Mockito + TestNG + String - test not working without autowired - java

I'm writing unit test for an web app, and I've got problem with service layer. App is using Spring Data JPA, and H2 database for tests.
Here is my test class:
#ContextConfiguration(classes = {TestConfiguration.class})
#TestPropertySource(locations = "")
public class AuthorCreateServiceTest extends AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests {
private AuthorRepository authorRepository;
private AuthorCreateServiceImpl authorCreateServiceImpl;
private Author firstAuthor;
private Author secondAuthor;
public void setUp() {
authorCreateServiceImpl = new AuthorCreateServiceImpl(authorRepository);
firstAuthor = new Author();
secondAuthor = new Author();
public void succesfullySaveAuthorTest() {
Author testAuthor = authorCreateServiceImpl.create(firstAuthor);
Assert.assertEquals(testAuthor.getFirstName(), firstAuthor.getFirstName());
public void failSavingAuthorTest() {
String firstName = "Man";
Author testAuthor = authorCreateServiceImpl.create(secondAuthor);
boolean isEqual = testAuthor.getFirstName().equals(firstName);
In this state testAuthor is null, but repository and createService objects exist. But if I add an Autowired annotation to the AutrhorCreateServiceImpl field, it works fine.
Is the Autowired necessary or I'm doing something wrong?
TestConfiguration class
#ComponentScan(basePackages = {"com.altkom.library"} )
#TestPropertySource(locations = "")
public class TestConfiguration extends JPAConfiguration {
public TestConfiguration(Environment environment) {
#Bean(destroyMethod = "shutdown")
public DataSource dataSource() {
EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder builder = new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder();
EmbeddedDatabase dataBase = builder.setType(EmbeddedDatabaseType.H2).addScript("classpath:import.sql").build();
return dataBase;

If you want to obtain bean from spring-context, this annotation is required.
In your implementation you've created a service with a mocked repository. Mocked objects return null by default. You can use Mockito.when() to override default behaviour.


Beans are not Autowired during tests (java.lang.NullPointerException)

my application normally works fine, but when I run tests, or build application by maven, application is shutting down due tests with errors java.lang.NullPointerException. I debugged it and find out my that my beans in service layer are not Autowired and they are null.
Here is my class with tests:
public class CompanyServiceSimpleTest {
private CompanyService companyService;
public void setUp() {
companyService = new CompanyServiceImpl();
// Here is sample test
public void testNumberOfCompanies() {
Assert.assertEquals(2, companyService.findAll().size());
companyService is initialized, but beans in it not. Here is CompanyServiceImpl:
public class CompanyServiceImpl implements CompanyService {
private CompanyRepository companyRepository; // is null
private NotificationService notificationService; // is null
public List<CompanyDto> findAll() {
List<CompanyEntity> entities = companyRepository.find(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
// ... some other functions
So when is called companyRepository.find() applications crashes. Here is repository class:
public class CompanyInMemoryRepository implements CompanyRepository {
private final List<CompanyEntity> DATA = new ArrayList<>();
private AtomicLong idGenerator = new AtomicLong(3);
public List<CompanyEntity> find(int offset, int limit) {
return DATA.subList(offset, Math.min(offset+limit, DATA.size()));
// ... some others functions
I have set up profile for that service but I had that VM options in Idea:,inMemory
So it should works.
To make autowiring work it has to be a Spring integration test. You have to anotate your test class with:
#RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) and #ContextConfiguration(classes = {MyApplicationConfig.class})
If it is a Spring Boot app e.g.:
#RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) and #SpringBootTest(classes = {MyApp.class, MyApplicationConfig.class}, webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.DEFINED_PORT)
More on this topic: and
You are not configuring Spring in your TestClasses, so it's impossible to inject anything...
Try configurin your class with
#ContextConfiguration(locations = { "path to your config xml" })
A little example:
#ContextConfiguration(locations = {"classpath:config/applicationContext.xml"})
public class MyTest {
private MyClass myInjectedClass;
public void someTest() {

Spring boot test "No qualifying bean of type available"

I'm quite a newbie to Spring boot, but here's the problem I'm facing now:
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
private Cluster cluster = null;
private void migrateCassandra() {
Database database = new Database(this.cluster, "foo");
MigrationTask migration = new MigrationTask(database, new MigrationRepository());
So basically, I'm trying to bootstrap a spring application, and after that, do some cassandra migrations.
I also have defined a repository for my user model:
public interface UserRepo extends CassandraRepository<User> {
Now I'm trying to test my repo class using the following simple test case:
#AutoConfigureTestDatabase(replace = Replace.NONE)
public class UserRepoTest {
private UserRepo userRepo = null;
private TestEntityManager entityManager = null;
public void findOne_whenUserExists_thenReturnUser() {
String id = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
User user = new User();
assertEquals(this.userRepo.findOne(user.getId()).getId(), id);
public void findOne_whenUserNotExists_thenReturnNull() {
I would expect the test to pass, but instead, I got an error saying "No qualifying bean of type 'com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster' available". It looks like spring failed to autowire the cluster object, but why is that? How do I fix this? Thanks a lot!
The test environment needs to know where your beans are defined, so you have to tell it the location.
In your test class, add the #ContextConfiguration annotation:
#AutoConfigureTestDatabase(replace = Replace.NONE)
#ContextConfiguration(classes = {YourBeans.class, MoreOfYourBeans.class})
public class UserRepoTest {
private UserRepo userRepo = null;
private TestEntityManager entityManager = null;

Spring 4.07 Junit Test and Autowired

Hi I'm using Spring and CDI.
In my unit test I want to test a Class that uses the #Autowired annotation.
Problem is if I create a instance of this class and call a method all annotated objects are null.
In basic the annotation works. Just whithin my unit test it doesn't
This is my Unit Test. In here Autowired works. In my test I create an instance of the DemoConsumerBean.class and call the method requestJobsFromPublishedJobsApi in here I have also some Autowired declaration. Problem is all instances are null!
#TestExecutionListeners({ DependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener.class, FirstbirdTestExecutionListener.class, FlywayTestExecutionListener.class })
#ContextConfiguration(locations = { "classpath:hibernate-spring.xml" })
public class DemoConsumerBeanTest extends AbstractJUnit4SpringContextTests {
private CustomerManager customerManager;
private DemoDetailsManager demoDetailsManager;
public void setup() {
CamelContext context = new DefaultCamelContext();
exchange = new DefaultExchange(context);
public void requestJobsFromPublishedJobsApiTest() throws NoSuchDataException {
DemoConsumerBean demoConsumerBean = new DemoConsumerBean();
customer = new Customer();
customer = customerManager.getCustomerById(customer);
// This one works
DemoDetails demoDetails = demoDetailsManager.getDemoDetailsByCustomerId(customer);
demoConsumerBean.requestJobsFromPublishedJobsApi(exchange, customer);
PublishedJobs apiJobs = exchange.getIn().getBody(PublishedJobs.class);
public class DemoConsumerBean {
protected CustomerManager customerManager;
protected DemoDetailsManager demoDetailsManager;
protected MessageLogManager messageLogManager;
public void requestJobsFromPublishedJobsApi(Exchange exchange, Customer customer) throws NoSuchDataException {
//this one is null!
DemoDetails demoDetails = demoDetailsManager.getDemoDetailsByCustomerId(customer);
PublishedJobs jobs = null;
if (demoDetails == null || StringUtils.isBlank(demoDetails.getDemoApiUrl())) {
throw new NoSuchDataException("No demo data found for customer " + customer.getCustomerFirstbirdId());
Using new in new DemoConsumerBean(); bypasses spring, that's your issue.
Either use a DemoConsumerBean instance from spring (i.e. autowired in the test) or add setters and use them to "manually autowire" in DemoConsumerBean in your test:
public void requestJobsFromPublishedJobsApiTest() throws NoSuchDataException {
DemoConsumerBean demoConsumerBean = new DemoConsumerBean();
// etc
Some reading: Spring framework reference - The IoC container

Spring data testing custom repository data doesn't update

I am trying to write a test for custom spring data repository. I'm also using QueryDSL.
I am new to spring-data. I use spring support for HSQL DB in testing. MySQL for dev.
Problem: I do not see updated data in tests if I use custom repository.
public interface AuctionRepository extends AuctionRepositoryCustom, CrudRepository<Auction, Long>, QueryDslPredicateExecutor<Auction> {
// needed for spring data crud
public interface AuctionRepositoryCustom {
long renameToBestName();
public class AuctionRepositoryImpl extends QueryDslRepositorySupport implements AuctionRepositoryCustom {
private static final QAuction auction =;
public AuctionRepositoryImpl() {
public long renameToBestName() {
return update(auction)
.set(, "BestName")
My test
Somehow fails at last line
public class CustomAuctionRepositoryImplTest extends AbstractIntegrationTest {
AuctionRepository auctionRepository;
public void testDoSomething() {
Auction auction = auctionRepository.findOne(26L);
assertEquals("EmptyName", auction.getName());
// test save
Auction saveResult = auctionRepository.findOne(26L);
assertEquals("TestingSave", saveResult.getName());
// test custom repository
long updatedRows = auctionRepository.renameToBestName();
assertTrue(updatedRows > 0);
Auction resultAuction = auctionRepository.findOne(26L);
assertEquals("BestName", resultAuction.getName()); // FAILS expected:<[BestNam]e> but was:<[TestingSav]e>
I can't figure out why data doesn't update when using custom repository. If I start application in dev mode, and call renameToBestName() through controller, everything works as expected, name changes.
Below is Test Configuration if needed
#ContextConfiguration(classes = {TestBeans.class, JpaConfig.class, EmbeddedDataSourceConfig.class})
#ComponentScan(basePackageClasses = IntegrationTest.class, excludeFilters = #Filter({Configuration.class}))
public abstract class AbstractIntegrationTest {
#EnableJpaRepositories(basePackageClasses = Application.class)
class JpaConfig {
private String dialect;
private String hbm2ddlAuto;
private String isShowSQLOn;
private DataSource dataSource;
public LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean entityManagerFactory() {
LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean entityManagerFactory = new LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean();
entityManagerFactory.setJpaVendorAdapter(new HibernateJpaVendorAdapter());
Properties jpaProperties = new Properties();
jpaProperties.put(org.hibernate.cfg.Environment.DIALECT, dialect);
if ( !hbm2ddlAuto.isEmpty()) {
jpaProperties.put(org.hibernate.cfg.Environment.HBM2DDL_AUTO, hbm2ddlAuto);
jpaProperties.put(org.hibernate.cfg.Environment.SHOW_SQL, isShowSQLOn);
jpaProperties.put(org.hibernate.cfg.Environment.HBM2DDL_IMPORT_FILES_SQL_EXTRACTOR, "org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.MultipleLinesSqlCommandExtractor");
return entityManagerFactory;
public PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager() {
return new JpaTransactionManager();
This is due to the update query issued through your code is defined to not evict the object potentially touched by the query from the EntityManager. Read more on that in this answer.

spring-boot properties not #Autowired

I am trying to get a Spring-boot application going and I am not sure what I am doing wrong here. I have a file at src/main/resources & src/test/resources. I have an #Bean for my ConfigurationSettings so that I can use them throughout my application:
public class ConfigurationSettings {
private String product;
private String version;
private String copyright;
private String appName;
private String appDescription;
// getters and setters
Here is how I kick the application off:
#PropertySources(value = {#PropertySource("")})
#ComponentScan(basePackages = "com.product")
public class OFAC {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApplicationContext ctx = OFAC.class, args );
And here is my configuration class:
#ComponentScan(basePackages = {"com.product"})
#PropertySources(value = {#PropertySource("")})
public class OFAConfiguration {
private Environment env;
public ConfigurationSettings configurationSettings() {
ConfigurationSettings configurationSettings = new ConfigurationSettings();
configurationSettings.setAppDescription( env.getRequiredProperty("app.description" ) );
configurationSettings.setAppName( env.getRequiredProperty( "" ) );
configurationSettings.setServerPort( env.getRequiredProperty( "server.port" ) );
return configurationSettings;
I am trying to use it in a controller:
public class AboutController {
private ConfigurationSettings configurationSettings;
#RequestMapping(value = "/about", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public About index() {
String product = configurationSettings.getProduct();
String version = configurationSettings.getVersion();
String copyright = configurationSettings.getCopyright();
return new About( product, version, copyright );
However, when step thru this, all the values of ConfigurationSettings are null. I do have a test that successfully loads the values:
#ContextConfiguration(classes = {OFAConfiguration.class})
public class OFAConfigurationTest {
private Environment environment;
private ConfigurationSettings configurationSettings;
public void testConfigurationLoads() {
public void testConfigurationSettingValues() {
assertEquals("Product Name", configurationSettings.getProduct());
assertEquals("0.0.1", configurationSettings.getVersion());
assertEquals("2014 Product", configurationSettings.getCopyright());
Can anyone see why the ConfigurationSettings are not being populated in my Controller?
Your configuration leads to 2 instances of the ConfigurationSettings class and probably one instance overrides the other.
The 'ConfigurationSettings' has the #Component annotation as you are scanning for components (#ComponentScan) this will lead to an instance. You also have a #Bean annotated method which also leads to an instance. The latter is overridden with the first.
In short remove the #Component annotation as that isn't needed because you already have a factory method for this class.
public class ConfigurationSettings { ... }
You should also remove the #PropertySource annotations as Spring-Boot will already load the for you.
Finally you should not use the #ContextConfiguration annotation on your test class but the #SpringApplicationConfiguration and pass in your application class (not your configuration class!).
public class OFAConfigurationTest {
private Environment environment;
private ConfigurationSettings configurationSettings;
public void testConfigurationLoads() {
public void testConfigurationSettingValues() {
assertEquals("Product Name", configurationSettings.getProduct());
assertEquals("0.0.1", configurationSettings.getVersion());
assertEquals("2014 Product", configurationSettings.getCopyright());
This will fix your runtime configuration problems and will let your test use the power of Spring Boot to configure your application.

