ERR Timed out after 1m0s: health check never passed - java

I am getting this exception after some 2-3 minutes of proper run of my app on cloud.I added timeout : 180 in manifest.yml file but the error still persists.
On STS console, I get the log as :
Execution failed for task ':cfPush'.> Application TestApp start timed out
Can anyone help me out in this please
public class SftpJavaApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new SpringApplicationBuilder(SftpJavaApplication.class)
public SessionFactory<LsEntry> sftpSessionFactory() {
DefaultSftpSessionFactory factory = new DefaultSftpSessionFactory(true);
return new CachingSessionFactory<LsEntry>(factory);
#Transformer(inputChannel = "stream",outputChannel="data")
public org.springframework.integration.transformer.Transformer transformer () {
return new org.springframework.integration.transformer.StreamTransformer("UTF-8");
#InboundChannelAdapter(value = "stream", poller = #Poller(fixedDelay = "1000", maxMessagesPerPoll = "1"))
public MessageSource<InputStream> ftpMessageSource() {
SftpStreamingMessageSource messageSource = new SftpStreamingMessageSource(template(), null);
messageSource.setFilter(new SftpPersistentAcceptOnceFileListFilter(new SimpleMetadataStore(),
return messageSource;
public SftpRemoteFileTemplate template() {
return new SftpRemoteFileTemplate(sftpSessionFactory());
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "data" )
public MessageHandler handler() {
return new MessageHandler() {
public void handleMessage(Message<?> message) throws MessagingException {
System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>>>>>"+message.getPayload()); //instead of a print the message is published to rabbit mq
There is another class which connects to a rabbit mq service on cloud and consumes the message


Connection not found when processing reply GenericMessage

Try to set up Spring Boot TCP Server with spring-integration-ip, but when send message to the server always get the error message:
2021-06-03 23:58:36.916 ERROR 35752 --- [pool-1-thread-4] o.s.i.ip.tcp.TcpInboundGateway : Connection not found when processing reply GenericMessage [payload=byte[5], headers={ip_tcp_remotePort=51436, ip_connectionId=localhost:51436:10001:dbc9ca03-a509-4a66-9bbd-020478794bbd, ip_localInetAddress=/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1, ip_address=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1, id=3c446dc8-f417-e387-a4e4-42c023da0d4f, ip_hostname=localhost, timestamp=1622746716916}] for GenericMessage [payload=byte[3], headers={ip_tcp_remotePort=51436, ip_connectionId=localhost:51436:10001:dbc9ca03-a509-4a66-9bbd-020478794bbd, ip_localInetAddress=/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1, ip_address=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1, id=59caa1c3-20df-57c0-d1dc-81c2b0adfe0d, ip_hostname=localhost, timestamp=1622746716916}]
Here is my TcpServerConfig file:
public class TcpServerConfig {
private int port;
public AbstractServerConnectionFactory serverConnectionFactory() {
TcpNioServerConnectionFactory serverConnectionFactory = new TcpNioServerConnectionFactory(port);
return serverConnectionFactory;
public MessageChannel inboundChannel() {
return new DirectChannel();
public TcpInboundGateway inboundGateway(AbstractServerConnectionFactory serverConnectionFactory,
MessageChannel inboundChannel) {
TcpInboundGateway tcpInboundGateway = new TcpInboundGateway();
return tcpInboundGateway;
And TcpServerEnpoint file:
public class TcpServerEndpoint {
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "inboundChannel")
public byte[] process(byte[] message) {
return "Hello".getBytes();
I'm trying to make simple request -> response TCP server. When message has been sent it print out in debug console, but also throws the error.
Here is what I have for you:
public class So67827589Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
public AbstractServerConnectionFactory serverConnectionFactory() {
TcpNioServerConnectionFactory serverConnectionFactory = new TcpNioServerConnectionFactory(7777);
return serverConnectionFactory;
public MessageChannel inboundChannel() {
return new DirectChannel();
public TcpInboundGateway inboundGateway(AbstractServerConnectionFactory serverConnectionFactory,
MessageChannel inboundChannel) {
TcpInboundGateway tcpInboundGateway = new TcpInboundGateway();
return tcpInboundGateway;
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "inboundChannel")
public byte[] process(byte[] message) {
return "Hello".getBytes();
Then I go to command line and do:
telnet localhost 7777
and type anything and get Hello back. Then I can type more and more - and Hello comes back to me. Always!
So, everything works as expected. Spring Boot 2.5.0.

How can we have different handlers to subscribe messages from different topics using spring Integration?

I wrote my first spring integration application which uses the mqtt broker to subscribe messages from different topics which are coming from a device. The device is publishing the messages and the client(Code) is accessing those messages using same topics.
I added a handler for accessing the messages coming from the broker and use it further in classes. Now, in my case, I want to have different handlers for different topics so that they can all be mapped to different VO classes and use it further in business logic.
As I know, I want to create only one connection to the broker, one channel but different topics can come and they should be handled in different handlers for the same connection. How Can I achieve that?
public class MqttJavaApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// SpringApplicationBuilder springApplicationBuilder = new SpringApplicationBuilder(MqttJavaApplication.class);,args);
public MessageChannel mqttInputChannel() {
return new DirectChannel();
public MqttPahoMessageDrivenChannelAdapter inbound() {
String clientId = "uuid-" + UUID.randomUUID().toString();
MqttPahoMessageDrivenChannelAdapter adapter =
new MqttPahoMessageDrivenChannelAdapter("tcp://localhost:1883", clientId,"camera/status");
adapter.setConverter(new DefaultPahoMessageConverter());
// adapter.setOutputChannelName("mqttInputChannel");
return adapter;
public IntegrationFlow mqttInFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(inbound())
.transform(p -> p)
public class MyService{
MqttPahoMessageDrivenChannelAdapter adapter;
public String addTopics()
adapter.addTopic("camera/+/counts"); //new topic
adapter.addTopic("camera/+/live_counts"); //new topic
return "";
// topic "camera/+/counts" is handled here but other messages also come here, how do we handle other topics in separate handlers?
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "mqttInputChannel")
public void handleHere(#Payload Object mess) throws JsonProcessingException {
String[] topics = adapter.getTopic();
for(String topic:topics)
System.out.println(topic); // How can I get topic name which is using a wildcard?
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
String json=mess.toString();
CountVo countVo = objectMapper.readValue(json, CountVo.class);
if (!countVo.equals(null))
Additional Question
How Can I get the full topic name when using a wildcard? The actual topic which was published but caught by wildcard.
Please help.
Add a router (.route(...)); you can route on the MqttHeaders.RECEIVED_TOPIC header (which contains the topic name) to different flows for each topic.
The simplest router is to simply map the topic names to channel names. Here is an example:
public class So67391175Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
public DefaultMqttPahoClientFactory pahoClientFactory() {
DefaultMqttPahoClientFactory pahoClientFactory = new DefaultMqttPahoClientFactory();
MqttConnectOptions connectionOptions = new MqttConnectOptions();
connectionOptions.setServerURIs(new String[] { "tcp://localhost:1883" });
return pahoClientFactory;
public IntegrationFlow mqttInFlow(DefaultMqttPahoClientFactory pahoClientFactory) {
return IntegrationFlows.from(
new MqttPahoMessageDrivenChannelAdapter("testClient",
pahoClientFactory, "topic1", "topic2"))
.route("headers['" + MqttHeaders.RECEIVED_TOPIC + "']")
public IntegrationFlow flow1() {
return IntegrationFlows.from("topic1")
.handle((payload, headers) -> {
System.out.println("message from topic1 " + payload + ": " + headers);
return null;
public IntegrationFlow flow2() {
return IntegrationFlows.from("topic2")
.handle((payload, headers) -> {
System.out.println("message from topic2 " + payload + ": " + headers);
return null;
message from topic1 test: {mqtt_receivedRetained=false, mqtt_id=1, mqtt_duplicate=false, id=1d950bce-aa47-7e3b-1a0d-e4d01ed707de, mqtt_receivedTopic=topic1, mqtt_receivedQos=1, timestamp=1620250633090}
message from topic2 test: {mqtt_receivedRetained=false, mqtt_id=2, mqtt_duplicate=false, id=7e9c3f51-c148-2b18-3588-ed27e93dae19, mqtt_receivedTopic=topic2, mqtt_receivedQos=1, timestamp=1620250644602}
Thanks Gary! I think the answer you gave on routing can only take the defined topics, not on wildcards or for that matter any other regex. I could not understand how dynamic routing would help me.
Turns out, I can add wildcards when initializing bean and can handle using the service activator on the inputchannel using the adapter.
Like this:
public class MqttJavaApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {,args);
public MessageChannel mqttInputChannel() {
return new DirectChannel();
public MqttPahoMessageDrivenChannelAdapter inbound() {
String clientId = "uuid-" + UUID.randomUUID().toString();
MqttPahoMessageDrivenChannelAdapter adapter =
new MqttPahoMessageDrivenChannelAdapter("tcp://localhost:1883", clientId, "irisys/V4D-20230143/status" );
adapter.setConverter(new DefaultPahoMessageConverter());
return adapter;
public class MyService{
MqttPahoMessageDrivenChannelAdapter adapter;
public String addTopics()
return "";
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "mqttInputChannel")
public MessageHandler handler() {
return new MessageHandler() {
public void handleMessage(Message<?> message) throws MessagingException {
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
String json=message.getPayload().toString();
CountVo countVo = objectMapper.readValue(json, CountVo.class);
if (!countVo.equals(null))
Do you think that there is better way than this? I couldn't think of anything other than this.

Handle the exceptions in RabbitMQ Spring Boot Application

I am using Spring Boot 1.4.1-RELEASE and RabbitMQ 3.2.3. My Application class looks like this -
public class EventStoreMessageDeliveryApplication {
public final static String queueName = "customer.default.queue"; // spring-boot
Queue queue() {
return new Queue(queueName, true);
FanoutExchange exchange() {
return new FanoutExchange("", true, false); // spring-boot-exchange
Binding binding() {
return new Binding(queueName, Binding.DestinationType.QUEUE, "", "*.*", null);
public ConnectionFactory connectionFactory() {
CachingConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new CachingConnectionFactory("localhost");
return connectionFactory;
SimpleMessageListenerContainer container(MessageListenerAdapter listenerAdapter) {
SimpleMessageListenerContainer container = new SimpleMessageListenerContainer();
container.setRecoveryBackOff(new ExponentialBackOff(3000, 2));
return container;
MessageListenerAdapter listenerAdapter(Receiver receiver) {
return new MessageListenerAdapter(receiver, "receiveMessage");
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {, args);
And my listener class looks like -
public class Receiver {
private CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
public void receiveMessage(String message) {
System.out.println("Received <" + message + ">");
// do something
public CountDownLatch getLatch() {
return latch;
I want to handle the exceptions like connection refused which may come when the broker is down. How can I handle such exceptions? I am not sure where I can get the handle for the exceptions.
You can create a SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory. This is basically a listener for events from RabbitConnectionFactory.
public SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory rabbitListenerContainerFactory() {
SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory factory = new SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory();
return factory;
rabbitErrorHandler() can return a bean of implementation of org.springframework.util.ErrorHandler.
Reference docs
I have a suggestion and it could work out. Since you want to have an exception of connection refused against the RabbitMQ broker, it is up to the client to catch the exception.
In your example, which looks like the one from SpringIO docs, I would assume you could make the exception handling in the main (not recommended though):
public class Runner implements CommandLineRunner {
private final RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate;
private final Receiver receiver;
public Runner(Receiver receiver, RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate) {
this.receiver = receiver;
this.rabbitTemplate = rabbitTemplate;
public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
System.out.println("Sending message...");
try {
rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend(Application.topicExchangeName, "", "Hello from RabbitMQ!");
receiver.getLatch().await(10000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
}catch(AmqpException the_exception) {
System.out.printl("Connection refused. Problem thrown when trying to connecto the RabbitMQ");
The AmqpException comes from the docs of the convertAndSend() method, which is being thrown if something went bad. Here you can capture your own custom message.
I hope this is what you are looking for or atleast guides you the correct destination.

Spring Integration: #ServiceActivator is not working

I have the following class:
public class SpringIntegrationTest {
public SimpleWebServiceInboundGateway testInboundGateWay (){
SimpleWebServiceInboundGateway simpleWebServiceInboundGateway = new SimpleWebServiceInboundGateway();
return simpleWebServiceInboundGateway;
public MessageChannel testChannel() {
return new DirectChannel();
public MessageChannel testChannel2() {
return new DirectChannel();
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "testChannel", outputChannel = "testChannel2")
public DOMSource foo(DOMSource request) {
return request;
public EndpointMapping soapActionEndpointMapping(SimpleWebServiceInboundGateway testInboundGateWay ) {
UriEndpointMapping uriEndpointMapping = new UriEndpointMapping();
uriEndpointMapping.setEndpointMap(createEndpointMapping(testInboundGateWay ));
return uriEndpointMapping;
private Map<String, Object> createEndpointMapping(SimpleWebServiceInboundGateway testInboundGateWay ) {
Map<String, Object> endpointMap = new HashMap<>();
endpointMap.put("/ws/test", testInboundGateWay );
return endpointMap;
Even tough the service activator is subscribed for the "testChannel", I get the followin message:
o.s.i.w.SimpleWebServiceInboundGateway - failure occurred in gateway sendAndReceive: Dispatcher has no subscribers for channel 'org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext:/MyProject restful API.testChannel'.; nested exception is org.springframework.integration.MessageDispatchingException: Dispatcher has no subscribers
What am I doing wrong?
You need to add #EnableIntegration to one of your configuration classes.
Adding a dispatcher to the testChannel would fix this issue.

Spring and AMQP RabbitMQ topic exchange not working

I'm trying to set up topic exchange on my spring app.
Here's my context configuration:
public class IntegrationConfig {
public final static String queueName = "my-queue";
AmqpAdmin amqpAdmin(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
return new RabbitAdmin(connectionFactory);
Queue queue() {
return new Queue(queueName);
TopicExchange exchange() {
return new TopicExchange("my-exchange", false, true);
Binding binding(Queue queue, TopicExchange exchange) {
return BindingBuilder.bind(queue).to(exchange).with("ru.interosite.*");
SimpleMessageListenerContainer container(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory, MessageListenerAdapter listenerAdapter) {
SimpleMessageListenerContainer container = new SimpleMessageListenerContainer();
return container;
ImageUploadReceiver receiver() {
return new ImageUploadReceiver();
MessageListenerAdapter listenerAdapter(ImageUploadReceiver receiver) {
return new MessageListenerAdapter(receiver, "receiveMessage");
This is receiver class:
public class ImageUploadReceiver {
private CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
public void receiveMessage(String message) {
System.out.println("Received ");
public CountDownLatch getLatch() {
return latch;
This is sender code:
public String sendMessage() {
rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend("ru.interosite.1", "ttt1233");
try {
imageUploadReceiver.getLatch().await(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return "Msg received";
So I'm sending message to topic exchange using binding key "ru.interosite.1" to the queue that was bound with pattern "ru.interosite.*". I used these key and pattern when tried sample from and they worked fine.
But inside String AMQP it does not work, i.e. receiver never gets called. It called only if binding key and pattern are completely the same as if I were using DirectExchange.
Am I missing something here?
You don't show the config for the RabbitTemplate, but I guess it is with default options.
To send a message to the my-exchange you must specify it directly:
rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend("my-exchange", "ru.interosite.1", "ttt1233");
You can also set the exchange in the rabbit template like this:
public class IntegrationConfig {
// ... as above
public RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
RabbitTemplate template = new RabbitTemplate(connectionFactory);
return template;
So you can send the message with:
public class MyController {
RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate;
public String sendMessage() {
rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend("ru.interosite.1", "ttt1233");
// ... as above

