Feign Hystrix command name not working - java

If I just have a Hystrix Command defined as class, i have control over defining the group key and command key like below.
private static class MyHystrixCommand extends HystrixCommand<MyResponseDto> {
public MyHystrixCommand() {
So for the above code group key is MyHystrixGroup and Command Key is MyHystrixCommand.
If i want to set any configurations of this hystrix command i can do like
"hystrix.command.MyHystrixCommand.execution.timeout.enabled", false);
Where as the default ones will be,
"hystrix.command.default.execution.timeout.enabled", false);
Now when I am using Feign Hystrix, I am not defining the command name/ group name. As per the documentation here, the group key matches the target name and command key are same as logging keys.
So if I have a FeignClient like this,
interface TestInterface {
#RequestLine("POST /")
String invoke() throws Exception;
I create the instance of my Feign client in a factory class.
class TestFactory {
public TestInterface newInstance() {
.setProperty("hystrix.command.default.execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds", 500);
return HystrixFeign.builder()
.target(TestInterface.class, "http://localhost:" + server.getPort(), (FallbackFactory) new FallbackApiRetro());
As you see before returning the client, i want to set the timeout configuration of my hystrix command.
I am testing it with a MockWebServer.
public void fallbackFactory_example_timeout_fail() throws Exception {
server.enqueue(new MockResponse().setResponseCode(200)
.setBodyDelay(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
TestFactory factory = new TestFactory();
TestInterface api = factory.newInstance();
// as the timeout is set to 500 ms, this case should fail since i added 1second delay in mock service response.
assertThat(api.invoke()).isEqualTo("Fallback called : foo");
This is working only when i set the time out on default hystrix paramater
.setProperty("hystrix.command.invoke.execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds", 500);
This didn't work.
Similarly i tried below values none of them worked.

I figured it out.
is working. The mistake i did was my method name was not having any parameters passed in. So for a feign hystrix client, the command name is
For example quoted in the question, it is


Java Feign Fallback class

I am using SpringBoot version 1.5.9.
I can’t understand why my Fallback class doesn’t work out.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong?
My Feign client:
name = "prices",
url = "${prices.url}",
configuration = MyFeignConfig.class,
fallbackFactory = FallbackClass.class
public interface PricesFeignClient {
PriceModel get(
#PathVariable("userId") String userId
Here is the fallback class:
public class FallbackClass implements FallbackFactory<PricesFeignClient> {
public PricesFeignClient create(Throwable cause) {
return new PricesFeignClient() {
public PriceModel get(String userId) {
return null;
In theory, my fallback method should work out if my Feign client returns an error.
Here in the Feign client in the files in prices.url I specified the wrong URL (simulated the situation that my remote service to which I am making a call is unavailable). Knowing my Feign client should return with an error and the Fallback class should be called in which in the console I should receive the message: "LALALA".
This message is not in the console: my Fallback class is not being called. Instead, I get an error stating that the requested resource was not found.
Please tell me what could be the problem? Can I make a mistake somewhere?
The thing is that now I'm trying to get my Fallback class to work. And then I want to call another Fagnet class in the Fallback class with a different URL so that it works out if my main service is unavailable.
Tell me, please. thanks
I had to add to dependencies this for it to work (also don't forget to insert feign.hystrix.enabled: true as was said in the comments)

Can we use #Async on a #HystrixCommand

I don't know how to test this and need a quick answer whether it is possible, and how could I possibly test this.
So i have an api-gateway call from a service, and what i want to know is that if following is possible with spring boot
class GatewayService {
private MicroserviceGateway microServiceGateway;
#HystrixCommand(threadPool = "microservice", groupKey = "microService", fallback = "getResponse2")
private Future<ResponseDTO> getResponse(RequestDTO request) {
try {
ResponseDTO response = new APIRequest(endpoint, api).body(request).post();
return new AsyncResult(response);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new GatewayServiceException(e);
public Future<ResponseDTO> getResponse2(RequestDTO request) {
return Futures.immediateFuture(RequestDTO.empty());
Will the fallback work? will it all be async?
EDIT : Tried this, and hystrix is being ignored, since the future is returned immediately. Any work arounds? solutions?
I believe the approach to use Hystrix commands asynchronously using a thread pool would be:
If using #HystrixCommand annotation:
public Future<Product> findProduct(String id) {
return new AsyncResult<Product>() {
public Product invoke() {
return productService.find ...
If using a Hystrix command class, for instance ProductCommandFind.java
ProductCommandFind command = new ProductCommandFind(...);
Future<Product> result = command.queue();
Hystrix command uses its own and configurable threadpool, maybe configuring a thread pool per command group, lets say a thread pool for command group named PRODUCT_GROUP used by commands: productCommandFind, productCommandCreate, ....
Basically I don't think there is a need to annotate a method with #Async and #HystrixCommand at the same time.
This should work. Your normal DTO method will be executed async and during fallback it will be synchronous.

Updating Dropwizard config at runtime

Is it possible to have my app update the config settings at runtime? I can easily expose the settings I want in my UI but is there a way to allow the user to update settings and make them permanent ie save them to the config.yaml file? The only way I can see it to update the file by hand then restart the server which seems a bit limiting.
Yes. It is possible to reload the service classes at runtime.
Dropwizard by itself does not have the way to reload the app, but jersey has.
Jersey uses a container object internally to maintain the running application. Dropwizard uses the ServletContainer class of Jersey to run the application.
How to reload the app without restarting it -
Get a handle to the container used internally by jersey
You can do this by registering a AbstractContainerLifeCycleListener in Dropwizard Environment before starting the app. and implement its onStartup method as below -
In your main method where you start the app -
//getting the container instance
environment.jersey().register(new AbstractContainerLifecycleListener() {
public void onStartup(Container container) {
//initializing container - which will be used to reload the app
_container = container;
Add a method to your app to reload the app. It will take in the list of string which are the names of the service classes you want to reload. This method will call the reload method of the container with the new custom DropWizardConfiguration instance.
In your Application class
public static synchronized void reloadApp(List<String> reloadClasses) {
DropwizardResourceConfig dropwizardResourceConfig = new DropwizardResourceConfig();
for (String className : reloadClasses) {
try {
Class<?> serviceClass = Class.forName(className);
System.out.printf(" + loaded class %s.\n", className);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
System.out.printf(" ! class %s not found.\n", className);
For more details see the example documentation of jersey - jersey example for reload
Consider going through the code and documentation of following files in Dropwizard/Jersey for a better understanding -
Yaml file is parsed at startup and given to the application as Configuration object once and for all. I believe you can change the file after that but it wouldn't affect your application until you restart it.
Possible follow up question: Can one restart the service programmatically?
AFAIK, no. I've researched and read the code somewhat for that but couldn't find a way to do that yet. If there is, I'd love to hear that :).
I made a task that reloads the main yaml file (it would be useful if something in the file changes). However, it is not reloading the environment. After researching this, Dropwizard uses a lot of final variables and it's quite hard to reload these on the go, without restarting the app.
class ReloadYAMLTask extends Task {
private String yamlFileName;
ReloadYAMLTask(String yamlFileName) {
this.yamlFileName = yamlFileName;
public void execute(ImmutableMultimap<String, String> parameters, PrintWriter output) throws Exception {
if (yamlFileName != null) {
ConfigurationFactoryFactory configurationFactoryFactory = new DefaultConfigurationFactoryFactory<ReportingServiceConfiguration>();
ValidatorFactory validatorFactory = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory();
Validator validator = validatorFactory.getValidator();
ObjectMapper objectMapper = Jackson.newObjectMapper();
final ConfigurationFactory<ServiceConfiguration> configurationFactory = configurationFactoryFactory.create(ServiceConfiguration.class, validator, objectMapper, "dw");
File confFile = new File(yamlFileName);
configurationFactory.build(new File(confFile.toURI()));
You can change the configuration in the YAML and read it while your application is running. This will not however restart the server or change any server configurations. You will be able to read any changed custom configurations and use them. For example, you can change the logging level at runtime or reload other custom settings.
My solution -
Define a custom server command. You should use this command to start your application instead of the "server" command.
public class ArgsServerCommand<WC extends WebConfiguration> extends EnvironmentCommand<WC> {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ArgsServerCommand.class);
private final Class<WC> configurationClass;
private Namespace _namespace;
public static String COMMAND_NAME = "args-server";
public ArgsServerCommand(Application<WC> application) {
super(application, "args-server", "Runs the Dropwizard application as an HTTP server specific to my settings");
this.configurationClass = application.getConfigurationClass();
* Since we don't subclass ServerCommand, we need a concrete reference to the configuration
* class.
protected Class<WC> getConfigurationClass() {
return configurationClass;
public Namespace getNamespace() {
return _namespace;
protected void run(Environment environment, Namespace namespace, WC configuration) throws Exception {
_namespace = namespace;
final Server server = configuration.getServerFactory().build(environment);
try {
server.addLifeCycleListener(new LifeCycleListener());
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Unable to start server, shutting down", e);
throw e;
private class LifeCycleListener extends AbstractLifeCycle.AbstractLifeCycleListener {
public void lifeCycleStopped(LifeCycle event) {
Method to reload in your Application -
_ymlFilePath = null; //class variable
public static boolean reloadConfiguration() throws IOException, ConfigurationException {
boolean reloaded = false;
if (_ymlFilePath == null) {
List<Command> commands = _configurationBootstrap.getCommands();
for (Command command : commands) {
String commandName = command.getName();
if (commandName.equals(ArgsServerCommand.COMMAND_NAME)) {
Namespace namespace = ((ArgsServerCommand) command).getNamespace();
if (namespace != null) {
_ymlFilePath = namespace.getString("file");
ConfigurationFactoryFactory configurationFactoryFactory = _configurationBootstrap.getConfigurationFactoryFactory();
ValidatorFactory validatorFactory = _configurationBootstrap.getValidatorFactory();
Validator validator = validatorFactory.getValidator();
ObjectMapper objectMapper = _configurationBootstrap.getObjectMapper();
ConfigurationSourceProvider provider = _configurationBootstrap.getConfigurationSourceProvider();
final ConfigurationFactory<CustomWebConfiguration> configurationFactory = configurationFactoryFactory.create(CustomWebConfiguration.class, validator, objectMapper, "dw");
if (_ymlFilePath != null) {
// Refresh logging level.
CustomWebConfiguration webConfiguration = configurationFactory.build(provider, _ymlFilePath);
LoggingFactory loggingFactory = webConfiguration.getLoggingFactory();
loggingFactory.configure(_configurationBootstrap.getMetricRegistry(), _configurationBootstrap.getApplication().getName());
// Get my defined custom settings
CustomSettings customSettings = webConfiguration.getCustomSettings();
reloaded = true;
return reloaded;
Although this feature isn't supported out of the box by dropwizard, you're able to accomplish this fairly easy with the tools they give you.
Before I get started, note that this isn't a complete solution for the question asked as it doesn't persist the updated config values to the config.yml. However, this would be easy enough to implement yourself simply by writing to the config file from the application. If anyone would like to write this implementation feel free to open a PR on the example project I've linked below.
Start off with a minimal config:
myConfigValue: "hello"
And it's corresponding configuration file:
public class ExampleConfiguration extends Configuration {
private String myConfigValue;
public String getMyConfigValue() {
return myConfigValue;
public void setMyConfigValue(String value) {
myConfigValue = value;
Then create a task which updates the config:
public class UpdateConfigTask extends Task {
ExampleConfiguration config;
public UpdateConfigTask(ExampleConfiguration config) {
this.config = config;
public void execute(Map<String, List<String>> parameters, PrintWriter output) {
Also for demonstration purposes, create a resource which allows you to get the config value:
public class ConfigResource {
private final ExampleConfiguration config;
public ConfigResource(ExampleConfiguration config) {
this.config = config;
public Response handleGet() {
return Response.ok().entity(config.getMyConfigValue()).build();
Finally wire everything up in your application:
ExampleApplication.java (exerpt)
environment.jersey().register(new ConfigResource(configuration));
environment.admin().addTask(new UpdateConfigTask(configuration));
Start up the application then run:
$ curl 'http://localhost:8080/config'
$ curl -X POST 'http://localhost:8081/tasks/updateconfig'
$ curl 'http://localhost:8080/config'
How it works
This works simply by passing the same reference to the constructor of ConfigResource.java and UpdateConfigTask.java. If you aren't familiar with the concept see here:
Is Java "pass-by-reference" or "pass-by-value"?
The linked classes above are to a project I've created which demonstrates this as a complete solution. Here's a link to the project:
Footnote: I haven't verified this works with the built in configuration. However, the dropwizard Configuration class which you need to extend for your own configuration does have various "setters" for internal configuration, but it may not be safe to update those outside of run().
Disclaimer: The project I've linked here was created by me.

How to send a message to an actor from outside in Play Framework 2?

I am new to Akka and trying to write some code in Play Framework 2 in Java and use Akka.
To create an actor and send a test message to it, I have:
public class Global extends GlobalSettings {
public void onStart(Application app) {
final ActorRef testActor = Akka.system().actorOf(Props.create(TestActor.class), "testActor");
testActor.tell("hi", ActorRef.noSender());
This work perfectly fine and I see that my actor received my message, here is the code for my actor:
public class TestActor extends UntypedActor {
public void onReceive(Object message) throws Exception {
System.out.println("I received a HI");
Very simple.
However, If I try to send a message from a controller:
public static Result index() {
final ActorRef testActor = Akka.system().actorFor("testActor");
testActor.tell("hi", ActorRef.noSender());
return ok(index.render("Your new application is ready."));
I get this message on terminal:
[INFO] [09/20/2014 11:40:30.850] [application-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-4] [akka://application/testActor] Message [java.lang.String] from Actor[akka://application/deadLetters] to Actor[akka://application/testActor] was not delivered. [1] dead letters encountered. This logging can be turned off or adjusted with configuration settings 'akka.log-dead-letters' and 'akka.log-dead-letters-during-shutdown'.
Can someone help me with this? why the first usage works and the second one fails? Thanks
The actorFor method requires the entire path, and your actor lives in the user space, so you have to use actorFor("/user/testActor"). Currently you are sending it to application/testActor, which would be a top-level actor in the ActorSystem itself.
By the way, actorFor is deprecated (at least in the Scala API) and replaced by actorSelection.
For more information, refer to the excellent documentation.
actorFor should get the path to the actor which is probably "akka://System/user/testActor". It also does not create the actor, meaning it should be exist.
Anyway, is there a reason that inside the controller you use the actorFor and not the actorOf? It had been deprecated and shouldn't be use.

How to mock a javax.mail.Session

i need to mock a javax.mail.Session object in my unit tests.
The class javax.mail.Session is marked final so Mockito is not able to create a mock. Does anyone have an idea how to fix this?
My test is an Arquillian test and has already an annotation #RunWith(Arquillian.class). Therefore powermock is not an option.
You may refactor your code a little bit. In the "Working with Legacy Code" book by Martin Fowler, he describes a technique of separating the external API (think Java Mail API) from your own application code. The technique is called "Wrap and Skin" and is pretty simple.
What you should do is simply:
Create an interface MySession (which is your own stuff) by extracting methods from the javax.mail.Session class.
Implement that interface by creating a concrete class (looking a bit like the original javax.mail.Session)
In each method DELEGATE the call to equivalent javax.mail.Session method
Create your mock class which implements MySession :-)
Update your production code to use MySession instead of javax.mail.Session
Happy testing!
EDIT: Also take a look at this blog post: http://www.mhaller.de/archives/18-How-to-mock-a-thirdparty-final-class.html
Use PowerMockito to mock it.
// We prepare PartialMockClass for test because it's final or we need to mock private or static methods
public class YourTestCase {
public void test() throws Exception {
PowerMockito.doReturn(value).when(classUnderTest, "methodToMock", "parameter1");
You can use the Mock JavaMail project. I first found it from Kohsuke Kawaguchi. Alan Franzoni also has a primer for it on his blog.
When you put this jar file in your classpath, it substitutes any sending of mail to in memory mailboxes that can be checked immediately. It's super easy to use.
Adding this to your classpath is admittedly a pretty heavy handed way to mock something, but you rarely want to send real emails in your automated tests anyway.
If you want to mock a final classes you can use the JDave unfinalizer which can be found here : http://jdave.org/documentation.html#mocking
It uses CGLib to alter the bytecode dynamically when the JVM is loaded to transform the class as a non final class.
This library can then be used with JMock2 ( http://www.jmock.org/mocking-classes.html ) to make your tests because as far as I know, Mockito is not compatible with JDave.
Use Java 8 Functions!
public class SendEmailGood {
private final Supplier<Message> messageSupplier;
private final Consumer<Message> messageSender;
public SendEmailGood(Supplier<Message> messageSupplier,
Consumer<Message> messageSender) {
this.messageSupplier = messageSupplier;
this.messageSender = messageSender;
public void send(String[] addresses, String from,
String subject, String body)
throws MessagingException {
Message message = messageSupplier.get();
for (String address : addresses) {
(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(address));
message.addFrom(new InternetAddress[]{new InternetAddress(from)});
Then your test code will look something like the following:
public void sendBasicEmail() throws MessagingException {
final boolean[] messageCalled = {false};
Consumer<Message> consumer = message -> {
messageCalled[0] = true;
Message message = mock(Message.class);
Supplier<Message> supplier = () -> message;
SendEmailGood sendEmailGood = new SendEmailGood(supplier, consumer);
String[] addresses = new String[2];
addresses[0] = "foo#foo.com";
addresses[1] = "boo#boo.com";
String from = "baz#baz.com";
String subject = "Test Email";
String body = "This is a sample email from us!";
sendEmailGood.send(addresses, from, subject, body);
verify(message).addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress("foo#foo.com"));
verify(message).addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress("boo#boo.com"));
verify(message).addFrom(new InternetAddress[]{new InternetAddress("baz#baz.com")});
To create an integration test, plugin the real Session, and Transport.
Consumer<Message> consumer = message -> {
try {
} catch (MessagingException e) {
Supplier<Message> supplier = () -> {
Properties properties = new Properties();
return new MimeMessage(Session.getDefaultInstance(properties));
See the PowerMock docs for running under JUnit 3, since it did not have runners, or use a byte-code manipulation tool.
If you can introduce Spring into your project you can use the JavaMailSender and mock that. I don't know how complicated your requirements are.
import org.springframework.mail.SimpleMailMessage;
import org.springframework.mail.javamail.JavaMailSender;
public void createAndSendBookChangesMail() {
// Your custom service layer object to test
MailServiceImpl service = new MailServiceImpl();
JavaMailSender mailSender = mock(JavaMailSender.class);
service.createAndSendMyMail("some mail message content");
This is a pretty old question, but you could always implement your own Transport using the JavaMail API. With your own transport, you could just configure it according to this documentation. One benefit of this approach is you could do anything you want with these messages. Perhaps you would store them in a hash/set that you could then ensure they actually got sent in your unit tests. This way, you don't have to mock the final object, you just implement your own.
I use the mock-javamail library. It just replace the origin javamail implementation in the classpath. You can send mails normally, it just sends to in-memory MailBox, not a real mailbox.
Finally, you can use the MailBox object to assert anything you want to check.

