I got my program, that can connect to a Database working! ( Hooray )
But now, I ran into a new problem. I read that using multiple JFrame windows (and closing the old one) is not user friendly, and a bad learning habit.
So now I am wondering, is there a way to switch between Panels, or something similar?
JFrame with Login & Password. -- Users logs in, goes to the next 'screen' where he or she can see the Database info, cause he or she logged in!
What should I use, any good methods out there?
you may want to check CardLayout
The simple answer is yes you can. The idea is to have a localized class that contains a method that outside classes can call passing a jPanel then simply add that panel to your jFrames content pane (which in turn will remove the other panel). There are many ways to go about this and I hope you find one that works and I hope this answer helps you as well.
Here is the procedure I generally follow. I create and open a new Frame and make the parent frame invisible. Again when child frame is closed I make the parent frame visible. I am using this procedure for a long time and not facing any problem.
This is the piece of the code executed when login button is clicked.
setVisible(false); //Hide the login page
DBPage page=new DBPage(this, value1); // DBPage is another JFrame
I feel this much of code is enough to understand.
JLayeredPane might work.
You could have several layers on top of each other, the login screen, etc. and show the layer that is most relevant at the time.
A previous question may prove useful:
Java Swing - how to show a panel on top of another panel?
I want to fill values of multiple jTextBox from a jFrame into another, using accessor methods like
String getNameVal()
return jTextBox1.getText();
How to call these methods from another jFrame?
It sounds like your GUI code is geared towards making JFrames, and if so, you will want to avoid this. You are painting yourself in a corner by having your class extend JFrame, forcing you to create and display JFrames, when often more flexibility is called for. In fact, I would venture that most of the Swing GUI code that I've created and that I've seen does not extend JFrame, and in fact it is rare that you'll ever want to do this.
More commonly your GUI classes will be geared towards creating JPanels, which can then be placed into JFrames or JDialogs, or JTabbedPanes, or swapped via CardLayouts, wherever needed. This will greatly increase the flexibility of your GUI coding.
This question has direct bearing on your problem. I will guess that your main problem isn't how to give classes getter methods, and how to have other classes call the getter methods. More often then not, when faced with the issue of extracting information from one GUI view to another, the issue is one of when to extract the information. If you displayed your second window as a non-modal JFrame, and then had the calling class immediately extract the data from that second JFrame, you'd get nonsense data, because you'd be extracting data before the user would have time to interact with the 2nd window and enter data.
One possible solution to this when using non-modal windows to get information from the user is to use a WindowListener so you can be notified when the user has completed his dealing with the second window, and so now data can be safely extracted.
Often better is for the 2nd window not be non-modal, as JFrames are, but instead to be a modal window such as a modal JDialog. When the calling code displays a modal dialog, all code flow in the calling code stops until the dialog is no longer visible. In this situation, no WindowListener is needed since you will know exactly when the dialog has been dealt with -- on the code line immediately after you set it visible -- and so can extract your data from it with ease.
A nice variant on this has already been mentioned in by Andrew Thompson in comments -- use a JOptionPane. Don't poo-poo this option since JOptionPanes are powerful tools, likely much more powerful than you realize as they can hold fully formed complex JPanel views, and behave just as described above, as modal dialogs.
If you need more specific help, then please don't hesitate to comment to this answer. Also if so, then consider creating and posting a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example Program where you condense your code into the smallest bit that still compiles and runs, has no outside dependencies (such as need to link to a database or images), has no extra code that's not relevant to your problem, but still demonstrates your problem.
For my mcve code examples of the above suggestions, please my answers to the following StackOverflow Questions:
Using a modal JDialog to extract information
Using a JOptonPane to extract information
I assume the textfields are present in frame1 and you want to access them in frame2. The following can be a way to achieve this:
First create getters for all JTextFields that you have in your frame1. Alternatively you can have them in a panel and call getComponents() method.
Create a private variable of JFrame type in your frame2.
Modify the constructor of frame2 to receive the frame1 object and assign it to the private variable of JFrame type.
Now you can create a close() method in frame2 which disposes the frame2 and sets frame1 to visible.
But in my opinion you should create a class which handles the data in these textfields. Initialize the class object in any button click of frame1 and check for any inconsistency in the input. I can guess there is something wrong with your design.
I was wondering if there was a way to reuse a jframe without making it new. You might be wondering why. I have two JFrames (actually more, but for this question's purpose, two). One contains a radio button(agree) with the terms and conditions written in a jtextarea. THe other JFrame contains a passwordtxtarea(password), jtextarea(username) and a radio button(read terms and conditions), as well as a "TermsAnd Conditions" button.I forgot to mention that the first jtextarea contains a "back" jbutton, that if i press on, I get JFrame2, when I press "Terms And Conditions", I get JFrame1. The problem is, that my code requires both "Agree" and "read the Terms" radio buttons to be clicked on, but whenever I press "back" or "Terms And Conditions", any input I had put in (username, password, clicks on radio button other than default) is lost. Therefore I cannot proceed in my program.
I think it has to do with the fact that I have to make a NEW JFrame Form. Maybe it sets it back to default? Anyway, how do I fix this problem? I haven't seen a question like this, so is there a blatantly obvious answer I'm unable to see, except for "it's impossible"?
You state/and I reply:
I was wondering if there was a way to reuse a jframe without making it new.
Yes, it is quite possible to re-use components (the generalization of your question).
You might be wondering why. I have two JFrames (actually more, but for this question's purpose, two).
As has been stated, this is generally not a goood idea. Most Swing GUI applications use only one main window, the JFrame, and then either swap views such as with CardLayout or JTabbedPane, or show modal or non-modal dialog windows.
One contains a radio button(agree) with the terms and conditions written in a jtextarea. THe other JFrame contains a passwordtxtarea(password), jtextarea(username) and a radio button(read terms and conditions), as well as a "TermsAnd Conditions" button. I forgot to mention that the first jtextarea contains a "back" jbutton,
It's most unusual for a JTextArea to have a button of any kind. Also, there is no such thing as a "passwordtxtarea", perhaps you mean JPasswordField? If so, please be precise with your terms when asking questions here. It's hard enough to guess what someone's program is like based on a description, that you don't want to make it harder on us. Also, it's very unusual to use a JTextArea for a user name field, since usually you'd use a JTextField. Again, precision really matters. Else we'll likely give you the wrong advice.
that if i press on, I get JFrame2, when I press "Terms And Conditions", I get JFrame1. The problem is, that my code requires both "Agree" and "read the Terms" radio buttons to be clicked on, but whenever I press "back" or "Terms And Conditions", any input I had put in (username, password, clicks on radio button other than default) is lost. Therefore I cannot proceed in my program.
Yes, you should not be creating new components here but rather re-using previously created components. It's all do-able if you make your component a class field and if you make sure to create it only once. It's all how you code it.
I think it has to do with the fact that I have to make a NEW JFrame Form. Maybe it sets it back to default? Anyway, how do I fix this problem? I haven't seen a question like this, so is there a blatantly obvious answer I'm unable to see, except for "it's impossible"?
Again it's possible. The solution will all depend on the structure of your program.
A word of advice: gear your GUI code toward making JPanels, not JFrames. This way you can place them anywhere they are needed -- in a JFrame, a JDialog, another JPanel, or swapped with a CardLayout,... anywhere. It greatly increases the flexibility of your program.
I am attempting to learn Java (at this point GUI programming in Swing and as a concept in general) and I have managed to create a basic login page. What I want to do however is to have it change what is displayed somehow to a 'home' page, as it were. I can think of only two ways of doing this, the first being opening a new window and closing the old one and the second being somehow changing the frame the login page is in to whatever I want to display. How is this usually done in real-world applications?
There are a number of ways that it can be done including the two that you mentioned. It really depends on what you are trying to achieve. Something like a login form could be done with a JDialog that pops up over the main window such that you start the main window and the main window simply pops open a JDialog for credentials etc.
Sometimes you create multi document interfaces using JInternalFrame. Where the various windows that you need all appear to be within a bigger main window.
So if you were creating a simple UI then simply switching out the content of the JFrame as you suggested would suffice. You can use an apprpriate LayoutManager to assist such as a CardLayout.
If you have a login frame, a better way is to make it a modal dialog, which is:
1) more user-friendly.
2) making your coding job easier.
I already look at java library and dont know what to use to do this..
I already tryed JInternalFrame but thats not what I really want.. because it needs to be added to a JDesktopPanel right??
And in my program I have a JFrame with content pane using BorderLayout..
Then on borderlayout center I have a JTextArea, on borderlayout east I have a list.. and on borderlayout south I have a JPanel..
What I want is, when I do a certain action, it will pop up a "mini window" where I need to choose something.. u see?
and if I create JDesktopLane it will overlap what I have on the container..
the window will be made by my like a color chooser pallete , like a grid with colors.. and a label on top saying some text..
I just dont know how to make a "window" over the other components, and users can still drag over the frame, and interact with all the other components.. the jtextarea and such..
I guess you understood, thanks alot in advance!!
If u dont understand something please tell me, I really want to do this :)
Just dont know what to use..
Thanks again ;)
Have you tried JDialog?
It's because Jdialog are not component to be add in a JFrame, it's an independant thing running on it's own
if you use JDialog, the construct parameter parent indicate wich frame the JDialog is related to.
The typical class for this task is JWindow, a borderless top-level window that can be freely positioned. You could use SwingUtilities.getPointFromComponent to get the screen coordinates for a realized coordinate.
Top-level windows (JFrame, JDialog, JWindow) are not added to containers. They can get other windows as parent.
I dont want to use another JFrame.. that is kinda bad for code, its a small window with a simple function..
Structure your code so you can read it, others can read it, and you can debug it easily (the latter is a result from the first). A low class count is useless and -most of the time- contraproductive.
Why should another JFrame (or other window) be bad?
If you absolutely want to avoid opening top level windows (e.g. to avoid applet warning icons or to implement a special kind of user interface) you could use a JLayeredPane to add additional JPanels above your existing GUI elements.
I have developed my Java code in Netbeans, and now I want to develop the GUI for my application.
The application communicates with a server, so it's going to have a login frame for sure. After that there will be a main frame. From the main frame the user can choose where to go and as you can understand there will be a lot of frames.
I have already developed a version of the application where there are a lot of frames and using the "setVisible()", but I want something better looking. I want a stable frame and inside it, changing the panels or something similar.
How would I do this?
You might use JInternalFrames if you like them, or simply use a main panel with a CardLayout, and display the appropriate card depending on the clicked menu item, or the selected JTree node (as it's done in Windows Explorer and similar applications).
Use the Swing tutorial to get you started.
You can, at any time, make any Container object a JFrame's ContentPane. You can also add and remove Containers from any other Container. If you want a user to be able to jump to any of a dozen panels at any time, CardLayout, as suggested in another answer, is easily the best route. If, however, you intend to lead the user along a somewhat controlled path, you can start with a login JPanel. When that's done, you can create the next panel (a JPanel or something else), add it, and dispose of the first one. And so on until the user exits.
If the transition from one panel to another affects nothing else in the program besides the two panels and the parent Container (JFrame or descendant), this is probably the way to go. If a bunch of other places in the program need to know about the change, you'll want a more centralized mechanism, maybe using CardLayout.