im trying to make the bouncing ball bounce on the arrays of rectangles. I've looked at various other codes but cant seem to find a solution. Would appreciate any help!!!
Basically, i want the bouncing ball to recognise that theres the rectangles there and for it to be able to jump onto the rectangles.
PVector location; // Location of shape
PVector velocity; // Velocity of shape
PVector gravity; // Gravity acts at the shape's acceleration
PVector upwardForce;
PImage bg;
int radius = 10, directionX = 1, directionY = 0;
float x=20, y=20, speed=0.5;
int xarray[] = new int[20];
int yarray[] = new int[20];
// =========================================================
void setup() {
location = new PVector(100,50);
velocity = new PVector(0.0,2.1);
upwardForce = new PVector(0.0,-10.0);
gravity = new PVector(0,0.4);
bg = loadImage("bg.png");
for(int i =0; i< 20;i++){
xarray[i]= i*100;
yarray[i] = 750-int(random(10))*50;
int xd =0, yd=0;
void draw() {
// display image twice:
image(bg, y, 0);
image(bg, y+bg.height, 0);
// pos
if (y<-bg.height)
for (int i = 0;i< 20;i++){
if (xarray[i] <100 && xarray[i]+100 >100){
else {
if (xarray[i] + 100 < 0){
// yarray[i]-=850;
// changing Position
// check boundaries
if ((x>width-radius) || (x<radius))
if ((y>height-radius) || (y<radius))
// draw
// if(direction==1)
// Add velocity to the location.
// Add gravity to velocity
// Bounce off edges
if ((location.x > width) || (location.x < 0)) {
velocity.x = velocity.x * -1;
if ((location.y > height) || (location.y < 0)){
// We're reducing velocity ever so slightly
// when it hits the bottom of the window
velocity.y = velocity.y * -0.95;
location.y = height;
// Display circle at location vector
void keyPressed()
The best advice we can give you is to break your problem down into smaller steps and to take those steps on one at a time.
For example, can you create a simple sketch that just shows a single hard-coded circle and a single hard-coded rectangle? Now add some code that prints a message to the console if they're colliding. You're going to have to do some research into collision detection, but here's a hint: a common technique is to treat the ball as a rectangle, so you can do rectangle-rectangle collision detection.
Get that working perfectly by itself, and then work your way forward in small steps. Can you add a second rectangle to your sketch? How about a third?
Then if you get stuck, you can post a MCVE (not your whole project, just a small example) along with a more specific question. Good luck.
Here's a few suggestions:
You're best off using a Rectangle class. That way, you don't have to store the locations in an array, and the collide function can be a method of the class. It's easier to just call the positions of the rectangles "x" and "y", but this would obviously conflict with the x and y global variables which you declared at the top of the code. Assuming that you would want to make the ball bounce if it collided, you would need to have a "ballLastx" and a "ballLasty" in order to keep track of which direction the ball came from. You would also need to store the Rectangles in an array or arrayList. It would be something like this:
PVector lastLocation;
Rectangle[] rects;
As for the rectangle class, here's how it would probably look like this:
class Rectangle {
float x, y;
Rectangle(float x_, float y_) {
x = x_;
y = y_;
void show() {
//Displays rectangle
if (x < 100 && x+100 > 100) fill(255,0,0);
else fill(255);
if (x + 100 < 0) x+=2000;
private boolean insideX(PVector pos) {
return (pos.x + 15 >= x && pos.x - 15 <= x+100);
private boolean insideY(PVector pos) {
return (pos.y + 15 >= y && pos.y - 15 <= x + 1200);
boolean collidedX() {
//Detects if the ball has collided along the x-axis
return ((insideX(location) && !insideX(lastLocation)) && insideY(location))
boolean collidedY() {
//Detects if the ball has collided along the y-axis
return ((insideY(location) && !insideY(lastLocation)) && insideX(location))
And then, in your setup function, you could declare the Rectangle classes in a for-loop:
//declare the rects array
rects = new Rectangle[20];
//declare each item of the rects array to be a Rectangle
for(int i = 0; i < rects.length; i++) {
rects[i] = new Rectangle(i*100, 750-int(random(0,10))*50;
In order to detect the collision and to bounce the ball, you would need to loop through all of the Rectangles and see if the ball should bounce off any of them:
boolean bouncex = false;
boolean bouncey = false;
//see if any of the rects are colliding with the ball
for(Rectangle r : rects) {
if(r.collidedX()) bouncex = true;
if(r.collidedY()) bouncey = true;
//if any are colliding, bounce the ball
if(bouncex) velocity.x = -velocity.x;
if(bouncey) velocity.y = -velocity.y;
Finally, don't forget to set the lastLocation PVector to the current location, just before moving the current location:
lastLocation = location.copy();
//move the ball...
Hope this was helpful!
I have a rectangular and circle. I need to verify whether a rectangle is inside that circle.
I tried to Shape.intersects but intersects is checked the number 1.
Does anyone know this kind of algorithm in javafx?
Just to exemplifly, in the figure only rectangles 1, 2, 3, and 4 are inside the circle.
thanks for your help.
The basic idea behind this solution is that any polygon is contained within any convex (see comments) shape iff every point within the polygon is within the shape. The intersects() method that you're attempting to use returns true if at least one point of the polygon is within the shape. You've already figured out that it'll work, but it'll also offer false positives for any partially-intersected shapes. To fix it, we define our own intersection test which looks at all points.
This can be generalized to scan any given polygon for "total intersection" with any given shape:
public boolean totalIntersects(Polygon poly, Shape testShape) {
List<Point> points = flatDoublesToPoints(poly.getPoints());
boolean inside = true; // If this is false after testing all points, the poly has at least one point outside of the shape.
for(Point point : points) {
if(!testShape.intersects(point.x, point.y, 1, 1)) { // The 3rd and 4th parameters here are "width" and "height". 1 for a point.
inside = false;
return inside;
where flatDoublesToPoints() and Point are defined as:
private List<Point> flatDoublesToPoints(List<Double> flatDoubles) {
List<Point> points = new ArrayList<>();
for(int i = 0; i < flatDoubles.size(); i += 2) {
points.add(new Point(flatDoubles.get(i), flatDoubles.get(i + 1)));
return points;
class Point {
public double x, y;
public Point(double x, double y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
flatDoublesToPoints() is needed to split the "flat" {x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3...} polygon lists into a more easy-to-understand data structure. If you're doing tons of comparisons, it may be helpful to skip this step, however, and operate on the "flat list" directly for memory reasons.
The following applies the other methods to a situation extremely similar to yours. (Not exact, because I didn't have your code.)
public class Main extends Application {
public static final int SIZE = 600;
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
Pane rootPane = new Pane();
List<Rectangle> rects = new ArrayList<>();
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
Rectangle r = new Rectangle(i * 100, j == 0 ? 0 : 300, 100, 200);
Circle circle = new Circle(350, 100, 200);
List<Polygon> polys = new ArrayList<>();
for(Rectangle rect : rects) {
List<Polygon> intersects = getTotalIntersections(polys, circle);
primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(rootPane, SIZE, SIZE));;
public List<Polygon> getTotalIntersections(List<Polygon> polys, Shape testShape) {
List<Polygon> intersections = new ArrayList<>();
for(Polygon poly : polys) {
if(totalIntersects(poly, testShape)) {
return intersections;
public static Polygon rectangleToPolygon(Rectangle rect) {
double[] points = {rect.getX(), rect.getY(),
rect.getX() + rect.getWidth(), rect.getY(),
rect.getX() + rect.getWidth(), rect.getY() + rect.getHeight(),
rect.getX(), rect.getY() + rect.getHeight()};
return new Polygon(points);
public static void main(String[] args) {
This code will print the following:
[Polygon[points=[200.0, 0.0, 300.0, 0.0, 300.0, 200.0, 200.0, 200.0], fill=0x000000ff], Polygon[points=[300.0, 0.0, 400.0, 0.0, 400.0, 200.0, 300.0, 200.0], fill=0x000000ff], Polygon[points=[400.0, 0.0, 500.0, 0.0, 500.0, 200.0, 400.0, 200.0], fill=0x000000ff]]
Which is your three polygons labeled 2, 3, and 4.
I don't think that JavaFX will have some special methods for this case.
To draw that circle you need coordinates (X_c, Y_c) of center and radius (R).
To draw rectangles you need to have coordinates ((X_1, Y_1), (X_2, Y_2) etc.) of angle points.
Then all you need is to check if all points of the rectangle is inside of the circle:
(X_1 - X_c)^2 + (Y_1 - Y_c)^2 < R^2
(X_2 - X_c)^2 + (Y_2 - Y_c)^2 < R^2
Try this :
import javafx.geometry.Point2D;
import javafx.scene.shape.Circle;
import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
Check if a rectangle is contained with in a circle by checking
all rectangle corners.
For the rectangle to be contained in a circle, all its corners should be
in a distance smaller or equal to the circle's radius, from the circle's center.
Requires some more testing. I tested only a few test cases.
I am not familiar with javafx. This solution does not take into
calculation rectangle's arc or other attributes I may not be aware of.
public class Test{
public static void main(String[] args){
Circle circle = new Circle(0 ,0, 100);
Rectangle rec = new Rectangle(0, 0, 50 , 50);
System.out.println("Is rectungle inside the circle ? "
+ isContained(circle,rec));
//check if rectangle is contained within a circle
private static boolean isContained(Circle circle,Rectangle rec) {
boolean isInside = true;
//get circle center & radius
Point2D center = new Point2D(circle.getCenterX(), circle.getCenterY());
double radius= circle.getRadius();
Point2D[] corners = getRectangleCorners(rec);
for(Point2D corner : corners) {
//if any corner falls outside the circle
//the rectangle is not contained in the circle
if(distanceBetween2Points(corner, center) > radius) {
return false;
return isInside;
//calculate distance between two points
//(updated a per fabian's suggestion)
private static double distanceBetween2Points
(Point2D corner, Point2D center) {
return corner.distance(center);
private static Point2D[] getRectangleCorners(Rectangle rec) {
Point2D[] corners = new Point2D[4];
corners[0] = new Point2D(rec.getX(), rec.getY());
corners[1] = new Point2D(rec.getX()+ rec.getWidth() , rec.getY());
corners[2] = new Point2D(rec.getX()+ rec.getWidth(), rec.getY()+ rec.getHeight());
corners[3] = new Point2D(rec.getX(), rec.getY()+ rec.getHeight());
return corners;
There is a working simple solution here :
Copy-paste here:
class Boundary {
private final Point[] points; // Points making up the boundary
* Return true if the given point is contained inside the boundary.
* See:
* #param test The point to check
* #return true if the point is inside the boundary, false otherwise
public boolean contains(Point test) {
int i;
int j;
boolean result = false;
for (i = 0, j = points.length - 1; i < points.length; j = i++) {
if ((points[i].y > test.y) != (points[j].y > test.y) &&
(test.x < (points[j].x - points[i].x) * (test.y - points[i].y) / (points[j].y-points[i].y) + points[i].x)) {
result = !result;
return result;
i have an arraylist RecArray of objects with each object containing two int values, one for the width and for the height of a rectangle. Each rectangle's height and width are a multiple of ten. the rectangles have to be passed on to the surface as in the given order in RecArray from left to right and from top to bottom. my problem is i can not find the x,y coordinates of the next rectangle. what im trying to do is, starting at the coordinate (0,0) i generate the first rectangle, add it to an arraylist RecList. Then i set the x and y coordinates. x becomes x = x+RecArray.get(0).getLength1() + 1. if x is greater than the width of the jpanel surface then it becomes 0 and y becomes y = y + 10 . starting from the second object in the RecArray i try to generate rectangles with the given coordinates and width&height. Then i try to compare them with all the previous rectangles to see if there is any overlapping. if there is no overlapping, the rectangle will be drawn, if there is overlapping, the x coordinate of the rec becomes x = RecList.get(j).width+1 and if that exceeds the width x becomes 0 and y is y=y+10. Then i regenate the current rectangle with the new coordinates and compare with the other rectangles in RecList again till i find the right spot for the current rectangle.ive been dealing with that issue for the last 5 days and am really fed up now. i would greatly appreciate any tipps. and Please be patient with me. im still learning programming.
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
Rectangle rec = new Rectangle(x, y, RecArray.get(0).getWidth(),
x = x + RecArray.get(0).getWidth() + 1;
int i;
for (i = 1; i < RecArray.size(); i++) {
if (x >= this.getArea().getWidth()) {
x = 0;
y = y + 10;
Rectangle rec1 = new Rectangle(x, y, RecArray.get(i)
.getWidth(), RecArray.get(i).getheight());
for (int j= 0; j < RecList.size(); j++) {
if (!recIntersect(rec1, RecList.get(j))) {
else {
x = RecList.get(j).width;
if (x >= this.getFlaeche().getLength1()) {
x = 0;
y = y + 10;
rec1 = new Rectangle(x, y,RecArray.get(i). .getWidth(),
x = x + RecArray.get(i).getWidth();
//With this method using the given rec parameter a rectangle will be drawn on the g2 and filled in blue colour
private void recPaint (Graphics2D g2, RecType rec){
g2.fillRect(x, y, rec.getWidth(),
g2.drawRect(x, y, rec.getHeight(),
// returns true, if two rectangles overlap
private boolean recIntersect(Rectangle rec1, Rectangle rec2) {
if( rec1.intersects(rec2)){
return true;
return false;
Edit: apparently i haven't stated clearly what my problem is. my problem is, that the way i generate (x,y) coordinates of the rectangles is obviously wrong. the way my algorithm works doesnt get the results i want. i want my rectangles to be placed neatly next to/above/below each other WITHOUT overlapping, which is not the case.
Separate out your List of Rectangles. Calculate the X, Y coordinates once.
Since I didn't have your object class, I used the Dimension class, which holds a width and a length. I used the Rectangle class to hold the objects that will eventually be drawn in your Swing GUI.
Divide and conquer. Separate out your GUI model, view, and controller(s). This way, you can focus on one piece of the puzzle at a time.
Here are the results of my test code when I ran it with a drawing area of 500, 400.
Here are the results of my test code when I ran it with a drawing area of 200, 200.
And here's the code. I fit rectangles on the X axis until I can't fit another rectangle. Then I add the maximum height to Y, reset the X to zero, reset the maximum height and fit the next row of rectangles.
Create test applications like I did here and make sure that you can create the GUI model long before you create the GUI view and GUI controller.
package com.ggl.testing;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class CalculatingRectangles {
public static void main(String[] args) {
CalculatingRectangles calculatingRectangles = new CalculatingRectangles();
Dimension drawingArea = new Dimension(200, 200);
List<Dimension> dimensions = new ArrayList<>();
dimensions.add(new Dimension(100, 100));
dimensions.add(new Dimension(20, 10));
dimensions.add(new Dimension(40, 20));
dimensions.add(new Dimension(60, 40));
dimensions.add(new Dimension(80, 60));
dimensions.add(new Dimension(20, 10));
dimensions.add(new Dimension(120, 110));
List<Rectangle> rectangles = calculatingRectangles
.calculatingRectangles(drawingArea, dimensions);
private static String displayRectangles(List<Rectangle> rectangles) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (Rectangle r : rectangles) {
return builder.toString();
public List<Rectangle> calculatingRectangles(Dimension drawingArea,
List<Dimension> dimensions) {
int width = drawingArea.width;
int height = drawingArea.height;
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
int index = 0;
int maxHeight = 0;
boolean hasRoom = dimensions.size() > index;
List<Rectangle> rectangles = new ArrayList<>();
while (hasRoom) {
Dimension d = dimensions.get(index);
maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, d.height);
if ((x + d.width) <= width && (y + maxHeight) <= height) {
Rectangle r = new Rectangle(x, y, d.width, d.height);
x += d.width;
if (index >= dimensions.size()) {
hasRoom = false;
} else {
y += maxHeight;
if (y > height) {
hasRoom = false;
x = 0;
return rectangles;
I have two characters displayed in a game I am writing, the player and the enemy. defined as such:
public void player(Graphics g) {
g.drawImage(plimg, x, y, this);
public void enemy(Graphics g) {
g.drawImage(enemy, 200, 200, this);
Then called with:
I am able to move player() around with the keyboard, but I am at a loss when trying to detect a collision between the two. A lot of people have said to use Rectangles, but being a beginner I cannot see how I would link this into my existing code. Can anyone offer some advice for me?
I think your problem is that you are not using good OO design for your player and enemies. Create two classes:
public class Player
int X;
int Y;
int Width;
int Height;
// Getters and Setters
public class Enemy
int X;
int Y;
int Width;
int Height;
// Getters and Setters
Your Player should have X,Y,Width,and Height variables.
Your enemies should as well.
In your game loop, do something like this (C#):
foreach (Enemy e in EnemyCollection)
Rectangle r = new Rectangle(e.X,e.Y,e.Width,e.Height);
Rectangle p = new Rectangle(player.X,player.Y,player.Width,player.Height);
// Assuming there is an intersect method, otherwise just handcompare the values
if (r.Intersects(p))
// A Collision!
// we know which enemy (e), so we can call e.DoCollision();
To speed things up, don't bother checking if the enemies coords are offscreen.
First, use the bounding boxes as described by Jonathan Holland to find if you may have a collision.
From the (multi-color) sprites, create black and white versions. You probably already have these if your sprites are transparent (i.e. there are places which are inside the bounding box but you can still see the background). These are "masks".
Use Image.getRGB() on the mask to get at the pixels. For each pixel which isn't transparent, set a bit in an integer array (playerArray and enemyArray below). The size of the array is height if width <= 32 pixels, (width+31)/32*height otherwise. The code below is for width <= 32.
If you have a collision of the bounding boxes, do this:
// Find the first line where the two sprites might overlap
int linePlayer, lineEnemy;
if (player.y <= enemy.y) {
linePlayer = enemy.y - player.y;
lineEnemy = 0;
} else {
linePlayer = 0;
lineEnemy = player.y - enemy.y;
int line = Math.max(linePlayer, lineEnemy);
// Get the shift between the two
x = player.x - enemy.x;
int maxLines = Math.max(player.height, enemy.height);
for ( line < maxLines; line ++) {
// if width > 32, then you need a second loop here
long playerMask = playerArray[linePlayer];
long enemyMask = enemyArray[lineEnemy];
// Reproduce the shift between the two sprites
if (x < 0) playerMask << (-x);
else enemyMask << x;
// If the two masks have common bits, binary AND will return != 0
if ((playerMask & enemyMask) != 0) {
// Contact!
Links: JGame, Framework for Small Java Games
You don't want to have the collision check code inside the painting code. The painting needs to be fast. Collision can go in the game loop. Therefore you need an internal representation of the objects independent of their sprites.
Here's the main class from my collision detection program.
You can see it run at:
* #author Tyler Griffin
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.GraphicsDevice.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D;
public class collision extends JFrame implements KeyListener, MouseMotionListener, MouseListener
ArrayList everything=new ArrayList<tile>();
int time=0, x, y, width, height, up=0, down=0, left=0, right=0, mouse1=0, mouse2=0;
int mouseX, mouseY;
GraphicsEnvironment environment = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
GraphicsDevice screen = environment.getDefaultScreenDevice();
DisplayMode displayMode = screen.getDisplayMode();
//private BufferStrategy strategy;
JLayeredPane pane = new JLayeredPane();
tile Tile;
circle Circle;
rectangle Rectangle;
textPane text;
public collision()
Circle=new circle(-(int)Math.round((double)height/7*2),-(int)Math.round((double)height/7*2),(int)Math.round((double)height/7*.85),this);
Rectangle=new rectangle(-(int)Math.round((double)height/7*1.5),-(int)Math.round((double)height/7*1.5),(int)Math.round((double)height/7*1.5),(int)Math.round((double)height/7*1.5),this);
Tile.move(mouseX-Tile.width/2, mouseY-Tile.height/2);
text=new textPane(0,0,width,height,this);
everything.add(new circle((int)Math.round((double)width/100*75),(int)Math.round((double)height/100*15),(int)Math.round((double)width/100*10),this));
everything.add(new rectangle((int)Math.round((double)width/100*70),(int)Math.round((double)height/100*60),(int)Math.round((double)width/100*20),(int)Math.round((double)height/100*20),this));
//everything.add(new line(750,250,750,750,this));
/*everything.add(new line(width/700*419,height/700*68,width/700*495,height/700*345,this));
everything.add(new line(width/700*495,height/700*345,width/700*749,height/700*350,this));
everything.add(new line(width/700*749,height/700*350,width/700*549,height/700*519,this));
everything.add(new line(width/700*549,height/700*519,width/700*624,height/700*800,this));
everything.add(new line(width/700*624,height/700*800,width/700*419,height/700*638,this));
everything.add(new line(width/700*419,height/700*638,width/700*203,height/700*800,this));
everything.add(new line(width/700*203,height/700*800,width/700*279,height/700*519,this));
everything.add(new line(width/700*279,height/700*519,width/700*76,height/700*350,this));
everything.add(new line(width/700*76,height/700*350,width/700*333,height/700*345,this));
everything.add(new line(width/700*333,height/700*345,width/700*419,height/700*68,this));
everything.add(new line(width/950*419,height/700*68,width/950*624,height/700*800,this));
everything.add(new line(width/950*419,height/700*68,width/950*203,height/700*800,this));
everything.add(new line(width/950*76,height/700*350,width/950*624,height/700*800,this));
everything.add(new line(width/950*203,height/700*800,width/950*749,height/700*350,this));
everything.add(new rectangle(width/950*76,height/700*350,width/950*673,1,this));*/
everything.add(new line((int)Math.round((double)width/1350*419),(int)Math.round((double)height/1000*68),(int)Math.round((double)width/1350*624),(int)Math.round((double)height/1000*800),this));
everything.add(new line((int)Math.round((double)width/1350*419),(int)Math.round((double)height/1000*68),(int)Math.round((double)width/1350*203),(int)Math.round((double)height/1000*800),this));
everything.add(new line((int)Math.round((double)width/1350*76),(int)Math.round((double)height/1000*350),(int)Math.round((double)width/1350*624),(int)Math.round((double)height/1000*800),this));
everything.add(new line((int)Math.round((double)width/1350*203),(int)Math.round((double)height/1000*800),(int)Math.round((double)width/1350*749),(int)Math.round((double)height/1000*350),this));
everything.add(new rectangle((int)Math.round((double)width/1350*76),(int)Math.round((double)height/1000*350),(int)Math.round((double)width/1350*673),1,this));
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e)
Object source=e.getSource();
int released=e.getKeyCode();
if (released==KeyEvent.VK_A){left=0;}
if (released==KeyEvent.VK_W){up=0;}
if (released==KeyEvent.VK_D){right=0;}
if (released==KeyEvent.VK_S){down=0;}
}//end keyReleased
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)
Object source=e.getSource();
int pressed=e.getKeyCode();
if (pressed==KeyEvent.VK_A){left=1;}
if (pressed==KeyEvent.VK_W){up=1;}
if (pressed==KeyEvent.VK_D){right=1;}
if (pressed==KeyEvent.VK_S){down=1;}
if (pressed==KeyEvent.VK_PAUSE&&pressed==KeyEvent.VK_P)
//if (paused==0){paused=1;}
//else paused=0;
}//end keyPressed
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e){}
public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
if(e.getX()==0 && e.getY()==0){System.exit(0);}
if(Tile instanceof circle)
Circle.move(0-Circle.width, 0-Circle.height);
Circle.setBounds(Circle.x, Circle.y, Circle.width, Circle.height);
Rectangle.move(0-Rectangle.width, 0-Rectangle.height);
Rectangle.setBounds(Rectangle.x, Rectangle.y, Rectangle.width, Rectangle.height);
Tile.move(mouseX-Tile.width/2, mouseY-Tile.height/2);
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e){}
public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e){}
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e){}
public void run()//run collision detection
while (this == this)
Tile.move(Tile.x + ((mouseX - (Tile.x + (Tile.width / 2))) / 10), Tile.y + ((mouseY - (Tile.y + (Tile.height / 2))) / 10));
//Tile.move((mouseX - Tile.width / 2), mouseY - (Tile.height / 2));
for (int i = 0; i < everything.size(); i++)
tile Temp = (tile) everything.get(i);
if (Temp.x < (Tile.x + Tile.width) && (Temp.x + Temp.width) > Tile.x && Temp.y < (Tile.y + Tile.height) && (Temp.y + Temp.height) > Tile.y)//rectangles collided
if (Temp instanceof rectangle)
if (Tile instanceof rectangle){rectangleRectangle(Temp);}
else {circleRectangle(Temp);}//Tile instanceof circle
if (Temp instanceof circle)
if (Tile instanceof rectangle) {rectangleCircle(Temp);}
else {circleCircle(Temp);}
if (Tile instanceof rectangle){rectangleLine(Temp);}
}//end if
}//end for
try {Thread.sleep(16L);}
catch (Exception e) {}
Tile.setBounds(Tile.x, Tile.y, Tile.width, Tile.height);
//Rectangle.setBounds(x, y, width, height);
//Circle.setBounds(x, y, width, height);
text.out=" ";
}//end while loop
}//end run
//***************************************special collision detection/handling functions************************************************
void rectangleRectangle(tile Temp)
int lapTop, lapBot, lapLeft, lapRight, small, scootX=0, scootY=0;
if (lapTop<small){small=lapTop; scootX=0; scootY=lapTop;}
if (lapBot<small){small=lapBot; scootX=0; scootY=lapBot*-1;}
if (lapLeft<small){small=lapLeft; scootX=lapLeft; scootY=0;}
if (lapRight<small){small=lapRight; scootX=lapRight*-1; scootY=0;}
Tile.move(Tile.x+scootX, Tile.y+scootY);text.out="collision detected!";
void circleRectangle(tile Temp)
if((Tile.x+Tile.width/2<=Temp.x+Temp.width && Tile.x+Tile.width/2>=Temp.x)||(Tile.y+Tile.height/2>=Temp.y && Tile.y+Tile.height/2<=Temp.y+Temp.height))
else//push from nearest corner
int x,y;
if(Tile.x+Tile.width/2>Temp.x+Temp.width && Tile.y+Tile.height/2<Temp.y){x=Temp.x+Temp.width; y=Temp.y;}
else if(Tile.x+Tile.width/2<Temp.x && Tile.y+Tile.height/2<Temp.y){x=Temp.x; y=Temp.y;}
else if(Tile.x+Tile.width/2>Temp.x+Temp.width && Tile.y+Tile.height/2>Temp.y+Temp.height){x=Temp.x+Temp.width; y=Temp.y+Temp.height;}
else {x=Temp.x; y=Temp.y+Temp.height;}
double distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Tile.x+(Tile.width/2) - x, 2) + Math.pow(Tile.y+(Tile.height/2) - y, 2));
double normY = ((Tile.y+(Tile.height/2) - y) / distance);
double normX = ((Tile.x+(Tile.width/2) - x) / distance);
Tile.move(x-Tile.width/2+(int)Math.round(normX*((Tile.width/2))) , y-Tile.height/2+(int)Math.round(normY*((Tile.height/2))));text.out="collision detected!";
void rectangleCircle(tile Temp)
if((Temp.x+Temp.width/2<=Tile.x+Tile.width && Temp.x+Temp.width/2>=Tile.x)||(Temp.y+Temp.height/2>=Tile.y && Temp.y+Temp.height/2<=Tile.y+Tile.height))
else//push from nearest corner
int x,y;
if(Temp.x+Temp.width/2>Tile.x+Tile.width && Temp.y+Temp.height/2<Tile.y){x=Tile.x+Tile.width; y=Tile.y;}
else if(Temp.x+Temp.width/2<Tile.x && Temp.y+Temp.height/2<Tile.y){x=Tile.x; y=Tile.y;}
else if(Temp.x+Temp.width/2>Tile.x+Tile.width && Temp.y+Temp.height/2>Tile.y+Tile.height){x=Tile.x+Tile.width; y=Tile.y+Tile.height;}
else {x=Tile.x; y=Tile.y+Tile.height;}
double distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Temp.x+(Temp.width/2) - x, 2) + Math.pow(Temp.y+(Temp.height/2) - y, 2));
double normY = ((Temp.y+(Temp.height/2) - y) / distance);
double normX = ((Temp.x+(Temp.width/2) - x) / distance);
if(Temp.x+Temp.width/2>Tile.x+Tile.width && Temp.y+Temp.height/2<Tile.y){Tile.move((Temp.x+Temp.width/2)-(int)Math.round(normX*((Temp.width/2)))-Tile.width,(Temp.y+Temp.height/2)-(int)Math.round(normY*((Temp.height/2))));text.out="collision detected!";}
else if(Temp.x+Temp.width/2<Tile.x && Temp.y+Temp.height/2<Tile.y){Tile.move((Temp.x+Temp.width/2)-(int)Math.round(normX*((Temp.width/2))),(Temp.y+Temp.height/2)-(int)Math.round(normY*((Temp.height/2))));text.out="collision detected!";}
else if(Temp.x+Temp.width/2>Tile.x+Tile.width && Temp.y+Temp.height/2>Tile.y+Tile.height){Tile.move((Temp.x+Temp.width/2)-(int)Math.round(normX*((Temp.width/2)))-Tile.width,(Temp.y+Temp.height/2)-(int)Math.round(normY*((Temp.height/2)))-Tile.height);text.out="collision detected!";}
else {Tile.move((Temp.x+Temp.width/2)-(int)Math.round(normX*((Temp.width/2))),(Temp.y+Temp.height/2)-(int)Math.round(normY*((Temp.height/2)))-Tile.height);text.out="collision detected!";}
void circleCircle(tile Temp)
double distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((Tile.x+(Tile.width/2)) - (Temp.x+(Temp.width/2)),2) + Math.pow((Tile.y+(Tile.height/2)) - (Temp.y+(Temp.height/2)), 2));
double normX = ((Tile.x+(Tile.width/2)) - (Temp.x+(Temp.width/2))) / distance;
double normY = ((Tile.y+(Tile.height/2)) - (Temp.y+(Temp.height/2))) / distance;
Tile.move((Temp.x+(Temp.width/2))+(int)Math.round(normX*(Tile.width/2+Temp.width/2))-(Tile.width/2) , (Temp.y+(Temp.height/2))+(int)Math.round(normY*(Tile.height/2+Temp.height/2))-(Tile.height/2));text.out="collision detected!";
void circleLine(tile Temp)
line Line=(line)Temp;
if (Line.x1 < (Tile.x + Tile.width) && (Line.x1) > Tile.x && Line.y1 < (Tile.y + Tile.height) && Line.y1 > Tile.y)//circle may be hitting one of the end points
rectangle rec=new rectangle(Line.x1, Line.y1, 1, 1, this);
if (Line.x2 < (Tile.x + Tile.width) && (Line.x2) > Tile.x && Line.y2 < (Tile.y + Tile.height) && Line.y2 > Tile.y)//circle may be hitting one of the end points
rectangle rec=new rectangle(Line.x2, Line.y2, 1, 1, this);
int x1=0, y1=0, x2=Tile.x+(Tile.width/2), y2=Tile.y+(Tile.height/2);
Point point=intersection((double)x1,(double)y1,(double)x2,(double)y2,(double)Line.x1,(double)Line.y1,(double)Line.x2,(double)Line.y2);//find intersection
if (point.x < (Line.x + Line.width) && point.x > Line.x && point.y < (Line.y + Line.height) && point.y > Line.y)//line intersects within line segment
double distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((Tile.x+(Tile.width/2)) - point.x,2) + Math.pow((Tile.y+(Tile.width/2)) - point.y, 2));
double normX = ((Tile.x+(Tile.width/2)) - point.x) / distance;
double normY = ((Tile.y+(Tile.height/2)) - point.y) / distance;
Tile.move((point.x)+(int)Math.round(normX*(Tile.width/2))-(Tile.width/2) , (point.y)+(int)Math.round(normY*(Tile.height/2))-(Tile.height/2));text.out="collision detected!";
//new bullet(this, (int)Math.round(tryX), (int)Math.round(tryY));
void rectangleLine(tile Temp)
line Line=(line)Temp;
if(new Line2D.Double(Line.x1,Line.y1,Line.x2,Line.y2).intersects(new Rectangle(Tile.x,Tile.y,Tile.width,Tile.height)))
if (Line.x1 < (Tile.x + Tile.width) && (Line.x1) > Tile.x && Line.y1 < (Tile.y + Tile.height) && Line.y1 > Tile.y)//circle may be hitting one of the end points
rectangle rec=new rectangle(Line.x1, Line.y1, 1, 1, this);
if (Line.x2 < (Tile.x + Tile.width) && (Line.x2) > Tile.x && Line.y2 < (Tile.y + Tile.height) && Line.y2 > Tile.y)//circle may be hitting one of the end points
rectangle rec=new rectangle(Line.x2, Line.y2, 1, 1, this);
if(Line.posSlope)//positive sloped line
//first we'll do the top left corner
int x1=Tile.x-Line.height;
int x2=Tile.x+Line.height;
int y1=Tile.y-Line.width;
int y2=Tile.y+Line.width;
Point topPoint=new Point(-99,-99), botPoint=new Point(-99,-99);
double topDistance=0, botDistance=0;
topPoint=intersection((double)x1,(double)y1,(double)x2,(double)y2,(double)Line.x1,(double)Line.y1,(double)Line.x2,(double)Line.y2);//find intersection
topDistance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Tile.x - topPoint.x,2) + Math.pow(Tile.y - topPoint.y, 2));
//new let's do the bottom right corner
botPoint=intersection((double)x1,(double)y1,(double)x2,(double)y2,(double)Line.x1,(double)Line.y1,(double)Line.x2,(double)Line.y2);//find intersection
botDistance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((Tile.x+Tile.width) - botPoint.x,2) + Math.pow((Tile.y+Tile.height) - botPoint.y, 2));
if(new Rectangle(Tile.x,Tile.y,Tile.width,Tile.height).contains(topPoint) && new Rectangle(Line.x,Line.y,Line.width,Line.height).contains(topPoint))
Tile.move(topPoint.x,topPoint.y);text.out="collision detected!";
if(new Rectangle(Tile.x,Tile.y,Tile.width,Tile.height).contains(botPoint) && new Rectangle(Line.x,Line.y,Line.width,Line.height).contains(botPoint))
Tile.move(botPoint.x-Tile.width,botPoint.y-Tile.height);text.out="collision detected!";
else//negative sloped lne
//first we'll do the top right corner
int x1=Tile.x+Tile.width-Line.height;
int x2=Tile.x+Tile.width+Line.height;
int y1=Tile.y+Line.width;
int y2=Tile.y-Line.width;
Point topPoint=new Point(-99,-99), botPoint=new Point(-99,-99);
double topDistance=0, botDistance=0;
topPoint=intersection((double)x1,(double)y1,(double)x2,(double)y2,(double)Line.x1,(double)Line.y1,(double)Line.x2,(double)Line.y2);//find intersection
topDistance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Tile.x + Tile.width - topPoint.x,2) + Math.pow(Tile.y - topPoint.y, 2));
//new let's do the bottom left corner
botPoint=intersection((double)x1,(double)y1,(double)x2,(double)y2,(double)Line.x1,(double)Line.y1,(double)Line.x2,(double)Line.y2);//find intersection
botDistance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Tile.x - botPoint.x,2) + Math.pow((Tile.y+Tile.height) - botPoint.y, 2));
if(new Rectangle(Tile.x,Tile.y,Tile.width,Tile.height).contains(topPoint) && new Rectangle(Line.x,Line.y,Line.width,Line.height).contains(topPoint))
Tile.move(topPoint.x-Tile.width,topPoint.y);text.out="collision detected!";
if(new Rectangle(Tile.x,Tile.y,Tile.width,Tile.height).contains(botPoint) && new Rectangle(Line.x,Line.y,Line.width,Line.height).contains(botPoint))
Tile.move(botPoint.x,botPoint.y-Tile.height);text.out="collision detected!";
public Point intersection(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2,double x3, double y3, double x4, double y4)//I didn't write this. got it from (I altered it)
double d = (x1 - x2) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * (x3 - x4);
double xi = ((x3 - x4) * (x1 * y2 - y1 * x2) - (x1 - x2) * (x3 * y4 - y3 * x4)) / d;
double yi = ((y3 - y4) * (x1 * y2 - y1 * x2) - (y1 - y2) * (x3 * y4 - y3 * x4)) / d;
int x=(int)Math.round(xi);
int y=(int)Math.round(yi);
return new Point(x, y);
public static void main(String[] args)
final collision Collision=new collision();;
}//end main
}//end class
Since Java doesn't have an intersect function (really!?) you can do collision detection by simply comparying the X and Y, Width and Height values of the bounding boxes (rectangle) for each of the objects that could potentially collide.
So... in the base object of each colliding object... i.e. if your player and enemy have a common base you can put a simple Rectangle object called something like BoundingBox. If the common base is a built in Java class then you'll need to create a class that extends the build in class and have the player and enemy objects extend your new class or are instances of that class.
At creation (and each tick or update) you'll need to set the BoundingBox paremeters for both your player and enemy. I don't have the Rectangle class infront of me but its most likely something like X, Y, Width and finally Height. X and Y are that objects location in your game world. The width and height are self explanatory I think. They'll most likely come out from the right of the players location though so, if the X and Y were bothe at 0 and your Width and Height were both at 256 you wouldn't see anything because the character would be at the top left outside of the screen.
Anyways... to detect a collision, you'll want to compare the attributes of the player and enemy BoundingBoxes. So something like this...
if( Player.BoundingBox.X = Enemy.BoundingBox.X && If( Player.BoundingBox.Y = Enemy.BoundingBox.Y )
//Oh noes! The enemy and player are on top of eachother.
The logic can get sort of complicated but you'll need to compare the distances between each BoundingBox and compare locations.
Here's a useful of an open source game that uses a lot of collisions:
You may take a look at the code and complement with the answers written here.
is there a problem with:
Rectangle box1 = new Rectangle(100,100,100,100);
Rectangle box2 = new Rectangle(200,200,100,100);
// what this means is if any pixel in box2 enters (hits) box1
if (box1.contains(box2))
// collision occurred
// your code for moving the boxes
this can also be applied to circles:
Ellipse2D.Double ball1 = new Ellipse2D.Double(100,100,200,200);
Ellipse2D.Double ball2 = new Ellipse2D.Double(400,100,200,200);
// what this means is if any pixel on the circumference in ball2 touches (hits)
// ball1
if (ball1.contains(ball2))
// collision occurred
// your code for moving the balls
to check whether youve hit the edge of a screen you could use the following:
Rectangle screenBounds = jpanel.getBounds();
Ellipse2D.Double ball = new Ellipse2D.Double(100,100,200,200); // diameter 200
Rectangle ballBounds = ball.getBounds();
if (!screenBounds.contains(ballBounds))
// the ball touched the edge of the screen
Use a rectangle to surround each player and enemy, the height and width of the rectangles should correspond to the object you're surrounding, imagine it being in a box only big enough to fit it.
Now, you move these rectangles the same as you do the objects, so they have a 'bounding box'
I'm not sure if Java has this, but it might have a method on the rectangle object called .intersects() so you'd do if(rectangle1.intersectS(rectangle2) to check to see if an object has collided with another.
Otherwise you can get the x and y co-ordinates of the boxes and using the height/width of them detect whether they've intersected yourself.
Anyway, you can use that to either do an event on intersection (make one explode, or whatever) or prevent the movement from being drawn. (revert to previous co-ordinates)
edit: here we go
intersects(Rectangle r)
Determines whether or not this Rectangle and the specified
Rectangle intersect.
So I would do (and don't paste this code, it most likely won't work, not done java for a long time and I didn't do graphics when I did use it.)
Rectangle rect1 = new Rectangle(player.x, player.y, player.width, player.height);
Rectangle rect2 = new Rectangle(enemy.x, enemy.y, enemy.width, enemy.height);
//detects when the two rectangles hit
System.out.println("game over, g");
obviously you'd need to fit that in somewhere.
No need to use rectangles ... compare the coordinates of 2 players constantly.
remember to increase the range of x when ur comparing.
if ur rectangle width is 30 take as if (x1>x&&x2>x+30)..likewise y
It's Java code for collision of two or more ImageViews not rectangles or other,use ImageViews Instead.
1.This code of Collision works every where in any views or layouts.
2.Add a timer to repeat it and to detect collision repeatedly.
3.It only works with views and layout.
if ((getLocationX(_v1) > (getLocationX(_v2) - ((_w2*3) + 40))) && (getLocationX(_v1) < (getLocationX(_v2) + ((_w2*3) +40)))){
if ((getLocationY(_v1) > (getLocationY(_v2) - ((_h2*3) + 40))) && (getLocationY(_v1) < (getLocationY(_v2) + ((_h2*3) +40)))){