How to propagate same instance using CDI - java

I have a web application with JAX-RS, CDI and EJB. In each resource I inject a Stateless SessionBean, and my question is whether it is possible to inject the same instances into a provider of JAX-RS and the Stateless SesionBean. I am trying to pass some data that come in each request to the Stateless SesionBean from a ContainerRequestFilter. All EJB components are accessed only by jax rs resources.
public class Bean {
private String attr;
// getter and setter
public class BeanService {
Bean bean;
public void doStuff() {
// do something with bean.attr
public class BeanResource {
BeanService service;
public void doStuff() {
public class BeanRequestFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter {
Bean bean;
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext containerRequestContext) throws IOException {
String data = null; // <- get data from request
Change the Bean for Pojo, my only intention is use a class that hold some state that come in every request and can be transmited in each invocation, since the PojoResource to PojoService. I want to do it in this way because all the services retrive this data and I don't want to pass this as parameter on every method.

This looks like your Bean class is essentially request scoped, so changing it to:
public class Bean {
should have the desired effect. The same instance will be injected in both the BeanRequestFilter and the BeanService.
However, I think you may also get what you're looking for by injecting the ContainerRequestContext directly into the BeanService and forgetting about Bean altogether.
public class BeanService {
ContainerRequestContext containerRequestContext;
public void doStuff() {
// <- get data from request

If you want the Bean to be a kind of singleton using CDI see the #ApplicationScoped annotation (in that case Bean should be Sersializable)
Or if you want the EJB BeanService to be a singleton see the #Singleton annotation

Before answering the question, Bean should never be updated. A concept of bean is that which provides a service, and uses data to process a request.
That said, you can of course provide data as bean, but then the data needs to be produced at one point to be used, and not to be updated.
I would therefore use the BeanRequestFilter to produce the bean, and let the BeanService inject the produced bean.
This notwithstanding however, i see that this is a request based data? is it a header data?, request parameter? Then i would suggest that you use the jax-rs #QueryParam or #HeaderParam or #PathParam or #FormParam or #CookieParam within the jax-rs resource class, and then provide the data as a domain object parameter to your BeanService thus:
public class MyResource {
public void processSomething(#QueryParam("qparam") String param, #HeaderParam("hparam") String hParam) {
MyDomain domain = new MyDomain(qParam, hParam);


Stateless Factory with EJB

I have a requirement to get pdf documents from my system. I'm using Apache Fop for this - and this library is using 2 files to generate pdf - xsl file with structure and styling and xml with data. So I'm getting xsl file from web resources, but now I need to generate xml with data from database. I tried this solution:
I have this interface:
public interface PrintableDocument {
Object getJaxBOjbect(Long personId);
That's one of the stateless bean to get object, I need 10 more beans like this to get different data for different documents.
public class PrintableDocumentOne implements PrintableDocument {
private SomeRepository repository;
public Object getJaxBOjbect(Long personId) {
// Getting information from database
// formulating Object with data and returning it
So now I want to create Factory like this one:
public class PrintableDocumentsFactory {
private PrintableDocument printableDocumentOne;
private PrintableDocument printableDocumentTwo;
private Map<String, PrintableDocument> map = new HashMap<>();
public void init() {
map.put("one", printableDocumentOne);
map.put("two", printableDocumentTwo);
public PrintableDocument getPrintableDocument(String type) {
return map.get(type);
And on the service bean I want to use this factory:
public class DocumentServiceBean {
private PrintableDocumentsFactory factory;
public byte[] getPdf(InputStream xsl, Long id, String type) {
PrintableDocument printableDocument =
Object jaxBOject = printableDocument.getJaxBObject(id);
//Use this object to get pdf and return it to web controller.
But now I'm getting null from getPrintableDocument from factory. I think the problem is that I need stateless beans, and they are getting picked back to EJB container, when getPrintableDocument method ends. So my question is: how can I manage this kind of situation?
EDIT 1: Missed PostConstruct annotation on init in Factory. Fixed that, still have the problem.
EDIT 2: If I will have #Singleton on my Factory will it hold just one by one instances of stateless PrintableDocument beans or it will return pooled instances instead? Because now I have to refill strategy holder map on factory when system will need another been to answer the request.
You could try to use #EJB instead of #Inject to inject the PrintableDocumentsFactory into your DocumentServiceBean.
Try adding a #PostConstruct annotation to PrintableDocumentsFactory.init() method. Currently the init method won't be called, so no get registered in the map.

Is there a way to re-inject / update injected bean fields?

I have some beans (of multiple types, CDI, #Stateless and #Singleton beans). Some of their fields shall get injected from database values.
public class MyBean {
String host;
So I added a custom #Qualifier (DbConfigValue) used by a Producer. The producer reads and caches config values from a database and injects them into the beans.
public class Configuration {
public String getDbConfigValue(InjectionPoint point) {
// get key for the config-value from qualifier-annotation of the injected field
String key = point.getAnnotated().getAnnotation(DbConfigValue.class).value();
// i have read+cached database config values in #PostConstruct before
return cachedConfigValues.get(key);
This works well for initial injection / bean construction. Some web tutorials out there are suggesting this approach.
Now, I think it is reasonable to assume that config values, if stored in DB, might change at runtime. So, whenever an admin changes a database config value, I currently do fire a CDI-event.
Question: is there any way to re-inject values into fields of already-initialized bean-instances? Or is injection always related to instance-creation only?
E.g. I had similar to this in mind:
public class MyEventListener {
BeanManager beanManager;
public void onDbConfigValueChangedEvent (#Observes(during = TransactionPhase.AFTER_SUCCESS) DbConfigValueChangedEvent event) {
try {
// could be filtered by custom qualifier:
Set<Bean<?>> beans = beanManager.getBeans(Object.class,new AnnotationLiteral<Any>() {});
for (Bean<?> bean : beans) {
Set<InjectionPoint> points = bean.getInjectionPoints();
// What now? javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Bean is the
// bean-representation only.
// Can I somehow resolve the actual bean-instances here?
// Then update Field via Reflection?
catch(Exception e){
// ...
I also considered DeltaSpike which has some methods for injection-control. However, I did only find methods to inject into new bean instances, or even with new- or null-CreationalContexts (beans not CDI-managed afterwards)
Please note: I am aware that I can solve this specific use-case by injecting the configuration and explicitly getting the current values on each request like this:
public class MyBean {
Configuration config;
public void someMethod(){
String host = config.getConfig(MyConfig.HOST);
// ...
However, I am wondering about the question in general: is there any support for re-injection? Or if not, do the specs (CDI or Java EE) forbid it?
Depending on how fast/slow your db is, this may be expensive. You could probably leverage some cacheing mechanism in the producer method.
Leverage on Instance injection mechanims, which lazily loads the actual injected bean.
Your Producer (Probably leveraging on some of cache to avoid db calls all the tome)
public class Configuration {
#RequestScoped //May fail if not in a request-context, but for ejb-calls, it is guaranteed to work as CDI has EJB Request Context
public String getDbConfigValue(InjectionPoint point) {
// get key for the config-value from qualifier-annotation of the injected field
String key = point.getAnnotated().getAnnotation(DbConfigValue.class).value();
// i have read+cached database config values in #PostConstruct before
return cachedConfigValues.get(key);
And the injection points:
public class MyBean {
private Instance<String> host;
public void doSomething() {
String myHost = host.get(); // of course will throw exception if value is failing. It will be resolved with every request.

Injecting principal into resource method in RESTEasy with Guice

I am developing a REST API using RESTEasy with Guice and at the moment I am trying to incorporate basic authentication by use of an annotation similar to the #Auth found in Dropwizard. With
public class HelloResource {
public String hello(#Auth final Principal principal) {
return principal.getUsername();
the hello resource invocation should be intercepted by some code performing basic authentication using the credentials passed in the Authorization HTTP request header and on success injecting the principal into the method principal parameter. I would also like to be able to pass a list of allowed roles to the annotation, e.g. #Auth("admin").
I really need some advice in what direction to go to achieve this?
I think your best bet would be using an intermediate value within request scope. Assuming that you didn't put HelloResource in singleton scope, you can inject this intermediate value in some ContainerRequestFilter implementation and in your resource, and you can fill it inside this ContainerRequestFilter implementation with all authentication and authorization info you need.
It will look something like this:
// Authentication filter contains code which performs authentication
// and possibly authorization based on the request
public class AuthFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter {
private final AuthInfo authInfo;
AuthFilter(AuthInfo authInfo) {
this.authInfo = authInfo;
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
// You can check request contents here and even abort the request completely
// Fill authInfo with the data you need
Principal principal = ...; // Ask some other service possibly
public class HelloResource {
private final AuthInfo authInfo;
HelloResource(AuthInfo authInfo) {
this.authInfo = authInfo;
public String hello() {
// authInfo here will be pre-filled with the principal, assuming
// you didn't abort the request in the filter
return authInfo.getPrincipal().getUsername();
public class MainModule extends AbstractModule {
protected void configure() {
And even if you did put the resource (or even the filter) in singleton scope for some reason, you can always inject Provider<AuthInfo> instead of AuthInfo.
It seems that I was somewhat wrong in that the filter is by default not in singleton scope. In fact it seem to behave like singleton even though it is not bound as such. It is created upon JAX-RS container startup. Hence you will need to inject Provider<AuthInfo> into the filter. In fact, the container startup will fail if AuthInfo is injected into the filter directly while being bound to request scope. Resource (if not explicitly bound as singleton) will be OK with direct injection though.
I have uploaded working program to github.

JSF managed property injection null inside REST resource

I have a REST resource class (so the one listening for incoming REST connections from the web) which needs to access a managed bean library controller.
Upon invocation however I get a null pointer exception.
public class RecordResource
#ManagedProperty(value = "#{libraryController}") // this references the #ManagedBean named libraryController
private LibraryController libraryController;
public Response uploadWeb(InputStream inputStream)
//Null exception below !
public LibraryController getLibraryController()
return libraryController;
public void setLibraryController(LibraryController libraryController)
this.libraryController = libraryController;
The getters/setters are ok so I don't know why the proper constructor for LibraryController is not called.
The injection fails because the client class is not a #ManagedBean, therefore the container has no notion of the JSF context inside RecordResource.
See this question for further clarification.
As a workaround, consider to use an #EJB controller and inject it by means of #EJB annotation. Otherwise please explain what's the business logic behind this design.

How can I select Spring bean instance at runtime

Based on parameters passed to a method, I need to select from one of many Spring beans that are implementations of the same class, but configured with different parameters.
E.g. if user A invokes the method, I need to call dooFoo() on bean A, but if it's user B then I need to call the very same method, only on bean B.
Is there a 'Springier' way of doing this other than sticking all the beans in a map, and deriving a key from the parameters passed to my method?
We face that issue in our project, and we solve it through a Factory-Like class. The client class -the one that needed the bean at runtime- had an instance of the factory, that was injected through Spring:
public class ImTheClient{
private ImTheFactory factory;
public void doSomething(
Parameters parameters) throws Exception{
IWantThis theInstance = factory.getInstance(parameters);
So, the IWantThis instance depends on the runtime value of the parameters parameter. The Factory implementation goes like this:
public class ImTheFactoryImpl implements
ImTheFactory {
private IWantThisBadly anInstance;
private IAlsoWantThis anotherInstance;
public IWantThis getInstance(Parameters parameters) {
if (parameters.equals(Parameters.THIS)) {
return anInstance;
if (parameters.equals(Parameters.THAT)) {
return anotherInstance;
return null;
So, the factory instance holds reference to both of the posible values of the IWantThis class, being IWantThisBadly and IAlsoWantThis both implementations of IWantThis.
Seems like do you want a ServiceLocator using the application context as registry.
See ServiceLocatorFactoryBean support class for creating ServiceLocators mapping keys to bean names without coupling client code to Spring.
Other option is to use a naming convention or annotation based configuration.
for example, assuming that you annotate Services with #ExampleAnnotation("someId"), you can use something like the following Service Locator to retrieve them.
public class AnnotationServiceLocator implements ServiceLocator {
private ApplicationContext context;
private Map<String, Service> services;
public Service getService(String id) {
return services.get(id);
private void checkServices() {
if (services == null) {
services = new HashMap<String, Service>();
Map<String, Object> beans = context.getBeansWithAnnotation(ExampleAnnotation.class);
for (Object bean : beans.values()) {
ExampleAnnotation ann = bean.getClass().getAnnotation(ExampleAnnotation.class);
services.put(ann.value(), (Service) bean);
Sticking them in a map sounds fine. If it's a Spring-managed map (using util:map, or in Java config), that's better than creating it somewhere else, because then Spring owns all the object references and can manage their lifecycle properly.
If the beans (A, B) you are talking about are SessionScope its no problem at all, they will be selected correctly.
public class BusinessLogic {
private BaseClassOfBeanAandB bean;
public void methodCalledByUserAorB() {

