How can I declare a startup-hook in a Java Web App - java

I want to do some initializing (timers and logging) when the web app is started. I cannot use a ContextListener since I dont get any of my Spring-Components within it. I need a simple hook like "afterWebAppHasLoadedAndEverythingyIsSetUp()".
Does it exist?

The ApplicationContext publishes certain types of events when loading the beans.
Event handling in the ApplicationContext is provided through the ApplicationEvent class and ApplicationListener interface. So if a bean implements the ApplicationListener, then every time an ApplicationEvent gets published to the ApplicationContext, that bean is notified.
Following events are provided by spring
Firstly create a implementation of ApplicationListener as follows
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener;
import org.springframework.context.event.ContextStartedEvent;
public class CStartEventHandler
implements ApplicationListener<ContextStartedEvent>{
public void onApplicationEvent(ContextStartedEvent event) {
System.out.println("ContextStartedEvent Received");
Then you just have to Register the class as a bean with the Spring.

If you are using Spring Boot (which i recommend), you can use the following CommandLineRunner bean to run your initialization stuff after the application started up. You will be able to get all the spring beans ready, below is the code snippet.
public class MyApplication extends SpringBootServletInitializer {
// here you can take any number of object which is anutowired automatically
public CommandLineRunner init(MyService service, MyRepository repository) {
// do your stuff with the beans
return null;
protected SpringApplicationBuilder configure(SpringApplicationBuilder application) {
return application.sources(MyApplication.class);
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);


Best way to call java interface methods after springboot application start up? [duplicate]

I want to run code after my spring-boot app starts to monitor a directory for changes.
I have tried running a new thread but the #Autowired services have not been set at that point.
I have been able to find ApplicationPreparedEvent, which fires before the #Autowired annotations are set. Ideally I would like the event to fire once the application is ready to process http requests.
Is there a better event to use, or a better way of running code after the application is live in spring-boot?
It is as simple as this:
public void doSomethingAfterStartup() {
System.out.println("hello world, I have just started up");
Tested on version 1.5.1.RELEASE
public class Application extends SpringBootServletInitializer {
public static void main(final String[] args) {
ConfigurableApplicationContext context =, args);
context.getBean(Table.class).fillWithTestdata(); // <-- here
Have you tried ApplicationReadyEvent?
public class ApplicationStartup
implements ApplicationListener<ApplicationReadyEvent> {
* This event is executed as late as conceivably possible to indicate that
* the application is ready to service requests.
public void onApplicationEvent(final ApplicationReadyEvent event) {
// here your code ...
Code from:
This is what the documentation mentions about the startup events:
Application events are sent in the following order, as your application runs:
An ApplicationStartedEvent is sent at the start of a run, but before
any processing except the registration of listeners and initializers.
An ApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent is sent when the Environment to be used in the context is known, but before the context
is created.
An ApplicationPreparedEvent is sent just before the refresh is started, but after bean definitions have been loaded.
An ApplicationReadyEvent is sent after the refresh and any related callbacks have been processed to indicate the application is ready to
service requests.
An ApplicationFailedEvent is sent if there is an exception on startup.
Why not just create a bean that starts your monitor on initialization, something like:
public class Monitor {
#Autowired private SomeService service
public void init(){
// start your monitoring in here
the init method will not be called until any autowiring is done for the bean.
The "Spring Boot" way is to use a CommandLineRunner. Just add beans of that type and you are good to go. In Spring 4.1 (Boot 1.2) there is also a SmartInitializingBean which gets a callback after everything has initialized. And there is SmartLifecycle (from Spring 3).
ApplicationReadyEvent is really only useful if the task you want to perform is not a requirement for correct server operation. Starting an async task to monitor something for changes is a good example.
If, however your server is in a 'not ready' state until the task is completed then it's better to implement SmartInitializingSingleton because you'll get the callback before your REST port has been opened and your server is open for business.
Don't be tempted to use #PostConstruct for tasks that should only happen once ever. You'll get a rude surprise when you notice it being called multiple times...
You can extend a class using ApplicationRunner , override the run() method and add the code there.
import org.springframework.boot.ApplicationRunner;
public class ServerInitializer implements ApplicationRunner {
public void run(ApplicationArguments applicationArguments) throws Exception {
//code goes here
Use a SmartInitializingSingleton bean in spring > 4.1
public SmartInitializingSingleton importProcessor() {
return () -> {
As alternative a CommandLineRunner bean can be implemented or annotating a bean method with #PostConstruct.
Best way to execute block of code after Spring Boot application started is using PostConstruct annotation.Or also you can use command line runner for the same.
1. Using PostConstruct annotation
public class InitialDataConfiguration {
public void postConstruct() {
System.out.println("Started after Spring boot application !");
2. Using command line runner bean
public class InitialDataConfiguration {
CommandLineRunner runner() {
return args -> {
System.out.println("CommandLineRunner running in the UnsplashApplication class...");
Providing an example for Dave Syer answer, which worked like a charm:
public class CommandLineAppStartupRunner implements CommandLineRunner {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CommandLineAppStartupRunner.class);
public void run(String...args) throws Exception {"Application started with command-line arguments: {} . \n To kill this application, press Ctrl + C.", Arrays.toString(args));
I really like the suggestion for usage of the EventListener annotation by #cahen ( since it is very clean. Unfortunately I could not get this to work in a Spring + Kotlin setup. What does work for Kotlin is adding the class as a method parameter:
fun doSomethingAfterStartup(event: ApplicationReadyEvent) {
System.out.println("hello world, I have just started up");
You have several choices:
Using CommandLineRunner or ApplicationRunner as a Bean definition:
Spring Boot executes these towards the end of the application startup process. In most circumstances, the CommandLineRunner will do the job. Following is an example of a CommandLineRunner implementation with Java 8:
public CommandLineRunner commandLineRunner() {
return (args) -> System.out.println("Hello World");
Note that the args is the String array of arguments. You can also provide an implementation of this interface and define it as a Spring Component:
public class MyCommandLineRunner implements CommandLineRunner {
public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
System.out.println("Hello World");
You can use the ApplicationRunner if you need better argument management. ApplicationRunner takes an ApplicationArguments instance that has enhanced argument management options.
You can also order the CommandLineRunner and ApplicationRunner beans using Spring's #Order annotation:
public CommandLineRunner commandLineRunner() {
return (args) -> System.out.println("Hello World, Order 1");
public CommandLineRunner commandLineRunner() {
return (args) -> System.out.println("Hello World, Order 2");
Using Spring Boot's ContextRefreshedEvent:
Spring Boot publishes several events at startup. These events indicate the completion of a phase in the application startup process. You can listen to the ContextRefreshedEvent and execute custom code:
public void execute() {
if(alreadyDone) {
System.out.println("hello world");
ContextRefreshedEvent is published several times. Thus, ensure to put a check whether the code execution is already finished.
Try this one and it will run your code when the application context has fully started.
public class OnStartServer implements ApplicationListener<ContextRefreshedEvent> {
public void onApplicationEvent(ContextRefreshedEvent arg0) {
Spring boot provides an ApplicationRunner interface with a run() method to be invoked at application startup.
However, instead of raw String arguments passed to the callback method, we have an instance of the ApplicationArguments class.
public class AppStartupRunner implements ApplicationRunner {
public void run(ApplicationArguments args) throws Exception {
//some logic here
just implement CommandLineRunner for spring boot application.
You need to implement run method,
public classs SpringBootApplication implements CommandLineRunner{
public void run(String... arg0) throws Exception {
// write your logic here
you can use #Component
public class BeerLoader implements CommandLineRunner {
public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
//some code here
If you mean running peace of code once after the application started, you can use the CommandLineRunner as below:
public class SpringBootApplication
implements CommandLineRunner {
private static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory
public static void main(String[] args) {"STARTING THE APPLICATION");, args);"APPLICATION FINISHED");
public void run(String... args) {
// enter code you want to run after app loaded here"EXECUTING : command line runner");
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) {"args[{}]: {}", i, args[i]);
Otherwise, you can use the DevTools dependency, which help you to run new codes without manually restarting the application.
don't forget to add these codes to your pom.xml to avoid version warnings:
give it a thump up if this was helpful to you!
Best way you use CommandLineRunner or ApplicationRunner
The only difference between is run() method
CommandLineRunner accepts array of string and ApplicationRunner accepts ApplicationArugument.

Autowired property is null in EnvironmentPostProcessor implementation class on startup

In my SpringBoot app, I have Autowired an configObject in the class that implements EnvironmentPostProcessor.
The injected class reads data from a different source on startup as this is required for the app to work.
But upon starting the application, the configObject is coming off as Null.
public class SBApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
And the AppEnvironmentPostProcessor class where the Autowired object is called. This class is configured as org.springframework.boot.env.EnvironmentPostProcessor in spring.factories. The class gets called on start up.
public class AppEnvironmentPostProcessor implements
EnvironmentPostProcessor, Ordered {
KeysConfig keysConfig;
public void postProcessEnvironment(ConfigurableEnvironment environment,
SpringApplication application) {
// keysConfig is null
String key = keysConfig.getSecretKeyMap().get("key12");
And in the KeysConfig class
public final class KeysConfig {
public Map getSecretKeyMap() {
//Returns key map
I am using Intellij Ultimate. How can I debug and resolve this?
EnvironmentPostProcessors are created before the application context has been created and, therefore, before dependency injection is possible. This means that #Autowired won’t work.
You’ll have to update your implementation to create an instance of KeysConfig itself, or to use a different approach that mimics whatever KeysConfig currently does.

How to add sample data to database with springboot?

I've a Spring Boot application with the Spring Data JPA and two entities mapped to a database. My application is set to recreate the database on every startup. Now i want to create some instances of these POJOs, persist them in the database so I've some data to test my application with in the ongoing development process.
What is the best way to do that?
What i tried so far:
My class to add the sample data
public class DBSampleAdditor {
private EntityManager em;
public void addSampleData() {
// creating POJO instances and persist them with em.perists()
I tried to call these functions in the main of my ApplicationClass
public class ApiApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
DBSampleAdditor dbsa = new DBSampleAdditor();
That didnt work at all, as the EntityManager never got an Instance from the persistence unit.
I also tried to create a CommandLineRunner:
public class PTCommandLineRunner implements CommandLineRunner {
public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
System.out.println("Adding sample data...");
DBSampleAdditor dbsa = new DBSampleAdditor();
But that one seemed to never been called in the startup process.
You can use method with #PostConstruct with #Component to insert data at startup.
#PostConstruct will be invoked after the bean has been created, dependencies have been injected, all managed properties are set, and before the bean is actually set into scope.
Just inject your database repository in the class marked with #Component and call your injected database repository inside the method marked with #PostConstruct
public class DbInit {
private UserRepository userRepository;
private void postConstruct() {
User admin = new User("admin", "admin password");
User normalUser = new User("user", "user password");, normalUser);
In order to use spring managed components like the EntityManager the objects need to spring Beans, which basically means they are created inside the spring context and can utilise the IoC container.
In the example above, running the DbSampleAdditor class from the main method is outside the spring context, so the beans like PersistenceContext wont get injected.
One fairly simple way to do this inside the spring context is to add an ApplicationListener for the ApplicationReadyEvent
class Initialise implements ApplicationListener<ApplicationReadyEvent> {
private final DbSampleAdditor db;
public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationReadyEvent applicationReadyEvent) {
When the application ready event fires all the necessary spring bean wiring is set up so when it runs the addSampleData method, things like the EM are good to go.
Other approaches for setting up a DB for spring boot are documented here
Instead of creating an object DBSampleAdditor, try to autowire it so that it is available on application startup. #Autowired DBSampleAdditor DBSampleAdditor Then you try to add sample data within the run method

Cucumber + spring: How to trigger SmartLifecycle events through tests?

I have a spring boot application with cucumber. I would like to perform certain events within the test BEFORE the start-SmartLifecycle event of the beans is called.
Given Something that needs to happen before beans are started
And Beans start up now
Then Life is good
Is there any way to achieve this?
By default, it looks like Spring initializes and starts all the beans before any Cucumber statements are executed.
class Context {
SomeBean someBean() { return new SomeBean(); }
class SomeBean implements SmartLifecycle {
void start() {
// some meaningful work that depends on setup that needs to be done beforehand
// rest of interface implementation
Cucumber definitions file:
#ContextConfiguration(classes = Context.class)
class CucumberFeatures {
private SomeBean someBean;
#Given("Something that needs to happen before beans are started")
public void something() {
// ...
#Given("Beans start up now")
public void beansStarted() {
// This should start beans in their defined order now
#Then("Life is good")
public void lifeIsGood() { ... }
You can't test a dependency injection container while using that same container to inject dependencies into your test. Injecting dependencies requires the application context to have been refreshed already.
So you have to create an instance of the ApplicationContext manually and manage it's life-cycle yourself.

Spring autowiring issue with CommandLineRunner

Out of curosity i have the following question,i have one spring boot application running using commnad line runner where kinesis consumers would be running :
public class FleetMessagingKCLApplication implements CommandLineRunner{
//Command line runner
public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
I have one service locator bean in the MAIN class(mentioned below) having interface Processor Factory for Factory Pattern implementation:
public ServiceLocatorFactoryBean serviceLocatorForMessageTransformation() {
ServiceLocatorFactoryBean slfb = new ServiceLocatorFactoryBean();
return slfb;
But was not able to autowire the ProcessFactory in any of the classes,but after moving the service locator bean bean into another java class declared with Component, autowiring worked as expected.
Was thing someting related to using command line runner that i was not able to autowire?

