wss4j doesn't see security header - java

I try to validate security header expiration using wss4j:
List<WSSecurityEngineResult> resultList = wsSecurityEngine.processSecurityHeader(doc,
"Actor", callbackHandler, crypto);
But wss4j doesn't see header content and result is null.
soap request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse=""
<wsu:Timestamp wsu:Id="TS-CC2DD79172C7EFA866147066307733352">
It doesn't throw any exception. Just security header is ignored. In debug it can find all ChildNodes (soapenv:Header, wsse:Security etc.)


How to customize Axis Security Header for the following XML using Stub

I am trying to automate the xml web services using Apache Axis Java API and I have generated the stubs. But my Below XML has header part which i need to customize manually using stub.
So I have used SOAPHeaderElement from stub class and designed the code. But I am getting extra namespace like xmlns:wsse="" in each node and soapenv: in header node.
So, please modify my code to get the exact format(Expected) as given below
Below is the XML Header Part:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<wsse:Header mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:wsse="">
Below is the code:
SOAPHeaderElement wsseHeader = new SOAPHeaderElement(new PrefixedQName("","Header", "wsse"));
String nullString = null;
MessageElement Security = new MessageElement(nullString, "wsse:Security");
MessageElement usernameToken = new MessageElement(nullString, "wsse:UsernameToken");
MessageElement username = new MessageElement(nullString, "wsse:Username");
MessageElement password = new MessageElement(nullString, "wsse:Password");
Expected Request XML Header part:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<wsse:Header mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:wsse="">
<wsse:Security mustUnderstand="1">
Actual request XML header part which is generated after execution:
could not remove soapenv: in header tag and xmlns:wsse="" in Security, Username and password tags via code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<wsse:Header soapenv:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:wsse="">
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse=""><wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsse="">
<wsse:Username xmlns:wsse="">InternalServiceUser</wsse:Username>
<wsse:Password xmlns:wsse="">123456</wsse:Password>

JAX-WS SOAP Client with Password Digest

I'm trying to create a client to a ws (using wsimport) that requires a UsernameToken header with digest.
The header must be like this:
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:wsu="">
<wsu:Timestamp wsu:Id="TS-32E6B34377D7E4A58614607283662392">
<wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id="UsernameToken-32E6B34377D7E4A58614607283662221">
<wsse:Password Type="">xxxxx</wsse:Password>
<wsse:Nonce EncodingType="">xxxxxxx</wsse:Nonce>
It seems to be a default soap header but I not found a easy way to generate it.
How can I add this header in my request?
Thank you.

Location of NameSpace declarations in SOAP Messages

I have written a WebService Client in Java (Spring) that produces the following SOAP Message
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:wsu="" SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand="1">
<wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id="UsernameToken-636BB26257F688077A14836055821331">
<!-- Removed-->
<!-- Removed-->
<To SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns="">https://fi422helswb035/invoicewstest/ProblematicInvoiceWebService.svc/externalpartnerInvoiceWebService</To>
<Action SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns=""></Action>
<ns4:GetInvoices xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="" xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:ns5="" xmlns:ns6="">
<customerNumber xmlns="">10134</customerNumber>
This message is Rejected on the server side with a 500 error. I can invoke the service with SOAP-UI; the following message (produced by SOAP UI is accepted)
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:web="">
<wsse:Security soapenv:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:wsu="">
<wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id="UsernameToken-134751B2732DA1D93F148360576695534">
<!-- Removed-->
<!-- Removed-->
<!-- Removed-->
<To soapenv:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns="">https://fi422helswb035/invoicewstest/ProblematicInvoiceWebService.svc/externalpartnerInvoiceWebService</To>
<Action soapenv:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns=""></Action>
<!-- Optional:-->
The real difference I can spot is the up front Name Space declaration in the accepted message. The web namespace is declared in the Envelope element - and in my rejected request it is declared in the element itself.
There are obviously also the missing a nonce and created elements, but according to the Oasis standards, those are not mandatory.
The question is; does the SOAP specification dictate where namespace declarations should be done? My best guess is that the rejected SOAP message is perfectly valid, and that there is a server side issue here...

Response XML without NameSpaces

I'm using a endpoint SOAP created On Spring Framework using JAXB, but I want that my anwers(Expected Response) return without prefix when I Send Request One, but this is returned like is showed on Current Response:.
How can I do to return a message SOAP without namespaces?
Request One
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:sap-com:document:sap:soap:functions:mc-style">
Current Response:
<soap-env:Envelope xmlns:soap-env="">
<n0:ZProveerDatosPagoProveed2Response xmlns:n0="urn:sap-com:document:sap:soap:functions:mc-style">
<KoinhFi>ROBLES AVN</KoinhFi>
<Name1>ROBLES AVN</Name1>
<Stras>ROBLES AVN</Stras>
<Text1_052>ROBLES AVN</Text1_052>
Expected Response:
<soap-env:Envelope xmlns:soap-env="">
<ZProveerDatosPagoProveed2Response xmlns:n0="urn:sap-com:document:sap:soap:functions:mc-style">
<KoinhFi>ROBLES AVN</KoinhFi>
<Name1>ROBLES AVN</Name1>
<Stras>ROBLES AVN</Stras>
<Text1_052>ROBLES AVN</Text1_052>

KSOAP2 how to change Prefixes

I got little Problems with my generated code:
here the XML Structure that i need to have:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:v1="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soapenc="soapenc" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsi="">
<wsse:Security soapenv:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:wsse="">
<wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id="UsernameToken-27777511" xmlns:wsu="">
<wsse:Password type="">xxxxxxxx</wsse:Password>
and hereĀ“s my Code that i have done:
declarePrefix("v1", NAMESPACE);
getBody().addTextNode(null, METHOD_NAME, "?");
XMLParentNode security = new XMLParentNodeImpl(HEADER_NAMESPACE, "Security");
security.addAttribute(HEADER_NAMESPACE,"mustUnderstand", "1");
XMLParentNode usernameToken = new XMLParentNodeImpl(UNT_NAMESPACE, "UsernameToken");
usernameToken.addTextNode(null, "wsse:Username", "root");
usernameToken.addTextNode(PASSTYPE, "wsse:Password", Constants.OC_PASSWORD);
but the output looks like:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:v1="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsi="">
<n0:Security n0:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:n0="">
<n1:UsernameToken xmlns:n1="">
<n2:wsse:Password xmlns:n2="">xxxxxxxx</n2:wsse:Password>
you see i have some trouble with the lines
how can i change the n0,n1 etc... not just in the beginn of the line specialy on the tags like n0:mustUnderstand="1"
i tryed to declare prefixes etc but nothing changes tis object.
Can someone tell with what method i can change this things
Thanks a lot for helping
for all intrestet Users, i solved it that way:
declarePrefix("v1", NAMESPACE);
declarePrefix("soapenc", "soapenc");
getBody().addTextNode(null, METHOD_NAME, "?");
XMLParentNode security = new XMLParentNodeImpl(null, "wsse:Security");
security.declarePrefix("wsse", HEADER_NAMESPACE);
security.addAttribute(HEADER_NAMESPACE,"mustUnderstand", "1");
XMLParentNode usernameToken = new XMLParentNodeImpl(null, "wsse:UsernameToken");
usernameToken.declarePrefix("wsu", UNT_NAMESPACE);
usernameToken.addAttribute(null, "wsu:Id", "UsernameToken-27777511");
usernameToken.addTextNode(null, "wsse:Username", Constants.OC_Username);
usernameToken.addTextNode(null, "wsse:Password", Constants.OC_PASSWORD);
the results not 100% simular to my outgoing code, but the request are working :)

