Authenticate with Cognito Federated Identities - java

I am having a hard time trying to figure out how to use Amazon Cognito in my web app (Java based). I want to have some kind of authentication hub (Amazon Cognito) to authenticate user with multiple Auth Providers - that's why I want to use Amazon Cognito! :)
Firstly, I set up User Pool (I have my UserPoolId: eu-central-1_xxxxxxxxxx) and created there one user. Next I created Identity Pool with IdentityPoolId (eu-central-1:yyyyyyyyyy). Then I authenticate with AWS JavaScript SDK to UserPool to get idToken and it working quite fine! I receive idToken from Cognito UserPool. Then I am sending this idToken to my backend app (Java based) and there I want to validate this idToken with IdentityPool. I added new Authentication Provider - Cognito with UserPoolId and newly created id of an App that I added in UserPool. I tried to follow with this tutorial:
But everytime I make
request I recevied Exception with Token is not from a supported provider of this identity pool.
My Java code is below:
final AmazonCognitoIdentityClient identityClient = new AmazonCognitoIdentityClient(
new BasicAWSCredentials("accessKey", "secretKey"));
GetIdRequest idRequest = new GetIdRequest();
final String providerName = "";
Map providerTokens = new HashMap();
providerTokens.put(providerName, idToken);
GetIdResult idResp = identityClient.getId(idRequest);
Does anyone could help me with this task? Maybe I am doing something wrong?
Kamil :)

There are three pieces of data that need to match in this scenario:
Provider as configured in AWS.
Provider as put into the Logins map.
iss value (issuer) in the id token.
When I have seen this error, it has been because the value in the Logins map does not match the provider as configured in AWS.
For example, an unexpected port number or trailing slash can cause these not to match.
Beyond this, there are a couple of settings in AWS that need to line up.
Provider as configured in AWS
With a Cognito User Pool, Amazon configures this name for you, so it's non-configurable on the backend. The format of the providerName in your Java code looks good, but first I'd triple check the xxxxxxx part for a typo.
App Client settings
Then, make sure your App Client has Cognito enabled in your User Pool settings:
Federated Identities settings
Next, in your federated identities settings, verify that the user pool id and client id appear in the Cognito tab under "Authentication providers", and that they match your user pool and App Client.
JWT issuer
Finally, I would expect the error to be "Invalid login token. Issuer doesn't match providerName" if there was a problem with the iss value in the JWT. However, decoding the id token you get back and inspecting the contents (as suggested in another answer) is also good advice.
If all these pieces appear to be in place, and the error persists, please leave a comment. Happy Hacking!

When you created your user pool double check you have all the expected federated providers supported. If you use developer authenticated make sure you add that 'login....' domain as well.
Grab your/a token and look at it in for clues as well.


Get access token using Spring Security with a specific use-case

Is this use-case supported for Spring Security 5, or something else, where we don't have to reinvent the wheel? Thoughts on how to (re)implement this better?
Details are as follows. 3rd party vendor supplied endpoints. We pull info from upstream source then forward to the downstream vendor. Only 2 APIs are required:
Request Access Token
Save Info
Both are actually being called via a gateway. We've been given specifics:
The token request requires Basic Auth (standard header - usual base64 encoded). Gateway User and Gateway Password are provided.
Credentials for request token are provided to us:
Grant Type = password
Consumer Id
Consumer Secret
Account User
Account Password
It responds with an access token and few other details we don't really care about and of zero value to our use-case.
There is no expires_in info in the response. But I've tested it multiple times to know it does expire. Not sure how long right now, I could do more tests to determine that.
The save request requires a different custom header for the same Gateway User / Password, then a Bearer Authorization header in the call to the Save Info API.
Right now, all implementations for above are using RestTemplate. Working fine already. But a token is requested for each save which is costly. Before writing any caching, or some other logic to wait XY minutes before another token request is made, I would appreciate any other options which may already be possibly handled via Spring-specific libraries or further advise on how to handle this scenario.
Apologies if this is not the right place to ask this, or it has already been asked before. Been searching for a similar use-case but can't seem to find one.
Try any one of the option
You can use OAuth2ClientContext which stores your access token.
final OAuth2RestTemplate restTemplate=new OAuth2RestTemplate(resourceDetails, clientContext);
You can create session & store your token & user details inside it.
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authToken = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(user, null,null);
from option 1 Or option 2 you can then fetch existing token for each request at your Filter e.g. PRE_AUTH_FILTER
Then check if token expired - if yes request new token Or call refresh token
Check Oauth2 expires_in in below :-

Android, AccountManager and OAuth

I'm sure this is basic and I'm missing something. I've read through other answers on SO, I've googled, I've read resources and I just can't wrap my head around what I need to do.
I'm trying to figure out how to write an app that connects to Twitch's API, specifically how to authenticate with Twitch's api. Their documentation is here:
I've created an app and stored my keys.
Now comes the part where I want my user to click a button which launches the authentication on their website. From what I can tell I do this by using an AccountManager. Except... I can't figure out what I'm supposed to do.
Here's the excerpt I've found online:
AccountManager am = AccountManager.get(this);
Bundle options = new Bundle();
myAccount_, // Account retrieved using getAccountsByType()
"Manage your tasks", // Auth scope
options, // Authenticator-specific options
this, // Your activity
new OnTokenAcquired(), // Callback called when a token is successfully acquired
new Handler(new OnError())); // Callback called if an error occurs
According to twitch's documentation I want to send the user to:
&client_id=[your client ID]
&redirect_uri=[your registered redirect URI]
&scope=[space separated list of scopes]
&state=[your provided unique token]
And I simply have no idea how these two things need to be combined.
Firstly, I recommend to read the OAuth2 RFC. This should cover everything you need to know.
The AccountManager code snippet won't help you much unless there already is an app that provides authentication for Twitch. If that's not the case you either need to use an existing OAuth2 library or implement your own.
You could write your own AccountAuthenticator but that's a different challenge (and you still need some kind of OAuth2 client).
Doing it yourself is not that hard, see below.
Steps to implement it yourself
Twitch recommends to use the "Implicit Grant Flow" for mobile apps. That's what I'm going to describe below.
1. Get a client ID
Register your app as outlined in Developer Setup to get a client ID
As redirect URI you can use something like https://localhost:12398/, the actual port doesn't really matter.
2. Build the authentication URL
In your client app you need to construct the authentication URL like so:
client_id=[your client ID]&
redirect_uri=[your registered redirect URI]&
scope=[space separated list of scopes]
Apparently [your client ID] should be replaced by the client ID you've received from Twitch, same goes for [your registered redirect URI] (that's the URL above, i.e. https://localhost:12398/). [space separated list of scopes] is the list of scopes (i.e. features your want to access), see Scopes. Make sure you URL-encode the parameter values properly.
Assuming your client ID is 123456 and the scopes you need are user_read and channel_read your URL would look like this:
Note that you should also pass a state parameter, just use a randomly generated value. You can also append the (non-standard) force_verify parameter to make sure the user actually needs to log in each time (instead of continuing a previous session), but I think you can achieve the same by clearing the cookie store (given that you open the URL in a webview in the context of your app) before you open the login page.
With a random state the URL would look like this:
Again, make sure the state value is properly URL encoded.
3. Open the authentication URL
Ideally you just open the URL in a WebView inside of your app. In that case you need to intercept all request to load a new URL using WebViewClient.shouldOverrideUrlLoading
Once the client is redirected to your redirect URL you can close the webview and continue with step 4.
Theoretically it's possible to utilize the default browser to do the authentication, but I would have security concerns since an external app could learn about your client ID and the access token.
4. Extract the access token
The actual URL you get redirected to in step #3 will have the form:
https://[your registered redirect URI]/#access_token=[an access token]&scope=[authorized scopes]
or to pick up the example
Where xxx is the actual access token.
If you passed a state it will be present like so:
All you have to do now is to parse the (URL encoded) access token, scope and state. Compare the scopes and state to the ones that you actually sent. If they match you can start using the access_token to authenticate.
Note According to the OAuth2 RFC, the response URL MUST also contain a token_type and it SHOULD contain an expires_in duration in seconds.
Once you received the access token you can use it to authenticate as described here.
Access tokens issued by the Implicit Grant Flow usually expire after a certain time and the user needs to authenticate again. The Twitch documentation doesn't mention any expiration time, so it's possible that the token is valid forever. So make sure your app doesn't store it or store it in a secure way (like using Android's key store provider to generate and store a key to encrypt the access token).
If the implicitly issued access token expires you could consider using the "Authorization Code Flow". That's quite similar but it contains an additional step to receive the access token and a "refresh token" that can be used to renew the access token. I leave it up to you to figure out how that works.

How to access Bitbucket API from a Java Desktop App via Jersey+Oltu?

As the title states it, I want to access the bitbucket API from a native Java Desktop Application. Bitbucket requires Applications to use OAuth2, and for that I found that Oltu should do the job.
However, my knowledge of OAuth is very limited and so I am stuck at a very early point. Here is what I did so far:
Step 1: I registered an OAuth Consumer with my Bitbucket Account with the following details:
Name: jerseytestapp
CallbackURL: http://localhost:8080/
Question 1: Could I automate this step?
Step 2: I ran the following Java code:
package jerseytest;
import org.apache.oltu.oauth2.client.request.OAuthClientRequest;
import org.apache.oltu.oauth2.common.exception.OAuthSystemException;
public class BitbucketJersey {
public static void main(String[] args) {
OAuthClientRequest request;
try {
request = OAuthClientRequest
} catch (OAuthSystemException e) {
Step 3: I received the following locationURI and opened in Firefox
Question 2: Do I need to use the browser or can I do this from the java application?
I receive the following answer message in Firefox:
Invalid client_id
This integration is misconfigured. Contact the vendor for assistance.
Question 3: What would be the correct next steps, and what is wrong with my approach?
Answer 1: You can automate the creation of OAuth Consumers, but you probably don’t want to.
Bitbucket provides documentation on how to create a consumer through their APIs, although the documentation is lacking many pertinent fields. Even so, you could still craft an HTTP request programmatically which mimics whatever Bitbucket's web interface is doing to create consumers. So yes, it could be automated.
Here's why you probably don't want to. In your case, you have three things that need to work together: your application, the end user, and Bitbucket. (Or in terms of OAuth jargon for this flow, those would be the client, resource owner, and authorization server, respectively.) The normal way of doing things is that your application is uniquely identified by the OAuth Consumer that you’ve created in your account, and all usages of Bitbucket by your application will use that single OAuth Consumer to identify your application. So unless you’re doing something like developing a Bitbucket application that generates other Bitbucket applications, you have no need to automate the creation of other OAuth Consumers.
Answer 2: You can authorize directly from your Java application.
Bitbucket states that it supports all four grant flows/types defined in RFC-6749. Your code is currently trying to use the Authorization Code Grant type. Using this grant type WILL force you to use a browser. But that’s not the only problem with this grant type for a desktop application. Without a public webserver to point at, you will have to use localhost in your callback URL, as you are already doing. That is a big security hole because malicious software could intercept traffic to your callback URL to gain access to tokens that the end user is granting to your application only. (See the comments on this stackoverflow question for more discussion on that topic.) Instead, you should be using the Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant type which will allow you to authenticate a Bitbucket’s username and password directly in your application, without the need of an external browser or a callback URL. Bitbucket provides a sample curl command on how to use that grant type here.
Answer 3: The correct next steps would be to model your code after the following sample. What is wrong with your approach is that you are trying to use a grant type that is ill-suited to your needs, and you are attempting to use your OAuth Consumer's name to identify your application instead of your Consumer's key and secret.
The following code sample successfully retrieved an access token with my own username/password/key/secret combination, whose values have been substituted out. Code was tested using JDK 1.8.0_45 and org.apache.oltu.oauth2:org.apache.oltu.oauth2.client:1.0.0.
OAuthClientRequest request = OAuthClientRequest
String key = "yourConsumerKey";
String secret = "yourConsumerSecret";
byte[] unencodedConsumerAuth = (key + ":" + secret).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
byte[] encodedConsumerAuth = Base64.getEncoder().encode(unencodedConsumerAuth);
request.setHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + new String(encodedConsumerAuth, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
OAuthClient oAuthClient = new OAuthClient(new URLConnectionClient());
OAuthResourceResponse response = oAuthClient.resource(request, OAuth.HttpMethod.POST, OAuthResourceResponse.class);
System.out.println("response body: " + response.getBody());
Your main problem was that you were giving the customer name instead of the client id:
The only way to get the client id that I know of is to query:
However, even then it was still not working so I contacted bitbucket support. It turned out that the documentation is misleading. You actually need to use the client key instead.
.setClientId("ydrqABCD123QWER4567") // or whatever your case might be

GAE JAVA Endpoints with android - am I authenticated or not?

On android client, I create Credentials, then choose account using AccountPicker and set the account name. On GAE, I have User parameter in every endpoint method. (I described it here)
Android Client ID, Web client ID and audiences are configured correctly.
On endpoint, the user is not null and has correct email set. But when I call user.getUserId() I get null. Is this user authenticated or not?... It really makes me nervous not to know that...
What you describe is odd, and I don't know why you get null when you call getUserId(), but never-the-less I would say, Yes, you are authenticated.
If you want to be sure, then you could try using that authentication from a web client - I read that once you have authenticated an Android user you are automatically given minimal account authentication for web too. So create a minimal servlet that includes the following code:
UserService userService = UserServiceFactory.getUserService();
User user = userService.getCurrentUser();
Load the page while signed in with the same account you authenticated from Android and see whether it acts like it already knows you, or whether it prompts the user as it would for a different, un-authenticated user.
This is a bug on google's side.
There seems to be a clunky workaround: save User to datastore and read it back.

How to log into Business Objects using Active Directory or LDAP

Edit: Appended "or LDAP" to question title to indicate that I would be fine to have a solution which made it possible for me to authenticate with LDAP credentials.
My Question: How do I authenticate a BusinessObjects session using credentials with Active Directory?
Example: I have (I think) an example from SAP on how to do this in .NET but I can't seem to find a similar solution for Java. (See this pdf and search for "Modify the .NET Web Application to enable Kerberos").
Currently: I have a solution to authenticate using an Enterprise Account:
* Logs into BusinessObjects. Sets the reportEngine and biPlatform
public void loginToBusinessObjects() throws AxisFault, MalformedURLException, Exception {
LogHelper.println("Server connection: " + boServer);
URL boConURL = new URL(boServer);//set connection URL
connection = new com.businessobjects.dsws.Connection(boConURL);
boSession = new Session(connection); //setup new session
EnterpriseCredential credential = EnterpriseCredential.Factory.newInstance();
LogHelper.println(boUsername + ": ##password##");
boSession.login(credential); //login to server
The code above works great.
Now: I want to be able allow users to give their Active Directory credentials and authenticate using those. I can't seem to find a way to do this however. Documentation on the code above can be found in that same pdf searching for "Logging in to a server."
Note: I could be going about this all wrong. My organization uses the same credentials for Active Directory and LDAP Authentication. If there's a way to do this using LDAP that may be sufficient. Thanks.
The answer assumes you have set up the Active Directory and/or LDAP authentication for users and the user(s) have an alias to that authentication method. This should be verifiable by logins into InfoView.
You should be able to do it by using credential.setAuthType(authType).
Where authType is
"secEnterprise" default value
Seems and makes sense that by default the AuthType is set to secEnterprise.
Note: I'm still on R3 which has a slightly different authentication mechanism and I have not specifically tried this solution.
Important Edit: The documentation (which is awful for BusinessObjects and anyone reading this probably already knows that) says that for active directory you use "secAD". However, in my testing I was able to successfully authenticate using "secWinAD" which does not appear anywhere in their documentation at all :-/ (that I could find).

