TransformException for duplicate class entry - java

I got "Error converting bytecode to dex" in a Chromecast project with Remote Display API. I solved this by adding "multiDexEnabled true", but this only generated another error:
Error:Execution failed for task
':app:transformClassesWithJarMergingForDebug'.> duplicate entry:
I have checked my Gradle files, but I can not find any conflict. I read other similar threads and tried their code fixes, but no use here. How can I proceed with this?These are my gradle files:
Gradle files

First, try to clean/rebuild the project because usually that kind of error will be gone after you clean/rebuild the project.
From this documentation, when you add multiDexEnabled true in the gradle.files, make sure you also add compile '' in the dependencies.
For more information, check these related SO questions:
How to enable multidexing with the new Android Multidex support library duplicate entry

You may be compiling the same dependency multiple times. For example, play-services-cast depends on appcompat-v7. You can prevent recompiling the same dependency with:
compile ('')
exclude group: '', module: 'appcompat-v7'
Use the shell command gradlew -q YourApp:dependencies to print your app's dependency graph; then in your build.gradle, exclude dependencies that show up multiple times.


Android Gradle ResolutionStrategy force stil downloads previous version of lib

I have forced in my gradle to download this version of jsr305 as follows :
resolutionStrategy.force ''
I see that when I try to compile the gradle is resolving the version :
Inspite of that I see that during gradle sync the older versions (2.0.1 & 1.3.9) are still getting downloaded :
I am getting compile errors as follows :
Error while generating the main dex list. Program type already present: javax.annotation.CheckForNull
Program type already present: javax.annotation.CheckForNull
I did a module level search and found that the is present at multiple places in
I have tried deleting ./gradle folder and resync the project. I see that gradle still downloads the previous jsr305 version.
These are my dependencies in gradle :
implementation "com.facebook.react:react-native:${versions.reactNative}"
implementation ("") {
exclude group: 'net.jcip', module: 'jcip-annotations'
My questions :
Why is Gradle still downloading the older version of jsr305 ?
And in spite of the jsr305 version getting resolved why is multidex throwing that error ?
Created a test project that shows the behavior where the old lib versions are downloaded even after the forced resolution:
Also you can see the gradle scan here :
module :firstlib references implementation "",
which should possibly be implementation "" ...but the other one build.gradle does not really match the question, because it lacks react-native.
the dependencies of module :app should look alike (only the changes):
dependencies {
implementation ""
implementation ""
implementation ""
implementation ("com.facebook.react:react-native:0.20.1") {
exclude group: "", module: "recyclerview-v7"
exclude group: "", module: "support-v4"
//noinspection GradleDependency
implementation ""
configurations.all {
resolutionStrategy.force ""
resolutionStrategy.force ""
it's downloading elder versions, because they would need to be explicitly excluded from the dependencies, which demand them (as demonstrated above). one can list them all with ./gradlew app:dependencies and then exclude them accordingly.
task :app:transformClassesWithMultidexlistForDebug failed, because of support-library version conflicts caused by react-native (already fixed in the above example).
when moving those jniLibs from armeabi into armeabi-v7a, it wouldn't complain about a missing stripping tool anymore. however, then they wouldn't be loaded on arm64-v8a anymore.

Configuration with name 'default' not found gradle sync failed [duplicate]

I have an Android Studio app. It has a library dependency (Android-Bootstrap), when I try to sync gradle, it gives me an error:
Configuration with name 'default' not found.
My structure is:
The FTPBackup settings.gradle and build.gradle:
include ':fotobackup'
include ':libraries:Android-Bootstrap',':Android-Bootstrap'
// Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath ''
allprojects {
repositories {
And the build.gradle inside fotobackup is:
apply plugin: 'android'
android {
compileSdkVersion 19
buildToolsVersion '19.0.3'
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 14
targetSdkVersion 19
versionCode 1
versionName "1.0"
buildTypes {
release {
runProguard false
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.txt'
apply plugin: 'android'
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
compile ''
compile project (':libraries:Android-Bootstrap')
The library is downloaded from and it has build.gradle, settings etc.
whats wrong?
For one, it doesn't do good to have more than one settings.gradle file -- it only looks at the top-level one.
When you get this "Configuration with name 'default' not found" error, it's really confusing, but what it means is that Gradle is looking for a module (or a build.gradle) file someplace, and it's not finding it. In your case, you have this in your settings.gradle file:
include ':libraries:Android-Bootstrap',':Android-Bootstrap'
which is making Gradle look for a library at FTPBackup/libraries/Android-Bootstrap. If you're on a case-sensitive filesystem (and you haven't mistyped Libraries in your question when you meant libraries), it may not find FTPBackup/Libraries/Android-Bootstrap because of the case difference. It's also looking for another library at FTPBackup/Android-Bootstrap, and it's definitely not going to find one because that directory isn't there.
This should work:
include ':Libraries:Android-Bootstrap'
You need the same case-sensitive spec in your dependencies block:
compile project (':Libraries:Android-Bootstrap')
compile fileTree(dir: 'libraries', include: ['Android-Bootstrap'])
Use above line in your app's gradle file instead of
compile project (':libraries:Android-Bootstrap')
In my setting.gradle, I included a module that does not exist. Once I removed it, it started working. This could be another way to fix this issue
If you're getting this error with react native, it may be due to a link to an NPM package that you removed (as it was in my case). After removing references to it in the settings.gradle and build.gradle files, I cleaned and rebuilt and it's as good as new :)
Just a note on this question:
I had this exact error in my React Native app when trying to build to android. All you should have to do is $ npm i.
Case matters
I manually added a submodule :k3b-geohelper
to the
settings.gradle file
include ':app', ':k3b-geohelper'
and everthing works fine on my mswindows build system
When i pushed the update to github the fdroid build system failed with
Cannot evaluate module k3b-geohelper : Configuration with name 'default' not found
The final solution was that the submodule folder was named k3b-geoHelper not k3b-geohelper.
Under MSWindows case doesn-t matter but on linux system it does
I had this issue with Jenkins. The cause: I had renamed a module module to Module. I found out that git had gotten confused somehow and kept both module and Module directories, with the contents spread between both folders. The build.gradle was kept in module but the module's name was Module so it was unable to find the default configuration.
I fixed it by backing up the contents of Module, manually deleting module folder from the repo and restoring + pushing the lost files.
The message is a known Gradle bug. The reason of your error is that some of your files has no apply plugin: 'java' in it. And due to the bug Gradle doesn't say you, where is the problem.
But you can easily overcome it. Simply put apply plugin: 'java' in every your ''
I also faced the same problem and the problem was that the libraries were missing in some of the following files.
settings.gradle, app/build.gradle, package.json,
Suppose the library is react-native-vector-icons then it should be mentioned in following files;
In app/build.gradle file under dependencies section add:
compile project(':react-native-vector-icons')
In settings.gradle file under android folder, add the following:
include ':react-native-vector-icons' project(':react-native-vector-icons').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-vector-icons/android')
In, add the following:
Import the dependency: import com.oblador.vectoricons.VectorIconsPackage;
and then add: new VectorIconsPackage() in getPackages() method.
I am facing same problem, I was fixed it by generating gradle project and then adding lib project to android studio
First, See build.gradle file is present in project root directory
if not then, Create gradle project,
export your required lib project from eclipse then (File->Export->Android->generate Gradle build file
Click on Next->Next->Select your lib project from project listing->Next->Next->Finish
See build.gradle file present in your project root directory
Move this project to Android Studio
Your module name must be camelCase eg. pdfLib. I had same issue because I my module name was 'PdfLib' and after renaming it to 'pdfLib'. It worked.
The issue was not in my device but in jenkins server. So, check and see if you have such modulenames
$ git submodule update
To be commented out the dependences of classpass
You are better off running the command in the console to get a better idea on what is wrong with the settings. In my case, when I ran gradlew check it actually tells me which referenced project was missing.
* What went wrong:
Could not determine the dependencies of task ':test'.
Could not resolve all task dependencies for configuration ':testRuntimeClasspath'.
Could not resolve project :lib-blah.
Required by:
project :
> Unable to find a matching configuration of project :lib-blah: None of the consumable configurations have attributes.
The annoying thing was that, it would not show any meaningful error message during the import failure. And if I commented out all the project references, sure it let me import it, but then once I uncomment it out, it would only print that ambiguous message and not tell you what is wrong.

Upgrading firebase-crash caused error building apk

I originally added firebase crash reporting using Android firebase assistant in android studio. Which added firebase-crash:10.0.1. Now i am want access some methods added in later version so i upgraded it to to firebase-crash:11.2.0.
This is where the problem starts
I used this guide to make changes in my (Module:app)
Changed compile '' to compile ''
At this point gradle sync failed. To resolve this i modified build.gradle (Project) with
allprojects {
repositories {
//Added this code
maven {
url "" // Google's Maven repository
Gradle build sync completed succesfully. Now i tried building debug apk and i received this error
Error:Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithDexForDebug'. java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: Multiple dex files define Lcom/google/android/gms/internal/zzbvb;
To fix this issue i modified buil.gradle(Modeule:app)
multiDexEnabled true
And now i am able to generate debug-build apk. But generating signed apk gives following error with 1588 warnings & 1 error.
Error:Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesAndResourcesWithProguardForRelease'.
Job failed, see logs for details
This is where i am stuck. I am not able to resolve this issue. I tried several methods including clean/rebuild and invalidate cache & restart. Also tried adding -ignorewarning -dontwarn -keep class { public private} none of them seems to work.
Error in console on generating signed apk
Adding this line compile ' in build.gradle (Module:app) does build signed apk successfully. But shows following warnings.
I am confused
Using the Firebase version 11.2.0 (that has a dependency with Google play services v.11.2.0), you should use also the support libraries v26.
In your case:
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
Also you have to use:
compileSdkVersion 26
More info here. duplicate entry: android/support/v4/os/ParcelableCompat.class [duplicate]

I am not sure what this error means.
Execution failed for task ':excelSior:packageAllDebugClassesForMultiDex'.
> duplicate entry: android/support/v4/util/TimeUtils.class
I am currently using android-support-v4.jar for my libraries
dependencies {
compile project(':addThisSDK')
compile project(':centeredContentButton')
compile project(':googleplayservices_lib')
compile files('libs/adxtag2.4.6.jar')
compile files('libs/android-support-v4.jar')
compile files('libs/aws-android-sdk-')
compile files('libs/commons-lang-2.6.jar')
compile files('libs/crittercism_v4_4_0_sdkonly.jar')
compile files('libs/dd-plist.jar')
compile files('libs/FiksuAndroidSDK_4.1.1.jar')
compile files('libs/iqengines-sdk-barcode.jar')
compile files('libs/irEventTracker-1.2.jar')
compile files('libs/jolt-core-0.0.7.jar')
compile files('libs/json-utils-0.0.7.jar')
compile files('libs/jsoup-1.7.2.jar')
compile files('libs/kooaba-api-v4-java.jar')
compile ''
Error does not show up during gradle sync. Just when I try to run the application
What could be the problem?
You've probably fixed this by now but just so this doesn't stay unanswered,
Try adding this to your build.gradle:
configurations {
all*.exclude group: '', module: 'support-v4'
You need to check that you have inserted v4 library and compile library? You must not repeat library in your app or your dependence program.
delete the repeat library so that just one V4 remains.
in your app dir build.gradle file
add this command:
configurations {
all*.exclude group: '', module: 'support-v4'
all*.exclude group: '', module: 'support-annotations'
it works for me! You can try it!
I also came across this kind issue when re import old eclipse project. It occurred some old dependency as jar file in the project.
just remove
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: '*.jar')
in gradle file
and add dependency in the gradle file.
It works for me ..
In my case the mentioned "duplicate entry" error arised after settingmultiDexEnable=true in the build.gradle.
In order to fully resolve the error first of all have a look at Configure Apps with Over 64K Methods (espescially "Configuring Your App for Multidex with Gradle").
Furthermore search for occurences of the class that causes the "duplicate entry" error using ctrl+n in Android Studio. Determine the module and dependency that contains the duplicate and exclude it from build, e.g.:
compile ('org.roboguice:roboguice:2.0') {
exclude module: 'support-v4'
I had to try multiple module labels till it worked. Excluding "support-v4" solves issues related to " duplicate entry: android/support/v4/*"
My understanding is that there are duplicate references to the same API (Likely different version numbers). It should be reasonably easy to debug when building from the command line.
Try ./gradlew yourBuildVariantName --debug from the command line.
The offending item will be the first failure. An example might look like:
14:32:29.171 [INFO] [org.gradle.api.Task] INPUT: /Users/mydir/Documents/androidApp/BaseApp/build/intermediates/exploded-aar/theOffendingAAR/libs/google-play-services.jar
14:32:29.171 [DEBUG] [org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ExecuteAtMostOnceTaskExecuter] Finished executing task ':BaseApp:packageAllyourBuildVariantNameClassesForMultiDex'
14:32:29.172 [LIFECYCLE] [class org.gradle.TaskExecutionLogger] :BaseApp:packageAllyourBuildVariantNameClassesForMultiDex FAILED'
In the case above, the aar file that I'd included in my libs directory (theOffendingAAR) included the Google Play Services jar (yes the whole thing. yes I know.) file whilst my BaseApp build file utilised location services:
compile ''
You can safely remove the offending item from your build file(s), clean and rebuild (repeat if necessary).
check your dependencies versions, you must have compatible versions put attention specially to packages, must have same version like:
compile ''
compile ''
Both are 8.3.0, if you have another version compilation will throw that exception.
Simple Remove Your Jar file from dependencies gardle.project as v7
and run your project
For Expose.class Error i.e duplicate entry: com/google/gson/annotations/Expose.class
use the below code
configurations {
all*.exclude module: 'gson'
find out the lib depends on the support v4, and exclude it.
code in build.gradle is like this:
androidTestCompile('') {
exclude group: '', module: 'appcompat'
exclude group: '', module: 'support-v4'
exclude module: 'recyclerview-v7'
In my situation, the lib 'espresso' has a jar called support-v4 and in my project 'app' have the same support-v4, exclude the support-v4 when import espresso.
PS: it seems compile project can not work with the exclude
This is because you have added a library and given its dependency on a module more than once.
In my case, I had added a library as a module and as a gradle dependency both.
Removing one source of adding library (I removed gradle dependency) solved my problem.
For Error:Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithJarMergingForDebug' duplicate entry com/google/gson/annotations/Expose.class
Here is what I did:
1) Delete the gson-2.5.jar file.
2) configurations { all*.exclude module: 'gson-2.5' }
I have faced this issue as i have manually copied the jar in libs as well as mentioned the dependency in gradle file. You also check in your project structure, whether the same jar file is copied in any other folder like libs or in project folder.
I had the same problem after upgrading the android SDK. I was able to run the application in the buildToolsVersion '23.0.1', I got the same error when I changed to buildToolsVersion '24.0.3'
I resolved the problem by updating my java version from 1.7 to 1.8 with compileSdkVersion 24
This problem cost me one whole day. I finally downgraded the firebase-ui library version from 2.0.0 to 1.2.0 and added the following code inside Project level build.gradle file:
allprojects {
repositories {
// Add the following code to your project level build.gradle
maven {
url ''
I also have the issue because of i have compile '' but i added recyclerview liberary compile ''..i changed the version as same as compat like (24.0.2 intead of 24.0.0).
i got the answer..may be it will help for someone.
In my case the mentioned "duplicate entry" error arised after settingmultiDexEnable=true in the build.gradle.
and exact error which i was getting was below :
Error:Execution failed for task
> duplicate entry:
So first thing I search for class which causes "duplicate entry" error using ctrl+n in Android Studio and searched for com/google/android/gms/internal/zzqx.class and then it was showing 2 entries for gms class with one version 8.4.0 and 1 with version 11.6.0 .
To fix it i made both to use 11.6.0 and it was fixed example
compile ""
compile ""
compile ""
compile ""
compile ""
compile ""
Rebuilding Fixed .
In my case exact error was below
':android:transformClassesWithJarMergingForDebug'. duplicate entry: com/google/android/gms/internal/zzqx.class
I was using another version of google apis i.e. in one modules gradle file
if (!project.hasProperty('gms_library_version')) {
ext.gms_library_version = '8.6.0'
however in other modules version 11.6.0 as below
compile ""
compile ""
compile ""
However to find this i did a ctrl + n in android studio and entered class name zzqx.class and then it displayed 2 jar files being pulled for this class and then i understood that somewhere i am using version 8.6.0 . On changing 8.6.0 to 11.6.0 and rebuilding the project the issue was fixed .
Hope this helps .
More on this here
For me something similar happened when I had accidently added
apply plugin: 'kotlin-android'
to my android library module. Removing the line fixes the issue.
I tried all the above solutions but not working for me. I tried update libraries by goto project structure > app. And it works for me! Hope this answer helpful to someone.
Try this:
android {
configurations {
all*.exclude module: 'PhotoView' //去除重复依赖库

multiple dex files define landroid/support/annotation/AnimRes

The moment I added the android support annotations to my dependencies
compile ''
I got this error:
Error Code:
2 Output:
UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION: Multiple dex files define Landroid/support/annotation/AnimRes;
android {
compileSdkVersion 19
buildToolsVersion '20.0.0'
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 10
targetSdkVersion 19
dependencies {
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
Anybody else experienced this issue? I have tried the solutions from here.
The problem is that android-support-annotations.jar used to be a separate library containing the android annotations, but for some reason these annotations are already included in recent versions of the android-support-v4.jar file.
Deleting the annotations jar solved the issue.
Build->clean Project ,and it worked
I deleted the android-support-v4.jar and it worked.
If this is cordova / ionic project this worked for me
add these line to build.gradle under platforms/android after line number 22 i.e after apply plugin: 'android'
configurations {
all*.exclude group: '', module: 'support-v4'
Solved this exact issue in a Cordova project that used the facebook plugin. I was able to successfully build by commenting out this line from platforms\android\, as shown:
And by commenting out this line from platforms\android\build.gradle, as shown:
// compile ""
Then doing the build. The problem started when I installed (katzer/cordova-plugin-local-notifications) which added these lines, but it created a conflict since the library it was adding to the build was already part of the facebook plugin build.
As other users said, the first elements to troubleshoot are dependencies. Although, sometimes you can struggle for hours and you don't find any problem so you can focus on the build process instead.
Changing the way in which the .dex files are produced sometimes solves the problem. You can go through these steps:
Open your Build.gradle (app) file
Search for the task dexOptions
Change it to:
dexOptions {
incremental false
If you don't find the task in your file then you can add it.
For me the reason was the new data-binding lib
it somehow used a conflicting version of the annotations lib, which I could not force with
configurations.all {
resolutionStrategy {
force group: '', name: 'support-v4', version: '23.1.0'
force group: '', name: 'appcompat-v7', version: '23.1.0'
force group: '', name: 'support-annotations', version: '23.1.0'
but the new rc3 and rc4 versions seem to have fixed it, so just use those versions
I had the same problem , but i deleted build files from the build folder
and it removed all the related error. "can't clean the project" and also "dex errow with $anim"
I managed to fix this issue. The reason was that I included the android support library 19.0.0 as a dependency, but 19.1.0 is required. See here for more information
So it has to be
dependencies {
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
If you import AppCompat as a library project and you also have android-support-annotations.jar in libs elsewhere, make sure to import everywhere AppCompat library only (it already includes this annotations lib). Then delete all android-support-annotations.jar to avoid merging multiple versions of this library.
Updating Android SDK Tools fixed it for me, now it just sees the copy in android-support-v4.jar.
I had the same problem when using ant, and the annotations library was being included automatically by an outdated sdk.dir/tools/ant/build.xml.
Clean project works as a temporary fix, but the issue will reappear on next compilation error.
To fix more reliably, I had to update the dependency to android support-v4 to
Put in your build.gradle the dependency of support-annotations according with your compileSdkVersion. For instance: A project with the compileSdkVersion 25 you can put the following dependence:
compile ''
This will solve your problem.
In my case I had a file called cache.xml under /build/intermediates/dex-cache/cache.xml in the root project folder. I deleted this file, rebuild the project and it worked for me.
I deleted the android-support-v4.jar and it worked.
Explain - android-support-v4.jar is conflicting with my other .jar files of project\libs files ** specially when you are running with java 8 on AS.
Put android-support-v4.jar in your libs folder in eclipse. Clean and build the project. It will resolve the issue.
Another reason that messages such as these can come up in Android Studio when building and launching can be the cause of application tags in your libraries.
If you have several Android Library projects that you imported as modules. Go into those projects and remove the <application> ... </application> tags and everything between them. These can cause issues in the build process along with the support library issues already mentioned.
From /platforms/android/libs/
delete android-support-v4.jar.
It works for me.

