Dice roller Java returns less random results - java

i'm trying to make a little program thar throws "reservaDados" number of dice and compare the "dado" (who is a number between 1-10) to a specified dificulty. Then i want to print the count of the number of exits, fails and ultrafails, but i seem to have a problem with the number of times the loop works, it only prints 9 results and i don't seem to find why, i supose that it has to do something with the counter i?
import java.util.*;
public class ProgramTUI {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner var = new Scanner(System.in).useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH);
System.out.print("Cuantos dados lanzas?");
int reservaDados = var.nextInt();
System.out.print("Cual es la dificultad?");
int dificultad = var.nextInt();
int i = 0;
int numero_exitos = 0;
int numero_fracasos = 0;
int numero_pifias = 0;
while (i < reservaDados) {
int dado = (int) (Math.random() * 10) + 1;
if (reservaDados == i) {
System.out.println("Has sacado " + numero_exitos + " exitos, " + numero_fracasos
+ " fracasos, " + numero_pifias + " pifias");
} else if (dado == 1) {
} else if (dado < dificultad) {
} else {

In the last iteration, no more counting is done, only the result is printed. So you effectively miss one iteration.
Could be fixed by removing the first else, or by doing one extra iteration.
But just take the whole result printing out of the loop and place it directly after the loop. That will make the intent of the code much clearer.

Thilo is right, in the last pass of the loop it dosn't count the dice because ther is a print first, i just taked out the print, and pasted at the end like this:
import java.util.*;
public class ProgramTUI {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner var = new Scanner(System.in).useLocale(Locale.ENGLISH);
System.out.print("Cuantos dados lanzas?");
int reservaDados= var.nextInt();
System.out.print("Cual es la dificultad?");
int dificultad= var.nextInt();
int i=0;
int numero_exitos=0;
int numero_fracasos=0;
int numero_pifias=0;
while (i < reservaDados){
int dado= (int) (Math.random() * 10) + 1;
if (dado == 1) {numero_pifias++;}
else if (dado < dificultad) {numero_fracasos++;}
else {numero_exitos++;}
if (reservaDados == i){System.out.println("Has sacado "+numero_exitos+" exitos, "+numero_fracasos+" fracasos, "+numero_pifias+" pifias");}
And it was fixed, thanks!


I have some problems with ArrayList (quiz of head first java)

I've just started learning java since last week. I'm using book called 'head first java' and i'm struggling with solving problems about ArrayList. Error says "The method setLocationCells(ArrayList) in the type DotCom is not applicable for the
arguments (int[])" and I haven't found the solution :( help me..!
enter image description here
This looks like a Locate & Conquer type game similar to the game named Battleship with the exception that this game is a single player game played with a single hidden ship in a single horizontal row of columnar characters. Rather simplistic but kind of fun to play I suppose. The hard part is to locate the hidden ship but once you've located it, conquering (sinking) it becomes relatively easy. I'm sure this isn't the games' intent since it is after all named "The Dot Com Game" but the analogy could be possibly helpful.
There are several issues with your code but there are two major ones that just can not be there for the game to work:
Issue #1: The call to the DotCom.setLocationCells() method:
The initial problem is located within the DotComGame class on code line 13 (as the Exception indicates) where the call is made to the DotCom.setLocationCells() method. As already mentioned in comments the wrong parameter type is passed to this method. You can not pass an int[] Array to the setLocationCell() method when this method contains a parameter signature that stipulates it requires an ArrayList object. The best solution in my opinion would be to satisfy the setLocationCells() method parameter requirement...supply an ArrayList to this method.
The reason I say this is because all methods within the DotCom class work with an established ArrayList and one of the tasks of one of these methods (the checkYourself() method) actually removes elements from the ArrayList which is easy to do from a collection but very cumbersome to do the same from an Array.
To fix this problem you will need to change the data type for the locations variable located within the DotComGame class. Instead of using:
int[] locations = {randomNum, randomNum + 1, randomNum + 2};
you should have:
ArrayList<Integer> locations = new ArrayList<>(
Arrays.asList(random, randomNum + 1, randomNum + 2));
or you could do it this way:
ArrayList<Integer> locations = new ArrayList<>();
locations.add(randomNum + 1);
locations.add(randomNum + 2);
There are other ways but these will do for now. Now, when the call to the setLocationCells() method is made you ahouldn't get an exception this issue should now be resolved.
Issue #2: The call to the DotCom.checkYourself() method:
Again, this particular issue is located within the DotComGame class on code line 18 where the call is made to the DotCom.checkYourself() method. Yet another parameter data type mismatch. You are trying to pass a variable of type String (named guess) to this method whereas its signature stipulates that it requires an integer (int) value. That again is a no go.
To fix this problem you will need to convert the string numerical value held by the guess variable to an Integer (int) value. So instead of having this:
while(isAlive) {
String guess = helper.getUserInput("Enter a Number: ");
String result = theDotCom.checkYourself(guess);
// ... The rest of your while loop code ...
you should have something like:
while(isAlive) {
String guess = helper.getUserInput("Enter a Number: ");
/* Validate. Ensure guess holds a string representation
of a Integer numerical value. */
if (!guess.matches("\\d+")) {
System.err.println("Invalid Value (" + guess
+ ") Supplied! Try again...");
int guessNum = Integer.parseInt(guess);
String result = theDotCom.checkYourself(guessNum);
if (result.equals("kill")) {
isAlive = false;
System.out.println(numOfGuesses + " guesses!");
else if (result.equals("hit")) {
// Do Something If You Like
else {
Below is a game named Simple Battleship which I based off of your code images (please don't use images for code anymore - I hate using online OCR's ;)
BattleshipGame.java - The application start class:
import java.awt.Toolkit;
public class BattleshipGame {
public static int gameLineLength = 10;
public static void main(String[] args) {
GameHelper helper = new GameHelper();
Battleship theDotCom = new Battleship();
int score = 0; // For keeping an overall score
// Display About the game...
System.out.println("Simple Battleship Game");
System.out.println("In this game you will be displayed a line of dashes.");
System.out.println("Each dash has the potential to hide a section of a");
System.out.println("hidden Battleship. The size of this ship is randomly");
System.out.println("chosen by the game engine and can be from 1 to 5 sections");
System.out.println("(characters) in length. The score for each battle is based");
System.out.println("on the length of the game line that will be displayed to");
System.out.println("you (default is a minimum of 10 charaters). You now have");
System.out.println("the option to supply the game line length you want to play");
System.out.println("with. If you want to use the default then just hit ENTER:");
// Get the desire game line length
String length = helper.getUserInput("Desired Game Line Length: --> ", "Integer", true, 10, 10000);
if (!length.isEmpty()) {
gameLineLength = Integer.parseInt(length);
// Loop to allow for continuous play...
boolean alwaysReplay = true;
while (alwaysReplay) {
int numOfGuesses = 0;
/* Create a random ship size to hide within the line.
It could be a size from 1 to 5 characters in length. */
int shipSize = new java.util.Random().nextInt((5 - 1) + 1) + 1;
int randomNum = (int) (Math.random() * (gameLineLength - (shipSize - 1)));
int[] locations = new int[shipSize];
for (int i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) {
locations[i] = randomNum + i;
System.out.println("Destroy the " + shipSize + " character ship hidden in the");
System.out.println("displayed line below:");
String gameLine = String.join("", java.util.Collections.nCopies(gameLineLength, "-"));
// Play current round...
boolean isAlive = true;
while (isAlive == true) {
String guess = helper.getUserInput("Enter a number from 1 to " + gameLineLength
+ " (0 to quit): --> ", "Integer", 1, gameLineLength);
int idx = Integer.parseInt(guess);
if (idx == 0) {
System.out.println("Quiting with an overall score of: " + score + " ... Bye-Bye");
alwaysReplay = false;
idx = idx - 1;
String result = theDotCom.checkYourself(idx);
if (result.equalsIgnoreCase("kill")) {
isAlive = false;
/* Tally the score dependent upon the gameLineLength... */
if (gameLineLength <= 10) { score += 5; }
else if (gameLineLength > 10 && gameLineLength <= 20) { score += 10; }
else if (gameLineLength > 20 && gameLineLength <= 30) { score += 15; }
else if (gameLineLength > 30 && gameLineLength <= 40) { score += 20; }
else { score += 25; }
gameLine = gameLine.substring(0, idx) + "x" + gameLine.substring(idx + 1);
System.out.println(numOfGuesses + " guesses were made to sink the hidden ship.");
System.out.println("Your overall score is: " + (score < 0 ? 0 : score));
else if (result.equalsIgnoreCase("hit")) {
gameLine = gameLine.substring(0, idx) + "x" + gameLine.substring(idx + 1);
if (result.equalsIgnoreCase("miss")) {
score -= 1;
// Play Again? [but only if 'alwaysReplay' holds true]
if (alwaysReplay) {
String res = helper.getAnything("<< Press ENTER to play again >>\n"
+ "<< or enter 'q' to quit >>");
if (res.equalsIgnoreCase("q")) {
System.out.println("Quiting with an overall score of: " + score + " ... Bye-Bye");
GameHelper.java - The GameHelper class:
import java.util.Scanner;
public class GameHelper {
private final Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
public String getUserInput(String prompt, String responseType, int... minMAX) {
int min = 0, max = 0;
if (minMAX.length == 2) {
min = minMAX[0];
max = minMAX[1];
if (minMAX.length > 0 && min < 1 || max < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("\n\ngetUserInput() Method Error! "
+ "The optional parameters 'min' and or 'max' can not be 0!\n\n");
String response = "";
while (response.isEmpty()) {
if (prompt.trim().endsWith("-->")) {
else {
response = in.nextLine().trim();
if (responseType.matches("(?i)\\b(int|integer|float|double)\\b")) {
if (!response.matches("-?\\d+(\\.\\d+)?") ||
(responseType.toLowerCase().startsWith("int") && response.contains("."))) {
System.err.println("Invalid Entry (" + response + ")! Try again...");
response = "";
// Check entry range value if the entry is to be an Integer
if (responseType.toLowerCase().startsWith("int")) {
int i = Integer.parseInt(response);
if (i != 0 && (i < min || i > max)) {
System.err.println("Invalid Entry (" + response + ")! Try again...");
response = "";
return response;
public String getUserInput(String prompt, String responseType, boolean allowNothing, int... minMAX) {
int min = 0, max = 0;
if (minMAX.length == 2) {
min = minMAX[0];
max = minMAX[1];
if (minMAX.length > 0 && min < 1 || max < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("\n\ngetUserInput() Method Error! "
+ "The optional parameters 'min' and or 'max' can not be 0!\n\n");
String response = "";
while (response.isEmpty()) {
if (prompt.trim().endsWith("-->")) {
else {
response = in.nextLine().trim();
if (response.isEmpty() && allowNothing) {
return "";
if (responseType.matches("(?i)\\b(int|integer|float|double)\\b")) {
if (!response.matches("-?\\d+(\\.\\d+)?") ||
(responseType.toLowerCase().startsWith("int") && response.contains("."))) {
System.err.println("Invalid Entry (" + response + ")! Try again...");
response = "";
// Check entry range value if the entry is to be an Integer
if (responseType.toLowerCase().startsWith("int")) {
int i = Integer.parseInt(response);
if (i != 0 && (i < min || i > max)) {
System.err.println("Invalid Entry (" + response + ")! Try again...");
response = "";
return response;
public String getAnything(String prompt) {
if (prompt.trim().endsWith("-->")) {
else {
return in.nextLine().trim();
Battleship.java - The Battleship class:
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Battleship {
private ArrayList<Integer> locationCells;
public void setLocationCells(java.util.ArrayList<Integer> loc) {
locationCells = loc;
// Overload Method (Java8+)
public void setLocationCells(int[] loc) {
locationCells = java.util.stream.IntStream.of(loc)
// Overload Method (Before Java8)
public void setLocationCells(int[] loc) {
// Clear the ArrayList in case it was previously loaded.
// Fill the ArrayList with integer elements from the loc int[] Array
for (int i = 0; i < loc.length; i++) {
* Completely removes one supplied Integer value from all elements
* within the supplied Integer Array if it exist.<br><br>
* <b>Example Usage:</b><pre>
* {#code int[] a = {103, 104, 100, 10023, 10, 140, 2065};
* a = removeFromArray(a, 104);
* System.out.println(Arrays.toString(a);
* // Output will be: [103, 100, 10023, 10, 140, 2065]}</pre>
* #param srcArray (Integer Array) The Integer Array to remove elemental
* Integers from.<br>
* #param intToDelete (int) The Integer to remove from elements within the
* supplied Integer Array.<br>
* #return A Integer Array with the desired elemental Integers removed.
public static int[] removeFromArray(int[] srcArray, int intToDelete) {
int[] arr = {};
int cnt = 0;
boolean deleteIt = false;
for (int i = 0; i < srcArray.length; i++) {
if (srcArray[i] != intToDelete) {
arr[cnt] = srcArray[i];
return arr;
public String checkYourself(int userInput) {
String result = "MISS";
int index = locationCells.indexOf(userInput);
if (index >= 0) {
if (locationCells.isEmpty()) {
result = "KILL";
else {
result = "HIT";
return result;

Sort Algorithm Java

Right now i'm struggeling with a basic algorithm, that shall sort a linked list. I have two additional linked lists (in the beginning empty), in which i can copy the Integer Objects of the first linkedlist.
My problem is, that all of my tries simply doesn't work. In the copied example at the bottom, it goes through both of the while loops, but i don't know how to loop everything, until everything is sorted in the third linked list (zug3.zug3). Also i shall compare the actual smallest value of zug1 to the smallest of zug2 and then continue sorting in the list where the value is smaller. That is not possible at the start of sorting, because if i wanna getSmallest() of an empty List, it will get a null pointer exception.
I'm tryin this now since three days with different, for-loops, while-loops, if-else sentences but i don't find out, how to make it work accurate.
Please help!
Example of the Programm:
public class Abstellgleis {
LinkedList<Integer> zug1 = new LinkedList<Integer>();
void initialize() {
for (int i = 0; i <15;i++) {
Random zahl = new Random();
int integer = zahl.nextInt(15);
public void wagenAnkoppeln(int i) {
int wagenAbkoppeln() {
int waggonNummer = zug1.getFirst();
return waggonNummer;
int getSmallest() {
int smallest = zug1.size();
for( int i =1; i <zug1.size()-1; i++)
if(zug1.get(i) < smallest )
//int smallest = integers.get(Oedipus);
smallest = zug1.get(i);
return smallest;
public class Rangiergleis {
LinkedList<Integer> zug2 = new LinkedList<Integer>();
void waggonAnkoppeln(int i) {
int waggonAbkoppeln() {
int waggonNummer = zug2.getFirst();
return waggonNummer;
int getSmallest() {
int smallest = 100;
for (int i = 0; i < zug2.size() - 1; i++) {
if (zug2.get(i) < smallest) {
return smallest;
public class Zuggleis {
LinkedList<Integer> zug3 = new LinkedList<Integer>();
void waggonAnkoppeln(int i) {
public class Steuerung {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Abstellgleis zug1 = new Abstellgleis();
Rangiergleis zug2 = new Rangiergleis();
Zuggleis zug3 = new Zuggleis();
System.out.println("Abstellgleis:" + zug1.zug1);
System.out.println("Rangiergleis: " + zug2.zug2);
System.out.println("Abstellgleis: " + zug3.zug3);
while (!zug1.zug1.isEmpty()) {
if (zug1.zug1.getFirst() != zug1.getSmallest()) {
System.out.println("Vom Abstellgleis wurde Wagen " +
zug1.zug1.getFirst() + " aufs Rangiergleis bewegt");
else if (zug1.zug1.getFirst() == zug1.getSmallest()) {
System.out.println(zug1.zug1.getFirst() + "wurde aufs Zuggleis bewegt");
System.out.println("Abstellgleis:" + zug1.zug1);
System.out.println("Rangiergleis: " + zug2.zug2);
System.out.println("Zuggleis: " + zug3.zug3);
while (!zug2.zug2.isEmpty()) {
if (zug2.zug2.getFirst() != zug2.getSmallest()) {
System.out.println("Vom Rangiergleis wurde Wagen " +
zug2.zug2.getFirst() + " aufs Abstellgleis bewegt");
else if (zug2.zug2.getFirst() == zug2.getSmallest()) {
System.out.println(zug2.zug2.getFirst() + " wurde vom Rangiergleis aufs Zuggleis bewegt");
System.out.println("Abstellgleis:" + zug1.zug1);
System.out.println("Rangiergleis: " + zug2.zug2);
System.out.println("Zuggleis: " + zug3.zug3);
if (zug1.zug1.isEmpty()) {
while (!zug2.zug2.isEmpty())
if (zug2.zug2.getFirst() != zug2.getSmallest()) {
System.out.println("Vom Abstellgleis wurde Wagen " +
zug2.zug2.getFirst() + " aufs Rangiergleis bewegt");
else if (zug2.zug2.getFirst() == zug2.getSmallest()) {
System.out.println(zug2.zug2.getFirst() + "wurde aufs Zuggleis bewegt");
System.out.println("Abstellgleis:" + zug1.zug1);
System.out.println("Rangiergleis: " + zug2.zug2);
System.out.println("Zuggleis: " + zug3.zug3);
Your getSmallest methods in Abstellgleis and Rangiergleis don’t look right. In the first you start by setting smallest to zug1.size(). First time when the size is 15 this is probably fine, but as the Zug grows shorter, there may come a point when the size is smaller than the smallest element, and then your method will give the wrong result. In Rangiergleis you are initializing to 100, that’s sounder. In both methods you are missing the last element. For example in Abstellgleis.getSmallest():
for( int i =1; i <zug1.size()-1; i++)
This is in fact missing both the first and the last element. Elements are indexed 0 through zug1.size() - 1, so it should be one of the two following:
for (int i = 0; i < zug1.size(); i++) {
for (int i = 0; i <= zug1.size() - 1; i++) {
The former would be conventional. If you are sure there is at least one wagon in the train, you may of course initialize smallest to zug1.get(0) and the have the loop run from 1 (this could have been what you intended).
In Rangiergleis.getSmallest() your loop runs from 0 as it should, but is missing the last element in the same way as in Abstellgleis.

From String to Integer Functions

I am trying to write a program that will receive a function as a String and solve it. For ex. "5*5+2/2-8+5*5-2" should return 41
I wrote the code for multiplication and divisions and it works perfectly:
public class Solver
public static void operationS(String m)
ArrayList<String> z = new ArrayList<String>();
char e= ' ';
String x= " ";
for (int i =0; i<m.length();i++)
e= m.charAt(i);
x= Character.toString(e);
for (int i =0; i<z.size();i++)
public static void other(ArrayList<String> j)
int n1=0;
int n2=0;
int f=0;
String n= " ";
for (int m=0; m<j.size();m++)
if ((j.get(m)).equals("*"))
n1 = Integer.parseInt(j.get(m-1));
n2 = Integer.parseInt(j.get(m+1));
f= n1*n2;
n = Integer.toString(f);
for (int e=0; e<j.size();e++)
if ((j.get(e)).equals("/"))
n1 = Integer.parseInt(j.get(e-1));
n2 = Integer.parseInt(j.get(e+1));
f= n1/n2;
n = Integer.toString(f);
for (int i1 =0; i1<j.size();i1++)
However, for adding and subtracting, since there isnt an order for adding and subtracting, just whichever comes first, I wrote the following:
int x1=0;
int x2=0;
int x3=0;
String z = " ";
for (int g=0; g<j.size();g++)
if ((j.get(g)).equals("+"))
x1= Integer.parseInt(j.get(g-1));
x2= Integer.parseInt(j.get(g+1));
x3= x1+x2;
z = Integer.toString(x3);
if ((j.get(g)).equals("-"))
x1= Integer.parseInt(j.get(g-1));
x2= Integer.parseInt(j.get(g+1));
x3= x1-x2;
z = Integer.toString(x3);
for (int i1 =0; i1<j.size();i1++)
After this, it prints:
. What am I doing wrong? Multiplication and dividing seem to be working perfectly
You have 2 problems:
1) g=0; statements after if and else blocks will make you go into an infinite loop.
2) From the output you gave, the first minus (-) is Unicode character HYPHEN-MINUS (U+002D), while the second minus (–) is Unicode character EN DASH (U+2013), so (j.get(g)).equals("-") fails for the second minus as they are not equal.
Going for an answer that doesn't help with your exact specific problem, but that hopefully helps you much further than that.
On a first glance, there are various problems with your code:
Your are using super-short variable names all over the place. That saves you maybe 1 minute of typing overall; and costs you 5, 10, x minutes every time you read your code; or show it to other people. So: dont do that. Use names that say what the thing behind that name is about.
You are using a lot of low-level code. You use a "couting-for" loop to iterate a list (called j, that is really really horrible!) for example. Meaning: you make your code much more complicated to read than it ought to be.
In that way, it looks like nobody told you so far, but the idea of code is: it should be easy to read and understand. Probably you dont get grades for that, but believe me: in the long run, learning to write readable code is a super-important skill. If that got you curious, see if you can get a hand on "Clean code" by Robert Martin. And study that book. Then study it again. And again.
But the real problem is your approach to solve this problem. As I assume: this is some part of study assignment. And the next step will be that you don't have simple expressions such as "1+2*3"; but that you are asked to deal with something like "sqrt(2) + 3" and so on. Then you will be asked to add variables, etc. And then your whole approach breaks apart. Because your simple string operations won't do it any more.
In that sense: you should look into this question, and carefully study the 2nd answer by Boann to understand how to create a parser that dissects your input string into expressions that are then evaluated. Your code does both things "together"; thus making it super-hard to enhance the provided functionality.
You can use the built-in Javascript engine
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
ScriptEngineManager mgr = new ScriptEngineManager();
ScriptEngine engine = mgr.getEngineByName("JavaScript");
String code = "5*5+2/2-8+5*5-2";
Primarily Don't Repeat Yourself (the DRY principle). And use abstractions (full names, extracting methods when sensible). Static methods are a bit cumbersome, when using several methods. Here it is handy to use separate methods.
Maybe you want something like:
Solver solver = new Solver();
List<String> expr = solver.expression("5*5+2/2-8+5*5-2");
String result = solver.solve(expr);
A more abstract Solver class would do:
class Solver {
List<String> expression(String expr) {
String[] args = expr.split("\\b");
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
Collections.addAll(result, args);
return result;
String solve(List<String> args) {
solveBinaryOps(args, "[*/]");
solveBinaryOps(args, "[-+]");
return args.stream().collect(Collectors.joining(""));
The above solveBinaryOps receives a regular expression pattern or alternatively simply in some form the operators you want to tackle.
It takes care of operator precedence.
private void solveBinaryOps(List<String> args, String opPattern) {
for (int i = 1; i + 1 < args.length; ++i) {
if (args.get(i).matches(opPattern)) {
String value = evalBinaryOp(args.get(i - 1), args.get(i), args.get(i + 1));
args.set(i, value);
args.remove(i + 1);
args.remove(i - 1);
--i; // Continue from here.
private String evalBinaryOp(String lhs, String op, String rhs) {
int x = Integer.parseInt(lhs);
int y = Integer.parseInt(rhs);
int z = 0;
switch (op) {
case "*":
z = x * y;
case "/":
z = x / y;
case "+":
z = x + y;
case "-":
z = x - y;
return Integer.toString(z);
The above can be improved at several points. But it is readable, and rewritable.
public class Solver {
public static void main(String args[]) {
public static void operation(String m) {
ArrayList<Object> expressions = new ArrayList<Object>();
String e;
String x = "";
for (int i = 0; i < m.length(); i++) {
e = m.substring(i, i + 1);
if (!(e.equals("*") || e.equals("/") || e.equals("+") || e
.equals("-"))) {
x += e;
} else {
if (!x.equals("") && x.matches("[0-9]+")) {
int oper = Integer.parseInt(x);
x = "";
if (!x.equals("") && x.matches("[0-9]+")) {
int oper = Integer.parseInt(x);
x = "";
for (int i = 0; i < expressions.size(); i++) {
public static void evaluateExpression(ArrayList<Object> exp) {
//Considering priorities we calculate * and / first and put them in a list mulDivList
ArrayList<Object> mulDivList=new ArrayList<Object>();
for (int i = 0; i < exp.size(); i++) {
if (exp.get(i) instanceof Character) {
if ((exp.get(i)).equals('*')) {
int tempRes = (int) exp.get(i - 1) * (int) exp.get(i + 1);
exp.set(i - 1, null);
exp.set(i, null);
exp.set(i + 1, tempRes);
else if ((exp.get(i)).equals('/')) {
int tempRes = (int) exp.get(i - 1) / (int) exp.get(i + 1);
exp.set(i - 1, null);
exp.set(i, null);
exp.set(i + 1, tempRes);
//Create new list with only + and - operations
for(int i=0;i<exp.size();i++)
//Calculate + and - .
for(int i=0;i<mulDivList.size();i++)
if ((mulDivList.get(i)).equals('+')) {
int tempRes = (int) mulDivList.get(i - 1) + (int) mulDivList.get(i + 1);
mulDivList.set(i - 1, null);
mulDivList.set(i, null);
mulDivList.set(i + 1, tempRes);
else if ((mulDivList.get(i)).equals('-')) {
int tempRes = (int) mulDivList.get(i - 1) - (int) mulDivList.get(i + 1);
mulDivList.set(i - 1, null);
mulDivList.set(i, null);
mulDivList.set(i + 1, tempRes);
System.out.println("Result is : " + mulDivList.get(mulDivList.size() - 1));

For loop in the backEnd class not working?

The for loop in the backEnd class - CompareGuess method is not working.
public class frontEnd
public static void main (String args[])
int GetGuess = 0;
backEnd e1 = new backEnd();
System.out.println("Enter a number");
GetGuess = (int)(Math.random()*6);
System.out.println("It is a miss");
System.out.println("Sorry, no chances left");
class backEnd
int Guess;
int HitCounter=0;
int[] abc = new int[7] ;
int chanceCounter=0;
int suc = 0;
int x =0;
public void InitializeArray()
abc[1]= 3;
abc[2] = 5;
abc[4] = 1;
public void UserGuess(int guess)
Guess = guess;
public void CompareGuess()
for(x=0; x<=6; x++ )
if (abc[x] == Guess)
System.out.println("It is a hit");
chanceCounter = chanceCounter + 1;
suc = 1;
The problems seems to be here:
for(x=0; x<=6; x++ )
if (abc[x] == Guess)
System.out.println("It is a hit");
chanceCounter = chanceCounter + 1;
suc = 1;
break; //Here
Look what your code does:
Your for loop makes the first iteration, taking x = 0
If abc[x] it's equals to Guess then your program executes the code inside the if statement. After, the break statement will be executed.
If not, it just execute the break statement
So, in both cases, the break statement it's going to be executed in the first iteration (therefore, your program will go out of the for loop).
Look that your program only will execute your first iteration but not the rest (x = 1, x = 2 [....] x =6).
If you want that your for loop go through all the iterations you have to remove your break statement from your code.
I expect it will be helpful for you!
Since your game is all about guessing. I took a guess at what it's supposed to do then I rewrote your code, because I couldn't bear to leave it as it was. I left it as similar to your as I can cope with:
public class FrontEnd
public static void main (String args[])
int getGuess = 0;
BackEnd e1 = new BackEnd();
int totalChances = 3;
while(e1.chanceCounter < totalChances)
System.out.println("Enter a number");
getGuess = (int)(Math.random()*6);
System.out.println("It is a miss");
e1.suc = false;
System.out.println("Sorry, no chances left");
System.out.println("you scored " + e1.hitCounter + " out of " + totalChances);
class BackEnd
int guess;
int hitCounter = 0;
int[] abc = new int[7] ;
int chanceCounter = 0;
boolean suc = false;
public void initializeArray()
abc[1] = 3;
abc[2] = 5;
abc[4] = 1;
public void userGuess(int guess)
this.guess = guess;
public void compareGuess()
for( int x = 0; x <= 6; x++ )
if (abc[x] == guess)
System.out.println("It is a hit");
suc = true;
As others have said the break statement is supposed to be inside the conditional block. Also it looks like you were forgetting to reset the suc variable after each guess. Also you weren't using hitCounter at all. I assumed it's for counting correct guesses, which left me wondering when to update chanceCounter: either after each guess or after each wrong guess. I didn't know if the guesser was supposed to run out of chances after 3 guesses, or after 3 wrong guesses. I went with the former and update the chanceCounter after every guess.
guesses of 0 are considered correct because they match with all the entries in the abc array that are not initialised.

Printing randomly fed values from an ArrayList in Java

I am processing elements of an ArrayList in random order, generally by printing them out. I would like to detect when the randomly selected index is 0 or 1 so as to perform special handling for those cases, where the handling for index 0 is partially dependent on whether index 1 has previously been processed. Specifically, nothing is immediately printed when index 1 is processed, but if it is processed then when index 0 is subsequently processed, both the index 1 and the index 0 values are printed. In any event, the loop is exited after ten iterations or after processing index 0, whichever comes first.
I tried to implement this using if statements, but there where obvious flaws with that one. I have searched everywhere for any examples but found none. I have begun to consider using sorting algorithms or threads to hold the first value found then continue looping until it sees the second the print it out. I would appreciate any help possible.
Here is my code:
public static void random_sortType(){
types = new ArrayList<String>();
ran = new Random();
int listSize = types.size();
String tempEventType;//the temp variable intended to hold temporary values
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){ //the loop goes round the ArrayList 10 times
int index = ran.nextInt(listSize);//this produces the random selection of the elements within the list
if(index == 0){
if(index == 1){
tempEventType = types.get(index);
if(index == 0){
tempEventType = types.get(0) + " " + types.get(1);
}/*if(index == 0){
tempEventType = types.get(0) + " " + types.get(1);
//out.print("Index is " + index + ": ");
You need to store the random generated index into a global variable and update it everytime a random number is generated. It should be something like this.
public static void random_sortType(){
types = new ArrayList<String>();
` int previousIndex;
ran = new Random();
int listSize = types.size();
String tempEventType;//the temp variable intended to hold temporary values
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){ //the loop goes round the ArrayList 10 times
int index = ran.nextInt(listSize);//this produces the random selection of the elements within the list
previous_index =index;
if(index == 0){
if(index == 1){
tempEventType = types.get(index);
if(previousIndex == 0){
temp EventType = types.get(0) + " " + types.get(1);
According to your description, these are the basic requirements for your application:
Process ArrayList in random order
Processing = printing value at randomly selected index
Make 10 attempts to process items in the list.
Detect when random index is 1 or 0.
if 1
don't process, but flag it was selected.
if 0 && 1 is flagged
process 0 and 1
If these requirements are correct, here is the implementation I came up with:
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;
import static java.lang.System.*;
public class RandomSort {
private static final int MAX_ATTEMPTS = 10;
private static boolean wasOneSelected = false;
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<String> types = new ArrayList<>(5);
public static void random_sortType(ArrayList<String> types) {
Random ran = new Random();
int lastIndex = types.size() - 1; // index range is from 0 to 4
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ATTEMPTS; i++) {
int index = ran.nextInt(lastIndex);
if ( (index == 0) && wasOneSelected) {
process(types.get(index) + " " + types.get(index + 1));
} else if (index == 1) {
wasOneSelected = true;
} else {
public static void process(String str) {
out.println("Processing: " + str);
The key here is the inclusion of the boolean wasOneSelected initialized to false. Once it is set to true, it will never be false again for the duration of the application. The if-else block handles all branching within the loop, and I favored wrapping the println call into a method called "process" for readability purposes to align it more closely with your description.
Feedback appreciated :)

