So, I've been working on my method building with arguments and such, but I've come across a dillema. If I were to do this:
public static void setStat() {
Is it possible to create "Sub-Methods" in this case? I'll give an example:
public static int attack(int attack) {
return attack;
public static int defense(int defense) {
return defense;
Then tie the "Super Method" (setStat()) to the "Sub-Methods" like so:
If it is possible, please provide an example on how I could do this.
Then you have to return the current instance i.e. this from your setStat() method and it should be changed from ,
public static void setStat() {
public ThisClass setStat() {
//your logic
return this;
public int attack(int attack) {
return attack;
Then you can try to do this,
You can achieve this by moving your methods from static to instance methods and deal with current this object.
I've got a small question because oft a topic I didn't understand. There is one variable in a class. In the first method I want to give her a value. The second method have to change the value of this variable again. The new value of the variable is needed by a third method. I want to change and use this variable on every point of the class. Is this possible? I hope you know what I mean. Thanks for every help!
It is possible.
public class Test{
int counter;
public void initCounter(int initValue){
counter = initValue;
public void incCounter(){
public void decCounter(){
public void printCounter(){
If I understand you correctly, you need to send a variable into the methods so that they can modify it. As I understand, here it could be difficult becuause if you use wrapper types, they can't be modified. In such a case you can create a class that wraps your variable and can change it's values or you can use ready-to-go solutions from third party libraries.
For example, in apache-comons, they have a package:
That contains mutable wrappers for all primitive types(e.g. MutableInt).
Using your own wrapper or this classes you can modify variable inside methods and keep result saved without returning new values from these methods.
You can do , here an example :
public class PassingV {
private int i;
public int getI() {
return i;
public void setI(int i) {
this.i = i;
public PassingV firsM(PassingV a){
return a;
public PassingV secondM(PassingV a){
return a;
public PassingV thirdM(PassingV a){
return a;
public String toString() {
return "PassingV [i=" + i + "]";
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
PassingV v = new PassingV();
Becarful to the types of objects you are using and becarful at the methods (accessors for example ) you define ,or not define in the class .
They can totally change the way how your object has seen from the outside .
Lets modifiy our class a bit and lets see what happen .
Now instead of int i will use a String parameter.
public class PassingV {
private String i;
public String getI() {
return i;
public void setI(String i) {
this.i = i;
public PassingV firsM(PassingV a){
a.setI("HEY ");
//substring but it return the original value :D
return a;
public PassingV secondM(PassingV a){
a.setI("JOE ");
return a;
public PassingV thirdM(PassingV a){
a.setI("LETS GO");
return a;
public String toString() {
return this.getI() ;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
PassingV v = new PassingV();
As you can see with String object something changed , it happen because is
Immutable object
Following this link you can read more about Immutable Objects
I'm trying to share variables between methods in different classes, but I don't know if I'm doing this in the correct way. Basically when I wanna use the variables on method2 I have to "transport" them throught method1 to method2 from the Class A, just take a look at the example because I don't know how to explain this properly.
Is this the correct way to do it? Because sometimes I do this over an over through methods and it looks ugly.
public class A {
int var1, var2, var3;
B b = new B();
b.method1(var1, var2, var3);
public class B {
public void method1(int var1, int var2, int var3){
method2(var2, var3);
public void method2(int var2, int var3){
Btw, is there any community where code reviews are done? I'm pretty new to code and I'm afraid that I'm creating code that isn't effective.
Thanks for the help! :)
Use getters and setters to get variable of Class A from B as following..
public class A {
private int var1, var2, var3;
public int getVar1(){
return var1;
public void setVar1(int var1){
this.var1 = var1;
public int getVar2(){
return var2;
public void setVar2(int var2){
this.var2 = var2;
public int getVar3(){
return var3;
public void setVar3(int var3){
this.var3 = var3;
public class B{
// Use var 1 from class A as following
A a = new A();
int x = a.getVar1(); //x has the value of Var1 now
a.setVar1(2); // var1 in class A has value 2 now.
Use interfaces rather than directly call a method of another class.
public class A {
private InterfaceB interfaceB;
interfaceB.method1(var1, var2, var3);
public interface InterfaceB{
public void method1(int var1, int var2, int var3);
public void method2(int var2, int var3);
public class B implements InterfaceB{
public void method1(int var1, int var2, int var3){
method2(var2, var3);
public void method2(int var2, int var3){
You should read about encapsulation.
Passing 3 variables encapsulated in 1 object with appriopriate accessors sounds like a better option to me (at least the code looks a bit cleaner).
Also, think of creating a utility class with static methods if it makes sense of course - sometimes you do not need class member fields at all because there is no state to this class (Math class is an example) and static methods that return the result of some calculation/transformation is a better option.
On a side note I can recommend you considering "Program to an interfaces" principle. You can read the relevant section right on the top of this page.
In B class, you declare a instance of A class, variables in A class is public. when you can use variable in A class.
Here is my 2 cents...
public class Sample {
//Property of the class
private int valueA;
//method to do some operation
//that relies explicitly on a
//property of the class
public void doSomething(){
//valueA is over 9000!?
int valueA = valueA + 9000;
//Method that does something that does not explicitly
//rely on a property of the class
//could be called from this or another class
public int doSomeOperationWithSomething(int something){
return something++;
Another alternative would be to create a static "utility" class for your methods
public class Utils{
public static int doMagic(int var){
return var * var;
used like this,
int num = Utils.doMagic(9);
These come about when you have some code that does that one useful thing, but you just can't figure out where to put it.
More importantly, you will want to maintain proper "encapsulation" (Read about that) in your code. This means limiting access to variables by other classes and allowing access to only what is needed.
public class Website {
//No one should ever be able to
//access this variable directly
//So we set it a private
private String article;
//A reader should be able to get the aricle
public String getArticle(){
return article;
//The reader should never be able to set
//an aticle on the website only read it
//You can leave this part out or
//set the method to private as i did.
private void setArticle(String article){
this.article = article;
public class Reader {
//Reference to website
private Website website;
public Reader(){
//the user can read an article
// but this is not available to them
website.setArticle("Some text"); // results in ERROR
Is there anyway to call a method from an enum? For example:
public enum Skills {
public void callMethod(){
//do stuff
You can call a static method or a method of another class as a constructor argument to an enum constant, but be aware that static fields of enums are initialized at weird times as compared with other kinds of classes.
public enum Skills {
private Skills( Object oIgnored ) {
public static Object callMethod(){
//do stuff
return null;
public enum Skills {
private Skills() {
public static void callMethod(){
//do stuff
public class Game{
String level;
public void update(){
update+"level"(); //calls diff. method depending on variable
public static void setLevel(String lv){
level = lv;
private updateLevelOne(){
private updateLevelTwo(){
public class Level{......
I know the top statement wont work. But I was wondering if its possible to make a call in such way that I wouldn't have to use a if/switch statement and go directly to the method.
Either use a switch statement or objects:
Switch statement:
public class Game {
private int level;
public void update() {
switch(level) {
case 1:
case 2:
public static void setLevel(int lv) {
level = lv;
private updateLevelOne() {
private updateLevelTwo() {
Alternatively, make your levels objects:
public class Game {
private Level[] levels;
private int currentLevel;
public Game() {
levels = new Level[2]
levels[0] = new Level();
levels[1] = new Level();
currentLevel = 0;
public void update() {
public static void setLevel(int newLevel) {
currentLevel = newLevel;
public class Level {
public Level() {
public void update() {
Objects are preferred but you can go either way. You could also go with the reflection package, but that's a worse idea that will be harder to understand.
No, it's not possible to create method names dynamically like this.
You should look up the Strategy pattern. This means you set some Level interface as a field in your class.
All your different levels should implement this interface, and each should implement some update method. At runtime, you can set this field with the exact implementation that you need at that time and you can call update() on it. This will delegate to the required implementation.
In my program, I want to be able to access certain methods based on the constructor I initialize and nothing else. For example:
public class A {
int paramOne;
float paramTwo;
public A(int paramOne) {
// Constructor One
public A(float paramTwo) {
// Constructor Two
public void ConstructorOneMethodOnly(int paramOne) {
// Only used when Constructor One is initialized
public void ConstructorTwoMethodOnly(float paramTwo) {
// Only used when Constructor Two is initialized
In the code given, is there a way of achieving what I have described in the comments and in my question? If so, can you describe how to do so?
As per Sotirios Delimanolis' comment, you can not restrict the accessibility of a method based on the constructor used.
I think this logic should be divided into two class, that is the more clear implementation I can find out.
public class IntDemo {
int paramOne;
public IntDemo (int paramOne) {
public void ConstructorOneMethodOnly(int paramOne) {
class FloatDemo {
float paramTwo;
public FloatDemo(float paramTwo) {
public void ConstructorTwoMethodOnly(float paramTwo) {
public class A {
int paramOne;
float paramTwo;
int constr = 0;
public A(int paramOne) {
// Constructor One
constr = 1;
public A(float paramTwo) {
// Constructor Two
constr = 2;
and check constr variable before invoking methods.
Im not sure if this directly helps you but it may help you and more.
I suggest using a generic class like this.
public class A<T> {
public A(final T t) {
public void method(final T t) {
If you dont know how to use a generic class here is an exmaple
final A<Integer> aInteger = new A<Integer>(1);
final A<Float> aFloat = new A<Float>(5.4f);
Hope this helped!