How do you handle EmptyResultDataAccessException with Spring Integration? - java

I have a situation where before I process an input file I want to check if certain information is setup in the database. In this particular case it is a client's name and parameters used for processing. If this information is not setup, the file import shall fail.
In many StackOverflow pages, the users resolve handling EmptyResultDataAccessException exceptions generated by queryForObject returning no rows by catching them in the Java code.
The issue is that Spring Integration is catching the exception well before my code is catching it and in theory, I would not be able to tell this error from any number of EmptyResultDataAccessException exceptions which may be thrown with other queries in the code.
Example code segment showing try...catch with queryForObject:
MapSqlParameterSource mapParameters = new MapSqlParameterSource();
// Step 1 check if client exists at all
mapParameters.addValue("clientname", clientName);
try {
clientID = this.namedParameterJdbcTemplate.queryForObject(FIND_BY_NAME, mapParameters, Long.class);
} catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) {
SQLException sqle = (SQLException) e.getCause();
logger.debug("No client was found");
return null;
return clientID;
In the above code, no row was returned and I want to properly handle it (I have not coded that portion yet). Instead, the catch block is never triggered and instead, my generic error handler and associated error channel is triggered instead.
Segment from file
public DefaultErrorHandlingServiceActivator errorLauncher(JobLauncher jobLauncher){
logger.debug("====> Default Error Handler <====");
return new DefaultErrorHandlingServiceActivator();
Segment from file
public class DefaultErrorHandlingServiceActivator {
public void handleThrowable(Message<Throwable> errorMessage) throws Throwable {
// error handling code should go here
Tested Facts:
queryForObject expects a row to be returned and will thrown an
exception if otherwise, therefore you have to handle the exception
or use a different query which returns a row.
Spring Integration is monitoring exceptions and catching them before
my own code can hand them.
What I want to be able to do:
Catch the very specific condition and log it or let the end user know what they need to do to fix the problem.
Edit on 10/26/2016 per recommendation from #Artem:
Changed my existing input channel to Spring provided Handler Advice:
#Transformer(inputChannel = "memberInputChannel", outputChannel = "commonJobGateway", adviceChain="handleAdvice")
Added support Bean and method for the advice:
ExpressionEvaluatingRequestHandlerAdvice handleAdvice() {
ExpressionEvaluatingRequestHandlerAdvice advice = new ExpressionEvaluatingRequestHandlerAdvice();
return advice;
private QueueChannel customErrorChannel() {
return new DirectChannel();
I initially had some issues with wiring up this feature, but in the end, I realized that it is creating yet another channel which will need to be monitored for errors and handled appropriately. For simplicity, I have chosen to not use another channel at this time.

Although potentially not the best solution, I switched to checking for row counts instead of returning actual data. In this situation, the data exception is avoided.
The main code above moved to:
MapSqlParameterSource mapParameters = new MapSqlParameterSource();
mapParameters.addValue("clientname", clientName);
// Step 1 check if client exists at all; if exists, continue
// Step 2 check if client enrollment rules are available
if (this.namedParameterJdbcTemplate.queryForObject(COUNT_BY_NAME, mapParameters, Integer.class) == 1) {
if (this.namedParameterJdbcTemplate.queryForObject(CHECK_RULES_BY_NAME, mapParameters, Integer.class) != 1) return null;
} else return null;
return findClientByName(clientName);
I then check the data upon return to the calling method in Spring Batch:
if (clientID != null) {"Found client ID ====> " + clientID);
else {
throw new ClientSetupJobExecutionException("Client " +
fileNameParts[1] + " does not exist or is improperly setup in the database.");
Although not needed, I created a custom Java Exception which could be useful at a later point in time.

Spring Integration Service Activator can be supplied with the ExpressionEvaluatingRequestHandlerAdvice, which works like a try...catch and let you to perform some logic onFailureExpression:
Your problem might be that you catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e), but it is a cause, not root on the this.namedParameterJdbcTemplate.queryForObject() invocation.


Multithreading JPArepository Bulk Insert

A process I've been working on for a little while now. Process was running fine until the performance was taking a hit. I figured out a way to get it to perform very fast, but I'm really unsure what is happening behind the scenes. And it's now throwing warnings and errors and I'm not sure what to do. File is getting porocessed but I'm not sure if all threads are complete, and I don't believe I am shutting down the app correctly. Here is everything you need to know...
File is read using a buffered reader, we then run some data quality checks on each record, every record that is read and passes data quality checks we create a java object out of it and insert into a List. Once the List is 1000 objects big, we then call an OracleService class which has a Repo autowired and we execute a saveAll method with the List. We then continue to read the file and do this until the file is done being read. I am passing in, to the service, and ExecutorService object. So every time we call that service it is getting a new List object containing my objects (this object is basically the table we are loading) and a new ExecutorService Object. Process is running fine but getting a ton of exceptions being thrown once I try to shutdown. Here is all my code...
My Controller class run method. This will get called from another class which implements CommandLineRunner
public void run() throws ParseException, IOException, InterruptedException {"******************** Aegis Check Inclearing DDA Trial Balance Table Load starting ********************");
try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFile))) {
String line = reader.readLine();
int count = 0;
TrialBalanceBuilder builder = new TrialBalanceBuilder();
while (line != null) {
if (line.startsWith("D")) {
if (dataQuality(line)) {
TrialBalance trialBalance = builder.buildTrialBalanceObject(line, procDt, time);
if (count == 1000) {
oracleService.loadToTableTrialBalance(insertList, executorService);
count = 0;
} else {"Data quality check FAILED for record: " + line);
line = reader.readLine();
}"Leftover record count is " + insertList.size());
oracleService.loadToTableTrialBalance(insertList, executorService);
} catch (IOException e) {
}"Updating Metadata table with new batch proc date");
InclearingBatchMetadataBuilder inclearingBatchMetadataBuilder = new InclearingBatchMetadataBuilder();
InclearingBatchMetadata inclearingBatchMetadata = inclearingBatchMetadataBuilder.buildInclearingBatchMetadataObject("DDA_TRIAL_BAL_STG", procDt, time, Constants.bankID);
oracleService.insertBatchProcDtIntoMetaTable(inclearingBatchMetadata);"Successfully updated Metadata table with new batch proc date: " + procDt);
executorService.shutdownNow();"******************** Aegis Check Inclearing DDA Trial Balance Table Load ended successfully ********************");
I'm passing in an ExecutorService object to the service class. This is defined as...
private final ThreadFactory threadFactory = new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("Orders-%d").setDaemon(true).build();
private ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10, threadFactory);
My service class looks as such....
public class OracleService {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OracleService.class);
TrialBalanceRepo trialBalanceRepo;
public void loadToTableTrialBalance(List<TrialBalance> trialBalanceList, ExecutorService executorService) {
logger.debug("Let's load to the database");
List<TrialBalance> multiThreadList = new ArrayList<>(trialBalanceList);
try {
executorService.execute(() -> trialBalanceRepo.saveAll(multiThreadList));
} catch (ConcurrentModificationException | DataIntegrityViolationException ignored) {}
logger.debug("Successfully loaded to database");
In my run method i then call a few more methods in that Service class which create nativequeries and execute on the database (for purging etc.)
Anyway, I never know when the threads are complete. And I am finding in pre-production, when running with a lot of data, we shut down the app and not all the data is completely loaded. Also I don't know if this is even the best design. Do I keep passing in these executorservice objects? The whole point of this was to get optimal parallelism going so that our performance was better. Perhaps there is a better way (preferably without redesigning the entire app and using something other than JPA)

why do I receive an empty string when mapping Mono<Void> to Mono<String>?

I am developing an API REST using Spring WebFlux, but I have problems when uploading files. They are stored but I don't get the expected return value.
This is what I do:
Receive a Flux<Part>
Cast Part to FilePart.
Save parts with transferTo() (this return a Mono<Void>)
Map the Mono<Void> to Mono<String>, using file name.
Return Flux<String> to client.
I expect file name to be returned, but client gets an empty string.
Controller code
#PostMapping(value = "/muscles/{id}/image")
public Flux<String> updateImage(#PathVariable("id") String id, #RequestBody Flux<Part> file) {"REST request to update image to Muscle");
return storageService.saveFiles(file);
public Flux<String> saveFiles(Flux<Part> parts) {"StorageService.saveFiles({})", parts);
.filter(p -> p instanceof FilePart)
.flatMap(file -> saveFile(file));
private Mono<String> saveFile(FilePart filePart) {"StorageService.saveFile({})", filePart);
String filename = DigestUtils.sha256Hex(filePart.filename() + new Date());
Path target = rootLocation.resolve(filename);
try {
File file = Files.createFile(target).toFile();
return filePart.transferTo(file)
.map(r -> filename);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
FilePart.transferTo() returns Mono<Void>, which signals when the operation is done - this means the reactive Publisher will only publish an onComplete/onError signal and will never publish a value before that.
This means that the map operation was never executed, because it's only given elements published by the source.
You can return the name of the file and still chain reactive operators, like this:
return part.transferTo(file).thenReturn(part.filename());
It is forbidden to use the block operator within a reactive pipeline and it even throws an exception at runtime as of Reactor 3.2.
Using subscribe as an alternative is not good either, because subscribe will decouple the transferring process from your request processing, making those happen in different execution sequences. This means that your server could be done processing the request and close the HTTP connection while the other part is still trying to read the file part to copy it on disk. This is likely to fail in subtle ways at runtime.
FilePart.transferTo() returns Mono<Void> that is a constant empty. Then, map after that was never executed. I solved it by doing this:
private Mono<String> saveFile(FilePart filePart) {"StorageService.saveFile({})", filePart);
String filename = DigestUtils.sha256Hex(filePart.filename() + new Date());
Path target = rootLocation.resolve(filename);
try {
File file = Files.createFile(target).toFile();
return filePart
.doOnSuccess(data ->"do something..."))
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);

RxJava: OnErrorFailedException. Identifying the correct cause

Being inspired by T.Nurkiewicz's "Reactive Programming with RxJava" I tried to apply it in a project that I am working on and here's the issue that I am facing.
I have a Rest end point that takes an input stream and a username and either returns a link for the updated username or returns a Bad Request error. Here's how I tried to implement this using RxJava:
public Response updateCredential(#PathParam("username") final String username, InputStream stream) {
CredentialCandidate candidate = new CredentialCandidate();
credential -> {
serializeCandidate(candidate, stream);
try {
repository.updateCredential(build(credential, candidate));
} catch (Exception e) {
String msg = "Failed to update credential +\""+username+"\": "+e.getMessage();
throw new BadRequestException(msg, Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST).build());
ex -> {
String msg = "Couldn't update credential \""+username+"\""
+ ". A credential with such username doesn't exist: " + ex.getMessage();
throw new BadRequestException(msg, Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST).build());
});//if the Observable completes without exceptions we have a success case
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("path", "credential/" + username);
return Response.ok(getJsonRepr("link", uriGenerator.apply(appsUriBuilder, map).toASCIIString())).build();
My issue is at the line 11 (the catch clause of the onNext method). This is the log output that quickly will demonstrate what happens:
19:23:50.472 [http-listener(4)] ERROR - Couldn't update credential "admin". A credential with such username doesn't exist: Failed to update credential +"admin": Password too weak!
So the exception thrown in the onNext method goes to the upstream and ends-up in the onError method! Apparently this works as designed, but I am confused as to how I could return the correct reason of the Bad Request Error. After all in my test case a credential with the user was found by the repository, the correct error was that the suggested password was too weak. This is the helper method that generated the error:
private Credential build(Credential credential, CredentialCandidate candidate) {
throw new BadRequestException("Password too weak!", Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST).build());
I am still fairly new to Reactive Programming so I realise I may be missing something that is obvious. Skimming through the book didn't get me to an answer, so I would appreciate any help.
Just in case, this is the full stack trace:
updateCredentialTest( Time elapsed: 0.798 sec <<< ERROR!
rx.exceptions.OnErrorFailedException: Error occurred when trying to propagate error to Observer.onError
at rx.internal.util.ActionSubscriber.onNext(
at rx.observers.SafeSubscriber.onNext(
at rx.internal.util.ScalarSynchronousObservable$WeakSingleProducer.request(
at rx.Subscriber.setProducer(
at rx.Subscriber.setProducer(
at rx.internal.util.ScalarSynchronousObservable$
at rx.internal.util.ScalarSynchronousObservable$
at rx.Observable.subscribe(
at rx.Observable.subscribe(
at rx.Observable.subscribe(
It's seems you didn't grasp Reactive programming principles right.
First thing is that Observable are asynchronous by their API, while you are trying to enforce it to be synchronous API, by trying to return the Response value directly from the method, instead of returning Observable<Response> that emits this Response value over time by its onNext() notification.
That's why you are struggling with the exception, each notification lambda method (onNext/onError) is encapsulated by the Observable mechanism, in order to create a proper stream that obey some rules (the Observable contract), some of those expected behaviors are that errors should be redirect to the onError() method, which is the exception catch method, you shouldn't throw there, and throwing there will be considered as fatal error and will swallowed by throwing OnErrorFailedException.
Ideally it will be something like this:
public Observable<Response> updateCredential(#PathParam("username") final String username,
InputStream stream) {
rerurn Observable.fromCallable(() -> {
CredentialCandidate candidate = new CredentialCandidate();
Credential credential = repository.getByUsername(username);
serializeCandidate(candidate, stream);
repository.updateCredential(build(credential, candidate));
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("path", "credential/" + username);
return Response.ok(getJsonRepr("link", uriGenerator.apply(appsUriBuilder, map).toASCIIString())).build();
.onErrorReturn(throwable -> {
String msg = "Failed to update credential +\"" + username + "\": " + e.getMessage();
throw new BadRequestException(msg, Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST).build());
use fromCallable in order to make the request happen when subscribing (while Observable.just(repository.getByUsername(username)) will act synchronously when the Observable is constructs ), the success path is withing the callable itself, while if any error occurred, you will transform it to your custom exception using onErrorReturn operator.
with his approach you will return Observable object that will act when you will subscribe to it, you will get all the benefits of Observable and Reactive approach such being able to compose it with some other operations, being able to specify from outside whether it will act synchronously (current thread) or async on some other thread (using Scheduler) .
For more detailed explanation regarding reactive programming I suggest to start from this great tutorial from André Staltz.

Streaming in jersey 2?

I've been trying to get json streaming to work in jersey 2. For the life of me nothing streams until the stream is complete.
I've tried this example trying to simulate a slow producer of data.
public void getAsyncStream(#Suspended AsyncResponse response) {
StreamingOutput streamingOutput = output -> {
JsonGenerator jg = new ObjectMapper().getFactory().createGenerator(output, JsonEncoding.UTF8);
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
try {
catch (InterruptedException e) {
logger.error(e, "Error");
And yet jersey just sits there until the json generator is done to return the results. I'm watching the results come through in charles proxy.
Do I need to enable something? Not sure why this won't stream out
This may actually be working, just not how I expected it. I dont' think stream is writing things realtime which is what I wanted, its more for not having to buffer responses and immediately write them out to the client. If I run a loop of a million and no thread sleep then data does get written out in chunks without having to buffer it in memory.
Your edit it correct. It is working as expected. StreamingOutput is just a wrapper that let's us write directly to the response stream, but does not actually mean the response is streamed on each server side write to the stream. Also AsyncResponse does not provide any different response as far as the client is concerned. It is simply to help increase throughput with long running tasks. The long running task should actually be done in another thread, so the method can return.
See more at Asynchronous Server API
What you seem to be looking for instead is Chunked Output
Jersey offers a facility for sending response to the client in multiple more-or-less independent chunks using a chunked output. Each response chunk usually takes some (longer) time to prepare before sending it to the client. The most important fact about response chunks is that you want to send them to the client immediately as they become available without waiting for the remaining chunks to become available too.
Not sure how it will work for your particular use case, as the JsonGenerator expects an OutputStream (of which the ChuckedOutput we use is not), but here is a simpler example
public class AsyncResource {
public ChunkedOutput<String> getChunkedStream() throws Exception {
final ChunkedOutput<String> output = new ChunkedOutput<>(String.class);
new Thread(() -> {
try {
String chunk = "Message";
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
output.write(chunk + "#" + i);
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
return output;
Note: I had a problem getting this to work at first. I would only get the delayed complete result. The problem seemed to have been with something completely separate from the program. It was actually my AVG causing the problem. Some feature called "LinkScanner" was stopping this chunking process to occur. I disabled that feature and it started working.
I haven't explored chunking much, and am not sure the security implications, so I am not sure why the AVG application has a problem with it.
Seems the real problem is due to Jersey buffering the response in order to calculate the Content-Length header. You can see this post for how you can change this behavior

createNewFile( ) causes warning message, how to eliminate?

By using createNewFile method and delete method of the File class I successfully generate files from my program. But there is an annoying warning message after the compilation process. My question is how can I remove that warning messages without using #SUPPRESSWARNIGN. Because when I do inspection for my code I see a probable bug warnings which are caused by these 2 methods. Yes, by using #SuppressWarning warnings and probable bug messages go away.
I do not know if it is related with the Java version but in any case I am using Java 8. I did the research for this problem, could not find anything on the internet. I saw people on the internet used these 2 methods in the same way I used. May be they ignored the warning messages. But I do not want to.
Here is my code :
private void createAFile() throws IOException {
String outputFileName = getFileName();
String outputPathName = getFilePath();
String fullOutputPath = outputPathName + "/" + outputFileName;
output = new File(fullOutputPath);
output.delete(); //this returns a boolean variable.
output.createNewFile(); //this also return a boolean variable.
Warnings are :
Warning:(79, 20) Result of 'File.delete()' is ignored.
Warning:(84, 16) Result of 'File.createNewFile()' is ignored.
Thank you
If you want to avoid these messages you can provide logging for the case when these method return false.
Something like this
private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger("myClassName");
// some code
if (!output.delete()) {"Cannot delete file: " + output);
These look like warnings generated from a code check tool . What i would do is this :
boolean deleted,created; // both should be instantiatd to false by default
deleted = output.delete(); //this returns a boolean variable.
created = output.createNewFile();
// log some type of warning here or even throw an exception

