I'm trying to create a generic method in Java for querying hbase.
I currently have one written which takes in 3 arguments
A Range (to scan the table)
A Column (to be returned) ... and
A Condition (i.e. browser==Chrome)
So a statement (if written in a SQLish language) may look like
Now, I know I'm not using HBase properly (using common column queries for rowkey etc.) but for the sake of experimentation I'd like to try it, to help me learn.
So the first thing I do is set a Range on the Scan. (5 weeks to 2 weeks ago), since the rowkey is the timestamp, this is very efficient.
Then I set a SingleColumnValueFilter (browser = Chrome) (after the range filter, this is pretty fast)
Then I store all the rowkeys (from the scan) into an array.
For each rowkey (in the array) I perform a GET operation to get the corresponding OS.
I have tried using MultiGet, which sped up the process a lot.
I then tried using normal GET requests, each spawning a new thread, all running concurrently, which halved the query time! But still not fast enough.
I have considered limiting the number of threads using a single connection to the database. i.e - 100 threads per connection.
Given my circumstances, what is the most efficient way to perform these GETs, or am I totally approaching it incorrectly?
Any help is hugely appreciated.
EDIT (Here is my threaded GET attempt)
List<String> newresults = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<String>());
for (String rowkey : result) {
spawnGetThread(rowkey, colname);
public void spawnGetThread(String rk, String cn) {
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
String rt = "";
Get get = new Get(Bytes.toBytes(rk));
get.addColumn(COL_FAM, cn);
try {
Result getResult = tb.get(get);
rt = (Bytes.toString(getResult.value()));
} catch (IOException e) {
Given my circumstances, what is the most efficient way to perform
these GETs, or am I totally approaching it incorrectly?
I would suggest the below way
Get is good if you know which rowkeys you can acccess upfront.
In that case you can use method like below , it will return array of Result.
* Method getDetailRecords.
* #param listOfRowKeys List<String>
* #return Result[]
* #throws IOException
private Result[] getDetailRecords(final List<String> listOfRowKeys) throws IOException {
final HTableInterface table = HBaseConnection.getHTable(TBL_DETAIL);
final List<Get> listOFGets = new ArrayList<Get>();
Result[] results = null;
try {
for (final String rowkey : listOfRowKeys) {// prepare batch of get with row keys
// System.err.println("get 'yourtablename', '" + saltIndexPrefix + rowkey + "'");
final Get get = new Get(Bytes.toBytes(saltedRowKey(rowkey)));
get.addColumn(COLUMN_FAMILY, Bytes.toBytes(yourcolumnname));
results = table.get(listOFGets);
} finally {
return results;
Additional Note: Rowfilters are always faster than column value filters( Which does full table scan)..
Would suggest to go through hbase-the-definitive guide -->Client API: Advanced Features
My program gets very slow as more and more records are processed. I initially thought it is due to excessive memory consumption as my program is String intensive (I am using Java 11 so compact strings should be used whenever possible) so I increased the JVM Heap:
I also increased the task manager's memory as well as timeout, flink-conf.yaml:
jobmanager.heap.size: 6144m
heartbeat.timeout: 5000000
However, none of this helped with the issue. The Program still gets very slow at about the same point which is after processing roughly 3.5 million records, only about 0.5 million more to go. As the program approaches the 3.5 million mark it gets very very slow until it eventually times out, total execution time is about 11 minutes.
I checked the memory consumption in VisualVm, but the memory consumption never goes more than about 700MB.My flink pipeline looks as follows:
final StreamExecutionEnvironment environment = StreamExecutionEnvironment.createLocalEnvironment(1);
DataStream<Tuple> stream = environment.addSource(new TPCHQuery3Source(filePaths, relations));
stream.process(new TPCHQuery3Process(relations)).addSink(new FDSSink());
Where the bulk of the work is done in the process function, I am implementing data base join algorithms and the columns are stored as Strings, specifically I am implementing query 3 of the TPCH benchmark, check here if you wish https://examples.citusdata.com/tpch_queries.html.
The timeout error is this:
java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Heartbeat of TaskManager with id <id> timed out.
Once I got this error as well:
Exception in thread "pool-1-thread-1" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Also, my VisualVM monitoring, screenshot is captured at the point where things get very slow:
Here is the run loop of my source function:
while (run) {
readers.forEach(reader -> {
try {
String line = reader.readLine();
if (line != null) {
Tuple tuple = lineToTuple(line, counter.get() % filePaths.size());
if (tuple != null && isValidTuple(tuple)) {
} else {
if (closedReaders.size() == filePaths.size()) {
System.out.println("ALL FILES HAVE BEEN STREAMED");
} catch (IOException e) {
I basically read a line of each of the 3 files I need, based on the order of the files, I construct a tuple object which is my custom class called tuple representing a row in a table, and emit that tuple if it is valid i.e. fullfils certain conditions on the date.
I am also suggesting the JVM to do garbage collection at the 1 millionth, 1.5millionth, 2 millionth and 2.5 millionth record like this:
Any thoughts on how I can optimize this?
String intern() saved me. I did intern on every string before storing it in my maps and that worked like a charm.
these are the properties that I changed on my link stand-alone cluster to compute the TPC-H query 03.
jobmanager.memory.process.size: 1600m
heartbeat.timeout: 100000
taskmanager.memory.process.size: 8g # defaul: 1728m
I implemented this query to stream only the Order table and I kept the other tables as a state. Also I am computing as a windowless query, which I think it makes more sense and it is faster.
public class TPCHQuery03 {
private final String topic = "topic-tpch-query-03";
public TPCHQuery03() {
this(PARAMETER_OUTPUT_LOG, "", false, false, -1);
public TPCHQuery03(String output, String ipAddressSink, boolean disableOperatorChaining, boolean pinningPolicy, long maxCount) {
try {
StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
if (disableOperatorChaining) {
DataStream<Order> orders = env
.addSource(new OrdersSource(maxCount)).name(OrdersSource.class.getSimpleName()).uid(OrdersSource.class.getSimpleName());
// Filter market segment "AUTOMOBILE"
// customers = customers.filter(new CustomerFilter());
// Filter all Orders with o_orderdate < 12.03.1995
DataStream<Order> ordersFiltered = orders
.filter(new OrderDateFilter("1995-03-12")).name(OrderDateFilter.class.getSimpleName()).uid(OrderDateFilter.class.getSimpleName());
// Join customers with orders and package them into a ShippingPriorityItem
DataStream<ShippingPriorityItem> customerWithOrders = ordersFiltered
.keyBy(new OrderKeySelector())
.process(new OrderKeyedByCustomerProcessFunction(pinningPolicy)).name(OrderKeyedByCustomerProcessFunction.class.getSimpleName()).uid(OrderKeyedByCustomerProcessFunction.class.getSimpleName());
// Join the last join result with Lineitems
DataStream<ShippingPriorityItem> result = customerWithOrders
.keyBy(new ShippingPriorityOrderKeySelector())
.process(new ShippingPriorityKeyedProcessFunction(pinningPolicy)).name(ShippingPriorityKeyedProcessFunction.class.getSimpleName()).uid(ShippingPriorityKeyedProcessFunction.class.getSimpleName());
// Group by l_orderkey, o_orderdate and o_shippriority and compute revenue sum
DataStream<ShippingPriorityItem> resultSum = result
.keyBy(new ShippingPriority3KeySelector())
.reduce(new SumShippingPriorityItem(pinningPolicy)).name(SumShippingPriorityItem.class.getSimpleName()).uid(SumShippingPriorityItem.class.getSimpleName());
// emit result
if (output.equalsIgnoreCase(PARAMETER_OUTPUT_MQTT)) {
.map(new ShippingPriorityItemMap(pinningPolicy)).name(ShippingPriorityItemMap.class.getSimpleName()).uid(ShippingPriorityItemMap.class.getSimpleName())
.addSink(new MqttStringPublisher(ipAddressSink, topic, pinningPolicy)).name(OPERATOR_SINK).uid(OPERATOR_SINK);
} else if (output.equalsIgnoreCase(PARAMETER_OUTPUT_LOG)) {
} else if (output.equalsIgnoreCase(PARAMETER_OUTPUT_FILE)) {
StreamingFileSink<String> sink = StreamingFileSink
.forRowFormat(new Path(PATH_OUTPUT_FILE), new SimpleStringEncoder<String>("UTF-8"))
.withMaxPartSize(1024 * 1024 * 1024).build())
.map(new ShippingPriorityItemMap(pinningPolicy)).name(ShippingPriorityItemMap.class.getSimpleName()).uid(ShippingPriorityItemMap.class.getSimpleName())
} else {
System.out.println("discarding output");
System.out.println("Stream job: " + TPCHQuery03.class.getSimpleName());
System.out.println("Execution plan >>>\n" + env.getExecutionPlan());
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
new TPCHQuery03();
The UDFs are here: OrderSource, OrderKeyedByCustomerProcessFunction, ShippingPriorityKeyedProcessFunction, and SumShippingPriorityItem. I am using the com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList since the state will not be updated. Also I am keeping only the necessary columns on the state, such as ImmutableList<Tuple2<Long, Double>> lineItemList.
I am trying to enhance data in a pipeline by querying Datastore in a DoFn step.
A field from an object from the Class CustomClass is used to do a query against a Datastore table and the returned values are used to enhance the object.
The code looks like this:
public class EnhanceWithDataStore extends DoFn<CustomClass, CustomClass> {
private static Datastore datastore = DatastoreOptions.defaultInstance().service();
private static KeyFactory articleKeyFactory = datastore.newKeyFactory().kind("article");
public void processElement(ProcessContext c) throws Exception {
CustomClass event = c.element();
Entity article = datastore.get(articleKeyFactory.newKey(event.getArticleId()));
String articleName = "";
articleName = article.getString("articleName");
} catch(Exception e) {}
CustomClass enhanced = new CustomClass(event);
When it is run locally, this is fast, but when it is run in the cloud, this step slows down the pipeline significantly. What's causing this? Is there any workaround or better way to do this?
A picture of the pipeline can be found here (the last step is the enhancing step):
pipeline architecture
What you are doing here is a join between your input PCollection<CustomClass> and the enhancements in Datastore.
For each partition of your PCollection the calls to Datastore are going to be single-threaded, hence incur a lot of latency. I would expect this to be slow in the DirectPipelineRunner and InProcessPipelineRunner as well. With autoscaling and dynamic work rebalancing, you should see parallelism when running on the Dataflow service unless something about the structure of your causes us to optimize it poorly, so you can try increasing --maxNumWorkers. But you still won't benefit from bulk operations.
It is probably better to express this join within your pipeline, using DatastoreIO.readFrom(...) followed by a CoGroupByKey transform. In this way, Dataflow will do a bulk parallel read of all the enhancements and use the efficient GroupByKey machinery to line them up with the events.
// Here are the two collections you want to join
PCollection<CustomClass> events = ...;
PCollection<Entity> articles = DatastoreIO.readFrom(...);
// Key them both by the common id
PCollection<KV<Long, CustomClass>> keyedEvents =
events.apply(WithKeys.of(event -> event.getArticleId()))
PCollection<KV<Long, Entity>> =
articles.apply(WithKeys.of(article -> article.getKey().getId())
// Set up the join by giving tags to each collection
TupleTag<CustomClass> eventTag = new TupleTag<CustomClass>() {};
TupleTag<Entity> articleTag = new TupleTag<Entity>() {};
KeyedPCollectionTuple<Long> coGbkInput =
.of(eventTag, keyedEvents)
.and(articleTag, keyedArticles);
PCollection<CustomClass> enhancedEvents = coGbkInput
.apply(MapElements.via(CoGbkResult joinResult -> {
for (CustomClass event : joinResult.getAll(eventTag)) {
String articleName;
try {
articleName = joinResult.getOnly(articleTag).getString("articleName");
} catch(Exception e) {
articleName = "";
CustomClass enhanced = new CustomClass(event);
return enhanced;
Another possibility, if there are very few enough articles to store the lookup in memory, is to use DatastoreIO.readFrom(...) and then read them all as a map side input via View.asMap() and look them up in a local table.
// Here are the two collections you want to join
PCollection<CustomClass> events = ...;
PCollection<Entity> articles = DatastoreIO.readFrom(...);
// Key the articles and create a map view
PCollectionView<Map<Long, Entity>> = articleView
.apply(WithKeys.of(article -> article.getKey().getId())
// Do a lookup join by side input to a ParDo
PCollection<CustomClass> enhanced = events
.apply(ParDo.withSideInputs(articles).of(new DoFn<CustomClass, CustomClass>() {
public void processElement(ProcessContext c) {
Map<Long, Entity> articleLookup = c.sideInput(articleView);
String articleName;
try {
articleName =
} catch(Exception e) {
articleName = "";
CustomClass enhanced = new CustomClass(event);
return enhanced;
Depending on your data, either of these may be a better choice.
After some checking I managed to pinpoint the problem: the project is located in the EU (and as such, the Datastore is located in the EU-zone; same as the AppEningine zone), while the Dataflow jobs themselves (and thus the workers) are hosted in the US by default (when not overwriting the zone-option).
The difference in performance is 25-30 fold: ~40 elements/s compared to ~1200 elements/s for 15 workers.
I'm using spark in order to calculate the pagerank of user reviews, but I keep getting Spark java.lang.StackOverflowError when I run my code on a big dataset (40k entries). when running the code on a small number of entries it works fine though.
Entry Example :
product/productId: B00004CK40 review/userId: A39IIHQF18YGZA review/profileName: C. A. M. Salas review/helpfulness: 0/0 review/score: 4.0 review/time: 1175817600 review/summary: Reliable comedy review/text: Nice script, well acted comedy, and a young Nicolette Sheridan. Cusak is in top form.
The Code:
public void calculatePageRank() {
JavaRDD < String > rddFileData = sc.textFile(inputFileName).cache();
JavaRDD < String > rddMovieData = rddFileData.map(new Function < String, String > () {
public String call(String arg0) throws Exception {
String[] data = arg0.split("\t");
String movieId = data[0].split(":")[1].trim();
String userId = data[1].split(":")[1].trim();
return movieId + "\t" + userId;
JavaPairRDD<String, Iterable<String>> rddPairReviewData = rddMovieData.mapToPair(new PairFunction < String, String, String > () {
public Tuple2 < String, String > call(String arg0) throws Exception {
String[] data = arg0.split("\t");
return new Tuple2 < String, String > (data[0], data[1]);
JavaRDD<Iterable<String>> cartUsers = rddPairReviewData.map(f -> f._2());
List<Iterable<String>> cartUsersList = cartUsers.collect();
JavaPairRDD<String,String> finalCartesian = null;
int iterCounter = 0;
for(Iterable<String> out : cartUsersList){
JavaRDD<String> currentUsersRDD = sc.parallelize(Lists.newArrayList(out));
finalCartesian = currentUsersRDD.cartesian(currentUsersRDD);
finalCartesian = currentUsersRDD.cartesian(currentUsersRDD).union(finalCartesian);
if(iterCounter % 20 == 0) {
JavaRDD<Tuple2<String,String>> finalCartesianToTuple = finalCartesian.map(m -> new Tuple2<String,String>(m._1(),m._2()));
finalCartesianToTuple = finalCartesianToTuple.filter(x -> x._1().compareTo(x._2())!=0);
JavaPairRDD<String, String> userIdPairs = finalCartesianToTuple.mapToPair(m -> new Tuple2<String,String>(m._1(),m._2()));
JavaRDD<String> userIdPairsString = userIdPairs.map(new Function < Tuple2<String, String>, String > () {
//Tuple2<Tuple2<MovieId, userId>, Tuple2<movieId, userId>>
public String call (Tuple2<String, String> t) throws Exception {
return t._1 + " " + t._2;
try {
//calculate pagerank using this https://github.com/apache/spark/blob/master/examples/src/main/java/org/apache/spark/examples/JavaPageRank.java
JavaPageRank.calculatePageRank(userIdPairsString, 100);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
I have multiple suggestions which will help you to greatly improve the performance of the code in your question.
Caching: Caching should be used on those data sets which you need to refer to again and again for same/ different operations (iterative algorithms.
An example is RDD.count — to tell you the number of lines in the
file, the file needs to be read. So if you write RDD.count, at
this point the file will be read, the lines will be counted, and the
count will be returned.
What if you call RDD.count again? The same thing: the file will be
read and counted again. So what does RDD.cache do? Now, if you run
RDD.count the first time, the file will be loaded, cached, and
counted. If you call RDD.count a second time, the operation will use
the cache. It will just take the data from the cache and count the
lines, no recomputing.
Read more about caching here.
In your code sample you are not reusing anything that you've cached. So you may remove the .cache from there.
Parallelization: In the code sample, you've parallelized every individual element in your RDD which is already a distributed collection. I suggest you to merge the rddFileData, rddMovieData and rddPairReviewData steps so that it happens in one go.
Get rid of .collect since that brings the results back to the driver and maybe the actual reason for your error.
This problem will occur when your DAG grows big and too many level of transformations happening in your code. The JVM will not be able to hold the operations to perform lazy execution when an action is performed in the end.
Checkpointing is one option. I would suggest to implement spark-sql for this kind of aggregations. If your data is structured, try to load that into dataframes and perform grouping and other mysql functions to achieve this.
When your for loop grows really large, Spark can no longer keep track of the lineage. Enable checkpointing in your for loop to checkpoint your rdd every 10 iterations or so. Checkpointing will fix the problem. Don't forget to clean up the checkpoint directory after.
Below things fixed stackoverflow error, as others pointed it's because of lineage that spark keeps building, specially when you have loop/iteration in code.
Set checkpoint directory
checkpoint dataframe/Rdd you are modifying/operating in iteration
Cache Dataframe which are reused in each iteration
I am using JHDF5 to log a collection of values to a hdf5 file. I am currently using two ArrayLists to do this, one with the values and one with the names of the values.
ArrayList<String> valueList = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<String> nameList = new ArrayList<String>();
IHDF5Writer writer = HDF5Factory.configure("My_Log").keepDataSetsIfTheyExist().writer();
HDF5CompoundType<List<?>> type = writer.compound().getInferredType("", nameList, valueList);
writer.compound().write("log1", type, valueList);
This will log the values in the correct way to the file My_Log and in the dataset "log1". However, this example always overwrites the previous log of the values in the dataset "log1". I want to be able to log to the same dataset everytime, adding the latest log to the next line/index of the dataset. For example, if I were to change the value of "Name2" to "Value3" and log the values, and then change "Name1" to "Value4" and "Name2" to "Value5" and log the values, the dataset should look like this:
I thought the keepDataSetsIfTheyExist() option to would prevent the dataset to be overwritten, but apparently it doesn't work that way.
Something similar to what I want can be achieved in some cases with writer.compound().writeArrayBlock(), and specify by what index the array block shall be written. However, this solution doesn't seem to be compatible with my current code, where I have to use lists for handling my data.
Is there some option to achieve this that I have overlooked, or can't this be done with JHDF5?
I don't think that will work. It is not quite clear to me, but I believe the getInferredType() you are using is creating a data set with 2 name -> value entries. So it is effectively creating an object inside the hdf5. The best solution I could come up with was to read the previous values add them to the valueList before outputting:
ArrayList<String> valueList = new ArrayList<>();
try (IHDF5Reader reader = HDF5Factory.configure("My_Log.h5").reader()) {
String[] previous = reader.string().readArray("log1");
for (int i = 0; i < previous.length; i++) {
valueList.add(i, previous[i]);
} catch (HDF5FileNotFoundException ex) {
// Nothing to do here.
MDArray<String> values = new MDArray<>(String.class, new long[]{valueList.size()});
for (int i = 0; i < valueList.size(); i++) {
values.set(valueList.get(i), i);
try (IHDF5Writer writer = HDF5Factory.configure("My_Log.h5").writer()) {
writer.string().writeMDArray("log1", values);
If you call this code a second time with "Value3" and "Value4" instead, you will get 4 values. This sort of solution might become unpleasant if you start to have hierarchies of datasets however.
To solve your issue, you need to define the dataset log1 as extendible so that it can store an unknown number of log entries (that are generated over time) and write these using a point or hyperslab selection (otherwise, the dataset will be overwritten).
If you are not bound to a specific technology to handle HDF5 files, you may wish to give a look at HDFql which is an high-level language to manage HDF5 files easily. A possible solution for your use-case using HDFql (in Java) is:
public class Example
public Class Log
String name1;
String name2;
public boolean doSomething(Log log)
log.name1 = "Value1";
log.name2 = "Value2";
return true;
public static void main(String args[])
// declare variables
Log log = new Log();
int variableNumber;
// create an HDF5 file named 'My_Log.h5' and use (i.e. open) it
HDFql.execute("CREATE AND USE FILE My_Log.h5");
// create an extendible HDF5 dataset named 'log1' of data type compound
// register variable 'log' for subsequent usage (by HDFql)
variableNumber = HDFql.variableRegister(log);
// call function 'doSomething' that does something and populates variable 'log' with an entry
// alter (i.e. extend) dataset 'log1' to +1 (i.e. add a new row)
HDFql.execute("ALTER DIMENSION log1 TO +1");
// insert (i.e. write) data stored in variable 'log' into dataset 'log1' using a point selection
HDFql.execute("INSERT INTO log1(-1) VALUES FROM MEMORY " + variableNumber);
I'm writing a java application that copies one database's information (db2) to anther database (sql server). The order of operations is very simple:
Check to see if anything has been updated in a certain time frame
Grab everything from the first database that is within the designated time frame
Map database information to POJOs
Divide subsets of POJOs into threads (pre defined # in properties file)
Threads cycle through each POJO Individually
Update the second database
I have everything working just fine, but at certain times of the day there is a huge jump in the amount of updates that need to take place (can get in to the hundreds of thousands).
Below you can see a generic version of my code. It follows the basic algorithm of the application. Object is generic, the actual application has 5 different types of specified objects each with its own updater thread class. But the generic functions below are exactly what they all look like. And in the updateDatabase() method, they all get added to threads and all run at the same time.
private void updateDatabase()
List<Thread> threads = new ArrayList<>();
addObjectThreads( threads );
startThreads( threads );
joinAllThreads( threads );
private void addObjectThreads( List<Thread> threads )
List<Object> objects = getTransformService().getObjects();
logger.info( "Found " + objects.size() + " Objects" );
createThreads( threads, objects, ObjectUpdaterThread.class );
private void createThreads( List<Thread> threads, List<?> objects, Class threadClass )
final int BASE_OBJECT_LOAD = 1;
int objectLoad = objects.size() / Database.getMaxThreads() > 0 ? objects.size() / Database.getMaxThreads() + BASE_OBJECT_LOAD : BASE_OBJECT_LOAD;
for (int i = 0; i < (objects.size() / objectLoad); ++i)
int startIndex = i * objectLoad;
int endIndex = (i + 1) * objectLoad;
List<?> objectSubList = objects.subList( startIndex, endIndex > objects.size() ? objects.size() : endIndex );
threads.add( new Thread( (Thread) threadClass.getConstructor( List.class ).newInstance( objectSubList ) ) );
catch (Exception exception)
logger.error( exception.getMessage() );
public class ObjectUpdaterThread extends BaseUpdaterThread
private List<Object> objects;
final private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger( ObjectUpdaterThread.class );
public ObjectUpdaterThread( List<Object> objects)
this.objects = objects;
public void run()
for (Object object : objects)
logger.info( "Now Updating Object: " + object.getId() );
getTransformService().updateObject( object );
All of these go to a spring service that looks like the code below. Again its generic, but each type of object has the exact same type of logic to them. The getObjects() from the code above are just one line pass throughs to the DAO so no need to really post that.
#Scope(value = "prototype")
public class TransformServiceImpl implements TransformService
final private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger( TransformServiceImpl.class );
private TransformDao transformDao;
public void updateObject( Object object )
String sql;
if ( object.exists() )
sql = Object.Mapper.UPDATE;
sql = Object.Mapper.INSERT;
boolean isCompleted = false;
while ( !isCompleted )
transformDao.updateObject( object, sql );
isCompleted = true;
catch (Exception exception)
logger.error( exception.getMessage() );
logger.info( "Now retrying update for Object: " + object.getId() );
logger.info( "Updated Object: " + object.getId() );
Finally these all go to the DAO that looks like this:
#Scope(value = "prototype")
public class TransformDaoImpl implements TransformDao
//#Resource is like #Autowired but with the added option of being able to specify the name
//Good for autowiring two different instances of the same class [NamedParameterJdbcTemplate]
//Another alternative = #Autowired #Qualifier(BEAN_NAME)
#Resource(name = "db2")
private NamedParameterJdbcTemplate db2;
#Resource(name = "sqlServer")
private NamedParameterJdbcTemplate sqlServer;
final private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger( TransformerImpl.class );
public void updateObject( Objet object, String sql )
MapSqlParameterSource source = new MapSqlParameterSource();
source.addValue( "column1_value", object.getColumn1Value() );
//put all source values from the POJO in just like above
sqlServer.update( sql, source );
My insert statements look like this:
"(COLUMN1, COLUMN2...) " +
"VALUES(:column1_value, :column2_value... "
And my update statements look like this:
"COLUMN1 = :column1_value, COLUMN2 = :column2_value, " +
"WHERE PRIMARY_KEY_COLUMN = :primary_key_value"
Its a lot of code and stuff I know, But I just wanted to layout everything I have in hopes that I can get help making this faster or more efficient. It takes hours on hours to update so many rows and it would nice if it only took a couple/few hours instead hours on hours. Thanks for any help. I welcome all learning experiences about spring, threads and databases.
If you're sending large amounts of SQL to the server, you should consider Batching it using the Statement.addBatch and Statement.executeBatch methods. The batches are finite in size (I always limited mine to 64K of SQL), but they dramatically lower the round trips to the database.
As I was iterating and creating SQL, I would keep track of how much I had batched already, when the SQL crossed the 64K boundary, I'd fire off an executeBatch and start a fresh one.
You may want to experiment with the 64K number, it may have been an Oracle limitation, which I was using at the time.
I can't speak to Spring, but batching is a part of the JDBC Statement. I'm sure it's straightforward to get to this.
Check to see if anything has been updated in a certain time frame
Grab everything from the first database that is within the designated time frame
Is there an index on the LAST_UPDATED_DATE column (or whatever you're using) in the source table? Rather than put the burden on your application, if it's within your control, why not write some triggers in the source database that create entries in an "update log" table? That way, all that your app would need to do is consume and execute those entries.
How are you managing your transactions? If you're creating a new transaction for each operation it's going to be brutally slow.
Regarding the threading code, have you considered using something more standard rather than writing your own? What you have is a pretty typical producer/consumer and Java has excellent support for that type of thing with ThreadPoolExecutor and numerous queue implementations to move data between threads that perform different tasks.
The benefit with using something off the shelf is that 1) it's well tested 2) there are numerous tuning options and sizing strategies that you can adjust to increase performance.
Also, rather than use 5 different thread types for each type of object that needs to be processed, have you considered encapsulating the processing logic for each type into separate strategy classes? That way, you could use a single pool of worker threads (which would be easier to size and tune).