I have trouble to use soft-index-file-store persistancec. This is the configuration file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xsi:schemaLocation="urn:infinispan:config:7.0 http://www.infinispan.org/schemas/infinispan-config-7.0.xsd"
<cache-container default-cache="default">
<local-cache name="default">
<soft-index-file-store xmlns="urn:infinispan:config:soft-index:7.0">
<index path="${user.dir}/index" />
<data path="${user.dir}/data" />
And start the cache by:
cache = new DefaultCacheManager("infinispan.xml").getCache();
And I get this error:
org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException: ISPN000327: Cannot find a parser for element 'soft-index-file-store' in namespace 'urn:infinispan:config:soft-index:7.0'. Check that your configuration is up-to date for this version of Infinispan.
Any idea what's wrong?
The correct namespace is urn:infinispan:config:store:soft-index:7.0 (or another version, preferrably 8.0 if you use 8.2.4.Final) - you've missed the store part.
I see that stable documentation points to wrong namespace, sorry about that.
<changeSet author="Administrator" id="20" runOnChange="true">
<modifyColumn tableName="TEST_TABLE">
<column name="FIELD_NAME" type="java.sql.Types.VARCHAR(250)" />
I'm new to liquibase, Can anybody help me on how to use liquibase-modify-column jar for using modifyColumn feature in liquibase 3.6.3 to fix the current problem.
cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element '{"http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":modifyColumn}'. One of '{"http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":comment, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":createTable, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":dropTable, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":createView, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":renameView, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":dropView, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":insert, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":addColumn, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":sql, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":createProcedure, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":dropProcedure, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":sqlFile, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":renameTable, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":renameColumn, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":dropColumn, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":mergeColumns, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":modifyDataType, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":createSequence, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":alterSequence, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":dropSequence, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":createIndex, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":dropIndex, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":addNotNullConstraint, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":dropNotNullConstraint, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":addForeignKeyConstraint, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":dropForeignKeyConstraint, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":dropAllForeignKeyConstraints, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":addPrimaryKey, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":dropPrimaryKey, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":addLookupTable, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":addAutoIncrement, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":addDefaultValue, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":dropDefaultValue, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":addUniqueConstraint, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":dropUniqueConstraint, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":customChange, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":update, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":delete, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":loadData, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":loadUpdateData, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":executeCommand, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":empty, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":stop, "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":rollback, WC[##other:"http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog"], "http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog":modifySql}' is expected.
versions used: liquibase-3.6.3 and liquibase-modify-column-3.1.jar
<changeSet author="Administrator" id="20" runOnChange="true">
<ext:modifyColumn tableName="TEST_TABLE">
<column name="FIELD_NAME" type="java.sql.Types.VARCHAR(250)" />
adding liquibase-modify-column.jar in liqubase dependency and using
ext:modifyColumn </ext:modifyColumn>
will make to use modifyColumn functional with latest liquibase
<modifyColumn> is not allowed where you placed it. As far as I can see in the docs <modifyColumn> is no valid data type at all for liquibase. Instead you'll have to put any of the tags the error message mentions. You should check https://docs.liquibase.com/change-types/home.html for a list of valid Change Types that can be used under <changeSet>. Based on what you put into your <modifyColumn> tag I guess you're looking for the modifyDataType.
launched for first time myBatis generator using this instructions:
this is my generatorConfig.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE generatorConfiguration PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD MyBatis Generator Configuration 1.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-generator-config_1_0.dtd">
<classPathEntry location="C:/***/ojdbc6.jar"/>
<context id="context">
userId="***" />
targetProject="***-dao" />
type="XMLMAPPER" />
In eclipse - run as - run myBatis genarator.
Got what I guess is the right code generated, in the right project and package.
Users.java --> no issues
UsersDynamicSqlSupport.java --> lots of erros, for example "SqlColumn cannot be resolved to a type"
UsersMapper.java --> lots of erros, for example "BasicColumn cannot be resolved to a type"
in my pom I have (related to myBatis) these dependencies:
maybe I'm missing something else in pom?
Or other problems, maybe some missing or bad configs in generatorConfig?
after a little of search on internet I found the jar in which are defined those classes, then searched on mvn and found the right dependency:
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.mybatis.dynamic-sql/mybatis-dynamic-sql -->
Is there a way to include views on MyBatis Generartor? I am using v1.3.7.
I already look on the MyBatis Generator official documentation but nothing was mentioned there.
I have stumbled upon hotrod but not sure what will be the impact on our existing framework.
For reference, I am using Postgres 10.10, Mybatis Generator 1.4.0. Below is my mybatis generator config and pom.
MyBatis Generator XML Config:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE generatorConfiguration PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD MyBatis Generator Configuration 1.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-generator-config_1_0.dtd">
<context id="context1">
driverClass="org.postgresql.Driver" password="MyPassword"
userId="postgres" />
targetProject="src/main/gen" />
targetProject="src/main/gen" />
targetProject="src/main/gen" type="XMLMAPPER" />
<table schema="schema1" tableName="%" delimitIdentifiers="true">
POM Plugin:
Any advice will be appreciated.
I am trying to integrate Ehcache with my Java Spring MVC Web Applications. I have followed the instructions from the following article:
I have added the following dependency to my pom.xml file:
My ehcache.xml is as follows:
<ehcache xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<diskStore path="java.io.tmpdir" />
<cache name="swcmRestData"
timeToIdleSeconds="300" timeToLiveSeconds="600"
<persistence strategy="localTempSwap" />
I have the following entries in my root-context.xml:
<!-- EhCache Configuration -->
<bean id="ehcache" class="org.springframework.cache.ehcache.EhCacheManagerFactoryBean" p:configLocation="classpath:ehcache.xml" p:shared="true"/>
<bean id="cacheManager" class="org.springframework.cache.ehcache.EhCacheCacheManager" p:cacheManager-ref="ehcache"/>
And I have a method for which I want to enable ehCache:
#Cacheable(value="swcmRestData", key="url")
public <T> T getEntity(String url, java.lang.Class<T> gt) throws RestException
T t = restClientService.getEntity(url, gt);
return t;
I want the data to be retrieved from the ehCache if the same url is passed to the specified method. I do not get any errors while running the code. But looks like the caching is not working. Is there anything that I am missing here
Two things that could be the cause of the problem:
You are missing the Spring configuration so that there is a link between the defined beans and the caching annotation. Effectively that's point 2 in the article you link which you do not mention here.
As suggested in comments, the method you are caching is called from within the same class. That's a limitation of Spring AOP implementation when using proxies. If you configure Spring to do bytecode weaving it will work.
If none of the above are the source of error, please provide more information on your setup.
I have created very simple app with persistence context (hibernate as provider) to read some value from database. I use Eclipse with Maven.
First, I get
Caused by: org.apache.openejb.OpenEJBException: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence cannot be cast to javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceProvider:
and according to this topic
I excluded hibernate-jpa-2.0-api. Now, my dependencies look
Now, I don't know why...
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.hibernate.transaction.TransactionManagerLookup
But TransactionManagerLookup is in hibernate-core.
Please, can anybody tell me, how should look pom.xml to use hibernate in TomEE?
1. Copy the required Hibernate .jars to <tomee-home>/lib
According to the documentation ( http://tomee.apache.org/tomee-and-hibernate.html ), the following ones are sufficient and in fact they worked for me:
All these .jars are contained in the Hibernate ORM 4.2.x download ( http://hibernate.org/orm/ ), except for the Hibernate Validator, which is a separate download ( http://hibernate.org/validator/ ).
2. Edit your pom.xml
Using the javaee-api maven artifact with a scope of provided you can now use the JPA specification in your project. However, if you have been using some Hibernate specific features, classes or annotations before, you can still refer to Hibernate in your pom.xml to match those dependencies:
<!-- JPA spec (required) -->
<!-- Hibernate specific features (only if needed) -->
3. Define your database connection
Edit <tomee-home>/conf/tomee.xml:
<Resource id="myJtaDatabase" type="DataSource">
JdbcDriver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
JdbcUrl jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/my_dbname?autoReconnect=true
UserName foo
Password bar
validationQuery = SELECT 1
JtaManaged true
You can also put the above <Resource>...</Resource> definition into WEB-INF/resources.xml and ship it with your application instead:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Put <Resource> elements here -->
4. JTA Datasource
Now that you told TomEE how to establish a connection, define a JTA datasource in /src/main/java/META-INF/persistence.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<persistence version="2.0"
<persistence-unit name="my_persistence_unit">
<property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect" />
<!-- As many hibernate properties as you need, some examples: -->
<property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="false" />
<property name="hibernate.format_sql" value="true" />
<!-- Drop and then re-create the database schema (don't do this in production) -->
<property name="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto" value="update" />
5. Start using JPA
Obtain an EntityManager in a CDI bean or EJB like this:
#PersistenceContext(unitName = "my_persistence_unit")
private EntityManager em;
Final Notes
Hibernate versions 4.3+
I am using Hibernate 4.2.21 (JPA 2.0, Java EE 6) along with TomEE 1.7.2. Any TomEE 1.7.x, 1.6.x and 1.5.x will work. However, you cannot use Hibernate 4.3+ (JPA 2.1 / Java EE 7), as TomEE 1.7.x and below only support Java EE 6. If you really want to use Java EE 7 features along with TomEE, this blog post might be helpful: http://rmannibucau.wordpress.com/2013/07/19/little-tip-to-help-you-to-test-javaee-7-in-tomee-with-tomee-maven-plugin/
TomEE 1.5.x
TomEE 1.5.x already includes a javassist-<version>.jar, so you don't have to copy one.
Try this:
The ehcache jars might be optional, but haven't tried without them.
Remove (optional):
yes just dropping the hibernate-jpa-2.1-api-1.0.0.Final.jar into the TomEE lib folder worked for me.