I have an image (basically, I get raw image data as 1024x1024 pixels) and the position in lat/lon of the center pixel of the image.
Each pixel represents the same fixed pixel scale in meters (e.g. 30m per pixel).
Now, I would like to draw the image onto a map which uses the coordinate reference system "EPSG:4326" (WGS84).
When I draw it by defining just corners in lat/lon of the image, depending on a "image size in pixel * pixel scale" calculation and converting the distances from the center point to lat/lon coordinates of each corner, I suppose, the image is not correctly drawn onto the map.
By the term "not correctly drawn" I mean, that the image seems to be shifted and also the contents of the image are not at the map location, where I expected them to be.
I suppose this is the case because I "mix" a pixel scaled image and a "EPSG:4326" coordinate reference system.
Now, with the information I have given, can I transform the whole pixel matrix from fixed pixel scale base to a new pixel matrix in the "EPSG:4326" coordinate reference system, using Geotools?
Of course, the transformation must be dependant on the center position in lat/lon, that I have been given, and on the pixel scale.
I wonder if using something like this would point me into the correct direction:
MathTransform transform = CRS.findMathTransform(DefaultGeocentricCRS.CARTESIAN, DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84, true);
DirectPosition2D srcDirectPosition2D = new DirectPosition2D(DefaultGeocentricCRS.CARTESIAN, degreeLat.getDegree(), degreeLon.getDegree());
DirectPosition2D destDirectPosition2D = new DirectPosition2D();
transform.transform(srcDirectPosition2D, destDirectPosition2D);
double transX = destDirectPosition2D.x;
double transY = destDirectPosition2D.y;
int kmPerPixel = mapImage.getWidth / 1024; // It is known to me that my map is 1024x1024km ...
double x = zeroPointX + ((transX * 0.001) * kmPerPixel);
double y = zeroPointY + (((transX * -1) * 0.001) * kmPerPixel);
(got this code from another SO thread and already modified it a little bit, but still wonder if this is the correct starting point for my problem.)
I only suppose that my original image coordinate reference system is of the type DefaultGeocentricCRS.CARTESIAN. Can someone confirm this?
And from here on, is this the correct start to use Geotools for this kind of problem solving, or am I on the complete wrong path?
Additionally, I would like to add that this would be used in a quiet dynamic system. So my image update would be about 10Hz and the transormations have to be performed accordingly often.
Again, is this initial thought of mine leading to a solution, or do you have other solutions for solving my problem?
Thank you very much,
This is not as simple as it might sound. You are essentially trying to define an area on a sphere (ellipsoid technically) using a flat square. As such there is no "correct" way to do it, so you will always end up with some distortion. Without knowing exactly where your image came from there is no way to answer this exactly but the following code provides you with 3 different possible answers:
The first two make use of GeoTools' GeodeticCalculator to calculate the corner points using bearings and distances. These are the blue "square" and the green "square" above. The blue is calculating the corners directly while the green calculates the edges and infers the corners from the intersections (that's why it is squarer).
final int width = 1024, height = 1024;
GeometryFactory gf = new GeometryFactory();
Point centre = gf.createPoint(new Coordinate(0,51));
WKTWriter writer = new WKTWriter();
//direct method
GeodeticCalculator calc = new GeodeticCalculator(DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84);
calc.setStartingGeographicPoint(centre.getX(), centre.getY());
double height2 = height/2.0;
double width2 = width/2.0;
double dist = Math.sqrt(height2*height2+width2 *width2);
double bearing = 45.0;
Coordinate[] corners = new Coordinate[5];
for (int i=0;i<4;i++) {
calc.setDirection(bearing, dist*1000.0 );
Point2D corner = calc.getDestinationGeographicPoint();
corners[i] = new Coordinate(corner.getX(),corner.getY());
corners[4] = corners[0];
Polygon bbox = gf.createPolygon(corners);
double[] edges = new double[4];
bearing = 0;
for(int i=0;i<4;i++) {
calc.setDirection(bearing, height2*1000.0 );
Point2D corner = calc.getDestinationGeographicPoint();
if(i%2 ==0) {
edges[i] = corner.getY();
}else {
edges[i] = corner.getX();
corners[0] = new Coordinate( edges[1],edges[0]);
corners[1] = new Coordinate( edges[1],edges[2]);
corners[2] = new Coordinate( edges[3],edges[2]);
corners[3] = new Coordinate( edges[3],edges[0]);
corners[4] = corners[0];
bbox = gf.createPolygon(corners);
Another way to do this is to transform the centre point into a projection that is "flatter" and use simple addition to calculate the corners and then reverse the transformation. To do this we can use the AUTO projection defined by the OGC WMS Specification to generate an Orthographic projection centred on our point, this gives the red "square" which is very similar to the blue one.
String code = "AUTO:42003," + centre.getX() + "," + centre.getY();
// System.out.println(code);
CoordinateReferenceSystem auto = CRS.decode(code);
// System.out.println(auto);
MathTransform transform = CRS.findMathTransform(DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84,
MathTransform rtransform = CRS.findMathTransform(auto,DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84);
Point g = (Point)JTS.transform(centre, transform);
width2 *=1000.0;
height2 *= 1000.0;
corners[0] = new Coordinate(g.getX()-width2,g.getY()-height2);
corners[1] = new Coordinate(g.getX()+width2,g.getY()-height2);
corners[2] = new Coordinate(g.getX()+width2,g.getY()+height2);
corners[3] = new Coordinate(g.getX()-width2,g.getY()+height2);
corners[4] = corners[0];
bbox = gf.createPolygon(corners);
bbox = (Polygon)JTS.transform(bbox, rtransform);
Which solution to use is a matter of taste, and depends on where your image came from but I suspect that either the red or the blue will be best. If you need to do this at 10Hz then you will need to test them for speed, but I suspect that transforming the images will be the bottle neck.
Once you have your bounding box setup to your satisfaction you can convert you (unreferenced) image to a georeferenced coverage using:
GridCoverageFactory factory = CoverageFactoryFinder.getGridCoverageFactory(null);
GridCoverage2D gc = factory.create("name", image, new ReferencedEnvelope(bbox.getEnvelopeInternal(),DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84));
String fileName = "myImage.tif";
AbstractGridFormat format = GridFormatFinder.findFormat(fileName);
File out = new File(fileName);
GridCoverageWriter writer = format.getWriter(out);
try {
writer.write(gc, null);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
I'm working on a school project for the graphics class. My task is detecting edges on a colored image, we received the suggestion to use the Canny edge detection algorithm.
I've decided to write the entire program by myself in Java, because it looks easy with the given formulas. I've created a window with Java Swing, I'm reading in the input image as an sRGB image, converting it to CIELab* (because thats part of the task). I have managed to apply the Sobel kernels (Cx,Cy) which determines the partial derivative. However I'm stuck with the direction formula, and coding it.
My first problem is, I don't know if I should calculate the directions in every separate color channel, or do it in one piece.
Here are the formulas for the calculations (first is the direction, I'm stuck with, and on the right size there is the magnitude which requires the direction -theta)
Here is the source code for calculating the direction:
//Returns the gradients direction from Cx,Cy
public LabImg direction(LabImg Cx, LabImg Cy) {
LabImg result = new LabImg(Cx.getWidth(),Cx.getHeight());
for(int x = 0; x < result.getWidth(); x++) {
for(int y = 0; y < result.getHeight(); y++) {
float CxL = Cx.getPixel(x, y).getL();
float Cxa = Cx.getPixel(x, y).getA();
float Cxb = Cx.getPixel(x, y).getB();
float CyL = Cy.getPixel(x, y).getL();
float Cya = Cy.getPixel(x, y).getA();
float Cyb = Cy.getPixel(x, y).getB();
float dirL = (float) ((2*CxL*CyL)/((CxL*CxL)-(CyL*CyL)));
float dira = (float) ((2*Cxa*Cya)/((Cxa*Cxa)-(Cya*Cya)));
float dirb = (float) ((2*Cxb*Cyb)/((Cxb*Cxb)-(Cyb*Cyb)));
//float dir = (2*CxL*CyL+Cxa*Cya+Cxb*Cyb)/((CxL*CxL+Cxa*Cxa+Cxb*Cxb)-(CyL*CyL+Cya*Cya+Cyb*Cyb));
result.setLab(x, y, dirL, dira, dirb);
return result;
LabImg is a data type, which contains the size of the image, a 2D array of pixel values, and a buffered image.
If you want to do color edge detection, then you will need to process each color channel separately. So, you will have to find gradient directions for the three color channels separately.
Secondly, you can compute magnitude and directions as:
magnitude = Math.sqrt(Xgrad*Xgrad + Ygrad*Ygrad)
theta = Math.atan2(Ygrad,Xgrad)
I need to convert a java.awt.geom.Area or java.awt.Shape to java.awt.Polygon. What I know about the are is: isSingular = true, isPolygonal = true. So I think a polygon shuld be able to describe the same area.
I'm not sure that it is worth converting, because Polygon is an old Java 1.0 class that can store only integer coordinates, so you might lose some precision.
Anyway, you can get a PathIterator from the Shape, and as you iterate it, add new points to a Polygon:
public static void main(String[] args) {
Area a = new Area(new Rectangle(1, 1, 5, 5));
PathIterator iterator = a.getPathIterator(null);
float[] floats = new float[6];
Polygon polygon = new Polygon();
while (!iterator.isDone()) {
int type = iterator.currentSegment(floats);
int x = (int) floats[0];
int y = (int) floats[1];
if(type != PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE) {
polygon.addPoint(x, y);
System.out.println("adding x = " + x + ", y = " + y);
EDIT As Bill Lin commented, this code may give you a wrong polygon if the PathIterator describes multiple subpaths (for example in the case of an Area with holes). In order to take this into account, you also need to check for PathIterator.MOVETO segments, and possibly create a list of polygons.
In order to decide which polygons are holes, you could calculate the bounding box (Shape.getBounds2D()), and check which bounding box contains the other. Note that the getBounds2D API says that "there is no guarantee that the returned Rectangle2D is the smallest bounding box that encloses the Shape, only that the Shape lies entirely within the indicated Rectangle2D", but in my experience for polygonal shapes it would be the smallest, and anyway it is trivial to calculate the exact bounding box of a polygon (just find the smallest and biggest x and y coordinates).
I am making a java rigid body physics engine, and it has gone great so far, until I tried to implement rotation. I don't know where the problem is coming from. I have methods calculating the moment of inertia of convex polygons and circles using formulas from these websites:
This is the code for the polygon moment of inertia:
public float momentOfInertia() {
Vector C = centerOfMass().subtract(position); //center of mass
Line[] sides = sides(); //sides of the polygon
float moi = 0; //moment of inertia
for(int i = 0; i < sides.length; i++) {
Line l = sides[i]; //current side of polygon being looped through
Vector p1 = C; //points 1, 2, and 3 are the points of the triangle
Vector p2 = l.point1;
Vector p3 = l.point2;
Vector Cp = p1.add(p2).add(p3).divide(3); //center of mass of the triangle, or C'
float d = new Line(C, Cp).length(); //distance between center of mass
Vector bv = p2.subtract(p1); //vector for side b of triangle
float b = bv.magnitude(); //scalar for length of side b
Vector u = bv.divide(b); //unit vector for side b
Vector cv = p3.subtract(p1); //vector for side c of triangle, only used to calculate variables a and h
float a = cv.dot(u); //length of a in triangle
Vector av = u.multiply(a); //vector for a in triangle
Vector hv = cv.subtract(av); //vector for height of triangle, or h in diagram
float h = hv.magnitude(); //length of height of triangle, or h in diagram
float I = ((b*b*b*h)-(b*b*h*a)+(b*h*a*a)+(b*h*h*h))/36; //calculate moment of inertia of individual triangle
float M = (b*h)/2; //mass or area of triangle
moi += I+M*d*d; //equation in sigma series of website
return moi;
And this is for the circle:
public float momentOfInertia() {
return (float) Math.pow(radius, 2)*area()/2;
I know for a fact that the area functions work fine, I have checked them. I just don't know how to check if the moment of inertia equations are wrong.
For collision detection, I used the separating axis theorem to check for any combination of two polygons and circles, where it can find out whether they are colliding, the normal velocity of the collision, and the contact point of the collision. These methods all work beautifully.
I might also like to say how positions are organized. Every body has a position and a shape, either a polygon or a circle. Each shape has a position, and polygons have individual vertices. So if I want to find the absolute position of a vertex of a polygon-shaped body, I need to add the positions of the body, the polygon, and the vertex itself. The center of mass equation is in absolute position according to the shape, with no account for the body. The center of mass and moment of inertia methods are in the Shape class.
For every body, the constants are being updated according to the force and torque in the body's update method where dt is delta time. I also rotate the polygon based on the difference in rotation, because the vertices are ever changing.
public void update(float dt) {
if(mass != 0) {
momentum = momentum.add(force.multiply(dt));
velocity = momentum.divide(mass);
position = position.add(velocity.multiply(dt));
angularMomentum += torque*dt;
angularVelocity = angularMomentum/momentOfInertia;
angle += angularVelocity*dt;
Finally, I also have a CollisionResolver class which fixes the collision of two colliding bodies, involving applying the normal force and friction. Here is the class's only method which does all of this:
public static void resolveCollision(Body a, Body b, float dt) {
//calculate normal vector
Vector norm = CollisionDetector.normal(a, b);
Vector normb = norm.multiply(-1);
//undo overlap between bodies
float ratio1 = a.mass/(a.mass+b.mass);
float ratio2 = b.mass/(b.mass+a.mass);
a.position = a.position.add(norm.multiply(ratio1));
b.position = b.position.add(normb.multiply(ratio2));
//calculate contact point of collision and other values needed for rotation
Vector cp = CollisionDetector.contactPoint(a, b, norm);
Vector c = a.shape.centerOfMass().add(a.position);
Vector cb = b.shape.centerOfMass().add(b.position);
Vector d = cp.subtract(c);
Vector db = cp.subtract(cb);
//create the normal force vector from the velocity
Vector u = norm.unit();
Vector ub = u.multiply(-1);
Vector F = new Vector(0, 0);
boolean doA = a.mass != 0;
if(doA) {
F = a.force;
}else {
F = b.force;
Vector n = new Vector(0, 0);
Vector nb = new Vector(0, 0);
if(doA) {
Vector Fyp = u.multiply(F.dot(u));
n = Fyp.multiply(-1);
nb = Fyp;
Vector Fypb = ub.multiply(F.dot(ub));
n = Fypb;
nb = Fypb.multiply(-1);
//calculate normal force for body A
float r = a.restitution;
Vector v1 = a.velocity;
Vector vy1p = u.multiply(u.dot(v1));
Vector vx1p = v1.subtract(vy1p);
Vector vy2p = vy1p.multiply(-r);
Vector v2 = vy2p.add(vx1p);
//calculate normal force for body B
float rb = b.restitution;
Vector v1b = b.velocity;
Vector vy1pb = ub.multiply(ub.dot(v1b));
Vector vx1pb = v1b.subtract(vy1pb);
Vector vy2pb = vy1pb.multiply(-rb);
Vector v2b = vy2pb.add(vx1pb);
//calculate friction for body A
float mk = (a.friction+b.friction)/2;
Vector v = a.velocity;
Vector vyp = u.multiply(v.dot(u));
Vector vxp = v.subtract(vyp);
float fk = -n.multiply(mk).magnitude();
Vector fkv = vxp.unit().multiply(fk); //friction force
Vector vr = vxp.subtract(d.multiply(a.angularVelocity));
Vector fkvr = vr.unit().multiply(fk); //friction torque - indicated by r for rotation
//calculate friction for body B
Vector vb = b.velocity;
Vector vypb = ub.multiply(vb.dot(ub));
Vector vxpb = vb.subtract(vypb);
float fkb = -nb.multiply(mk).magnitude();
Vector fkvb = vxpb.unit().multiply(fkb); //friction force
Vector vrb = vxpb.subtract(db.multiply(b.angularVelocity));
Vector fkvrb = vrb.unit().multiply(fkb); //friction torque - indicated by r for rotation
//move bodies based on calculations
a.momentum = v2.multiply(a.mass).add(fkv.multiply(dt));
if(a.mass != 0) {
a.velocity = a.momentum.divide(a.mass);
a.position = a.position.add(a.velocity.multiply(dt));
b.momentum = v2b.multiply(b.mass).add(fkvb.multiply(dt));
if(b.mass != 0) {
b.velocity = b.momentum.divide(b.mass);
b.position = b.position.add(b.velocity.multiply(dt));
//apply torque to bodies
float t = (d.cross(fkvr)+d.cross(n));
float tb = (db.cross(fkvrb)+db.cross(nb));
if(a.mass != 0) {
a.angularMomentum = t*dt;
a.angularVelocity = a.angularMomentum/a.momentOfInertia;
a.angle += a.angularVelocity*dt;
if(b.mass != 0) {
b.angularMomentum = tb*dt;
b.angularVelocity = b.angularMomentum/b.momentOfInertia;
b.angle += b.angularVelocity*dt;
As for the actual problem, both the circles and polygons rotate very slowly and often in wrong directions. I know I am throwing a lot out there, but this problem has been bugging me for a while, and I would appreciate any help I can get.
This answer addresses the "I just don't know how to check if the moment of inertia equations are wrong." part of the question.
There are several possible approaches, some of which you may have already tried, and they can be used in combination:
Unit testing
Take your moment of inertia code and apply it to problems with known solutions from a tutorial or textbook.
Dimensional analysis
I would recommend this anyway for any scientific or engineering program. You may have deleted comments for compactness of posted code, but they are important. Annotate each variable that represents a physical quantity with its units. Check that every expression you evaluate has the right units, based on its inputs, for its result variable. For example, in the classic equation F=ma in SI units: F is in Newtons, equivalent to kg.m/(s^2), m is in kg, a is in m/(s^2), so it all balances. Be careful with transitions between physics world coordinates and screen coordinates.
Program simplification
Try working first with only one instance of one very simple shape for which you can do all the calculations by hand. Since some of your problems do not relate to rotation, a circle may be a good first choice because of its symmetry. Debug that, comparing intermediate results to equivalent results from paper-and-pencil (and calculator). Gradually add more instances of the same shape, then debug a single instance of the next shape...
Deliberate error
Given that you suspect your inertia calculations, try setting arbitrary values slightly different from your calculations, and see what differences they make in the display. Are the effects similar to the problems you are seeing? If so, keep it as a hypothesis.
As a more general note, programs that do iterative simulation can be very vulnerable to accumulated floating point error. Unless you have a real need to save space, and have done enough analysis of the numerical stability of your code to be sure float is OK, I strongly recommend using double instead. This is probably not your current problem, but is something that could become an issue later.
I'm processing some images that my UGV (Unmanned Ground Vehichle) captures to make it move on a line.
I want to get the angle of that line based on the horizon. I'll try to explain with a few examples:
The image above would make my UGV to keep straight ahead, as the angle is about 90 degrees.
But the following would make it turn left, as the angle compaired to the horizon rounds about 120.
I could successfully transform those images into the image below using otsu for thresholding:
And also used an edge detection algorithm to get this:
But I'm stuck right now trying to find an algorithm that detecs those edges/lines and outputs - or helps me to output - the angle of such line..
Here's my attempt using ImageJ:
// Open the Image
ImagePlus image = new ImagePlus(filename);
// Make the Image 8 bit
IJ.run(image, "8-bit", "");
// Apply a Threshold (0 - 50)
ByteProcessor tempBP = (ByteProcessor)image.getProcessor();
tempBP.setThreshold(0, 50, 0);
IJ.run(image, "Convert to Mask", "");
// Analyze the Particles
ParticleAnalyzer pa = new ParticleAnalyzer(
ParticleAnalyzer.SHOW_MASKS +
1023 +
, rt, 0.0, 999999999, 0, 0.5);
IJ.run(image, "Set Measurements...", "bounding fit redirect=None decimal=3");
int k = 0;
double maxSize = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < rt.getCounter(); i ++) {
// Determine creteria for best oval.
// The major axis should be much longer than the minor axis.
// let k = best oval
double bx = rt.getValue("BX", k);
double by = rt.getValue("BY", k);
double width = rt.getValue("Width", k);
double height = rt.getValue("Height", k);
// Your angle:
double angle = rt.getValue("Angle", k);
double majorAxis = rt.getValue("Major", k);
double minorAxis = rt.getValue("Minor", k);
How the code works:
Make the image grayscaled.
Apply a threshold on it to only get the dark areas. This assumes the lines will always be near black.
Apply a Particle Analyzer to find Ellipses on the image.
Loop through the "Particles" to find ones that fit our criteria.
Get the angle from our Particle.
Here's an example of what the image looks like when I analyze it:
NOTE: The code is untested. I just converted what I did in the Visual ImageJ into Java.
I'm trying to detect the center of a circle. I try to do this with cvHoughCircle. But I can't seem to get it working properly .
The only thing that can vary is the size of the circle.
I try detecting the circle by doing :
circle = cvHoughCircles(imgThreshold, storage, CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT, 1,
(double)imgThreshold.height()/20, 200, 20, 0, 0);
imgThreshold is the b/w image you can see here. The resolution of the image is in fact 1280*1024.
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong.
Instead of using cvHoughCircle it is possible to solve this problem with a bit of math:
CvMoments moments = new CvMoments();
cvMoments(imgThreshold, moments, 1);
double moment10 = cvGetSpatialMoment(moments, 1, 0);
double moment01 = cvGetSpatialMoment(moments,0,1);
double area = cvGetCentralMoment(moments, 0, 0);
int posX = 0;
int posY = 0;
int lastX = posX;
int lastY = posY;
posX = (int) (moment10/area);
posY = (int) (moment01/area);
cvCircle(iplRgbImage, new CvPoint(posX,posY), 3, CvScalar.GREEN, -1, 8, 0);
source = http://aishack.in/tutorials/tracking-colored-objects-in-opencv/
If the circle is complete and filled and not occluded by other shapes, you can use findContours() and then find the center of the contour.
use cvBlob
Concerning Hough transform it can detect circles by identifying pixels that belongs to a circle periphery. More precisely given a binary (thresholded) image containing ie white pixels along a cyclic path, the hough circle transform will detect the circle. So the image to feed the algorithm should be binary and thresholded but in your example must be the thresholded example of an edge filter (ex Sobel) rather than a solid filled circle.
I can not tell a right way of "fitting" a circle on the above image, but the centroid of the blob extracted with connected components is a good and fast way to go.