Running tests with Spring Data Mongodb auditing enabled - java

I a trying to find way to have the auditing features of spring-data-mongodb when performing some tests.
My tests are basically starting an embedded mongo, and wiring my db component with a MongoTemplate.
public class MyRepoImpl implements MyRepoCustom {
public MyRepoImpl(MongoOperations operations) {
/* init stuff here */
public MyModel runComplexQuery() { /* do stuff here, such as saving data */ }
When I am performing the tests, I can't find a way to set up the MongoTemplate in such a way that the auditing takes place (at least for some specific tests), without loading the whole Spring application.
Is there a way to set the MongoTemplate/MongoOperations in order to have the auditing feature running ?

With Spring Boot you can use the #DataMongoTest annotation to only configure MongoDB starter.
#Import(ExtraMongoConfiguration.class) // if you need some #Configuration to be imported
public class SomeRepositoryTests {
private MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;


SpringBoot, JPA and Hibernate Unit-Test for Entities layer

I'm implementing a project using SpringBoot, JPA and Hibernate.
I implemented the DB entities layer with JPA repository.
I'm interested to understand the best practice to write unit-tests for this layer.
Point number one: for this layer, from your point of view, it's necessary to use an integrated DB or it' necessary to mock using, for example, Mockito?
My idea, for this layer, it's, for example, to test the entity structure: check fields validation for example, insert and retrieve some data. In this way, I think I could cover the tests for this entire data-layer.
I'm trying to understand these best practices and, in the mean time, I tried to write a first example of the test:
#DisplayName("Test Item JPA Entity")
#AutoConfigureTestDatabase( replace = AutoConfigureTestDatabase.Replace.NONE )
public class ItemEntityTest {
MyEntityRepository repo;
public void testEntityCreation() {
Entity e = new Entity();
Unfortunately, In this case, I notiest that the fields validation is not applied (#NotNull or #NotEmpty, or #Column(nullable=false), etc ... If I try to save the entity into my application the validation works fine... the exceptions are raised). Why?
Also some "automatic fields" (for example creation time and last modification time) are not filled.
Is this the correct path? Ho to test my entities definition?
As mentioned in that answer, the problem is that with #DataJpaTest spring will use TestEntityManager and the transactional annotation will override the default auto commit and rollback behaviour by spring boot.
So your test method will pass and assuming the hibernate is the ORM being used here, when the flushing will take place finally, hibernate's pre-insert event will fire and validations will be applied, but your test case will pass till then so it will produce false positive (as the terms used in spring docs)
Solution: You would need to inject entity manager in your test and flush manually it so that hibernate pre-insert event triggers before your test completes.
#DisplayName("Test Item JPA Entity")
#AutoConfigureTestDatabase( replace = AutoConfigureTestDatabase.Replace.NONE )
public class ItemEntityTest {
MyEntityRepository repo;
private TestEntityManager em;
public void testEntityCreation() {
Entity e = new Entity();
This must trigger your validations on the entity applied, this is documented in spring framework docs.
Please notice that the documentation is about spring framework and uses session factory, but the concept is same
You may check the spring boot docs as well, which points to the spring framework docs for this behaviour.

Spring Boot Test #PreAuthorize in a Library Module

I have a library-module written using Spring Boot 1.5.21.
The library has a #Service with some methods annotated with #PreAutorize allowing only users with ADMIN authority to perform some actions, for example a delete.
Then I have a Spring Boot Application that uses that library. If I run the app and manually test it, it works. Only ADMINs can delete. I'd like to write test for it.
I was thinking in writing separate test for module and for the main app. In my module I can successfully unit test the operations. But I'm having troubles testing the #PreAuthotize, because the security context does not exist in the module, but in the main app. Is there a way to test that annotation in the module, and not in the main app?
The relevant code of my library:
public class MyService {
public void delete (long id){
public class MyServiceTest {
private MyService service;
public void deleteShouldFailIfAnonymous() {
... Verify exception thrown
#WithMockUser(authorities = 'USER')
public void deleteShouldFailIfNotAdmin() {
... Verify exception thrown
#WithMockUser(authorities = 'ADMIN')
public void deleteShouldPass() {
... Should pass
I've trying adding #EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true) but with no luck. And as said, the SecurityConfiguration is loaded in the main app, it does not exist in the library-module.
Can I test the #PreAuthorize in the module or should I move it to the main app? I'd like to have it i the module if possible. Or maybe I can create a Context only for testing, but don't know how to do it.
Aspect-oriented features like #PreAuthorize are implemented as advice. Usually, this means that Spring will create a decorator interface that intercepts the method call, performs the advice (in this case, checking the condition and throwing an exception if it fails), and then sends the call on to the service object.
When you use new MyService, you're creating a bare object without the wrappers that implement the advice, so you won't see security, validation, caching, etc., applied. To see the behavior you want, you need to make your test bean #Autowired using the Spring test support.
You can use the MockMvc to test. This will help with module testing incase of integration testing.
public class SecurityTests {
private WebApplicationContext context;
private MockMvc mvc;
public void setup() {
mvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(context).apply(springSecurity()).build();
public void withMockUser() {

Junit Spring avoid to load twice application context datasource

I have this configuration classes:
basePackages = {
public class TestConfiguration {
public class H2Configuration {
public DataSource dataSource() throws SQLException {
EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder builder = new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder();
EmbeddedDatabase db = builder
return db;
And I have this two class tests:
#ContextConfiguration(loader=AnnotationConfigContextLoader.class, classes = { TestConfiguration.class })
public class FirstRepositoryTest {
MyFirstRepositoryImpl repository;
public void initTest() {
#Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
public void testNullRecords() {, null);
#ContextConfiguration(loader=AnnotationConfigContextLoader.class, classes = { TestConfiguration.class })
public class SecondRepositoryTest {
MySecondRepositoryImpl repository;
public void initTest() {
#Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
public void testSomethingNullRecords() {
repository.something(null, null);
If I run junit test once for each class, all goes well.
In clean install phase tests fails because the application context is initialized twice.
For example it try to create the h2 tables twice and do the insert.sql script twice.
What I have to do for initialize the h2 database and so application context only once?
I think you could start looking at the Spring documentation about Integration Testing.
It can also be a good practice to use transactional tests for integration tests (#Transactional), which rollback at the end of each test : see Transaction Management.
To avoid the cost of recreating the ApplicationContext for each test class, the cache may be used as explained here : Context Caching.
For integration testing with Embedded Database, you can also find documentation : Testing Data Access Logic with an Embedded Database.
A note from the previous link, matching your use case :
However, if you wish to create an embedded database that is shared
within a test suite, consider using the Spring TestContext Framework
and configuring the embedded database as a bean in the Spring
ApplicationContext as described in Creating an Embedded Database by
Using Spring XML and Creating an Embedded Database Programmatically.
I hope you will find some useful references.
Another good tip I found from Spring Boot documentation from Embedded Database Support :
They say :
If you are using this feature in your tests, you may notice that the
same database is reused by your whole test suite regardless of the
number of application contexts that you use. If you want to make sure
that each context has a separate embedded database, you should set
spring.datasource.generate-unique-name to true.
So to make each EmbeddedDatabase unique, you may try to create them with :
EmbeddedDatabase db = new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder()
In unit testing you must garantee that every test is repeatible hance context independent. Due to this is not good idea to load the context only once. Is better to reset after the execution. For this you can use #DirtiesContext(classMode = ClassMode.AFTER_CLASS) in your test classes
So you will force your context to restart when the next junit class is launched
So the reason that this is failing is that the database (H2) is resident in memory when you run the tests as part of clean/install. The create/insert scripts have already executed after the first test is run. Any subsequent test execution after this point will result in a re-execution of the same script(s) and the error will occur.
Update your create script with a DROP TABLE IF EXISTS <table name>;. This will ensure that the table is dropped then recreated.
NOTE: I'm not sure why you've specified AnnotationConfigContextLoader explicitly. I think, without that, the runner SpringJUnit4ClassRunner will cache contexts that have not been changed. I don't know specifically if that is the case here though.

Spring Boot - Test Cases - Dont Load All Components

I am trying to to rest my rest classes in Spring MVC
If I run the following code (ran fine when the project was small but now fails) it tries to load all the different components in my application.
This includes beans which interact with external systems and need credentials in order to connect
public class TestDummyRest extends BaseRestTestCase{
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private IDummyServices mockDummyServices;
public void getSendGoodMessage() throws Exception {
verify(mockDummyServices, times(1)).sendGoodMessage(Mockito.anyString());
How do I tell my test classes not to load the #Configuration or #Component classes of my application?
Instead of not creating other classes in your application, you could only create the classes you are interested in, see 15.6.1 Server-Side Tests - Setup Options
The second is to simply create a controller instance manually without
loading Spring configuration. Instead basic default configuration,
roughly comparable to that of the MVC JavaConfig or the MVC namespace,
is automatically created and can be customized to a degree:
public class MyWebTests {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
public void setup() {
this.mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(new AccountController()).build();
// ...
You need to use #TestComponent and #TestConfiguration for this as explained in Spring doc here

Run Flyway Java-based callbacks with Spring Boot

Is there a way to run Flyway Java-based callbacks with Spring boot?
I'm converting an existing project that after each migration updates some view definitions, and this is done by Java as it needs some extra logic. I know it could be done in pl/pgsql (we are using Postgres) but it is already done and tested in Java.
Spring boot docs says it is possible, but it is listed that the callback scripts should live in same dir as migrations, maybe this works just for SQL based callbacks.
This code works without Spring Boot:
Flyway flyway = new Flyway();
flyway.setCallbacks(new LogMaintenanceFlywayCallback());
I have several migrations in /db/migration and after each one I need to execute my callback. It works in my current project and I need to do the same (or another way to get the same behavior) in Spring Boot.
You can have a configuration like this and it will work:
public class FlywayFactory {
public FlywayMigrationInitializer flywayInitializer(Flyway flyway, FlywayCallback flywayCallback) {
return new FlywayMigrationInitializer(flyway);
public FlywayCallback flywayCallback() {
return new LogMaintenanceFlywayCallback();
Since method setCallbacks(Callback... callbacks) of the Flyway has been deprecated and will be removed in Flyway 6.0, you can use new API and FlywayConfigurationCustomizer to set up custom Java-based callbacks. Then the configuration is as below:
public class FlywayFactory {
public FlywayConfigurationCustomizer flywayConfigurationCustomizer() {
return configuration -> configuration.callbacks(new LogMaintenanceFlywayCallback());
There seems to be no possibility to set the callbacks in the Spring Boot autoconfiguration (See
There are 2 things you can do:
Create your own Flyway instance in one of your Configuration classes. Spring Boot will not create his instance in case you do that.
Autowire the Flyway instance in one of your Configuration classes and call the setCallbacks method in a PostConstruct method (But it might be tricky to make sure you call the setter before the migration starts)
You can override the Flyway migration stragtey
public class CallbackFlywayMigrationStrategy implements FlywayMigrationStrategy {
public void migrate(Flyway flyway) {
flyway.setCallbacks(new LogMaintenanceFlywayCallback());
You can define a bean of type org.flywaydb.core.api.callback.Callback as follows:
public Callback logMaintenanceFlywayCallback() {
return new LogMaintenanceFlywayCallback();

