How to randomly select one from two integers? [closed] - java

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Closed 6 years ago.
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So lets say I want to randomly choose from the set of two numbers 1 and 3.
How do I go about doing that? Do I just assign int a to 1, int b to 3, and then do randomly select from a and b?

If there are only two numbers to choose from then you can use the value of a boolean, because it returns either true or false.
One-liner solution assuming that int a = 1 and int b = 3:
int randomOfTwoInts = new Random().nextBoolean() ? a : b;

If you have a specific list of numbers then put them in list structure (an array works well). Then you have the easier task of looking for a random index in the range from 0 to last array index. This post lists strategies for doing that:How do I generate random integers within a specific range in Java?


How do I efficiently generate Prime Numbers up until 3037000499 (the square root of Long.MAX)? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I tried it with Sieve Of Eratosthenes, but I quickly run into the problem that my boolean array can't go past Integer.MAX
How should I approach this problem?
Use 2 or more dimensional maps. So converting long to two integers (for accessing the arrays) will be like this:
array[N / Integer.MAX_VALUE][N % Integer.MAX_VALUE] where N is long and array is the boolean array.

What can be the algorithm to find the max number that appear the most in an array? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm trying to find out an algorithm that returns the number that has more occurrences in an array that contains number from 0 to 9 and that has a complexity of n.
I though to using an HashMap but it would require n^2
If anyone can write the code down,i'd prefer in Java but pseudocode is the same
Use ten counters (one per digit), scan the array and increment the counters corresponding to the digits. (You are actually computing the histogram of the digit frequencies.)
Report the digit with the largest counter.

Take a result of two long numbers using an array in Java [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to take a sum, quotient, remainder of two numbers using an array in java.
123456789012345+7654321, 123456789012345/7654321. What is a simplest way to calculate it using Java?(I am new to Java.)
Since you are new to java I recommend reading up on some tutorials. As it seems you are not familiar with java in general. An example, which I have not used myself, is It may be worth your time to read this over.
As for your actual question, you would create a variable in java. Then assign your first number to this variable. After doing this, you can perform some operations on the number.
An example in sudo code to give you an idea while not doing the work for you.
void method
var number = 100
number = number + 200
number = number / 20
print("result" . number)
If you plan to use an array its the same process in a loop.

regarding generating a unique value for a set of numbers and regenerating the set of values when we pass back the same unique value [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need to write a function (logic) so that for a set say A{1,2,3,4,5} i generate a unique value .
and when i pass back the same value back to the function it should return me the set of values present in the set .
For example the unique value generated is say '5' then when i pass 5 as input to the function it should give me all the values of set A i.e 1,2,3,4,5.
So i need to know if it can be achieved using any statistical approach like mean median mode etc something like that .
Something like this?
$valSet = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
$authNum = 5;
if($authNum == $someInputByUser)
print $varSet;
Is this what you mean?

Increasing Probability for generating specific random numbers [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to generate random numbers . Now, I want to generate a new set of random numbers in a way that that increases the probability of returning the numbers that were generated earlier.What is the best way of achieving this ?
I dont know if predefined functions exist or not, but I have something in mind that you can try.
Make an ArrayList of the numbers. (eg. if you want to generate from
0to30, then make an ArrayList of Integers from 0 to 30).
Shuffle the ArrayList(Collections.shuffle())
Pick the first 2 numbers.
Then, just add those 2 numbers into the ArrayList as many times as you want the probablity to shift towards them.
Shuffle again and pick
You can store that values on array.
And you can have a random condition also for having a new pair of number or pick randomly on your array.

