Conditional method calling by abusing ternary wrapped in if statement? - java

Recently I was doing a code review and came across this guy:
if(!sharePermission.isExpired() ? activePermissions.add(sharePermission) : expiredPermissions.add(sharePermission));
Basically using a ternary expression to call methods that return a boolean value and wrapping it in an if(...) statement to satisfy the requirement of being a standalone statement. Is this more or less valid than
if you really need to condense your code to one line? Is any sort of extra space allocated for the value returned from the ternary expression when wrapped in the if(...) ?
I'm not a fan of either of them, just curious.

It's an abuse of the if statement to do that, never mind the conditional expression.
It would be cleaner to write either a full if statement, or to use the conditional operator to select a list to add to:
List<Permission> list = isExpired() ? expiredPermission : activePermission;

There is no assignment happening, only an evaluation of a boolean condition. No extra memory is allocated for the result of the evaluation.
Using a ternary expression to emulate a ternary statement, however, is grossly unorthodox. It is going to reduce readability of your code, without bringing any additional benefit. Hence, using a plain if with an else is a better alternative.
Note that if activePermissions and expiredPermissions are of the same type, you can use a ternary expression to decide between the targets of the add call, as follows:
(sharePermission.isExpired() ? expiredPermissions : activePermissions).add(sharePermission);

The ternary equivalent for the if..else that you are looking for is something like -
(!sharePermission.isExpired() ? activePermissions : expiredPermissions).add(sharePermission); // no if here
is equivalent to
if(!sharePermission.isExpired()) {
else {


What is the real use of ternary operator in Java for the below case. Which will be more efficient?

Is Reassigning false to primitive boolean a good use of ternary operator?
boolean a = false;
Way 1 :
a = object.isAllowed() != null ? object.isAllowed() : false;
Way 2 :
if(object.isAllowed() != null) {
a = object.isAllowed();
Kindly suggest which is a better way and why?
No, the simple solution for this would be;
boolean a = object.isAllowed() != null && object.isAllowed();
This is assuming that object.isAllowed() returns a Boolean object that is nullable.
As per your question, object.isAllowed() returns either true or null. Since already you have assigned value of a as false, it's better not to assign the same value to the same variable (if you consider the efficiency of your code).
So way 2 is better in that case. Or you can also go with Jason's answer (it is more clear and readable).
Is Reassigning false to primitive boolean a good use of ternary operator?
In general, nothing wrong with reassigning value to a variable (if necessary), in fact variable's literal meaning is changeable.
One should just keep in mind that inefficient re-assigning of variable increases space complexity, ultimately affects program performance.
It does not related to ternary operator.
Kindly suggest which is a better way and why?
Both have minor pros and cons Like:
Way 1:
1) Compact syntax
2) More professional
1) Inefficient reassigning of variable every time. Takes a bit more memory than traditional if else.
2) If multiple conditions involved, readability of code gets affected.
3) You must have to implement else part (:) of ternary operator
Way 2:
1) Takes efficient amount of memory. (Depending on how you wrote condition)
2) More readable where multiple conditions involved.
3) else part not mandatory
1) Lengthy syntax

unreachable code when trying to stop executing method if condition true [duplicate]

Today, after half an hour of searching for a bug, I discovered that it is possible to put a semicolon after an if statement instead of code, like this:
if(a == b);
// Do stuff
Which basically means that the stuff will be done whether a equals b or not, and the if statement has no point whatsoever. Why doesn't Java give me an error? Is there any situation in which this would be useful?
Why does it happen?
Java Language Specification says that:
The Empty Statement
An empty statement does nothing.
Execution of an empty statement always completes normally
It essentially means that you want to execute empty statement if a==b
if(a == b);
What should you do:
There are two main solutions to this problem:
You can avoid problems with empty statement by using code formatter
and surrounding stuff inside if with { and }. By doing this
Your empty statement will be much more readable.
if(a == b){
You can also check tools used for static code analysis such as:
They can instantly highlight problems such as this one.
I would recommend to combine both solutions.
Is there any situation in which this would be useful?
Useful? As in "makes your code cleaner, clearer, faster, more maintainable"? Not at all. This is most likely poor, confusing code.
But it's not necessarily benign. Such a statement can perform actions and/or alter state due to methods which cause side effects, and optionally evaluate those methods due to short-circuiting of operators.
if( a() && b() );
Here, a() or b() may do something, and b() will only execute if a() is true.
As to why, I think the answer is simply that it would be worse to deviate from defined, expected behavior (e.g. statements like while(;) than the alternative of developers writing bad code.
Writing bad code is always possible. And just to reiterate, this would be bad code in almost any case.
A possible use case:
if (a==b);
else {
// Do something
Not good, but possible.
Still, I do think that the Java specification should disallow an empty if.
If you're using Eclipse, you can make it warn you about those statements:
If you use an if statement, the first statement after the if will be executed if the condition is true. If you have a block after the if (with curly braces), it counts for that whole block. If there is no block it counts for only one statement. A single semicolon is an empty statement. You could also write the code from you example like this:
if(a==b) {
It is an old leftover from the days when there was more syntactic sugar to differentiate expressions from statements.
Basically, the comma was used as the list item separator, so the semicolon was used as the "list of statements" separator. The downside is in the handling of null items in lists, and null statements in blocks.
In a list of items, Java uses the explicit keyword null, but a "null statement" is just an empty line. Allowing the existence of an empty line is a holdover from tradition inherited from C.
Why do it? Especially with an if statement when you know that no statements are being executed: Because some if statements have side effects:
int c;
if ((c = != -1);
Yes, it is not the best example, but basically it says read a byte from the stream and do nothing. Might be useful in some corner cases, but even if this example isn't the best, it illustrates the intent. We want to feel the side-effects of the expression without accidentally executing any statements.
I can't think of an occasion where it is useful. It can be useful for loops like
while(do something);
for(init; do something; something else);
If you use your code formatting in your IDE regularly these sort of bugs become obvious. Some IDEs highlight this as a probable bug as well.
I'd agree with you there's no useful purpose to this for a human. I suspect it's there because it simplifies the language definition; it means that the thing that comes after an if is e same as the thing that comes after a while, for instance.
Why? It's because its easier for compiler writers. You don't have to make a special case to check for semicolons after if(cond) and has an added usage of allowing
if (cond && maybeFunc())
;// Code here I want to ignore
Even though it's actually a terrible idea to allow this. It's just easier to allow and then to add a case to check this.
Java allows an empty block any place a statement block is allowed. I am sure making this a general rule for all blocks simplifies the compiler.
I agree that this is primarily the cause of bugs that are spectacularly hard to find. I always use braces around blocks, even when there is a single statement, but Java allows you to make a block with braces at any point, so using braces can not save you from this fate. For example, I once wasted 4 hours trying find something like this:
while (condition);
The semicolon at the end of the first line was a typo, accidentally making the statement block for the while loop empty. Because the syntax is valid the program compiled and ran fine, just not the way I wanted it to. It was really hard to find.
I can think of one situation where it is very nice that you are allowed to have empty blocks, and this is something like this:
if (condition1) {
else if (condition2) {
//nothing really to do in this case
else if (condition3) {
else {
In the above example, you want to be able to separate out various conditions. Remember, those conditions might be overlapping, so it is not always possible to rearrange the order. If one of the conditions really does not need anything done, then it is nice that Java allows you to have an empty block. Otherwise, the language would need some form of a "noop" method to use when you really do not want anything done.
I personally would prefer the explicit "noop" statement -- but that is not how Java is defined.
Just a FYI about the usability and what difference it makes or can make if there is a statement like that
Consider a piece of code like the following.
int a = 10;
if ((a = 50) == 50);
System.out.println("Value of a = " + a);
Clearly in this case, the if statement does change the output. So a statement like that can make a difference.
This is a situation where this could be useful or better to say have an impact on program.
println("a equals b");
You can use an IF statement without {} if there is only a single line to be executed, so by using if(a==b); you are saying if they equal, execute and empty statement... So it will do nothing, and then return to your normal loop, outside of the IF block.
A few definitions from the jls explain this (chapter 14):
Blocks are Statements
As stated here, a Block is a StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement, which in turn is a StatementNoShortIf, which is a Statement. Thus where ever any of these is required, we can insert a Block.
The if-clause
Though this is as well the case for for and while-loops, I'll use if-statements. These rules are pretty much the same. The syntactical description of if-statements can be found here.
if ( Expression ) Statement
if ( Expression ) StatementNoShortIf else Statement
if ( Expression ) StatementNoShortIf else StatementNoShortIf
So we can use our block here.
But why does it work with ; ?
; is defined as the EmptyStatement (link), which is as well a StatementNoShortIf. So in conditional pieces of code, like if-statement and loops, we can replace a Block with a EmptyStatement, if a StatementNoShortIf or Statement is required.
Thus if(Expression)EmptyStatement works.
Why doesn't this give an error?
Pretty simple: java gives an error if it finds invalid syntax. But if(Expression)EmptyStatement is perfectly valid syntax. Instead javac gives a warning if launched with the proper parameters. The full list of warnings that can be dis-/enabled lists the warning-name empty for this purpose. So compilation with -Xlint:all or -Xlint:empty will generate a warning about this.
Your IDE should have an option to enable this kind of warning as well.
For eclipse, see #nullptr's answer. In IntelliJ, you can press Ctrl + Shift + A, enter empty body into the search field and enable the warning (marked in the image)
What is this even used for?
To be honest, there's not much use in it from a minimalistic point of view. There's usually a way to get things done without a "do nothing" command. It's rather a question of personal preferences, whether you rather use
if( a() && b() );
if( a() ) b();
and same would apply to other cases, in which the EmptyStatement is used. An important point to consider on this topic is readability of code. There are occasions, where code becomes more readable by using the no-op. On the other hand there are cases, where code becomes quite a lot harder to comprehend with using the EmptyStatement - the above example would count to the later IMO.
I can think of a scenario where an empty statement is required (not for if condition but for while loop).
When a program just want an explicit confirmation from the user to proceed. This may be required when the work after the user confirmation depends on some other things and user want to take control of when to proceed.
System.out.println("Enter Y to proceed. Waiting...");
while(!(new Scanner("Y")));
// do the work here
look this:
int a,b,c = 0;
if(a == b){
c =1;
so, you can write like this:
if (a == b)c=1;
but,if this code is this:
int a,b,c=0;
if (a != b){
if (a == b ){
c =1;
you can write like this:
if(a != b);
if(a == b )c=1;
so,you will know if(a != b); do noting
The semi-colon in the if indicates the termination of the if condition as in java ; is treated as the end of a statement, so the statement after if gets executed.
Semicolon at the end of,
if(a==b); simply finish the statement in single line which means ignore the result of condition and continue the execution from the next line
This code is useful, on the other hand sometime introduce bug in program, for example,
case 1.
a = 5;
b = 3;
if(a == b);
prinf("a and b are equal");
case 2.
a = 5;
b = 5;
if(a == b);
prinf("a and b are equal");
would print the same output on the screen...
While working on a programming assignment for class where I am working with a N by N grid of doodads and comparing characteristics of a random doodad to those above, below, left, and right, I found a nice use of this to prevent nested statements and potential boundary exceptions. My goal was to minimize code and keep from nesting if-statements.
if (row == 0);
else (method (grid[row][col], grid[row-1][col]));
if (row == N-1);
else (method (grid[row][col], grid[row+1][col]));
if (col == 0);
else (method (grid[row][col], grid[row][col-1]));
if (col == N-1);<br>
else (method (grid[row][col], grid[row][col+1]));
where method(Doodad a, Doodad b) does some operation between a and b.
Alternatively, you could use exception handling to avoid this syntax, but it works and works well for my application.

Is Confusing ternary Rule in Sonar Qube really needed?

I write my java code
if(x !=null){
// Do something
else {
// Do something
Then sonar Qube gives violation. Is the rule really needed for Confusing ternary?
According to the reference link you provided, the rule states:
In a ternary expression avoid negation in the test. For example, rephrase: "(x != y) ? diff : same" as: "(x == y) ? same : diff". Consistent use of this rule makes the code easier to read. Also, this resolves trivial ordering problems, such as "does the error case go first?" or "does the common case go first?".
It might be a bit confusing that the rule is named "confusing ternary rule" because what you have is a regular if-else construct, not a ternary expression. However, since ?: can be thought of as shorthand for an if-else statement, you can also apply the rule here.
Does it makes sense? Personally, I think absolutely. But if it doesn't apply to your (or your company's) coding style and, therefore, you get many violations, I'd rather remove—or adapt—the rule. As the reference says: consistency is important.
This is required cause it's unnecessary causes confusion in first look.
if(reporters username is not oliver)
say it's stackoverflow's concern
say it's oliver's concern

Replacing an if statement with a disjunction

Just for fun, I was trying to replace:
if (set1.add(x) == false)
set1.add(x) || set2.add(x);
However, Eclipse complains:
Syntax error on token "||", invalid AssignmentOperator
The left-hand side of an assignment must be a variable
Could anybody shine some light onto these error messages? They don't make much sense to me.
As #qqilihq said in the comments try to do
boolean temp = set1.add(x) || set2.add(x);
or more awkward:
if(set1.add(x) || set2.add(x));
According to documentation java statements which can end with a semicolon are:
Assignment expressions
Any use of ++ or --
Method invocations
Object creation expressions
What you've written is not a statement it's an expression. Here you can find more about statements and expressions. So simple but worth to look.
There are a number of answers far, but I agree with Bohemian's answer that the most straightforward simplification (although it doesn't use ||) is this:
if ( !set1.add(x) ) set2.add(x);
That doesn't explain the error message though. Mustafa Genç comes closer on this, but I think it's worthwhile to look at the language specification here. exp1 || exp2 is an expression, and the problem here is that you're trying to use it in a context where a statement is expected. According to 14.8. Expression Statements, some kinds of expressions can be used where statements are expected by attaching a semicolon:
14.8. Expression Statements
Certain kinds of expressions may be used as statements by following
them with semicolons.
StatementExpression ;
An expression statement is executed by evaluating the expression; if
the expression has a value, the value is discarded.
The reason that you can't do what you're trying to do, though, is that not every expression can be used as a statement. However, it does discuss some ways to work around this. From the same section of the specification (emphasis added):
Unlike C and C++, the Java programming language allows only certain
forms of expressions to be used as expression statements. Note that
the Java programming language does not allow a "cast to void" - void
is not a type - so the traditional C trick of writing an expression
statement such as:
(void)... ; // incorrect!
does not work. On the other hand, the Java
programming language allows all the most useful kinds of expressions
in expressions statements, and it does not require a method invocation
used as an expression statement to invoke a void method, so such a
trick is almost never needed. If a trick is needed, either an
assignment statement (§15.26) or a local variable declaration
statement (§14.4) can be used instead.
This approach is what the first snipped in Reik Val's answer is using:
boolean temp = set1.add(x) || set2.add(x);
I would just:
if (!set1.add(x))
The statement
boolean temp = set1.add(x) || set2.add(x);
and any variation thereof is dangerous. You'll hardly ever know what happens there. Note that the right expression is NOT evaludated iff the first expression is true. That is, the attempt to add it to set2 will only be made if it was not yet contained in set1.
EDIT: Now, reading the question again, it seems that this was exactly what you intended. So I think that the anser by Mustafa Genç is the relevant here
Usually, you should write clearly what you want to do
boolean wasNotContainedInSet1 = set1.add(x);
boolean wasNotContainedInSet2 = set2.add(x);
boolean wasNotContainedInAnySet =
wasNotContainedInSet1 | wasNotContainedInSet2;
boolean wasNotContainedInSet1 = set1.add(x);
if (!wasNotContainedInSet1) {
or whatever...

Ternary Operators Java [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Ternary Operator
(4 answers)
Closed 5 months ago.
Is there a way to implement this in a ternary operation. I'm very new to that ternary stuff, maybe you could guide me.
This one doesn't seem to work.
In this case, you don't even need a ternary operator:
Or, cleaner:
Your version:
selection.toLowerCase().equals("produkt")? cmdCse.setVisible(true): cmdCse.setVisible(false);
is semantically incorrect: ternary operator should represent alternative assignments, it's not a full replacement for if statements. This is ok:
double wow = x > y? Math.sqrt(y): x;
because you are assigning either x or Math.sqrt(y) to wow, depending on a condition.
My 2cents: use ternary operator only when it makes your program clearer, otherwise you will end up having some undecipherable one-liners.
The ternary operator isn't exactly like an if statement. A ternary operator has to "return" something from both sides, so putting void method calls like setVisible() there won't work.
Instead, you could do something like this without ternary operators at all:
But just to demonstrate the point, the ternary equivalent would look something like this:
cmdCse.setVisible(selection.toLowerCase().equals("product") ? true : false);
Notice how now the ternary operator "returns" true or false on both sides instead of simply calling a void method.
I think this will work for you
Directly from the docs
Use the ?: operator instead of an if-then-else statement if it makes your code more readable; for example, when the expressions are compact and without side-effects (such as assignments).
In your case cmdCse.setVisible(true / false); doesn't return anything, and the operation also has side effects (it changes state of cmdCse), so the conditional operator cannot be used here (when you do use the operator, both of the ? and : branches must have the same return type).
As an aside, please note that .. ? .. : .. should be referred to as the conditional operator
On the issue of using exceptions
I want to answer the issue of the exceptions here as this question is a duplicate for another question concerning throwing exceptions from a ternary expression, but this is not addressed in the above answers.
The general consensus is that it cannot be done directly as in:
public Character next() {
return hasNext() ? s.charAt(cur++) : throw new NoSuchElementException(); // compilation error
will give you a compilation error, but as Clement pointed out it can be done via a declared extra function. It can also be done via (ab-)using lambda expressions.
public Character next() {
return hasNext() ? s.charAt(cur++) : ((Function<Integer, Character>) x -> {throw new NoSuchElementException();}).apply(1);
for sure this is not that pretty (it is pretty ugly) and I would not recommend to do that for readability purposes, but sometimes there are circumstances which might warrant exceptionally doing that. If someones figures out a way to do it without the cast it would be a bit more readable.
If you had a function throwNoSuchElementException() defined somewhere that you use more than once, it would look a bit more readable:
public Character next() {
return hasNext() ? s.charAt(cur++) : throwNoSuchElementException();
(P.S.: I included this answer for completeness sake, as I asked myself can it really be not done?)
(P.S.S.: If the exception to be thrown is not a runtime exception this will not work so easily and would require even more handstands - not really worth it)
Here are my tips, if you need to set things to booleans, then simple use setBoolean(condition), else, if you need to set a variable to a non boolean value, then use var=condition?result1:result2(or the variable itself if you don't want to change if condition is false), otherwise, use if else.

