I want to print SOAP Message version of input header/request objects and response header/response objects. I am using stubs to call jax-rpc webservice( Eg:
GetPubKeyServiceImplServiceSoapBindingStub extends com.ibm.ws.webservices.engine.client.Stub
Please help on this.
If getting it in a trace file is good enough, instructions are here: http://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSAW57_8.5.5/com.ibm.websphere.nd.doc/ae/twbs_tracewbscomp.html
If you need it as a string in memory, you'll need to add a handler to your client to capture the messages.
(JAX-RPC has been deprecated.)
I've got a working Dropwizard project, which has several ways of getting data it needs. One of those ways is the JAX-RS client that Dropwizard provides, the JerseyClient. This client is configured so that it suits my needs (uses the proper proxy, timeouts etc...)
Now my project has a new requirement for which I need to do a SOAP call. I've got that functionally working using the following code:
// not the actual structure, edited to make a minimal example
// SERVICE_QNAME and PORT_QNAME are hardcoded strings, config.url comes
// from the configuration
import javax.xml.ws.*;
import javax.xml.ws.soap.*;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
Service service = Service.create(SERVICE_QNAME);
service.addPort(PORT_QNAME, SOAPBinding.SOAP11HTTP_BINDING, config.url);
Dispatch dispatch = service.createDispatch(PORT_QNAME, SOAPMessage.class, Service.Mode.MESSAGE);
dispatch.getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, config.url);
Message message = MessageFactory.newInstance(SOAPConstants.SOAP_1_2_PROTOCOL).createMessage();
// do stuff to fill the message
response = dispatch.invoke(message);
This is all out-of-the-box behaviour, anything happening here is provided either by java (8) or Dropwizard.
This code however uses it's own http connectors, bypassing anything I've set up in my JAX-RS client. I would like to re-use the JerseyClient's http capabilities in the JAX-WS client in a non-copy-paste kinda way.
Is there a way I can set up the Dispatch so that it will use the existing http connectors? Or some other SOAP client to achieve the same?
Thank you #zloster for the research and suggestions. I decided to take another route however.
I found the SAAJ standard and am using that now. I created a subclass for javax.xml.soap.SOAPConnection and based that on com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.client.p2p.HttpSOAPConnection. That part wasn't all that hard and leaves me with a relatively small class.
Now in my code I replaced the code above with something along these lines:
SOAPConnection soapConnection = new JerseySOAPConnection(httpClient, soapProtocol);
Message message = MessageFactory.newInstance(soapProtocol).createMessage();
// do stuff to fill the message
response = soapConnection.call(message, config.url);
Due to my implementation not all that portable, but I don't really need it to be. Again, thanks for those who helped me get to this!
I'm new to web-service integration as well as SOAP services. And, I was trying to integrate Sabre SOAP web services using java. On the SabreDevStudio website they provided the sample SOAP request which is format given below.
<OTA_AirAvailRQ Version="2.2.0"
<FlightSegment DepartureDateTime="12-21">
<DestinationLocation LocationCode="DFW"/>
<OriginLocation LocationCode="HNL"/>
My Questions are
1, is is this all that is part of the request format?(I mean, did they hide the rest of the XML format purposefully because it was obvious?)
2, If it is so, what should it be..?
3,Somebody please explain the significance of all the three "xmlns" in the code? Which one is the request url and which one is the namespace...?
Thanks in advance.
PS:- It'll be a great help if you can create the equivalent java code for the above request. Please.
See, if you're using SOAP based service, this will be appended by it's header part as well. This node can be kept in body part but the header will have to be implemented with having binarytoken freshly created within 30 minutes (Default time to expire a token).
This explains your question 1 & 2, and for third question the answer is:-
if you'll go through the XSD's, you'll find the use of various xmlns. Better to use marshalling and unmarshalling to consume the services.
If this doesn't give a clear picture, I'll try to give you a sample of already created request.
I hope you're aware of the fact that the first service would be SessionCreateRQ.
Is there a way to retrieve the full SOAP message to handle it (envelope and all) when using the javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage class?
I am using JMX-WS and want to edit the outbound SOAP Message from the server, in order to append two characters to the message AFTER the end closing tag of the envelope, as the client legacy code is expecting it. So ideally I would like to be able to edit the full message as a String, is this possible?
You can do this with cxf :
Take a look at the LogInterceptor example
We have a pretty simple WS, implemented using annotations. We would like to be able to call this from clients both supporting MTOM/XOP and not.
Right now, it is annotated simply #MTOM.
It takes a request containing (amongst others) a base64Binary element, and serves a response containing a single boolean element.
Calling it is no problem, either with our without MTOM - it works. Only, the response, even though it doesn't contain any MTOM:able elements has headers declaring it a MTOM message, which chokes the non-MTOM client.
<tran:headers xsi:type="http:HttpResponseHeaders" xmlns:http="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/transports/http" xmlns:tran="http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/transports" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<tran:user-header name="X-Powered-By" value="Servlet/2.5 JSP/2.1"/>
<http:Date>Tue, 11 May 2010 07:27:51 GMT</http:Date>
Does anyone know how to get the service to always respond with a non-MTOM response while still accepting both MTOM and non-MTOM requests?
The service runs on a WebLogic 10.3 server...
Kind regards,
Actually what I found odd was if I don't put an #MTOM the resulting message never returns a mutli-part message. However, the web service still accepts the MTOM data in WebSphere.
This is probably an easy question for anyone with any moderate expertise with web services using Apache Axis.
I have a web service client that was generated by wsdl2java in Axis 1.4. I am writing unit tests that need to access the actual SOAP message itself, and do a comparison to the client side java classes which are generated by Axis. (don't ask)
How can I retrieve the actual SOAP message from a response from the service?
From what I can gather from searching around is that I have to get the MessageContext.
I have tried something along these lines...
MessageContext mc = MessageContext.getCurrentContext();
String message = mc.getCurrentMessage().getSOAPPartAsString();
But mc is null in this case....
Any help is appreciated!
This is how it's done.
When _call object is filled calling the line below gives it.
String request=_call.getMessageContext().getRequestMessage()
For response use the below one
Call is a org.apache.axis.client.Call as you know.