how to make a header position fixed while scrolling down - java

Within a NestedScrollView how do you make every Header stay at a specific point while scrolling down in this case right under the Image until another Header comes by while scrolling down which pushes the first Header and gets replaced by the 2nd Header and so on. I hope the image makes sense to what I am trying to accomplish. Thank You!

If you want to achieve this you should not use NestedScrollView instead use a linear layout with Image at the top then a listview with sticky header. I think this will solve your problem
Here is the link for the list you want.


Add views to the right or under depeneding on size of view

Basically, I have a bunch of custom TextViews and a set of data. I programatically inflate the textviews and set their texts according to my data. I want to add my views to the right of each other, and when there is no room horizontally, it will add a new row below. However, I am not sure what layout/view to use to achieve my goal.
Example of what I am trying to achieve:
enter image description here
Please Help!
I would use the Flexbox Layout library from Google. It does exactly this for you.

Android TextView OverLapping

I am trying to create a top bar for my app that shows the users level, coins. So i have an image view that displays the coin icon and a textview that displays the number of coins, if the number gets high it overlaps the image rather than pushing back the image and keeping everything aligned, is there a way to do that?
Without knowing your layout XML this is pure guesswork, but I'm assuming these two views are in a RelativeLayout. If so, add to one of them an attribute like this:
Options available are layout_toLeftOf layout_toRightOf layout_above and layout_below.
Post your layout XML and I'll update this with a better answer!
If you are using the relative layout then you can use the z-index attribute of views to manage the ordering.

SMS Balloons / Long Chat Boxes

I want to be able to add a text-messaging balloon every time the user revives data from a HttpGet, I want it so that it looks nearly identical to the default Android text messaging UI. I'm fine with all the code, I just need a way to create the UI and create another text balloon every time data comes back from a HttpGet request.
Thanks ever so much, for the answering this questions and I'm sure there's an easy way to do it, yet I've found no way by using the 'ole Google.
I am doing something similar for my app am doing the following to achieve it:
You will need a 9-Patch-Image (a stretchable PNG, see here) that represents the bubble. You want to make the part stretchable that does not include the corners of the bubble. You can create the bubbles using an image editor of your choice (I'd recommend a vector graphics editor like Inkscape). Then use the 9-Patch editor included in the Android Developer Tools to transform the PNG image into a 9-Patch PNG.
Create a custom layout file for one bubble. Create a textview inside it, and add your bubble as a background resource. (android:background)
Use an arraylist with a custom adapter to inflate and fill your items.
So far, this will give you identical bubbles as background for all messages.
If you want to get fancy, you can create different bubbles for participants, and use the setBackgroundResource method in your Adapter to set the correct background.
Further, if you wish to align them left or right, like in the message app, you will need to add spacers to the left and right of your TextView in the layout file. I used FrameLayouts with a fixed width. Make sure to set their visibility to GONE.
As with swapping the different bubble colors, just set the visibility of the left/right spacer.

How do I remove the blue edge scroll lines of a listview?

I need help to find the correct command, on android, to remove the blue edge lines of a scrollable listview.
As an example, here it is the image related:
unfortunately, I can't find any example on this problem.
This is called overscroll and can be disabled with .setOverScrollMode(OVER_SCROLL_NEVER)

android listviews: header and footer views

In my ListActivity, I need header and footer views (on the top and bottom of the list) to be used as previous page and next page buttons on my list, respectively, because I want to display only 20 items at a time.
I set my header and foot views by doing:
This works fine, but I need to dynamically remove and add these header and footer views, because some pages of my list may not have a next page button or a previous page button.
The problem is, I cannot call addHeaderView or addFooterView after I have called setListAdapter.
Is there a way around this?
Why not just collapse the header and footer to zero height, or gray out the buttons (even better).
And the best user experience, in my opinion, would be to dynamically load more items when needed (i.e. upon scroll), like the built-in Gmail app does.
Yes, this is a bug or oversight in the ListView component. You can work around this by writing your own WrapperListAdapter that handles adding and removing fixed list items, but I can tell you it's not entirely straightforward to do.
Alternatively — and much easier — you could add a fixed component above or below the ListView where you place the next and previous buttons.
How about reset the adapter at every time you need to add header view, like this way:
ListView.FixedViewInfo headerInfo = getListView().new FixedViewInfo();
headerInfo.isSelectable=false ;
headerInfo.view = feedInfoView;
headerViewListAdapter = new HeaderViewListAdapter(headerInfos,null,adapter);

