I am trying to implement a project using jobrunr. I have a use case where a service I have written should be triggered once the maximum retries are done for a job. I tried achieving the same using this answer as reference. The filter logic is triggered once a job fails but the dependency I include (which has my logic) is returning a null point exception(java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "com.project.service.ScheduleHistoryService.someFunc()" because "this.service" is null). I am able to inject the same service file using #Autowire in my other components.
What am I doing wrong here?
I am using jobrunr version 5.1.4.
Attached is a screenshot of the sample code:enter image description here
Injecting services in the filters is only possible in the Pro version of JobRunr.
My hack / workaround for this is injecting the Service in the regarding Configuration and passing it to the constructor of a CustomRetryFilter:
public class JobRunrConfig {
public BackgroundJobServer backgroundJobServer(
StorageProvider storageProvider, JsonMapper jobRunrJsonMapper, JobActivator jobActivator, BackgroundJobServerConfiguration backgroundJobServerConfiguration, JobRunrProperties properties,
ApplicationEventPublisher applicationEventPublisher) {
BackgroundJobServer backgroundJobServer = new BackgroundJobServer(
storageProvider, jobRunrJsonMapper, jobActivator, backgroundJobServerConfiguration);
new CustomRetryFilter(
return backgroundJobServer;
I have a Spring project, and I need to configure Flyway.
Using the default FlywayAutoConfiguration, Flyway migration is immediatly executed before everything else (caching, PostConstruct annotations, services). This is the behavior I expected (in term or startup workflow)
Unfortunatly, I need to override the default FlywayAutoConfiguration because I use a custom Flyway implementation, but that's not the my main problem here, my issue is really related to Spring Priority for configuration and initialization sequence.
So do use my own flyway, I first copied FlywayAutoConfiguration to my maven module, name it CustomFlywayAutoConfiguration and just adapt imports. I also change the property "spring.flyway.enabled" to false and create another one "spring.flywaycustom.enabled" to be able to activate mine and not the default one.
Doing that fully change the sequence of startup. Now, flyway is executed at the end of the startup sequence (after caching and other #PostConstruct that are in my project)
The following bean defined in CustomFlywayAutoConfiguration is now created onyl at the end of the startup sequence. With the default FlywayAutoConfiguration , was well created on the beginning.
public FlywayMigrationInitializer flywayInitializer(Flyway flyway,
ObjectProvider<FlywayMigrationStrategy> migrationStrategy) {
return new FlywayMigrationInitializer(flyway, migrationStrategy.getIfAvailable());
I tryied to play a lot with ordering (HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE, and LOWEST_PRECEDENCE)
#AutoConfigureOrder on configuration class
#Order on components
Try to Autowire FlywayMigrationInitializer to force the bean initialisation earlier
It's doesn't change anything, looks like Spring ignore #Order and #AutoConfigureOrder
Any idea why when Configuration is inside spring-boot-autoconfigure dependencies, it started as first priority, and when the same Configuration code is inside my project, I don't have the same ordering?
Thank you so much for your help.
Thanks to your answer, Focusin my attention FlywayMigrationInitializerEntityManagerFactoryDependsOnPostProcessor help me to solve the issue.
#Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
#EnableConfigurationProperties({ DataSourceProperties.class, FlywayProperties.class })
#Import({ FlywayMigrationInitializerEntityManagerFactoryDependsOnPostProcessor.class }) // Very important to force flyway before
public class CustomFlywayConfiguration {
public Flyway flyway(FlywayProperties properties, DataSourceProperties dataSourceProperties,
ResourceLoader resourceLoader, ObjectProvider<DataSource> dataSource,
#FlywayDataSource ObjectProvider<DataSource> flywayDataSource,
ObjectProvider<FlywayConfigurationCustomizer> fluentConfigurationCustomizers,
ObjectProvider<JavaMigration> javaMigrations, ObjectProvider<Callback> callbacks) {
FluentConfiguration configuration = new FluentConfiguration(resourceLoader.getClassLoader());
DataSource dataSourceToMigrate = configureDataSource(configuration, properties, dataSourceProperties, flywayDataSource.getIfAvailable(), dataSource.getIfUnique());
checkLocationExists(dataSourceToMigrate, properties, resourceLoader);
configureProperties(configuration, properties);
List<Callback> orderedCallbacks = callbacks.orderedStream().collect(Collectors.toList());
configureCallbacks(configuration, orderedCallbacks);
fluentConfigurationCustomizers.orderedStream().forEach((customizer) -> customizer.customize(configuration));
configureFlywayCallbacks(configuration, orderedCallbacks);
List<JavaMigration> migrations = javaMigrations.stream().collect(Collectors.toList());
configureJavaMigrations(configuration, migrations);
return new CustomFlyway(configuration);
* FlywayAutoConfiguration.FlywayConfiguration is conditioned to the missing flyway bean. #Import annotation are not executed in this case.
* So if we declare our own Flyway bean, we also need to create this bean to trigger the flyway migration.
* The main issue is now that bean is create after the #PostConstruct init method in MyInitComponent.
public FlywayMigrationInitializer flywayInitializer(Flyway flyway,
ObjectProvider<FlywayMigrationStrategy> migrationStrategy) {
return new FlywayMigrationInitializer(flyway, migrationStrategy.getIfAvailable());
* Thanks to that, it's now working, because make sure it's required before to create EntityManager
// #ConditionalOnClass(LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean.class)
// #ConditionalOnBean(AbstractEntityManagerFactoryBean.class)
static class FlywayMigrationInitializerEntityManagerFactoryDependsOnPostProcessor
extends EntityManagerFactoryDependsOnPostProcessor {
FlywayMigrationInitializerEntityManagerFactoryDependsOnPostProcessor() {
So that confirm we can't easily override the Flyway bean without copy some logic from FlywayAutoConfiguration.
I created a small project to reproduce the bug, with the solution I found.
I don't know if it's necessary to fix it or not in spring auto-configuration project?
I checked the history to find back the commit
And the ticket was this one.
The change looks technical and probably he missed that was an #ConditionalOnClass
None of the annotations that you've described have an impact on runtime semantics:
#AutoConfigureOrder works only on auto-configurations (so if you've copied the auto-configuration as a user config, it won't even be considered). This is used to order how auto-configurations are parsed (typical use case: make sure an auto-config contribute a bean definition of type X before another one check if a bean X is available).
#Order orders components of the same type. Doesn't have any effect as to "when" something occurs
Forcing initialisation using an injection point is a good idea but it'll only work if the component you're injecting it into is initialised itself at the right time.
The auto-configuration has a bunch of post-processors that create links between various components that use the DataSource and the FlywayMigrationInitializer. For instance, FlywayMigrationInitializerEntityManagerFactoryDependsOnPostProcessor makes sure that FlywayMigrationIntializer is a dependency of the entity manager so that the database is migrated before the EntityManager is made available to other components. That link is what's making sure Flyway is executed at the right time. I don't know why that's not working with your copy, a sample we can run ourselves shared on GitHub could help us figure out.
With all that said, please don't copy an auto-configuration in your own project. I'd advise to describe your use case in more details and open an issue so that we consider improving the auto-configuration.
I have a spring boot application and need to setup Redis as l2 cache on hibernate.
My prop file looks like:
spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.cache.region.factory_class = package.CustomRegionFactory
I created a custom region factory because I don't want to use json or yaml files. (right now, the parameters are hardcoded).
CustomRegionFactory class looks like:
public class CustomRegionFactory extends RedissonRegionFactory {
public RedissonClient createRedissonClient(Properties properties) {
Config config = new Config();
return Redisson.create(config);
Using redis-cli I found out that all my entities annotated with #Cacheable are listed when using the command keys *. Until here I thought everything worked fine, but using the postgres logging resources I found out that the queries are hitting the database.
Does somebody have any tips to make it works?
You should use .setCachable(true) to make queries to be cached on hibernate level.
See this documentaion.
Also see this question regarding second level cache on hibernate
I found out that using #Cacheable from hibernate will solve everything.
We are currently trying to implement a JSON Logging library making use of spring auto configuration or create its Jackson ObjectMapper. Our aim is to not override the spring auto configuration in class JacksonAutoConfiguration so that every customization by clients of the logging library won't be disabled.
The actual spring behavior is bean based and our main problem is that the JacksonProperties are not customizable and reusable for us. If we actually add a second bean of JacksonProperties the application start up would fail because JacksonAutoConfiguration.Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilderCustomizerConfiguration.class won't be able to handle a second bean. (The Spring Boot internal one is not annotated as #Primary.)
So what we did was start reimplementing every bean like the builder, customizer and so on. But this is not very maintainable as it duplicates framework code.
Our question now is if there would be any way to adapt the way of creating data sources for jackson object mapper beans. An example of creating data sources would be a following one.
#Bean(name = "testDataSource")
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "test.datasource")
public HikariDataSource naeDataSource(DataSourceProperties testDataSourceProperties) {
return testDataSourceProperties.initializeDataSourceBuilder().type(HikariDataSource.class).build();
We know the problem would still be that overriding the object mapper would deactivate it but if you pay attention to the application context it would be much easier to offer multiple object mapper instances.
Or is there any easier or other way we did not find so far?
Versions used:
Spring-Boot 2.0.5.RELEASE
I forked the spring boot project, made some changes to Spring Boot Autoconfiguration module and also set up a small demo project. I do not think it is the perfect way but with this changes it would be possible to initialize own object mapper easily from configuration properties. For example you can now easily create five object mapper for five different rest templates and clients called via REST-API.
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "logging.jackson")
public JacksonProperties loggingJacksonProperties() {
return new JacksonProperties();
public ObjectMapper secondObjectMapper(#Qualifier("loggingJacksonProperties") JacksonProperties loggingJacksonProperties) {
return loggingJacksonProperties.initializeJackson2ObjectMapperBuilder().build();
Comparing-Fork: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/compare/2.1.x...mixaaaa:feature/jackson_properties_initializer
Demo-Project: https://github.com/mixaaaa/jackson-demo
I've got a project (this will be used as a dependency) which uses SpringBoot and which populates a POJO from a queues.properties file in the following way:
public class QueuesConfig {
private String messagingBrokerXml;
private String messagingBrokerJolokia;
private String messagingBrokerApi;
private List<QueuesConfig.QueueModel> queues = new ArrayList();
public QueuesConfig() {
public String getMessagingBrokerXml() {
return this.messagingBrokerXml;
By dragging this dependency in a parent SpringBoot project which has a "queues.properties" file on its classpath, QueuesConfig object gets populated with the right values.
I am currently trying to achieve the same behaviour by using this dependency in a Plain Spring project. I can confirm that the PropertySource annotation gets "executed" and that the queues.properties file is part of the StandardServletEnvironment (being an entry in the propertySourceList).
The thing is that the "ConfigurationPropertiesBindingPostProcessor" bean is not being registered (not part of the singletonObjects) and therefore the code which is supposed to populate the POJO is not being executed.
Is there any workaround for this?
Many thanks !
Try to add this in your parent Spring #Configuration class:
For more details read this section of Spring Boot documentation. It is few screens of text, but it worth it ;-)
Probably it worked well in your test app because you used some hi-level magic with #SpringBootApplication :)