Swift/Objective-C background Task - java

I am developing an Swift app. I'm using sockets for the background connection. But know I get this error, when I try to use it:
0x11329edd0 <+0>: movl $0x2000148, %eax ; imm = 0x2000148
0x11329edd5 <+5>: movq %rcx, %r10
0x11329edd8 <+8>: syscall -> 0x11329edda <+10>: jae 0x11329ede4 ; <+20>
0x11329eddc <+12>: movq %rax, %rdi
0x11329eddf <+15>: jmp 0x113297d6f ; cerror_nocancel
0x11329ede4 <+20>: retq
0x11329ede5 <+21>: nop
0x11329ede6 <+22>: nop
0x11329ede7 <+23>: nop
It also shows "Thread: Signal Sigabrt"
.Here I call the method:
let x:ComObwareAlifstoPostConnection = ComObwareAlifstoPostConnection()
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async {
let y = x.getPostsWith("username", with: "password", with: "15000000000000", with: "down", with: "0")
DispatchQueue.main.async {
And here is my Objective-C class (It's Java converted by J2Objc)
- (IOSObjectArray *)getPostsWithNSString:(NSString *)username
withNSString:(NSString *)password
withNSString:(NSString *)time
withNSString:(NSString *)direction
withNSString:(NSString *)minTime {
IOSObjectArray *returnArray = nil;
#try {
[self connect];
if (ComObwareAlifstoPostConnection_socket == nil) {
return nil;
JavaIoDataOutputStream *os = new_JavaIoDataOutputStream_initWithJavaIoOutputStream_([ComObwareAlifstoPostConnection_socket getOutputStream]);
[os writeUTFWithNSString:JreStrcat("C$$$$$$$$$$", '2', ComObwareAlifstoPostConnection_SPLITTED, username, ComObwareAlifstoPostConnection_SPLITTED, password, ComObwareAlifstoPostConnection_SPLITTED, time, ComObwareAlifstoPostConnection_SPLITTED, direction, ComObwareAlifstoPostConnection_SPLITTED, minTime)];
[os flush];
JavaIoObjectInputStream *in = new_JavaIoObjectInputStream_initWithJavaIoInputStream_([((JavaNetSocket *) nil_chk(ComObwareAlifstoPostConnection_socket)) getInputStream]);
while ((returnArray = (IOSObjectArray *) cast_check([in readObject], IOSClass_arrayType(ComObwareAlifstoPostPost_class_(), 1))) != nil) {
return returnArray;
#catch (JavaNetUnknownHostException *e) {
#catch (JavaIoIOException *e) {
if (!hastried_) {
hastried_ = true;
return [self getPostsWithNSString:username withNSString:password withNSString:time withNSString:direction withNSString:minTime];
[((JavaIoIOException *) nil_chk(e)) printStackTrace];
#catch (JavaLangClassNotFoundException *e) {
return nil;
So, where could be the error? With some other method it works.

Build with debugging enabled, either in Xcode or, if using the command-line, include the C compiler (clang) "-g" flag. Then run it in Xcode's debugger (or from the command-line using lldb). When your app aborts, it should break at the pkill code you listed, but you can move up the stack frame ("up" command) to see which statement


I want to store Zk4500 fingerprint reader template in k50 biometric attendance machine both are from zktecho

I want to store Zk4500 fingerprint template in k50 biometric attendance machine . I am using java for zk4000 scanner and python for communicating with attendance machine(k 50).
public void onAccept(){
if (count == 1){
fingerPrintTemplateForDB1 = FingerprintSensorEx.BlobToBase64(template, templateLen[0]);
if (count == 2){
fingerPrintTemplateForDB2 = FingerprintSensorEx.BlobToBase64(template, templateLen[0]);
count = 1;
I am trying to store this template in
fingerPrintTemplateForDB1 = FingerprintSensorEx.BlobToBase64(template, templateLen[0]);
from zk import ZK, const
from zk.finger import Finger
conn = None
zk = ZK('', port=4370, timeout=5, password=0, force_udp=False, ommit_ping=False)
conn = zk.connect()
conn.set_user(uid=6, name='ahmed f', privilege=const.USER_ADMIN, password='12345678', group_id='', user_id='6', card=0)
fingerPrintTemplateForDB1 = "Template from Zk45000"
Myfinger = {
"uid": 6,
"fid": 6,
"valid": 1,
'template': fingerPrintTemplateForDB1
users = conn.get_users()
for user in users:
if user.user_id == "3":
conn.save_user_template(user, [ Finger.json_unpack(Myfinger)])
I think the main issue is in Finger print object In python :
from struct import pack #, unpack
import codecs
class Finger(object):
def __init__(self, uid, fid, valid, template):
self.size = len(template) # template only
self.uid = int(uid)
self.fid = int(fid)
self.valid = int(valid)
self.template = template
#self.mark = str().encode("hex")
self.mark = codecs.encode(template[:8], 'hex') + b'...' + codecs.encode(template[-8:], 'hex')
def repack(self): #full
return pack("HHbb%is" % (self.size), self.size+6, self.uid, self.fid, self.valid, self.template)
def repack_only(self): #only template
return pack("H%is" % (self.size), self.size, self.template)
def json_unpack(json):
return Finger(
def json_pack(self): #packs for json
return {
"size": self.size,
"uid": self.uid,
"fid": self.fid,
"valid": self.valid,
"template": codecs.encode(self.template, 'hex').decode('ascii')
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __str__(self):
return "<Finger> [uid:{:>3}, fid:{}, size:{:>4} v:{} t:{}]".format(self.uid, self.fid, self.size, self.valid, self.mark)
def __repr__(self):
return "<Finger> [uid:{:>3}, fid:{}, size:{:>4} v:{} t:{}]".format(self.uid, self.fid, self.size, self.valid, self.mark)
def dump(self):
return "<Finger> [uid:{:>3}, fid:{}, size:{:>4} v:{} t:{}]".format(self.uid, self.fid, self.size, self.valid, codecs.encode(self.template, 'hex'))
But nothing is working Can anyone have an idea .
I am using this unofficial library
pip install -U pyzk
i found a solution the main problem was k50 was using ZkFingerprint10.0 algorithm and zk4500 was using algorithm ZkFingerprint9.0 by updating drivers of zk4500 from website https://www.zkteco.com/en/product_detail/ZKFinger-SDK-Windows.html
(not from CD) to latest version....problem was solved

java.nio.ByteBuffer wrap method partly working with sbt run

I have an issue where I read a bytestream from a big file ~ (100MB) and after some integers I get the value 0 (but only with sbt run ). When I hit the play button on IntelliJ I get the value I expected > 0.
My guess was that the environment is somehow different. But I could not spot the difference.
// DemoApp.scala
import java.nio.{ByteBuffer, ByteOrder}
object DemoApp extends App {
val inputStream = getClass.getResourceAsStream("/HandRanks.dat")
val handRanks = new Array[Byte](inputStream.available)
def evalCard(value: Int) = {
val offset = value * 4
println("value: " + value)
println("offset: " + offset)
ByteBuffer.wrap(handRanks, offset, handRanks.length - offset).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).getInt
val cards: List[Int] = List(51, 45, 14, 2, 12, 28, 46)
def eval(cards: List[Int]): Unit = {
var p = 53
cards.foreach(card => {
println("p = " + evalCard(p))
p = evalCard(p + card)
println("result p: " + p);
The HandRanks.dat can be found here: (I put it inside a directory called resources)
build.sbt is:
name := "LoadInts"
version := "0.1"
scalaVersion := "2.13.4"
On my windows machine I use sbt 1.4.6 with Oracle Java 11
You will see that the evalCard call will work 4 times but after the fifth time the return value is 0. It should be higher than 0, which it is when using IntelliJ's play button.
You are not reading a whole content. This
val handRanks = new Array[Byte](inputStream.available)
allocates only as much as InputStream buffer and then you read the amount in buffer with
Depending of defaults you will process different amount but they will never be 100MB of data. For that you would have to read data into some structure in the loop (bad idea) or process it in chunks (with iterators, stream, etc).
import scala.util.Using
// Using will close the resource whether error happens or not
Using(getClass.getResourceAsStream("/HandRanks.dat")) { inputStream =>
def readChunk(): Option[Array[Byte]] = {
// can be done better, but that's not the point here
val buffer = new Array[Byte](inputStream.available)
val bytesRead = inputStream.read(buffer)
if (bytesRead >= 0) Some(buffer.take(bytesRead))
else None
#tailrec def process(): Unit = {
readChunk() match {
case Some(chunk) =>
// do something
case None =>
// nothing to do - EOF reached

Blocked Flux while waiting for last element

I want to connect two applications via rsocket. One is written in GO and second in Kotlin.
I want to realize connection where client sends Stream of data and server send confirmation response.
The problem is with waiting for all elements, if server do not BlockOnLast(ctx), whole stream is read, but response is send before all entries arrive. If BlockOnLast(ctx) is added, Server (GoLang) is stuck.
I wrote also client in Kotlin, and in that case whole communication is working perfectly fine.
Do enyone may help?
GO Server:
package main
import (
func main() {
addr := "tcp://"
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
err := rsocket.Receive().
Acceptor(func(setup payload.SetupPayload, sendingSocket rsocket.CloseableRSocket) (rsocket.RSocket, error) {
return rsocket.NewAbstractSocket(
rsocket.RequestChannel(func(payloads rx.Publisher) flux.Flux {
DoOnNext(func(input payload.Payload) {
chunk := &pl_dwojciechowski_proto.Chunk{}
proto.Unmarshal(input.Data(), chunk)
return flux.Create(func(i context.Context, sink flux.Sink) {
status, _ := proto.Marshal(&pl_dwojciechowski_proto.UploadStatus{
Message: "OK",
Code: 0,
sink.Next(payload.New(status, make([]byte, 1)))
), nil
Kotlin Client:
private fun clientCall() {
val rSocket = RSocketFactory.connect().transport(TcpClientTransport.create(8081)).start().block()
val client = FileServiceClient(rSocket)
val requests: Flux<Chunk> = Flux.range(1, 10)
.map { i: Int -> "sending -> $i" }
.map<Chunk> {
val response = client.send(requests).block() ?: throw Exception("")
And equivalent for GO written in Kotlin:
val serviceServer = FileServiceServer(DefaultService(), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty())
val closeableChannel = RSocketFactory.receive()
.acceptor { setup: ConnectionSetupPayload?, sendingSocket: RSocket? ->
class DefaultService : FileService {
override fun send(messages: Publisher<Service.Chunk>?, metadata: ByteBuf?): Mono<Service.UploadStatus> {
return Flux.from(messages)
.windowTimeout(10, Duration.ofSeconds(500))
.doOnNext { println(it.content.toStringUtf8()) }
Server Output:
sending -> 1
Solution below:
package main
import (
type TestService struct {
totals int
var statusOK = &pl_dwojciechowski_proto.UploadStatus{
Message: "code",
Code: pl_dwojciechowski_proto.UploadStatusCode_Ok,
var statusErr = &pl_dwojciechowski_proto.UploadStatus{
Message: "code",
Code: pl_dwojciechowski_proto.UploadStatusCode_Failed,
func main() {
addr := "tcp://"
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
err := rsocket.Receive().
Acceptor(func(setup payload.SetupPayload, sendingSocket rsocket.CloseableRSocket) (rsocket.RSocket, error) {
return rsocket.NewAbstractSocket(
rsocket.RequestChannel(func(msgs rx.Publisher) flux.Flux {
dataReceivedChan := make(chan bool, 1)
toChan, _ := flux.Clone(msgs).
DoOnError(func(e error) {
dataReceivedChan <- false
DoOnComplete(func() {
dataReceivedChan <- true
ToChan(ctx, 1)
fluxResponse := flux.Create(func(ctx context.Context, s flux.Sink) {
gluedContent := make([]byte, 1024)
for c := range toChan {
chunk := pl_dwojciechowski_proto.Chunk{}
_ = chunk.XXX_Unmarshal(c.Data())
gluedContent = append(gluedContent, chunk.Content...)
if <-dataReceivedChan {
marshal, _ := proto.Marshal(statusOK)
s.Next(payload.New(marshal, nil))
} else {
marshal, _ := proto.Marshal(statusErr)
s.Next(payload.New(marshal, nil))
return fluxResponse
), nil

What's the idiomatic way to do this Java function in Clojure?

I'm replicating this Java function into Clojure.
Config createConfig(Map<String, String> options) {
Config conf = new Config();
String foo = options.get("foo");
if (foo != null) { conf.setFoo(foo); }
String bar = options.get("bar");
if (bar != null) { conf.setBar(bar); }
// many other configs
return conf;
I came up with this,
(defn create-config [options]
(let [conf (Config.)]
(when-let [a (:foo options)] (.setFoo a))
(when-let [a (:bar options)] (.setBar a))
Is there a better way to do this?
How about this?
(defn create-config [{:keys (foo bar)}]
(let [config (Config.)]
(when foo (.setFoo config foo))
(when bar (.setBar config bar))))
Probably better would be to create a generic macro that can set any number of fields on an object based on a Clojure map. This could be prettier, but it works:
(defmacro set-fields
[options obj]
(let [o (gensym)
m (gensym)]
`(let [~m ~options
~o ~obj]
~#(map (fn [[field value]]
(let [setter (symbol (str "set" (clojure.string/capitalize (name field))))]
`(. ~o (~setter ~value))))
;; call like:
(set-fields {:daemon true :name "my-thread"} (Thread.))
;; translates to:
;; (let [G__1275 {:daemon true, :name "my-thread"}
;; G__1274 (Thread.)]
;; (. G__1274 (setDaemon true))
;; (. G__1274 (setName "my-thread"))
;; G__1274)
I'm not checking for null as this only looks at exactly what is passed in the options.
maybe checkout some->>
fillertext fillertext

Call Java from PHP with timeout handler

Problem: I am running java files via PHP that a user submits. It is possible for a java file to cause an infinite loop. How can I handle this in the php execution process?
Here is my code:
$proc = proc_open($javaCmd, array(array("pipe", "r"), array("pipe", "w"), array("pipe", "w")), $pipes);
// Check status here logic ?
It currently waits for the process to finish, but I want it to timeout after 30 seconds or a minute. I tried set_time_limit(x), but that does not terminate java.exe.
My question is, is it possible for me to check the status of java.exe process after X seconds, then terminate if it is still running? Or, do I need to use a timeout functionality in java (i.e. have a main class that executes the user's submitted classes on a thread)
Yes, it's possible. I don't think a java process is any different than any other process in this regard. See these links for unix exec with timeout and windows exec with timeout.
I didn't write this code, but here it is copy-pasted in case the original disappears from the Internet:
For unix:
function PsExecute($command, $timeout = 60, $sleep = 2) {
// First, execute the process, get the process ID
$pid = PsExec($command);
if( $pid === false )
return false;
$cur = 0;
// Second, loop for $timeout seconds checking if process is running
while( $cur < $timeout ) {
$cur += $sleep;
// If process is no longer running, return true;
echo "\n ---- $cur ------ \n";
if( !PsExists($pid) )
return true; // Process must have exited, success!
// If process is still running after timeout, kill the process and return false
return false;
function PsExec($commandJob) {
$command = $commandJob.' > /dev/null 2>&1 & echo $!';
exec($command ,$op);
$pid = (int)$op[0];
if($pid!="") return $pid;
return false;
function PsExists($pid) {
exec("ps ax | grep $pid 2>&1", $output);
while( list(,$row) = each($output) ) {
$row_array = explode(" ", $row);
$check_pid = $row_array[0];
if($pid == $check_pid) {
return true;
return false;
function PsKill($pid) {
exec("kill -9 $pid", $output);
For windows:
// pstools.inc.php
function PsExecute($command, $timeout = 60, $sleep = 2) {
// First, execute the process, get the process ID
$pid = PsExec($command);
if( $pid === false )
return false;
$cur = 0;
// Second, loop for $timeout seconds checking if process is running
while( $cur < $timeout ) {
$cur += $sleep;
// If process is no longer running, return true;
if( !PsExists($pid) )
return true; // Process must have exited, success!
// If process is still running after timeout, kill the process and return false
return false;
function PsExec($command) {
exec( dirname(__FILE__). "\\psexec.exe -s -d $command 2>&1", $output);
while( list(,$row) = each($output) ) {
$found = stripos($row, 'with process ID ');
if( $found )
return substr($row, $found, strlen($row)-$found-strlen('with process ID ')-1); // chop off last character '.' from line
return false;
function PsExists($pid) {
exec( dirname(__FILE__). "\\pslist.exe $pid 2>&1", $output);
while( list(,$row) = each($output) ) {
$found = stristr($row, "process $pid was not found");
if( $found !== false )
return false;
return true;
function PsKill($pid) {
exec( dirname(__FILE__). "\\pskill.exe $pid", $output);

