Hibernate equivalent properties for these openjpa propertie - java

I have an requirement to use Hibernate Persistence instead of OpenJPA Persistence
I searched in google but didn't get information still looking on it.Any body help on this. I am not much expert in Hibernate.
<property name="openjpa.TransactionMode" value="managed"/>
<property name="openjpa.ConnectionRetainMode" value="always"/>


hibernate search configuration

Im using hibernate search and elastic search as backend . When i config hibernate and hibernatesearch in xml file everything is ok but whene i config it in java class this warning occur and nothing found in my search .
xml config is:
<property name="hibernate.connection.url" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3399/elastic" />
<property name="hibernate.connection.username" value="admin" />
<property name="hibernate.connection.password" value="admin" />
<property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="true" />
<property name="hibernate.search.default.indexmanager" value="elasticsearch"/>
<property name="hibernate.search.default.elasticsearch.host" value=""/>
<property name="hibernate.search.default.elasticsearch.index_schema_management_strategy" value="CREATE"/>
<property name="hibernate.search.default.elasticsearch.required_index_status" value="YELLOW"/>
java class config is :
java.util.Properties settings = new java.util.Properties();
settings.put(org.hibernate.cfg.Environment.DRIVER, "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver");
settings.put(org.hibernate.cfg.Environment.URL, "jdbc:mysql://");
settings.put(org.hibernate.cfg.Environment.USER, "admin");
settings.put(org.hibernate.cfg.Environment.PASS, "admin");
settings.put(org.hibernate.cfg.Environment.SHOW_SQL, "true");
settings.put(org.hibernate.cfg.Environment.CURRENT_SESSION_CONTEXT_CLASS, "thread");
settings.put(org.hibernate.cfg.Environment.POOL_SIZE, "5");
settings.put("hibernate.search.default.indexmanager", "elasticsearch");
settings.put("hibernate.search.default.elasticsearch.host", "");
settings.put("hibernate.search.default.elasticsearch.index_schema_management_strategy", "CREATE");
settings.put("hibernate.search.default.elasticsearch.required_index_status", "YELLOW");
Warning is :
WARNING: request [HEAD] returned 1 warnings: [299 Elasticsearch-6.8.0-65b6179 "[types removal] The parameter include_type_name should be explicitly specified in get indices requests to prepare for 7.0. In 7.0 include_type_name will default to 'false', which means responses will omit the type name in mapping definitions."]
You are using Elasticsearch 6.8 where types are deprecated. Please refer removal of types for more info,
You need to pass _doc instead of type name otherwise use include_type_name if you are using your own type name in all the API.
Please refer this official blog for more info
If you plan to upgrade without downtime in a rolling fashion, you
should upgrade to 6.8 first, which is the only 6.x release to have
some features like support for the include_type_name parameter, which
is required to upgrade to 7.0 smoothly.
Elasticsearch support in Hibernate Search 5 is experimental and was only tested with Elasticsearch up to version 5.6.
If you need to upgrade to Elasticsearch 7, upgrade to Hibernate Search 6.
Hibernate Search 6 is currently in Beta but offers revamped APIs that will be a much better fit for Elasticsearch.
It also offers new features not found in Hibernate Search 5, such as support for nested documents or the ability to inject JSON directly into your query (to take advantage of more exotic predicates/sorts/etc. not yet supported by the Hibernate Search DSL).
EDIT: Also, you can find information about the compatibility of Hibernate Search with various other components on this page of the official website.

Spring transaction management using JDBC and Hibernate 4 together

We are using JPA (Hibernate 4) with Spring 4 managing the JTA transactions. Since there are parts of the application using JDBC to access the database as well, we need to make sure JDBC and JPA join the same transaction to see what the other changed before commit.
You can find a test case for these questions on GitHub https://github.com/abenneke/sandbox/tree/master/spring-hibernate4-transaction
To have JDBC and JPA join the same transaction and see the changes the other made, we had to use the TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy for Hibernate/JPA as well. With all the other transaction configuration around, this however seems to be redundant. Did we miss something? Or is this the suggested way to achieve the requirement?
Thank you!
I think you can achieve the same outcome with much less configuration hassle if you stock to Hibernate and your JTA DataSource while you use the Session.doWork for your JDBC code.
You don't need TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy, since you want to use Transaction services anyway and not call DAO classes outside of a transactional service.
You need to add:
<bean id="jpaDialect" class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor.HibernateJpaDialect"/>
and make sure you supply it to testEntityManager
<bean id="testEntityManager" class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean">
<property name="dataSource" ref="testDataSource">
<property name="jpaDialect" ref="jpaDialect"/>
In one application we developed recently we too mixed JPA and JDBCTemplate and it worked nicely because Bitronix PoolingDataSource was instructed to always return the same connection for the current running thread.
For this you have to set the following Bitronix property:

Log4j + OpenJPA = NoClassDefFoundError: javax/persistence/AttributeConverter

I'm trying to get log4j (I would also be happy to use any logging api as log as it is jpa persistent) use jpa appender.
My persistence.xml looks like this
<persistence-unit name="persistenceUnit" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">
<property name="openjpa.jdbc.DBDictionary" value="org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.HSQLDictionary"/>
<!-- value="buildSchema" to runtime forward map the DDL SQL; value="validate" makes no changes to the database -->
<property name="openjpa.jdbc.SynchronizeMappings" value="buildSchema"/>
<property name="openjpa.RuntimeUnenhancedClasses" value="supported"/>
As per apidocs:
Many of the return types of LogEvent methods (e.g., StackTraceElement,
Message, Marker, Throwable, ThreadContext.ContextStack, and
Map) will not be recognized by the JPA provider. In
conjunction with #Convert, you can use the converters in the
org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.db.jpa.converter package to
convert these types to database columns.
So I added all necessary classes, but it still throws:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/persistence/AttributeConverter
AttributeConverter seems something new in JPA2.1. Are you sure your project is using JPA2.1 instead of any prior version?
Just curious, why are you so insists to use JPA for log persistence? There are plenty JDBC-based solution which works well. I don't see any reason for using JPA solution unless you are going to make use of the logging related entities in your application.

How to debug JPA CriteriaBuilder queries

How can I debug a query built with JPA 2.0 CriteriaBuilder? Is there a way to print out the query that is being executed?
I am developing a web application using NetBeans, MySql, GlassFish. I would avoid starting MySql in debug mode, because it is used also for other applications. JPA provider is EclipseLink.
The same attributes in persistence.xml that also print the SQL that is generated from regular JPQL queries, should also print the SQL that is generated from Criteria queries.
For Hibernate (used by e.g. JBoss AS) it's:
<property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="true" />
For EclipseLink (used by e.g. GlassFish) it's:
<property name="eclipselink.logging.level" value="FINE"/>
<property name="eclipselink.logging.parameters" value="true"/>
Also see: How to view the SQL queries issued by JPA?
If you are using Java and Spring, under resources, you can adjust your application.properties file and add the line below:

how to configure cache in hibernate with jboss? ? And test as well in kumud console?

Does any one know, how to configure cache for hibernate with jboss ?
My clear question is I am using JPA and Jboss. Every time I call JPA method its creating entity and binding query.
My persistence properties are
<property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect"/>
<property name="hibernate.cache.provider_class" value="net.sf.ehcache.hibernate.SingletonEhCacheProvider"/>
<property name="hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache" value="true"/>
<property name="hibernate.cache.use_query_cache" value="true"/>
And I am creating entity manager the way shown below:
emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("pu");
em = emf.createEntityManager();
em = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("pu")
Is there any nice way to manage entity manager resource insted create new every time or any property can set in persistance. Remember it's JPA.
The question is not clear, there are many second level cache providers for Hibernate and they are not application server specific.
To enable the second level cache, you need to set the following properties in Hibernate configuration file hibernate.cfg.xml:
<property name="hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache">true</property>
And if you want to also enable query result caching:
<property name="hibernate.cache.use_query_cache">true</property>
Then, declare the name of a class that implements org.hibernate.cache.CacheProvider - a cache provider - under the hibernate.cache.provider_class property. For example, to use JBoss Cache 2:
<property name="hibernate.cache.provider_class">org.hibernate.cache.jbc2.JBossCacheRegionFactory</property>
Of course, the JAR for the provider must be added to the application classpath.
That's for the Hibernate side. Depending on the chosen cache provider, there might be additional configuration steps. But as I said, there are many second level cache providers: EHCache, JBoss Cache, Infinispan, Hazelcast, Coherence, GigaSpace, etc.

