JavaFX stage opens behind other windows - java

I am well aware with the setAlwaysOnTop javafx method which can bring the stage in front when clicked on the application. But the problem is that with setting setAlwaysOnTop to be true , the window appears always on top of other windows irrespective of whichever window we open . Even if I open chrome or firefox or any other window , my java fx application window would still lie on the top.
I want it to adjust the z value in order that it gets changed depending upon which window is currently being opened .
Instead of always setting the z value to be maximum , I want the z order to be adjustable .
Can anyone tell me how to do that.


Java VM argument to set the windows position

is it possible to start a java application with an argument that sets the window position and target screen index?
I run my java project using IntelliJ and want it to start on the secondary screen. Currently I always have to drag it on my own every time I run the application. This is annoying because the window size is higher than the first screen size.
Thank you.

Focusing on an external java window? WINDOWS

I'm using a robot to click on a certain point on the screen. I just need a way for the robot to bring the desired window to focus. Now here's where the real problem lies, the window is a Java window, but not one I made. I used a VBscript to focus on Firefox earlier, but I'm not sure what to do. When I mouse over the icon on my toolbar, it says the windows name is "BitMinter Client v1.4.2" but in Task Manager it calls the process "Java(TM) Platform SE binary (32 bit)?
How do I focus in on the window?
Having the robot input ALT+TAB won't work because the window isn't second on my ALT+TAB list.
AppActivate looks for matching Window's titles.
Use spy++ (Windows SDK and most MS development tools) to get the window title.
You mention firefox so I don't know what type of Window you are referring to. In IE most web page elements (and for that matter very many other Window's things) haven't been Windows for decades. I don't know how firefox or java are implemented.
Windows basic architecture is windows (such as edit controls/buttons) inside other windows (a pane) inside a top level window (ie notepad) inside the desktop window.
To take notepad. There is a main window, menu bar, statusbar window, edit control window. Each of them has a title and class. This is notepad's title and class.
Untitled - Notepad Notepad
«No Window Text 0» Edit
«No Window Text 0» msctls_statusbar32

Change Display Used for Eclipse Launches

I'm developing a Swing-based Java application in Eclipse on Windows XP. I have a dual monitor setup.
I want to have the program launch on a different monitor than the one I'm running Eclipse in. How can I set up my Debug Configuration to make this happen?
When a new frame is opened, it defaults to coordinates 0,0. Exactly where this is depends on your operating system's monitor layout. Typically, 0,0 will be the upper-left corner of the primary monitor.
The solution to your problem is to run Eclipse on your secondary monitor, so that the applications will open on the other (primary) monitor. You don't actually have to move Eclipse to do this. Go into your operating system's monitor settings and switch the primary monitor to the monitor you wish to start the application on. Eclipse will now be running on the secondary monitor.
Your new frame will now be opened on the other monitor, and you have changed no code in the process, just your operating system's configuration settings.
It depends a bit how you did set up your second monitor. For my answer, I'm assuming that you added it as an "extension" to your desktop (so you can move windows between them by dragging with the mouse).
In this mode, your desktop becomes bigger. To see that, call GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getMaximumWindowBounds.
The width should be the sum of the widths of your two monitors and the height should be the larger of the two heights.
Note that the x coordinate can be < 0 (this happens if your make the right monitor the default one).
To move your window to the other monitor, simply use a position (setPosition()) with an appropriate value and pass that position as an option to the program. Or save the current position as a preferences node and open the window again in the same place when the app is run again.
If your monitors are configured independently, you should look into the GraphicsEnvironment.getScreenDevices() API.
I think you can't do that. The only solution I found is to move the program from the first display to the second one manually and then close it in this position (with the close button and not the Console terminate red button that stop brutally the VM without saving anything). Then on the next restart, your program launch should appear on the second display. In order to have this solution working, your launch configuration should not clear the workspace and the config at each launch in order to keep the programm screen location.
See RCP opening monitor for related stuff on RCP app.
You can probably achieve that behavior programmatically. I'm sure you can Google and find examples of how to open your window on the second monitor. If it is something you want only at debug-time, add a switch in your launch configuration (more specifically, a JVM runtime argument) and check for the switch (System.getProperty) when your program starts.

Screen capturing inactive window

Is it possible to get image contents of an obstructed window without bringing it to the front? Also, is it possible to send mouse clicks to a specific locations of such window? I want to do this in Java, using JNA, running Windows XP (if it is possible, would it also work on Windows 7?). If that can be done, would you mind telling me what functions will be needed and where can I read about it, because I have never worked with JNA yet. Thank you.

Focus should come to an applet in the IE when IE becomes as active window

In an applet when opened in Internet Explorer, the focus should come back automatically to the applet instead of going to IE when any window comes over IE and goes back (Internet Explorer again becomes the active window).
To get the focus RequestFocus() and RequestFocusInWindow() are not working for an applet in my case.
Can anyone explain how this can be done?
I can only suppose here. Java can't influence on the environment out of the it's, I don't know exactly how to name it, control area -> you can't influence on IE from an applet.

