SOLR 6.2 ignores heap settings (SOLR_JAVA_MEM param) - java

I've followed instructions from here and here to increase my SOLR memory allocation. I've done this because the SOLR server has shutdown periodically during some high frequency and high volume indexing activity.
I'm a little new to using SOLR and Ubuntu so bear with me, but I've found several locations where the SOLR_JAV_MEM parameter exist:
The same set of files in this directory: /home/deploy/.rbenv/versions/2.2.4/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/sunspot_solr-2.2.5/solr/bin
And this directory:
And finally, in this file: /etc/default/
Anywhere I've seen a SOLR_JAV_MEM or SOLR_HEAP param with a number, I've replaced it with a larger value, for example in /opt/solr-6.2.0/bin/
# Increase Java Heap as needed to support your indexing / query needs
# Expert: If you want finer control over memory options, specify them directly
# Comment out SOLR_HEAP if you are using this though, that takes precedence
#SOLR_JAVA_MEM="-Xms1512m -Xmx1512m"
If I'm measuring it correctly, I still only see about 500MB of memory allocated to SOLR, as seen by the following command:
root#ip-xxx:~# service solr status
Found 1 Solr nodes:
Solr process 15259 running on port 8989
"version":"6.2.0 764d0f19151dbff6f5fcd9fc4b2682cf934590c5 - mike - 2016-08-20 05:41:37",
"uptime":"0 days, 0 hours, 12 minutes, 28 seconds",
"memory":"100 MB (%20.4) of 490.7 MB"}
Am I doing something wrong? Or am I just measuring the memory incorrectly? Please let me know if I can provide add'l info. Thanks!

I'll answer my own question. It turned out that I had to edit the /etc/default/ file. I changed the SOLR_HEAP="512M" to SOLR_HEAP="1500m" and ran sudo service solr status and saw the memory showing 1.5G!


How to change Java heap size for Tomcat 9 installed as Windows Service from command line?

I have Tomcat 9 installed as service on Windows 7 64 bit. I want to:
see what heap size is currently configured and active
update the service configuration persistently to use a different heap size
verify that Tomcat is actually using the new heap size.
do all that from the command line.
For 1 and 3: I naively tried to use jconsole, but I don't find the process there because Tomcat is running as Local System Service. While I found out how to run jconsole as Local System Account, it seems that JMX is deactivated when Tomcat is installed as service.
So finding out the currently used memory sizes by JMX seems to be at least very complicated (possibly enabling JMX remote, which should be over TLS...).
For 2: I suppose this is the corresponding place of Tomcat's documentation, which reads:
To update the service parameters, you need to use the //US// parameter.
Update the service named 'Tomcat9'
C:\> tomcat9 //US//Tomcat9 --Description="Apache Tomcat Server - " ^
--Startup=auto --Classpath=%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar;%CATALINA_HOME%\bin\bootstrap.jar
But I don't understand that text sufficiently to apply it to my problem. Especially, I don't want to change other parameters (like description, startup etc.).
As far as I understand, when run as a service, configuration is stored in the Windows registry, so the usual configuration in tomcat/conf does not or at least does only partly apply.
Please note that this question is not about installing Tomcat, but about modifying an existing installation. Also I am not interested in some hacky way to get the desired result (somehow), but in the best practice to do that; and it would be perfect to have links to reference documentation for that.
Given the documentation that you link to
Maximum memory pool size in MB. (Not used in exe mode.)
should help to control the heap size.
For fetching the current values, tools such as jvmtop might be easiest answer.
For 1 and 3 there is jmap. You just need to know the process Id of the tomcat instance running.
jmap -heap 7082
Here is the output from a running jvm I have right now(the relevant lines):
Heap Configuration:
MinHeapFreeRatio = 0
MaxHeapFreeRatio = 100
MaxHeapSize = 1073741824 (1024.0MB) // that is -Xmx flag
NewSize = 357564416 (341.0MB) // 1
MaxNewSize = 357564416 (341.0MB)
OldSize = 716177408 (683.0MB) // 2
1 + 2 = -Xms flag
Unfortunately I can't answer 2, since I've never started tomcat on windows - as a service (I hardly know what that means for windows). But assuming this is a process that is started by windows as a script...
Shouldn't : tomcat9 -Xms512M -Xmx2G... work? Again, just a hint, not sure. The last thing to notice is that the heap can be changed only at start-up of the jvm, you can't do that at runtime while tomcat is running obviously (just in case...).

Elasticsearch log file huge size performance degradation

I am using RoR to develop an application and a gem called searchkick, this gem internally uses elasticsearch. Everything works fine but on the production, we faced a weird issue, that after some time the site goes down. The reason we discovered was the memory on the server was being overused. We deleted some elasticsearch log files of the previous week and found out that the memory use was reduced to 47% from 92%. we use rolled logging, and logs are backed up each day. Now, the problem that we are facing is, with only 1 log file of the previous day, the memory grows higher. The log files are taking up a lot of space, even the current one takes 4GB!!!! How can I prevent that?
The messages are almost are warn level.
[00:14:11,744][WARN ][cluster.action.shard ] [Abdul Alhazred] [?][0] sending failed shard for [?][0], node[V52W2IH5R3SwhZ0mTFjodg], [P], s[INITIALIZING], indexUUID [4fhSWoV8RbGLj5jo8PVoxQ], reason [Failed to start shard, message [IndexShardGatewayRecoveryException[[?][0] failed recovery]; nested: EngineCreationFailureException[[?][0] failed to create engine]; nested: LockReleaseFailedException[Cannot forcefully unlock a NativeFSLock which is held by another indexer component: /usr/lib64/elasticsearch-1.1.0/data/elasticsearch/nodes/0/indices/?/0/index/write.lock]; ]]
Looking at some of the SO questions, I'm trying to increase the ulimit or create a new node, so that the problem is also solved and size reduces. My limits.conf has 65535 for hard and soft nofile. Also in sysctl.conf fs.file-max more that 100000. Is there any other step that I could take to reduce the file size, moreover I'm not able to get insight into elasticsearch config changes.
If anyone could help. thanks
I suggest an upgrade to at least 1.2.4, because of some file locking issues reported in Lucene:,
Yes ElasticSearch and Lucene are both resource intensive. I did the following to rectify my system:
Stop ElasticSearch. if you start from command like
(bin/elasticsearch) then please specific this to set up heap while
starting. For ex, I use a 16GB box so my command is
a. bin/elasticsearch -Xmx8g -Xms8g
b. Go to config (elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml) and ensure that
bootstrap.mlockall: true
c. Increase ulimits -Hn and ulimits -Sn to more than 200000
If you start as a service, then do the following
a. export ES_HEAP_SIZE=10g
b. Go to config (/etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml) and ensure that
bootstrap.mlockall: true
c. Increase ulimits -Hn and ulimits -Sn to more than 200000
Make sure that the size you enter is not more than 50% of the heap whether you start it as a service or from command line

SOLR suddenly crashes with OutOfMemoryException

I ran into a problem with Solr going OutOfMemory. The situation is as follows. We had 2 Amazon EC2 small instances (3.5G) each running a Spring/BlazeDS backend in Tomcat 6 (behind a loadbalancer). Each instance has its own local Solr instance. The index size on disk is about 500M. The JVM settings were since months (Xms=512m,Xmx=768). We use Solr to find people based on properties they entered in their profile and documents they uploaded. We're not using the Solr update handler, only the select. Updates are done using deltaImports. The Spring app in each Tomcat instance has a job that triggers the /dataimport?command=delta-import handler every 30 seconds.
This worked well for months, even for over a year if I'm correct (I'm not that long on the project). CPU load was at a minimum, with exceptionally some peaks.
The past week we suddenly had OutOfMemory crashes of SOLR on both machines. I reviewed my changes over the past few weeks, but none of the seamed related to SOLR. Bugfixes in the UI, something email related, but again: nothing in the SOLR schema or queries.
Today, we changed the Ec2 instances to m1.large (7.5G) and the SOLR JVM settings to -Xms=2048 / -Mmx=3072. This helped a bit, they run for 3 a 4 hours, but eventually, they crash too.
Oh, and the dataset (number of rows, documents, entities, etc) did not change significantly. There is a constant growth, but it doesn't make sense to me when I triple the JVM memory, that it still crashes...
The question: have you any directions to point me to?
Measure, not guess. Instead of guessing, what has changed, which could lead to your problems, you would better take some memory leak detection tool, e.g. Plumbr. Run your Solr with the tool attached and see, is it will tell you the exact reason of memory leak.
Take a look at your Solr cache settings. Reducing the size of the document cache has helped us stabilize a Solr 3.6 server that was also experiencing OutOfMemory errors. The query result cache size may also be relevant in your case, it was not in mine.
You can see your Solr cache usage on the admin page for your core:
(Replace core0 with the name of your Solr core)

Java-mysql highload application crash

I have a problem with my html-scraper. Html-scraper is multithreading application written on Java using HtmlUnit, by default it run with 128 threads. Shortly, it works as follows: it takes a site url from big text file, ping url and if it is accessible - parse site, find specific html blocks, save all url and blocks info including html code into corresponding tables in database and go to the next site. Database is mysql 5.1, there are 4 InnoDb tables and 4 views. Tables have numeric indexes for fields used in table joining. I also has a web-interface for browsing and searching parsed data (for searching I use Sphinx with delta indexes), written on CodeIgniter.
Server configuration:
CPU: Type Xeon Quad Core X3440 2.53GHz
OS: Ubuntu Server 10.04
Some mysql config:
key_buffer = 256M
max_allowed_packet = 16M
thread_stack = 192K
thread_cache_size = 128
max_connections = 400
table_cache = 64
query_cache_limit = 2M
query_cache_size = 128M
Java machine run with default parameters except next options: -Xms1024m -Xmx1536m -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit -XX:NewSize=500m -XX:MaxNewSize=500m -XX:SurvivorRatio=6 -XX:PermSize=128M -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -XX:ErrorFile=/var/log/java/hs_err_pid_%p.log
When database was empty, scraper process 18 urls in second and was stable enough. But after 2 weaks, when urls table contains 384929 records (~25% of all processed urls) and takes 8.2Gb, java application begun work very slowly and crash every 1-2 minutes. I guess the reason is mysql, that can not handle growing loading (parser, which perform 2+4*BLOCK_NUMBER queries every processed url; sphinx, which updating delta indexes every 10 minutes; I don't consider web-interface, because it's used by only one person), maybe it rebuild indexes very slowly? But mysql and scraper logs (which also contain all uncaught exceptions) are empty. What do you think about it?
I'd recommend running the following just to check a few status things.. puting that output here would help as well:
top Check the resident vs virtual memory per processes
So the application become non responsive? (Not the same as a crash at all) I would check all your resources are free. e.g. do a jstack to check if any threads are tied up.
Check in MySQL you have the expect number of connections. If you continuously create connections in Java and don't clean them up the database will run slower and slower.
Thank you all for your advice, mysql was actually cause of the problem. By enabling slow query log in my.conf I see that one of the queries, which executes every iteration, performs 300s (1 field for searching was not indexed).

Out of Memory on Tomcat Shutdown

Short description of my problem: I start up Tomcat with my deployed Wicket application. When I want to shut down tomcat I get this error message:
Error occurred during initialization of VM
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread
at java.lang.Thread.start0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Thread.start(
at java.lang.ref.Reference.<clinit>(
I am running the following setup:
Ubuntu Linux: 10.04 (lucid) with a 2.6.18-028stab094.3 kernel
Java Version: "1.6.0_26" Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
Tomcat Version: 7.0.23
jvm_args: -Xms512m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=205m (these are added via CATALINA_OPTS, nothing else)
Wicket 1.5.1
Tomcat is configured with two virtual hosts on subdomains with ModProxy
My application is deployed as ROOT.war in the appbase directory (it makes no difference if I deploy one or both applications)
'''No application deployed does not result in OOM on shutdown''', unless I mess around with the jvm args
The size of the war is about 500k, all libraries are deployed in tomcat/common/lib (directory which I added to common.loader in conf/
ulimit -u -> unlimited
When I check the Tomcat manager app it says the following about the JVM memory:
Free memory: 470.70 MB Total memory: 490.68 MB Max memory: 490.68 MB
(http connector) Max threads: 200 Current thread count: 6 Current thread busy: 1
'top' or 'free -m' is similar:
Mem: 2097152k total, 1326772k used, 770380k free, 0k buffers
20029 myuser 18 0 805m 240m 11m S 0 11.7 0:19.24 java
I tried to start jmap to get a dump of the heap, it also fails with an OutOfMemoryError. Actually as long as one or both of my applications are deployed any other java process fails with the same OOM Error (see top).
The problem occurs while the application is deployed. So something is seriously wrong with it. However the application is actually running smoothly for quite a while. But I have seen OOMs in the application as well, so I don't trust the calm.
My application is using a custom filter class? Could that be it?
For completeness (hopefully), here's the list of libraries in my common/lib:
I appreciate any hint or even speculation that gives me additional ideas what to try.
Update: I tested some more and found that this behaviour only occurs while one or both of my applications are deployed. The behaviour does not occur on "empty" tomcat (that was a mistake on my part messing with jvm args)
Update2: I am currently experimenting trying to reproduce this behaviour in a virtual box, I want to debug this with a profiler. I am still not convinved that it should be impossible to run my setup on 2GB RAM.
Update3 (10/01/12): I am trying to run jenkins instead of my own application. Same behaviour, so it is definitely server configuration issues. Jenkins jobs fail when maven is called, so I need not even try the shutdown hack suggested below because I need a second java process while running Jenkins. It was suggested to me that because this is a Virtual Server ulimits may be imposed from outside and I would not be able to see them. I think I'll ask a new question regarding this. Thx all.
Update4 (02/05/12): see below for the answer that contains the hint. I'll clarify some more up here: I am now 95% sure that the errors occur because I am reaching my thread limit. However because this is a virtual server the method described below would not work to check this value because it is not visible with ulimit, that was what was confusing me and only today I found out that this is the "numproc" value that I can see in the Parallels Power Panel that I can log into for my virtual server. There were Resource Alerts for numproc but I did not see those either until just now. The value has a hard limit of 96 which I cannot change of course. The current value of numproc corresponds to the number of processes I see with "top" after toggling "H" to see threads. I had a very hard time finding this because this numproc value is hidden deep inside the panel. Sadly 96 is a rather low number if you want to run a tomcat with apache and mysql. I am also very sad that I cannot even find this value in the small print of my hosting contract and it is rather relevant to my application I dare say. So I guess I'll need a server upgrade.
Thanks all for your helpful answers in the end everyone helped me a bit to find out what the problem was.
The tomcat shutdown procedure consits of sending an command/word via a tcp port to the running tomcat VM. This port is configured in the server.xml (if I remember corretly, writting on my phone right now). So far so good.
Unfortunately, the shutdown script does this by starting a 2. VM using the same java options used for the tomcat. Your system simply has not enough memory for this.
As a sollution you could write your own stop script using telnet or something.
I could help with later if needed.
Hope that helps.
Viele grüsse Bert
Seems you have too many threads open.
Use this command :
ulimit -u
What is the result ?
Should be something like :
max user processes (-u) 100
If this is correct, you can edit this file :
and the the following modifications :
#<domain> <type> <item> <value>
user soft nproc 10000
user hard nproc 10000
You can probably survive for a while like this. All you need to do is kill the tomcat process whenever you need to restart it. It is not a nice approach, but the main concern is that your application runs correctly.
It seems to me though, that on the long run, you might need to order a hosting plan with more RAM available.
I was having a similar problem with a tomcat installation just last week. I managed to fix it by giving tomcat a smaller heap. Something like this:
export CATALINA_OPTS=”-Xms256m -Xmx512m”
Before starting Tomcat may help. In the meantime you'll have to kill it the old fashioned way, with a kill -9 ;)
EDIT: you could also take look here, it appears tomcat automatically creates a bunch of "spare" threads, but you can limit those as well as your max thread count in the config. Hope it helps.

