How does a pandigital number check work? - java

I came across this solution to checking if a number is pandigital(an n-digit number that makes use of all the digits 1 to n exactly once, eg.1234).
private boolean isPandigital(int n){
int digits = 0;
int numDigits = String.valueOf(n).length();
for (; n > 0; n /= 10){
digits += (1 << (n - ((n / 10) * 10) - 1));
return digits == ((1 << numDigits) - 1);
The for loop takes a digit off n each loop(1234,123,12,1). Inside the loop:
(n - ((n / 10) * 10) - 1)
evalutes to the last digit of n and takes away 1.
I understand what the method is physically doing but what property of pandigital numbers is it exploiting?

The property it's exploiting is that for a pandigital input of length n, summing the digits must equal (n + (n - 1) + (n - 2) ... + 1) which is equivalent to (n * (n + 1)) / 2. But instead of doing the algorithm in decimal the function is doing it with binary bits.
It uses each decimal digit to increment a binary digit. For a decimal digit d the binary bit at (d - 1) gets incremented. i.e. the decimal digit 3 becomes (1 << (3 - 1)) which will increment the 2nd binary digit. These are summed and compared to the expected value. The expected value is that every binary digit will be set for the length of your input. If your input is 1234 every binary bit will be set for a 4 bit binary value (1111 in binary = 15 in decimal from ((1 << numDigits) - 1)).

No specific property is used.
The trick is that when you find a digit i, you add (2 to the power i) to the variable digits, i.e setting a single bit in this integer. At the end of the process, number of n digits wiil be pandigital, if digits = (2 to the power i) -1, i.e. the n low bits of digits all set to 1.
Just for fun, you may do it in a recursive way:
bool ispandigital = testpandigital(n.ToString()) ;
private bool testpandigital(string nbr)
string digit=str.Length.ToString() ;
return nbr=="0" || (nbr.Contains(digit) && testpandigital(nbr.Replace(digit,"")) ;


the maximum n digit number possible in K steps

Can somebody help me with this problem?
Statement: - What is the maximum possible n digit number starting from 0 we can make in K steps
using only 2 operations:-
multiplying by 3 or incrementing by 2.
N =2 K = 5;
-> (0->2->6->8->24->72) 72 IS THE ANSWER
N = 2 , K = 51 -> (0->2->6->8->10->30->32->96->98). 98 is the maximum we can get so need to check for rest of the moves.
My 2 state-recursive solution:-
public static void largestNDigitNumber(long[] highest, long maxValue, long k, long currentValue) {
if (highest[0] == (maxValue - 2)) return; //no need to do anything as we get 98 as highest.
if (k < 0) return; //checking for steps
if (highest[0] < currentValue && currentValue <= (maxValue - 2)) {
highest[0] = currentValue;
largestNDigitNumber(highest, maxValue, (k - 1), (currentValue * 3));
largestNDigitNumber(highest, maxValue, (k - 1), (currentValue + 2));
public static void main(String[] args) {
int n = 2;
long k = 51;
long maxValue = (long) Math.pow(10, n);
long[] highest = new long[1];
largestNDigitNumber(highest, maxValue, (k - 1), 2);
if (highest[0] < (long) Math.pow(10, (n - 1))) {
System.out.println("-1"); // if it is not possible to make n digit in given steps
} else System.out.println(highest[0]);
when "k" is small it is giving the correct answer but for bigger values of "k", it does not show any input. for n=2 and k = 51, it does not show anything.
please help me to improve this code
The question is equivalent to asking what is the largest base 3 number that is less than 10^n/2, and has digit sum plus length less than or equal to k+1. (The answer is then double the base 3 number).
For example, N=2 K=5. What's the largest base 3 number that's less than 50, with length plus digit sum less than or equal to 6. Answer: 1100 (36 decimal), so the answer to the original question is 36*2=72.
For N=2, K=51, the largest base-3 number that's less than 50 is 2001 (49 decimal) and has length sum plus digit sum = 7, which is way less than K+1.
Given this representation, it's easy to solve the problem in O(n) time (in fact, you can solve it using pencil and paper). The length d of the base-3 number is as large as possible such that 3^d < 10^n/2 and d<=K. Then fill in the digits of the number greedily from the most-significant first until you have digit sum K+1-d (or you run out of digits).
First note that without loss of generality you can assume you never have three +2 operations in a row, since that can be done more efficiently by inserting a single +2 operation to before the most recent *3 (or simply replacing it by +2 * 3 if there's no *3 operation). Suppose you have represented the current number as a doubled base-3 number. A +2 operation corresponds to adding 1 to the bottom digit (this never overflows into the next column thanks to the observation above). A *3 operation moves all the digits up one column, introducing a 0 as the bottom digit. Note that because the number is doubled, the +2 operation adds just 1 to the base-3 number!
From this, you can see that you can count the number of operations from observation of the doubled base-3 number. Because *3 introduces a new digit, and +2 increases the digit sum by 1, so the number of operations is equal to the number of digits plus 1, plus the digit sum.
As an example. Suppose you have the doubled base-3 number 2 * 2101, then this is equivalent to 2 * (1+3*3*(1+3*(1+1)))) = (2 + 3*3*(2+3*(2+2))).
I tried something like this. it seems to work fine.
getMaxNumber(2, 5) ==> 72
getMaxNumber(2, 51) ==> 98
private int getMaxNumber(int n, int k){
int N = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
N = N * 10 + 9;
int[] result = new int[1];
helper(N, k, 0, 0, result);
return result[0];
private void helper(int N, int K, int n, int k, int[] result){
if(n > N) return;
if(k <= K){
result[0] = Math.max(result[0], n);
if(n > 0)
helper(N, K, n * 3, k + 1, result);
helper(N, K, n + 2, k + 1, result);
Keeping with the style of your original recursive method. I modified it a bit to produce a working solution:
public static long largestNDigitNumber(int n, long currentK, long maxK, long currentValue) {
if (currentK > maxK || n < 1 || maxK < 1) return 0;
if (currentValue >= Math.pow(10, n))
return 0;
long c1 = largestNDigitNumber(n, currentK + 1, maxK, currentValue * 3);
long c2 = largestNDigitNumber(n, currentK + 1, maxK, currentValue + 2);
if (c1 == 0 && c2 == 0)
return currentValue;
return c1 > c2 ? c1 : c2;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int n = 2;
long k = 51;
long largest = largestNDigitNumber(n, 0, k, 0);
System.out.println(largest); //98
This recursive method returns values here instead of using an array. Hence the check if one returned value is bigger than the other or they are both 0 before returning.
Both the +2 and *3 operations preserve odd/even parity, so starting from 0 we can only reach even numbers. We could start our search at the highest even number: 8, 98, 998, 9998 etc. and see what the shortest distance to 0 is.
If we are looking for the shortest distance, then there are less choices to make. If the current number is a multiple of 3 then there are two choices, either we divide by 3 or subtract 2. Otherwise the only choice is to subtract 2. I suspect that in the majority of cases, dividing by 3 is the better option, so that might be the first to try to keep the tree smaller.
If the minimum number of steps is less than K then as many divide by 3 operations as needed can be used to make the correct K
If the minimum number of steps is equal to K then the problem is solved.
If the minimum number of steps is more than K then you need to pick a lower starting number. Some even numbers will already have been covered as part of the initial calculation. You get those 'for free', provide you include a small amount of record keeping. You only need to examine large even numbers that were missed earlier due to a 'divide by 3' step.

Why is this solution to Reverse Integer (Leet Code) O((log10(n))?

The problem in question asks to reverse a 32-bit signed integer. Here's the given solution in Java:
public int reverse(int x) {
int rev = 0;
while (x != 0) {
int pop = x % 10;
x /= 10;
if (rev > Integer.MAX_VALUE/10 || (rev == Integer.MAX_VALUE / 10 && pop > 7)) return 0;
if (rev < Integer.MIN_VALUE/10 || (rev == Integer.MIN_VALUE / 10 && pop < -8)) return 0;
rev = rev * 10 + pop;
return rev;
​According to the solution's explanation, it's time complexity is O(log10(n)) because there are roughly log10(x) digits in x. Intuitively, there seems to be n-1 iterations of the while loop, where n is the number of digits. (I.E: a 7 digit number requires 6 iterations) However, the solution and given complexity implies that the n is the integer itself and not the number of digits. Can anyone help me gain an intuitive understanding of why the above solution is log10(n) ?
If x is an integer, then floor(log10(x)) + 1 is equal to the number of digits in x.
Let log(10)x = some number y. Then 10^y = x.
For example,
log(10) 10 = 1
log(10) 100 = 2
log(10) 1000 = 3
When x is not a perfect power of 10:
floor( log(213) ) = 2
Let me know if this doesn't answer your question.
Let's say the x = 123.
int rev = 0;
rev = rev * 10 + x % 10; // rev = 3, 1st iteration.
x = x/10; // x = 12
rev = rev * 10 + x % 10; // rev = 3 * 10 + 2 = 32, 2nd iteration
x = x/10; // x = 1
rev = rev * 10 + x % 10; // rev = 32 * 10 + 1 = 321, 3rd iteration.
x = 0 so the loop terminates after 3 iterations for 3 digits.
The conditionals within the loop check to see if the reversed values would exceed what a 32 bit number could hold.
So it is log10(n) exactly for the reason you stated in your question. The log of a number n to a given base is the exponent required to raise the base back to the number n. And the exponent is an approximation of the number of digits in the number.
Based on your comment, it could also have been stated that "For any number n, where m is the the number of digits in n, the time complexity is O(m)."
The given reverse algorithm requires in the worst case log_10(x) iterations. In other words, if the given input x consists of k decimal digits, it requires k iterations. But stating that this algorithm is O(log_10(x)) is misleading. This is not logarithmic algorithm. If the input size is not intuitive (for example, testing whether given integer is a prime), we need to rigorously apply the correct definition of input size. In Big O analysis, the input size is defined as the number of characters it takes to write the input. Since we normally encode integers in binary digits, the input size of this algorithm n is approximately log_2 x. Therefore, x is roughly 2^n. The worst case complexity W(x) = log_10 (x) = log_10(2^n) = n log_10(2). Therefore, the big O of reverse algorithm is O(n).

Binary arithmetic: why hash%n is equivalent to hash&(n-1)?

I have been studying Java HashMap source code, the part of it which decides in what bucket to put an object and saw this change in Java 7 (8) as compared to Java 6.
Additionally I conducted numerous experiments and both expressions yeild the same result:
hash % n
hash & (n - 1)
where n - the array length that must be power of 2.
I just cannot figure out why is it true? Is there any theorem or some math laws that prove these statement are equal? Basically I want to understand the inference and prove the equivalence of those two statements.
PS. If n is not a power of 2 number, the equivalence breaks immedeately.
If n is a power of two that mean its binary representation is 10000....,
n-1 for that matter is 1111111... with one less digit.
That means that binary &-ing with (n-1) preserves just exactly the number of bits in k that n-1 has set.
Example n = 8: 1000, n-1 = 7: 111
&-ing for example k = 201: 11001001
k % n = k & (n-1) = 11001001 & 111 = 001 = 1.
%-ing with a power of 2 means that in binary you just strip everything away that is above (including) the only set bit: for n = 8 that means stripping everything over (including) the 4th bit. And that is exactly what the &-ing does at well.
A side effect is that using & is commutative: hash & (n - 1) is equivalent to (n - 1) & hash which is not true for %, the jdk source code in many places uses the later, e.g. in getNode
Think about the bits in (n - 1) if n is a power of 2 (or ((1 << i) - 1), if you want to simplify the constraint on n):
If n is, say, 16 (= 1 << 4), then n - 1 is 15, and the bit representation of 15 and 16 (as 32-bit ints) are:
1 = 00000000000000000000000000000001 // Shift by 4 to get...
16 = 00000000000000000000000000010000 // Subtract 1 to get...
15 = 00000000000000000000000000001111
So just the lowest 4 bits are set in 15. If you & this with another int, it will only allow bits in the last 4 bits of that number to be set in the result, so the value will only be in the range 0-15, so it's like doing % 16.
However, note that this equivalence doesn't hold for a negative first operand:
System.out.println(-1 % 2); // -1
System.out.println(-1 & (2-1)); // 1
Ideone demo
The arithmetic rule for integer / and % is:
x*(y/x) + (y%x) = y
What about a negative hash -4 and a positive n 8?
8*0 + (-4%8) = -4
Hence modulo maintains the sign.
-4 % 8 = -4
-4 & 7 = 4
int t = hash%n;
if (t < 0) {
t += n;
assert t == (hash & (n-1));
So in the earlier java with %n hash had to be positive to begin with.
Now hash may be negative, more solid and better hashing.
So that was a sound reason for this subtle change in java source code.
2n is a 1 followed by n-1 0s (in binary).
2n - 1 is n-1 1s.
Hence for n being a positive power of 2, and some positive number h:
h % n == h & (n-1)
Another usage is to count bits in an int. The class Integer has just such a function.
int bits = 0;
while (x != 0) {
x &= x - 1;

Starting from 1 how far can I count, when I can use any digit a maximum of N times

My problem is as follows; for number N, I need to find out what is the largest value I can count to, when each digit can be used N times.
For example if N = 5, the largest value is 12, since at that point the digit 1 has been used 5 times.
My original approach was to simply iterate through all numbers and keep a tally of how many times each digit has been used so far. This is obviously very inefficient when N is large, so am looking for advice on what would be a smarter (and more efficient) way to achieve this.
public class Counter {
private static Hashtable<Integer, Integer> numbers;
public static void main(String[] args){
Counter c = new Counter();;
public Counter() {
numbers = new Hashtable<Integer, Integer>();
numbers.put(0, 0);
numbers.put(1, 0);
numbers.put(2, 0);
numbers.put(3, 0);
numbers.put(4, 0);
numbers.put(5, 0);
numbers.put(6, 0);
numbers.put(7, 0);
numbers.put(8, 0);
numbers.put(9, 0);
public static void run(int maxRepeat) {
int keeper = 0;
for(int maxFound = 0; maxFound <= maxRepeat; maxFound++) {
for (int i = 0; i < Integer.toString(keeper).length(); i++) {
int a = Integer.toString(keeper).charAt(i);
//here update the tally for appropriate digit and check if max repeats is reached
For starters, rather than backing your Counter with a Hashtable, use an int[] instead. When you know exactly how many elements your map has to have, and especially when the keys are numbers, an array is perfect.
That being said, I think the most effective speedup is likely to come from better math, not better algorithms. With some experimentation (or it may be obvious), you'll notice that 1 is always the first digit to be used a given number of times. So given N, if you can find which number is the first to use the digit 1 N+1 times, you know your answer is the number right before that. This would let you solve the problem without actually having to count that high.
Now, let's look at how many 1's are used counting up to various numbers. Throughout this post I will use n to designate a number when we are trying to figure out how many 1's are used to count up to a number, whereas capital N designates how many 1's are used to count up to something.
One digit numbers
Starting with the single-digit numbers:
1: 1
2: 1
9: 1
Clearly the number of 1's required to count up to a one-digit number is... 1. Well, actually we forgot one:
0: 0
That will be important later. So we should say this: the number of 1's required to count up to a one-digit number X is X > 0 ? 1 : 0. Let's define a mathematical function f(n) that will represent "number of 1's required to count up to n". Then
f(X) = X > 0 ? 1 : 0
Two-digit numbers
For two-digit numbers, there are two types. For numbers of the form 1X,
10: 2
11: 4
12: 5
19: 12
You can think of it like this: counting up to 1X requires a number of 1's equal to
f(9) (from counting up to 9) plus
1 (from 10) plus
X (from the first digits of 11-1X inclusive, if X > 0) plus
however many 1's were required to count up to X
Or mathematically,
f(1X) = f(9) + 1 + X + f(X)
Then there are the two-digit numbers higher than 19:
21: 13
31: 14
91: 20
The number of 1's required to count to a two-digit number YX with Y > 1 is
f(19) (from counting up to 19) plus
f(9) * (Y - 2) (from the 1's in numbers 20 through (Y-1)9 inclusive - like if Y = 5, I mean the 1's in 20-49, which come from 21, 31, 41) plus
however many 1's were required to count up to X
Or mathematically, for Y > 1,
f(YX) = f(19) + f(9) * (Y - 2) + f(X)
= f(9) + 1 + 9 + f(9) + f(9) * (Y - 2) + f(X)
= 10 + f(9) * Y + f(X)
Three-digit numbers
Once you get into three-digit numbers, you can kind of extend the pattern. For any three-digit number of the form 1YX (and now Y can be anything), the total count of 1's from counting up to that number will be
f(99) (from counting up to 99) plus
1 (from 100) plus
10 * Y + X (from the first digits of 101-1YX inclusive) plus
however many 1's were required to count up to YX in two-digit numbers
f(1YX) = f(99) + 1 + YX + f(YX)
Note the parallel to f(1X). Continuing the logic to more digits, the pattern, for numbers which start with 1, is
f(1[m-digits]) = f(10^m - 1) + 1 + [m-digits] + f([m-digits])
with [m-digits] representing a sequence of digits of length m.
Now, for three-digit numbers ZYX that don't start with 1, i.e. Z > 1, the number of 1's required to count up to them is
f(199) (from counting up to 199) plus
f(99) * (Z - 2) (from the 1's in 200-(Z-1)99 inclusive) plus
however many 1's were required to count up to YX
f(ZYX) = f(199) + f(99) * (Z - 2) + f(YX)
= f(99) + 1 + 99 + f(99) + f(99) * (Z - 2) + f(YX)
= 100 + f(99) * Z + f(YX)
And the pattern for numbers that don't start with 1 now seems to be clear:
f(Z[m-digits]) = 10^m + f(10^m - 1) * Z + f([m-digits])
General case
We can combine the last result with the formula for numbers that do start with 1. You should be able to verify that the following formula is equivalent to the appropriate case given above for all digits Z 1-9, and that it does the right thing when Z == 0:
f(Z[m-digits]) = f(10^m - 1) * Z + f([m-digits])
+ (Z > 1) ? 10^m : Z * ([m-digits] + 1)
And for numbers of the form 10^m - 1, like 99, 999, etc. you can directly evaluate the function:
f(10^m - 1) = m * 10^(m-1)
because the digit 1 is going to be used 10^(m-1) times in each of the m digits - for example, when counting up to 999, there will be 100 1's used in the hundreds' place, 100 1's used in the tens' place, and 100 1's used in the ones' place. So this becomes
f(Z[m-digits]) = Z * m * 10^(m-1) + f([m-digits])
+ (Z > 1) ? 10^m : Z * ([m-digits] + 1)
You can tinker with the exact expression, but I think this is pretty close to as good as it gets, for this particular approach anyway. What you have here is a recursion relation that allows you to evaluate f(n), the number of 1's required to count up to n, by stripping off a leading digit at each step. Its time complexity is logarithmic in n.
Implementing this function is straightforward given the last formula above. You can technically get away with one base case in the recursion: the empty string, i.e. define f("") to be 0. But it will save you a few calls to also handle single digits as well as numbers of the form 10^m - 1. Here's how I'd do it, omitting a bit of argument validation:
private static Pattern nines = Pattern.compile("9+");
/** Return 10^m for m=0,1,...,18 */
private long pow10(int m) {
// implement with either pow(10, m) or a switch statement
public long f(String n) {
int Z = Integer.parseInt(n.substring(0, 1));
int nlen = n.length();
if (nlen == 1) {
return Z > 0 ? 1 : 0;
if (nines.matcher(n).matches()) {
return nlen * pow10(nlen - 1);
String m_digits = n.substring(1);
int m = nlen - 1;
return Z * m * pow10(m - 1) + f_impl(m_digits)
+ (Z > 1 ? pow10(m) : Z * (Long.parseLong(m_digits) + 1));
This algorithm solves the inverse of the the question you're asking: that is, it figures out how many times a digit is used counting up to n, whereas you want to know which n you can reach with a given number N of digits (i.e. 1's). So, as I mentioned back in the beginning, you're looking for the first n for which f(n+1) > N.
The most straightforward way to do this is to just start counting up from n = 0 and see when you exceed N.
public long howHigh(long N) {
long n = 0;
while (f(n+1) <= N) { n++; }
return n;
But of course that's no better (actually probably worse) than accumulating counts in an array. The whole point of having f is that you don't have to test every number; you can jump up by large intervals until you find an n such that f(n+1) > N, and then narrow down your search using the jumps. A reasonably simple method I'd recommend is exponential search to put an upper bound on the result, followed by a binary search to narrow it down:
public long howHigh(long N) {
long upper = 1;
while (f(upper + 1) <= N) {
upper *= 2;
long lower = upper / 2, mid = -1;
while (lower < upper) {
mid = (lower + upper) / 2;
if (f(mid + 1) > N) {
upper = mid;
else {
lower = mid + 1;
return lower;
Since the implementation of f from above is O(log(n)) and exponential+binary search is also O(log(n)), the final algorithm should be something like O(log^2(n)), and I think the relation between N and n is linear enough that you could consider it O(log^2(N)) too. If you search in log space and judiciously cache computed values of the function, it might be possible to bring it down to roughly O(log(N)). A variant that might provide a significant speedup is sticking in a round of interpolation search after determining the upper bound, but that's tricky to code properly. Fully optimizing the search algorithm is probably a matter for another question though.
This should be more efficient. Use integer array of size 10 to keep the count of digits.
public static int getMaxNumber(int N) {
int[] counts = new int[10];
int number = 0;
boolean limitReached = false;
while (!limitReached) {
char[] digits = Integer.toString(number).toCharArray();
for (char digit : digits) {
int count = counts[digit - '0'];
counts[digit - '0'] = count;
if (count >= N) {
limitReached = true;
return number;
UPDATE 1: As #Modus Tollens mentioned initial code has a bug. When N = 3 it returns 11, but there are four 1s between 1 and 11. The fix is to check if limit is breached count[i] > N on given number, previous number should be return. But if for some i count[i] == N for other j count[j] <= N, the actual number should be returned.
Please see corresponding code below:
public static int getMaxNumber(int N) {
int[] counts = new int[10];
int number = 0;
while (true) {
char[] digits = Integer.toString(number).toCharArray();
boolean limitReached = false;
for (char digit : digits) {
int count = counts[digit - '0'];
counts[digit - '0'] = count;
if (count == N) {
//we should break loop if some count[i] equals to N
limitReached = true;
} else if (count > N) {
//previous number should be returned immediately
//, if current number gives more unique digits than N
return number - 1;
if (limitReached) {
return number;
UPDATE 2: As #David Z and #Modus Tollens mentioned, in case if N=13, 30 should be returned, ie, algo stops when N is breached but not reached. If this is initial requirement, the code will be even simpler:
public static int getMaxNumber(int N) {
int[] counts = new int[10];
int number = 0;
while (true) {
char[] digits = Integer.toString(number).toCharArray();
for (char digit : digits) {
int count = counts[digit - '0'];
counts[digit - '0'] = count;
if (count > N) {
return number - 1;

Last nth digit of an integer

I am having my final exam tomorrow so i am practicing some questions.But i am stuck at this question.
Write a method named getNthDigit that returns the n-th digit of an integer.It should work for negative numbers as well.
getNthDigit(123,1) 3
getNthDigit(123,2) 2
getNthDigit(123,3) 1
getNthDigit(-123,1) 3
My code:
public static void getNthDigit(int x,int y){
My thought process is everytime i modulo it by 10,it gives me the last digit.But it is still wrong.Like if i call for getNthDigit(123,2) ,i no longer need the last digit value.
Instead of strings, you could do:
(Math.abs(x) / Math.pow(10, y - 1)) % 10
abs(n) takes care of the negative case.
n / 10^(y - 1) truncates n to the first (counting from the left) y digits.
% 10 gets the last digit of that resulting number.
Modular arithmetic can be used to accomplish what you want. For example, if you divide 123 by 10, and take the remainder, you'd get the first digit 3. If you do integer division of 123 by 100 and then divide the result by 10, you'd get the second digit 2. More generally, the n-th digit of a number can be obtained by the formula (number / base^(n-1)) % base:
public int getNthDigit(int number, int base, int n) {
return (int) ((number / Math.pow(base, n - 1)) % base);
System.out.println(getNthDigit(123, 10, 1)); // 3
System.out.println(getNthDigit(123, 10, 2)); // 2
System.out.println(getNthDigit(123, 10, 3)); // 1
Hope it helps.
Why not simply convert the number to string and then get the character at the required position ?
public static void getNthDigit(int x,int y){
String str = String.valueOf(x);
if(str.charAt(0) == '-')
I'd write it into a string, strip off any leading -ve and then just index into the string (handling the fact you want 1 based indexes where Java uses 0 based).
Try this:
String s = String.valueOf(x);
int index = s.length()- y;
char result = s.charAt(index);

