject to a python format using py4j I get an error of: JavaObject has no len(). Is there a better way to convert JavaObject in python? Thanks.
python 3.8, ipython 7.10.0, nl4py 0.5.0, jdk 15.0.2, Netlogo 6.0, MacOS Catalina 10.15.7
#start of code for nl4py
import nl4py
nl4py.startServer("/Applications/NetLogo 6.0/")
n = nl4py.NetLogoApp()
n.openModel('/Users/tracykuper/Desktop/Netlogo models/Mucin project/1_21_20/PA_metabolite_model_1_21.nlogo')
#run abm model for n number of times
#change patch variable under a specific turtle
for i in range(1):
n.command("repeat 10 [go]")
#A = np.array([1,2,3,4],[3,2,-1,-6])) #turtle number, metabolite diff.
#run simulation of metabolic network to get biomass and metabolite values
#change patch variable under a specific turtle
names = ["1", "2", "3"] #turtle names
patch_values = ["-0.5", "50", "-0.5"] #metabolite values
for i in range(len(names)):
x = ('ask turtle {} [ask patch-here [set succinate succinate + {}]]'.format(names[i],patch_values[i]))
#set new bacteria mass values
values = ["5", "30", "5"] #biomass values
y = ('ask turtle {} [set m m + {}]'.format(names[i],values[i]))
n.command("ask turtle {} [set color red]".format(names[i]))
import py4j
mass = n.report("mass-list")
self = n.report("self-list")
s = py4j.protocol.get_return_value(mass, object)
[[0.69], [0.8], [0.73], [0.71], [0.5], [0.51], [0.54], [0.82], [0.72], [0.88]]
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-31-0b04d0127b47> in <module>
11 #map(mass + mass,mass)
---> 13 s = py4j.protocol.get_return_value(mass, object)
~/opt/anaconda3/envs/netlogo4/lib/python3.6/site-packages/py4j/protocol.py in get_return_value(answer, gateway_client, target_id, name)
319 (e.g., *hello* in `object1.hello()`). Optional.
320 """
--> 321 if is_error(answer)[0]:
322 if len(answer) > 1:
323 type = answer[1]
~/opt/anaconda3/envs/netlogo4/lib/python3.6/site-packages/py4j/protocol.py in is_error(answer)
373 def is_error(answer):
--> 374 if len(answer) == 0 or answer[0] != SUCCESS:
375 return (True, None)
376 else:
TypeError: object of type 'JavaObject' has no len()
Note: Solutions in r, python, java, or if necessary, c++ or c# are desired.
I am trying to draw contours based on transportation time. To be more clear, I want to cluster the points which have similar travel time (let's say 10 minute interval) to a specific point (destination) and map them as contours or a heatmap.
Right now, the only idea that I have is using R package gmapsdistance to find the travel time for different origins and then cluster them and draw them on a map. But, as you can tell, this is in no way a robust solution.
This thread on GIS-community and this one for python illustrate a similar problem but for an origin to destinations within reach in specific time. I want to find origins which I can travel to the destination within certain time.
Right now, the code below shows my rudimentary idea (using R):
mdestination <- "40.7+-73"
morigin1 <- "40.6+-74.2"
morigin2 <- "40+-74"
gmapsdistance(origin = morigin1,
destination = mdestination,
mode = "transit")
gmapsdistance(origin = morigin2,
destination = mdestination,
mode = "transit")
This map also may help to understand the question:
Using this answer I can get the points which I can go to from a point of origin but I need to reverse it and find the points which have travel time equal-less-than a certain time to my destination;
appId <- "TravelTime_APP_ID"
apiKey <- "TravelTime_API_KEY"
location <- c(40, -73)
CommuteTime <- (5 / 6) * 60 * 60
url <- "http://api.traveltimeapp.com/v4/time-map"
requestBody <- paste0('{
"departure_searches" : [
{"id" : "test",
"coords": {"lat":', location[1], ', "lng":', location[2],' },
"transportation" : {"type" : "driving"} ,
"travel_time" : ', CommuteTime, ',
"departure_time" : "2017-05-03T07:20:00z"
res <- httr::POST(url = url,
httr::add_headers('Content-Type' = 'application/json'),
httr::add_headers('Accept' = 'application/json'),
httr::add_headers('X-Application-Id' = appId),
httr::add_headers('X-Api-Key' = apiKey),
body = requestBody,
encode = "json")
res <- jsonlite::fromJSON(as.character(res))
pl <- lapply(res$results$shapes[[1]]$shell, function(x){
googleway::encode_pl(lat = x[['lat']], lon = x[['lng']])
df <- data.frame(polyline = unlist(pl))
df_marker <- data.frame(lat = location[1], lon = location[2])
google_map(key = mapKey) %>%
add_markers(data = df_marker) %>%
add_polylines(data = df, polyline = "polyline")
Moreover, Documentation of Travel Time Map Platform talks about Multi Origins with Arrival time which is exactly the thing I want to do. But I need to do that for both public transportation and driving (for places with less than an hour commute time) and I think since public transport is tricky (based on what station you are close to) maybe heatmap is a better option than contours.
This answer is based on obtaining an origin-destination matrix between a grid of (roughly) equally distant points. This is a computer intensive operation not only because it requires a good number of API calls to mapping services, but also because the servers must calculate a matrix for each call. The number of required calls grows exponentially along the number of points in the grid.
To tackle this problem, I would suggest that you consider running on your local machine or on a local server a mapping server. Project OSRM offers a relatively simple, free, and open-source solution, enabling you to run an OpenStreetMap server into a Linux docker (https://github.com/Project-OSRM/osrm-backend). Having your own local mapping server will allow you to make as many API calls as you desire. R's osrm package allows you to interact with OpenStreetMaps' APIs, Including those placed to a local server.
library(raster) # Optional
devtools::install_github("cmartin/ggConvexHull") # Needed to quickly draw the contours
I create a grid of 96 roughly equally distant points around Bruxelles (Belgium) conurbation.
This grid does not take into consideration the earths curvature, which is negligible at the level of city distances.
For convenience, I employ the raster package to download a ShapeFile of Belgium and extract the nodes for Brussels city.
BE <- raster::getData("GADM", country = "BEL", level = 1)
Bruxelles <- BE[BE$NAME_1 == "Bruxelles", ]
df_grid <- makegrid(Bruxelles, cellsize = 0.02) %>%
SpatialPoints() %>%
## I convert the SpatialPoints object into a simple data.frame
as.data.frame() %>%
## create a unique id for each point in the data.frame
rownames_to_column() %>%
## rename variables of the data.frame with more explanatory names.
rename(id = rowname, lat = x2, lon = x1)
## I point osrm.server to the OpenStreet docker running in my Linux machine. ...
### ... Do not run this if you are getting your data from OpenStreet public servers.
options(osrm.server = "")
## I obtain a list with distances (Origin Destination Matrix in ...
### ... minutes, origins and destinations)
Distance_Tables <- osrmTable(loc = df_grid)
OD_Matrix <- Distance_Tables$durations %>% ## subset the previous list
## convert the Origin Destination Matrix into a tibble
as_data_frame() %>%
rownames_to_column() %>%
## make sure we have an id column for the OD tibble
rename(origin_id = rowname) %>%
## transform the tibble into long/tidy format
gather(key = destination_id, value = distance_time, -origin_id) %>%
left_join(df_grid, by = c("origin_id" = "id")) %>%
## set origin coordinates
rename(origin_lon = lon, origin_lat = lat) %>%
left_join(df_grid, by = c("destination_id" = "id")) %>%
## set destination coordinates
rename(destination_lat = lat, destination_lon = lon)
## Obtain a nice looking road map of Brussels
Brux_map <- get_map(location = "bruxelles, belgique",
zoom = 11,
source = "google",
maptype = "roadmap")
ggmap(Brux_map) +
geom_point(aes(x = origin_lon, y = origin_lat),
data = OD_Matrix %>%
## Here I selected point_id 42 as the desired target, ...
## ... just because it is not far from the City Center.
filter(destination_id == 42),
size = 0.5) +
## Draw a diamond around point_id 42
geom_point(aes(x = origin_lon, y = origin_lat),
data = OD_Matrix %>%
filter(destination_id == 42, origin_id == 42),
shape = 5, size = 3) +
## Countour marking a distance of up to 8 minutes
geom_convexhull(alpha = 0.2,
fill = "blue",
colour = "blue",
data = OD_Matrix %>%
filter(destination_id == 42,
distance_time <= 8),
aes(x = origin_lon, y = origin_lat)) +
## Countour marking a distance of up to 16 minutes
geom_convexhull(alpha = 0.2,
fill = "red",
colour = "red",
data = OD_Matrix %>%
filter(destination_id == 42,
distance_time <= 15),
aes(x = origin_lon, y = origin_lat))
The blue contour represent distances to the city center of up to 8 minutes.
The red contour represent distances of up to 15 minutes.
I came up with an approach that would be applicable comparing to making numerous api calls.
The idea is finding the places you can reach in certain time(look at this thread). Traffic can be simulated by changing the time from morning to evening. You will end up with an overlapped area which you can reach from both places.
Then you can use Nicolas answer and map some points within that overlapped area and draw the heat map for the destinations you have. This way, you will have less area (points) to cover and therefore you will make much less api calls (remember to use appropriate time for that matter).
Below, I tried to demonstrate what I mean by these and get you to the point that you can make the grid mentioned in the other answer to make your estimation more robust.
This shows how to map the intersected area.
appId <- "Travel.Time.ID"
apiKey <- "Travel.Time.API"
mapKey <- "Google.Map.ID"
locationK <- c(40, -73) #K
locationM <- c(40, -74) #M
CommuteTimeK <- (3 / 4) * 60 * 60
CommuteTimeM <- (0.55) * 60 * 60
url <- "http://api.traveltimeapp.com/v4/time-map"
requestBodyK <- paste0('{
"departure_searches" : [
{"id" : "test",
"coords": {"lat":', locationK[1], ', "lng":', locationK[2],' },
"transportation" : {"type" : "public_transport"} ,
"travel_time" : ', CommuteTimeK, ',
"departure_time" : "2018-06-27T13:00:00z"
requestBodyM <- paste0('{
"departure_searches" : [
{"id" : "test",
"coords": {"lat":', locationM[1], ', "lng":', locationM[2],' },
"transportation" : {"type" : "driving"} ,
"travel_time" : ', CommuteTimeM, ',
"departure_time" : "2018-06-27T13:00:00z"
resKi <- httr::POST(url = url,
httr::add_headers('Content-Type' = 'application/json'),
httr::add_headers('Accept' = 'application/json'),
httr::add_headers('X-Application-Id' = appId),
httr::add_headers('X-Api-Key' = apiKey),
body = requestBodyK,
encode = "json")
resMi <- httr::POST(url = url,
httr::add_headers('Content-Type' = 'application/json'),
httr::add_headers('Accept' = 'application/json'),
httr::add_headers('X-Application-Id' = appId),
httr::add_headers('X-Api-Key' = apiKey),
body = requestBodyM,
encode = "json")
resK <- jsonlite::fromJSON(as.character(resKi))
resM <- jsonlite::fromJSON(as.character(resMi))
plK <- lapply(resK$results$shapes[[1]]$shell, function(x){
googleway::encode_pl(lat = x[['lat']], lon = x[['lng']])
plM <- lapply(resM$results$shapes[[1]]$shell, function(x){
googleway::encode_pl(lat = x[['lat']], lon = x[['lng']])
dfK <- data.frame(polyline = unlist(plK))
dfM <- data.frame(polyline = unlist(plM))
df_markerK <- data.frame(lat = locationK[1], lon = locationK[2], colour = "#green")
df_markerM <- data.frame(lat = locationM[1], lon = locationM[2], colour = "#lavender")
iconK <- "red"
df_markerK$icon <- iconK
iconM <- "blue"
df_markerM$icon <- iconM
google_map(key = mapKey) %>%
add_markers(data = df_markerK,
lat = "lat", lon = "lon",colour = "icon",
mouse_over = "K_K") %>%
add_markers(data = df_markerM,
lat = "lat", lon = "lon", colour = "icon",
mouse_over = "M_M") %>%
add_polygons(data = dfM, polyline = "polyline", stroke_colour = '#461B7E',
fill_colour = '#461B7E', fill_opacity = 0.6) %>%
add_polygons(data = dfK, polyline = "polyline",
stroke_colour = '#F70D1A',
fill_colour = '#FF2400', fill_opacity = 0.4)
You can extract the intersected area like this:
# install.packages(c("rgdal", "sp", "raster","rgeos","maptools"))
Kdata <- resK$results$shapes[[1]]$shell
Mdata <- resM$results$shapes[[1]]$shell
xyfunc <- function(mydf) {
xy <- mydf[,c(2,1)]
spdf <- function(xy, mydf){
coords = xy, data = mydf,
proj4string = CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0"))}
for (i in (1:length(Kdata))) {Kdata[[i]] <- xyfunc(Kdata[[i]])}
for (i in (1:length(Mdata))) {Mdata[[i]] <- xyfunc(Mdata[[i]])}
Kshp <- list(); for (i in (1:length(Kdata))) {Kshp[i] <- spdf(Kdata[[i]],Kdata[[i]])}
Mshp <- list(); for (i in (1:length(Mdata))) {Mshp[i] <- spdf(Mdata[[i]],Mdata[[i]])}
Kbind <- do.call(bind, Kshp)
Mbind <- do.call(bind, Mshp)
x <- intersect(Kbind,Mbind)
xdf <- data.frame(x)
xdf$icon <- "https://i.stack.imgur.com/z7NnE.png"
google_map(key = mapKey,
location = c(mean(latmax,latmin), mean(lngmax,lngmin)), zoom = 8) %>%
add_markers(data = xdf, lat = "lat", lon = "lng", marker_icon = "icon")
This is just an illustration of the intersected area.
Now, You can get the coordinates from xdf dataframe and construct your grid around those points to finally come up with a heat map. To respect the other user who came up with that idea/answer I am not including it in mine and am just referencing to it.
Nicolás Velásquez - Obtaining an Origin-Destination Matrix between a Grid of (Roughly) Equally Distant Points
I'm trying to import some (Matlab-generated) GeoTIFF files into WorldWind but seem to have no luck whatsoever. Any useful hints would greatly be appreciated. The GeoTIFF files do display fine in ArcGIS (allowing me to create a .tfw file when I export), but WorldWind gives me the following message:
SEVERE: Cannot read raster: C:\Users\Matthias\Desktop\geotiff\fldextent_02-
Jan-1977(1)renderedno0.tif : gov.nasa.worldwind.formats.tiff.GeotiffImageReader.read(): unable
to decipher image organization
Jul 09, 2013 6:54:33 PM gov.nasa.worldwind.data.CachedDataRaster drawOnTo
SEVERE: C:\Users\Matthias\Desktop\geotiff\fldextent_02-Jan-1977(1)renderedno0.tif : Cannot read
raster: C:\Users\Matthias\Desktop\geotiff\fldextent_02-Jan-1977(1)renderedno0.tif :
gov.nasa.worldwind.formats.tiff.GeotiffImageReader.read(): unable to decipher image organization
gov.nasa.worldwind.exception.WWRuntimeException: Cannot read raster: C:\Users\Matthias\Desktop
\geotiff\fldextent_02-Jan-1977(1)renderedno0.tif :
gov.nasa.worldwind.formats.tiff.GeotiffImageReader.read(): unable to decipher image organization
at gov.nasa.worldwind.data.CachedDataRaster.getDataRasters(CachedDataRaster.java:255)
at gov.nasa.worldwind.data.CachedDataRaster.drawOnTo(CachedDataRaster.java:290)
at gov.nasa.worldwind.data.TiledRasterProducer.drawDataSources(TiledRasterProducer.java:576)
I have also looked at the attributes of the GeoTIFF file in FWTools which gives me:
C:\Users\Matthias\Desktop\geotiff>gdalinfo fldextent_02-Jan-1977(1)renderedno0.tif
Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
Files: fldextent_02-Jan-1977(1)renderedno0.tif
Size is 7200, 7200
Coordinate System is:
SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
Origin = (99.000000000000000,7.000000000000000)
Pixel Size = (0.000833333333333,-0.000833333333333)
Image Structure Metadata:
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left ( 99.0000000, 7.0000000) ( 99d 0'0.00"E, 7d 0'0.00"N)
Lower Left ( 99.0000000, 1.0000000) ( 99d 0'0.00"E, 1d 0'0.00"N)
Upper Right ( 105.0000000, 7.0000000) (105d 0'0.00"E, 7d 0'0.00"N)
Lower Right ( 105.0000000, 1.0000000) (105d 0'0.00"E, 1d 0'0.00"N)
Center ( 102.0000000, 4.0000000) (102d 0'0.00"E, 4d 0'0.00"N)
Band 1 Block=128x128 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Gray
NoData Value=0
The .tfw file reads:
I have found the issue finally:
The important thing is to create a CLEAN GeoTIFF file in Matlab (RGB and alpha layer for transparency). Here some Matlab guidance, the resulting GeoTIFF can directly be imported into WorldWind:
%%% read intensity values Z (2D matrix) - with values of 0 and above
%%% (we want 0 to be completely transparent in the final geotiff) -
%%% together with spatialref.GeoRasterReference ss
[Z, ss] = geotiffread('./flddph_1976-01-01.tif');
info_3 = geotiffinfo('./flddph_1976-01-01.tif');
%%% generate indexed image with 0 to 255 (255 equals max. intensity)
indexedimage = gray2ind(Z);
indexedimage = double(indexedimage);
%%% normalize so that everything between 0 and 1
normalizedimg = (indexedimage) / 255;
%%% scaling data and applying colormap
imgscaled = uint8(256*normalizedimg); % scale data
cmp = makeColorMap([1 1 0],[1 0.75 0],[1 0 0],256);
% 256 element colormap yellow - orange - red
% (download appropriate function MAKECOLORMAP)
imgrgb = ind2rgb(imgscaled,cmp);
%%% check plot
% subplot(2,1,1)
% imagesc(indexedimage)
% title('indexed image')
% subplot(2,1,2)
% image(img)
% title('rgb image')
%%% generating alpha layer for transparency
%%% (255 for non-transparent, 0 for transparent)
alpha3 = Z;
alpha3 = uint8(alpha3);
out2 = cat(3,imgrgb,alpha3);
I want to use Lucene to calculate Precision and Recall.
I did these steps:
Made some index files. To do this I used indexer code and indexed .txt files which exist in this path C:/inn (there are 4 text files in this folder) and take them in "outt" folder by setting the indexpath to C:/outt in the Indexer code.
Created a package called lia.benchmark and a class inside it which is called "PrecisionRecall" and add externaljars (rightclick --> Java build path --> add external jars) and added Lucene-benchmark-.3.2.0jar and Lucene-core-3.3.0jar
Set the topicsfile path in code to C:/lia2e/src/lia/benchmark/topics.txt and
qrelsfile to C:/lia2e/src/lia/benchmark/qrels.txt and dir to "C:/outt".
Here is code:
package lia.benchmark;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.FileReader;
import org.apache.lucene.search.*;
import org.apache.lucene.store.*;
import org.apache.lucene.benchmark.quality.*;
import org.apache.lucene.benchmark.quality.utils.*;
import org.apache.lucene.benchmark.quality.trec.*;
public class PrecisionRecall {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
File topicsFile = new File("C:/lia2e/src/lia/benchmark/topics.txt");
File qrelsFile = new File("C:/lia2e/src/lia/benchmark/qrels.txt");
Directory dir = FSDirectory.open(new File("C:/outt"));
IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(dir, true);
String docNameField = "filename";
PrintWriter logger = new PrintWriter(System.out, true);
TrecTopicsReader qReader = new TrecTopicsReader();
QualityQuery qqs[] = qReader.readQueries(
new BufferedReader(new FileReader(topicsFile)));
Judge judge = new TrecJudge(new BufferedReader(
new FileReader(qrelsFile)));
judge.validateData(qqs, logger);
QualityQueryParser qqParser = new SimpleQQParser("title", "contents");
QualityBenchmark qrun = new QualityBenchmark(qqs, qqParser, searcher, docNameField);
SubmissionReport submitLog = null;
QualityStats stats[] = qrun.execute(judge,
submitLog, logger);
QualityStats avg = QualityStats.average(stats);
avg.log("SUMMARY",2,logger, " ");
Initialized qrels and topics. In documents folder (C:\inn) I have 4 txt files which 2 of them is relevance to my query ( query is apple) so I filled qrels and topics.
the qrels file like this:
<num> Number: 0
<title> apple
<desc> Description:
<narr> Narrative:
and topics file like this:
0 0 789.txt 1
0 0 101.txt 1
I tried also the Path format namely for example "C:\inn\789.txt" instead of "789.txt"
but results are zero:
0 - contents:apple
0 Stats:
Search Seconds: 0.016
DocName Seconds: 0.000
Num Points: 2.000
Num Good Points: 0.000
Max Good Points: 2.000
Average Precision: 0.000
MRR: 0.000
Recall: 0.000
Precision At 1: 0.000
Search Seconds: 0.016
DocName Seconds: 0.000
Num Points: 2.000
Num Good Points: 0.000
Max Good Points: 2.000
Average Precision: 0.000
MRR: 0.000
Recall: 0.000
Precision At 1: 0.000
Can you tell me what is wrong with me?
I really need to know why results are zero.
I'm afraid that the qrels.txt format is wrong: the javadoc suggests the following:
Expected input format:
qnum 0 doc-name is-relevant
Two sample lines:
19 0 doc303 1
19 0 doc7295 0
(I know it's 2.3.0 javadoc, but the format wasn't changed in 3.0)
So it seems that you've swapped the files: TrecTopicsReader expects what you have in qrels.txt; TrecJudge expects what you have in topics.txt.