Android AES encryption secret key - java

I'm developping an Android app and i wanna do encryption with AES-128.
I use secret key and text with hexadecimal.
I use this website : to compute the AES encryption with the following key : "c4dcc3c6ce0acaec4327b6098260b0be" and my text to encrypt is : "6F4B1B252A5F0C3F2992E1A65E56E5B8" (hexadecimal).
So the result from this website give me "859499d0802de8cc6ba4f208da648a8f" and that's the result i wanna get.
I find some code on the net, but a lot uses seed to generate random secret key and i wanna fix the secret key.
Actually i'm using the following code, i think it's the code i need but the result gives me D/resultdebug: 72adc67b6d11e1c5fb89ddf5faeb0e030686b91f8bfaf6c41335f08955343f87
and it's not the same result than the website, that i want.
String text16 = "6F4B1B252A5F0C3F2992E1A65E56E5B8";
String secret16 = "c4dcc3c6ce0acaec4327b6098260b0be";
SecretKeySpec sks = new SecretKeySpec(secret16.getBytes(),"AES");
Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance("AES");
c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, sks);
byte[] ciphertext = c.doFinal();
Log.d("resultdebug",new String(Hex.encode(ciphertext), "ASCII"));
Could you please tell me what's wrong, thanks.

You are not converting the hex to binary, you are getting the binary of the characters not the value that is hex encoded.

Thanks zaph, it solved my problem
I added these two lines on my code :
byte[] text = stringhextobyte(text16);
byte[] secret = stringhextobyte(secret16);
And the function stringhextobyte permit me to transform my hex string to byte array and i get the result needed.


how decode the encodeBase64URLSafeString hashkey

How to decode the encoded string using encodeBase64URLSafeString.
KeyGenerator generator = KeyGenerator.getInstance("HmacSHA1");
SecretKey key = generator.generateKey();
encodedKey = Base64.encodeBase64URLSafeString(key.getEncoded());
can anyone please help me on how to decode the output string which is in encrypted format?
Tried using decryption with jasypt library but it is throwing bad input error.
You have to decode it with the same library you have used for encoding org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
This is working for me
Keep in mind Decode/Decrypt are 2 different things. Here you have encoded it, in your last process, so you have to decode it.

RSA encrypt in php to RSA decrypt in JAva

at the moment im trying to encrypt with rsa in php with a public key generated in an android app and then decrypt in android app again.
My code to generate the keys in android is:
KeyPairGenerator kpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA");
KeyPair kp = kpg.generateKeyPair();
PublicKey publicKey = kp.getPublic();
PrivateKey privateKey = kp.getPrivate();
With that keys i can en- and decrypt very well. The pub key looks like this:
In php im taking the modulus and exponent, creating a encrypted string with phpseclib 1.0
$rsa = new Crypt_RSA();
// $rsa->createKey();
$m = "9ee9f82dd8429d9fa7f091c1d375b9c289bcf2c39ec57e175a2998b4bdd083465ef0fe6c7955c821b7e883929d017a9164a60290f1622f664a72096f5d2ffda7c7825c3d657c2d13d177445fa6cdd5d68b96346006a96040f5b09baae56d0c3efeaa77d57602f69018f5cefd60cb5c71b6b6f8a4b0472e8740367266917d8c13";
$e = "10001";
$data = "hallo";
$modulus = new Math_BigInteger($m, 16);
$exponent = new Math_BigInteger($e, 16);
$rsa->loadKey(array('n' => $modulus, 'e' => $exponent));
$messageEncrypt = $rsa->encrypt($data);
In Android again, im loading the key, and decrypting it like this:
Cipher cipher1 = Cipher.getInstance("RSA");
cipher1.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, privateKey);
byte[] decryptedBytes = cipher1.doFinal(encrypted.getBytes());
String decrypted = new String(decryptedBytes);
Im always getting a wrong decrypted plaintext or a " Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: too much data for RSA block" error message from Android.
What i think: The problem is the encoded transfer. That php outputs a different encoded version as java uses. So I tried a lot of different ways. I tried to convert the output to String/bin/hex/byte. Then transfer it, with socket or with copy+paste directly in the Code. Convert it back from hex/bin... to a byte[] and try to decode it. Nothing works...
Anyone has a solution for this?
Since you're not specifying the encryption mode with phpseclib what that means is that you're using the (more secure and less common) OAEP encryption mode. My guess is that Java is using PKCS1 encryption by default ($rsa->setEncryptionMode(CRYPT_RSA_ENCRYPTION_PKCS1);).
That said, with OAEP mode and the key that you're using (a 1024-bit key; 128 bytes), the limit is 86 bytes. The limit with PKCS1 mode is 117 bytes.
phpseclib 1.0 / 2.0 might not give errors because phpseclib tries to be all user friendly and will split the string up into chunks of the max size and will encrypt each chunk separately. It's unlikely that Java does that.

AES decrypt in python when key and IV is Java array of bytes

I have the following 2 values :
AES key it is a Java array of bytes
IV also a Java array of bytes
The encryption mode is : AES/CBC/PKCS5PADDING
Now I need to use these 2 values to decrypt my cipher text using python. I am trying to use pycrypto but am open on exploring other options as well.
Now because Java's array of bytes is signed and (it looks like) python (2.7) does not recognize signed array of bytes, I am having trouble doing this decryption.
I did find a bunch of SO discussions around similar topics, but most of them were generating the IV and the key, and not really using an already existing one, for eg.
Encrypt & Decrypt using PyCrypto AES 256
Using a byte array as key for AES algorithm in Python (looked promising but did not help much)
Python PyCrypto encrypt/decrypt text files with AES
So the above solutions have not worked for me, unless I did something fundamentally wrong while tweaking them for my need.
Here's one of my attempts (bits and pieces taken from the SO discussions mentioned above)
from Crypto import Random
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
import base64
key =
iv = [50,52,3,36,-90,81,109,-56,24,122,-3,27,-96,56,118,-60]
aes_key = ''.join(map(lambda x: chr(x % 256), key))
iv_data = ''.join(map(lambda x: chr(x % 256), iv))
def pad(s):
return s + b"\0" * (AES.block_size - len(s) % AES.block_size)
def decrypt(ciphertext, key):
ciphertext = base64.b64decode(ciphertext)
iv = ciphertext[:AES.block_size]
cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
plaintext = cipher.decrypt(ciphertext[AES.block_size:])
return plaintext.rstrip(b"\0")
And then calling decrypt() as :
decrypt('HaCiIld192v2QE3/zcuAxhpr39HRXvsHQYSJE/VT9FuWWK7envVDRaaDR6gpmh0zmw09/440O7UAtVb5qBLddZH37TASWUMXAN0Idy7B0VtpgPgMHOLGJG6axWCHgieaTleFDaRKP+z7WN+4fj5RGw==', aes_key)
gives the output as :
I tried :
a = b'\xdd\x99\xab\x8bI\xcb\xf0?\xcd`\x1c\x1eb\x109\xe8c\xc0\x105\xa6\xdb\xe4\xdb\x08\xc7\xdbHT\x08.\x10\x9e\xe1g\xfe\xd1\xc2\x92\xdbH\x8e\x9bV\xae^\r:\x98%\x8d\x06\xdf\xaf\t\xb5m\xfb\xf3Q+`s"CK\xf4\xc2\xe7\xd2\xfd\xfdq\xcc)\xcf\x99&\xffj\xc4\xc1\x1a$ML\xe9\xe7(\xef\x1c\x81vx\xf56'
and output is :
which is definitely not the plain text I was expecting.
So I need help figuring this out, as to how can I decrypt (using Python 2.7) an AES encrypted cipher text given the key and IV as Java array of bytes?
As per suggestions in the comments below (#MaartenBodewes thanks) I tried this :
So, I checked the base64 of the bytearray, key, in java as :
byte arr[] = new byte[] {64,67,-65,88,-19,-118,-16,-53,-81,-98,44,-83,82,-90,124,112,-120,42,92,67,104,23,44,8,2,-96,-106,-28,57,99,76,73};
String base64 = new String(Base64.encodeBase64(arr));
and then to achieve the same in python did some changes to python code above to do the same as : (I realized that java treats a byte array as an array of signed 2s complement data, from an excellent discussion at Java byte array contains negative numbers, and so had to accommodate for that in python)
key = [64,67,-65,88,-19,-118,-16,-53,-81,-98,44,-83,82,-90,124,112,-120,42,92,67,104,23,44,8,2,-96,-106,-28,57,99,76,73]
b64encode(bytearray([(lambda x:int((bin(x & 0xff)),2))(x) for x in key]))
and both these resulted in the same output as :
And I thought that not that I am sure that both these keys (Java and python) are the same, the decryption should work. And hence I tried once again:
decrypt('HaCiIld192v2QE3/zcuAxhpr39HRXvsHQYSJE/VT9FuWWK7envVDRaaDR6gpmh0zmw09/440O7UAtVb5qBLddZH37TASWUMXAN0Idy7B0VtpgPgMHOLGJG6axWCHgieaTleFDaRKP+z7WN+4fj5RGw==', str(aes_key))
And I got the exact same output as earlier:

Why can I still decrypt parts of my data after flipping a bit in the ciphertext?

I am using in my application AES algorithm to encrypt my data. My key is of 256 bit. The encrypted token formed is of this sort:
Now if I change one bit of the token alphabet from upper case to lower case say some thing like this:
Some part of the token is getting decrypted along with junk value. My concern is why even some part of the data is getting visible when as such one bit is changed.My code for encryption is as follows:
cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
Key secretKeySpecification = secretKeyData.getKey();
new IvParameterSpec(secretKeyData.getIV().getBytes("UTF-8")));
byte[] bytesdata = cipher.doFinal(data.getBytes());
String encodedData = new BASE64Encoder().encode(bytesdata)
My code for decryption is:
Key secretKeySpecification = decryptionKeyDetails.getKey();
cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, secretKeySpecification,
new IvParameterSpec(decryptionKeyDetails.getIV()
byte[] bytesdata;
byte[] tempStr = new BASE64Decoder()
bytesdata = cipher.doFinal(tempStr);
return new String(bytesdata);
Ciphertext modes of operation have specific forms of error propagation. There is such as thing as Bi-IGE (Bi-directional Infinite Garble Extension, that does change the whole plaintext if any error is introduced. However, it requires more than one pass, and it still won't protect you from getting random data if a bit was changed.
In the end, listen to Oleg and Codes (and Wikipedia and even me) and add an authentication tag to your ciphertext. Validate the authentication tag (e.g. HMAC) before decryption. Don't forget to include other data in your protocol such as the IV, or you may have a plaintext for which the first block has been changed.

Problems encoding/decoding using AES-128-CBC

So basically I have these snippets of code and would like them to produce the same output:
require 'openssl'
aes ="AES-128-CBC")
aes.key = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
aes.iv = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
encrypted = aes.update("1234567890123456") <<
puts encrypted.unpack('H*').join
This prints:
And this Java code:
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
String key = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa";
String textToEncryptpt = "1234567890123456";
SecretKeySpec keyspec = new SecretKeySpec(key.getBytes(), "AES");
IvParameterSpec ivspec = new IvParameterSpec(key.getBytes());
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, keyspec, ivspec);
byte[] encrypted = cipher.doFinal(textToEncryptpt.getBytes());
Annoying thing is that it was working a couple of days ago... so I am not sure what happened. What's wrong with this code? Do you see anything unusual?
Ruby script is wrong. You have to first call the encrypt method, and then set the key and iv:
require 'openssl'
aes ="AES-128-CBC")
aes.key = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
aes.iv = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
encrypted = aes.update("1234567890123456") <<
puts encrypted.unpack('H*').join
I figured out because when trying to decode an encrypted string I got:
aescrypt.rb:13:in `final': bad decrypt (OpenSSL::Cipher::CipherError)
from aescrypt.rb:13:in `<main>'
Seems you found already the reason that your script does give different results.
Some more things to consider:
Don't ever hardcode the key in the program - that way you can't easily change it, and if someone gets access to your program code, she also gets to see the key.
Don't ever use a constant initialization vector. Instead, generate a random one and send it together with the ciphertext. Alternatively, if you generate the key from a password and some salt, you can also generate the IV from the same ... but don't use the key directly as IV.
Your key/IV values are strings, not bytes. String.getBytes() (in Java) converts the string to bytes using some encoding. The encoding used is system-dependent, and none of the usual String encodings (UTF-8, Latin-1, ...) can represent all bytes as printable (and typeable) characters. Preferably use something like Base64 or hex-encoding, if you have to store your key as string.
And whenever you transform a string to bytes, specify an encoding (and use the same encoding later for retrieving it).
#Cristian, For key and initial vector, you can create a function by using today's date plus the secure fixed keyword.
Eg: key = January 8, 2012 + Key
And for initial vector,
Eg: iv = January 8, 2012 + IV
Then enter that data(key and iv) to MD5 it will produce the output 16 bytes that you can use for the Key and IV. Every day, key and iv will change randomly.
Make sure both systems use the same date format and setup on the same date.

