I have a big .pm File, which only consist of a very big Perl hash with lots of subhashes. I have to load this hash into a Java program, do some work and changes on the data lying below and save it back into a .pm File, which should look similar to the one i started with.
By now, i tried to convert it linewise by regex and string matching, converting it into a XML Document and later Elementwise parse it back into a perl hash.
This somehow works, but seems quite dodgy. Is there any more reliable way to parse the perl hash without having a perl runtime installed?
You're quite right, it's utterly filthy. Regex and string for XML in the first place is a horrible idea, and honestly XML is probably not a good fit for this anyway.
I would suggest that you consider JSON. I would be stunned to find java can't handle JSON and it's inherently a hash-and-array oriented data structure.
So you can quite literally:
use JSON;
print to_json ( $data_structure, { pretty => 1 } );
Note - it won't work for serialising objects, but for perl hash/array/scalar type structures it'll work just fine.
You can then import it back into perl using:
my $new_data = from_json $string;
print Dumper $new_data;
Either Dumper it to a file, but given you requirement is multi-language going forward, just using native JSON as your 'at rest' data is probably a more sensible choice.
But if you're looking at parsing perl code within java, without a perl interpreter? No, that's just insanity.
I want to read python dictionary string using java. Example string:
{'name': u'Shivam', 'otherInfo': [[0], [1]], 'isMale': True}
This is not a valid JSON. I want it to convert into proper JSON using java code.
well, the best way would be to pass it through a python script that reads that data and outputs valid json:
>>> json.dumps(ast.literal_eval("{'name': u'Shivam', 'otherInfo': [[0], [1]], 'isMale': True}"))
'{"name": "Shivam", "otherInfo": [[0], [1]], "isMale": true}'
so you could create a script that only contains:
import json, ast; print(json.dumps(ast.literal_eval(sys.argv[1])))
then you can make it a python oneliner like so:
python -c "import sys, ast, json ; print(json.dumps(ast.literal_eval(sys.argv[1])))" "{'name': u'Shivam', 'otherInfo': [[0], [1]], 'isMale': True}"
that you can run from your shell, meaning you can run it from within java the same way:
String PythonData = "{'name': u'Shivam', 'otherInfo': [[0], [1]], 'isMale': True}";
String[] cmd = {
"python", "-c", "import sys, ast, json ; print(json.dumps(ast.literal_eval(sys.argv[1])))",
and as output you'll have a proper JSON string.
This solution is the most reliable way I can think of, as it's going to parse safely any python syntax without issue (as it's using the python parser to do so), without opening a window for code injection.
But I wouldn't recommend using it, because you'd be spawning a python process for each string you parse, which would be a performance killer.
As an improvement on top of that first answer, you could use some jython to run that python code in the JVM for a bit more performance.
PythonInterpreter interpreter = new PythonInterpreter();
interpreter.eval("to_json = lambda d: json.dumps(ast.literal_eval(d))")
PyObject ToJson = interpreter.get("to_json");
PyObject result = ToJson.__call__(new PyString(PythonData));
String realResult = (String) result.__tojava__(String.class);
The above is untested (so it's likely to fail and spawn dragons 👹) and I'm pretty sure you can make it more elegant. It's loosely adapted from this answer. I'll leave up to you as an exercise to see how you can include the jython environment in your Java runtime ☺.
P.S.: Another solution would be to try and fix every pattern you can think of using a gigantic regexp or multiple ones. But even if on simpler cases that might work, I would advise against that, because regex is the wrong tool for the job, as it won't be expressive enough and you'll never be comprehensive. It's only a good way to plant a seed for a bug that'll kill you at some point in the future.
P.S.2: Whenever you need to parse code from an external source, always make sure that data is sanitized and safe. Never forget about little bobby tables
In conjunction to the other answer: it is straight forward to simply invoke that python one-liner statement to "translate" a python-dict-string into a standard JSON string.
But doing a new Process for each row in your database might turn into a performance killer quickly.
Thus there are two options that you should consider on top of that:
establish some small "python server" that keeps running; its only job is to do that translation for JVMs that can connect to it
you can look into jython. Meaning: simply enable your JVM to run python code. In other words: instead of writing your own python-dict-string parser; you simply add "python powers" to your JVM; and rely on existing components to that translation for you.
I need to parse, modify and write back Java source files. I investigated some options but it seams that I miss the point.
The output of the parsed AST when written back to file always screwed up the formatting using a standard format but not the original one.
Basically I want something that can do: content(write(parse(sourceFile))).equals(content(sourceFile)).
I tried the JavaParser but failed. I might use the Eclipse JDT's parser as a stand alone parser but this feels heavy. I also would like to avoid doing my own stuff. The Java parser for instance has information about column and line already but writing it back seams to ignore these information.
I would like to know how I can achieve parsing and writing back while the output looks the same as the input (intents, lines, everything). Basically a solution that is preserving the original formatting.
The modifications I want to do is basically everything that is possible with the AST like adding, removing implemented interfaces, remove / add final to local variables but also generate source methods and constructors.
The idea is to add/remove anything but the rest needs to remain untouched especially the formatting of methods and expressions if the resulting line is larger than the page margin.
You may try using antlr4 with its java8 grammar file
The grammar skips all whitespaces by default but based on token positions you may be able to reconstruct the source being close to the original one
The output of a parser generated by REx is a sequence of events written to this interface:
public interface EventHandler
public void reset(CharSequence input);
public void startNonterminal(String name, int begin);
public void endNonterminal(String name, int end);
public void terminal(String name, int begin, int end);
public void whitespace(int begin, int end);
where the integers are offsets into the input. The event stream can be used to construct a parse tree. As the event stream completely covers all of the input, the resulting data structure can represent it without loss.
There is sample driver, implementing XmlSerializer on top of this interface. That streams out an XML parse tree, which is just markup added to the input. Thus the string value of the XML document is identical to the original input.
For seeing it in action, use the Java 7 sample grammar and generate a parser using command line
-ll 2 -backtrack -tree -main -java
Then run the main method of the resulting Java.java, passing in some Java source file name.
Our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit with its Java Front End can do this.
DMS is a program transformation system (PTS), designed to parse source code to an internal representation (usually ASTs), let you make changes to those trees, and regenerate valid output text for the modified tree.
Good PTSes will preserve your formatting/layout at places where you didn't change the code or generate nicely formatted results, including comments in the original source. They will also let you write source-to-source transformations in the form of:
if you see *this* pattern, replace it by *that* pattern
where pattern is written in the surface syntax of your targeted language (in this case, Java). Writing such transformations is usually a lot easier than writing procedural code to climb up and down the tree, inspecting and hacking individual nodes.
DMS has all these properties, including OP's request for idempotency of the null transform.
[Reacting to another answer: yes, it has a Java 8 grammar]
The string at the bottom of this post is the serialization of a java.util.GregorianCalendar object in Java. I am hoping to parse it in Python.
I figured I could approach this problem with a combination of regexps and key=val splitting, i.e. something along the lines of:
text_inside_brackets = re.search(r"\[(.*)\]", text).group(1)
import parse
for x in [parse('{key} = {value}', x) for x in text_inside_brackets.split('=')]:
my_dict[x['key']] = x['value']
My question is: What would be a more principled / robust approach to do this? Are there any Python parsers for serialized Java objects that I could use for this problem? (do such things exist?). What other alternatives do I have?
My hope is to ultimately parse this in JSON or nested Python dictionaries, so that I can manipulate it it any way I want.
Note: I would prefer to avoid a solution relies on Py4J mostly because it requires setting up a server and a client, and I am hoping to do this within a single
Python script.
The serialized form of a GregorianCalendar object contains quite a lot of redundancy. In fact, there are only two fields that matter, if you want to reconstitute it:
the time
the timezone
There is code for extracting this in How to convert Gregorian string to Gregorian Calendar?
If you want a more principled and robust approach, I echo mbatchkarov's suggestion to use JSON.
Instead of writing my own serialization algorithm; would it be possible to just use the built in Java serialization, like I have done below, while still having it work across multiple languages?
How I imagine it working, would be as follows: I start up a process, that will be be a language-specific program - written in that language. So I'd have a CppExecutor.exe file, for example. I would write data to a stream to this program. The program would then do what it needs to do, then return a result.
To do this, I would need to serialize the data in some way. The first thing that came to mind was the basic Java Serialization with the use of an ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream. Most of what I have read has only stated that the Java serialization is Java-to-Java applications.
None of the data will ever need to be stored in a file. The method of transferring these packets would be through a java.lang.Process, which I have set up already.
The data will be composed of the following:
String - Mostly containing information that is displayed to the user.
Integer - most likely 32-bit. Won't need to deal with times.
Float- just to handle all floating-point values.
Character - to ensure proper types are used.
Array - Composed of any of the elements in this list.
The best way I have worked out how to do this is as follows: I would start with a 4-byte magic number - just to ensure we are working with the correct data. Following, I would have an integer specifying how many elements there are. After that, for each of the elements I would have: a single byte, signifying the data type (of the above), following by any crucial information, e.x: length for the String and Array. Then, the data that follows.
I would also like to point out that a lot of these calculations will be taking place, where every millisecond could matter. Due to this, a text-based format (such as JSON) may produce far larger operation times. Considering that non of the packets would need to be interpreted by a human, using only bytes wouldn't be an issue.
I'd recommend Google protobuf: it is binary, stable, proven, and has bindings for all languages you've mentioned. Moreover, it also handles structured data nicely.
There is a binary json format called bson.
I would also like to point out that a lot of these calculations will be taking place, so a text-based format (such as JSON) may produce far larger operation times.
Do not optimize before you measured.
Premature optimization is the root of all evil.
Can you have a try and benchmark the throughput? See if it fits your needs?
complexity of installation Thrift >> Protobuf > BSON > MessagePack > JSON
serialization data size JSON > MessagePack > Binary Thrift > Compact Thrift > Protobuf
time cost Compact Thrift > Binary Thrift > Protobuf > JSON > MessagePack
Specifically I am converting a python script into a java helper method. Here is a snippet (slightly modified for simplicity).
# hash of values
vals = {}
vals['a'] = 'a'
vals['b'] = 'b'
vals['1'] = 1
output = sys.stdout
file = open(filename).read()
print >>output, file % vals,
So in the file there are %(a), %(b), %(1) etc that I want substituted with the hash keys. I perused the API but couldn't find anything. Did I miss it or does something like this not exist in the Java API?
You can't do this directly without some additional templating library. I recommend StringTemplate. Very lightweight, easy to use, and very optimized and robust.
I doubt you'll find a pure Java solution that'll do exactly what you want out of the box.
With this in mind, the best answer depends on the complexity and variety of Python formatting strings that appear in your file:
If they're simple and not varied, the easiest way might be to code something up yourself.
If the opposite is true, one way to get the result you want with little work is by embedding Jython into your Java program. This will enable you to use Python's string formatting operator (%) directly. What's more, you'll be able to give it a Java Map as if it were a Python dictionary (vals in your code).