We have a terminal application which serves webcontent via iFrames to our clients.
For some reason, it has been decided that we want to automate the test for this server side. I need to visit a page, fill out a form, and submit it - without actually rendering it in a GUI, I believe a headless selenium driver can do this - but I am new to selenium, does anyone have an example of how to do this in java with selenium?
You can use PhantomJS. Here you can find a working example.
My problem is when I click on a desktop icon, it opens a link in already opened chrome browser in a new tab. How do I attach with the already opened browser and not a new one?
The below code returns a null because there is no window opened through selenium ofcourse, so yeah.
Set<String> windows = webdriver.getWindowHandles();
Any suggestions would be of great help. Thanks In advance.
There is no way to attach the chrome window that you've opened from the desktop application to your WebDriver instance.
If you want to be able to control a web page with a Selenium - you must pass your URL to a driver like that:
You might think about the way of getting and storing your URL as a variable and passing it into your code.
That would also be helpful if you add a bit more details about the problem. It's a bit unclear at what stage of the test you open the web page with a desktop application. Selenium can't be used to test desktop applications. Code sample of the test from your project would also help.
I am writing a java application which has one use: to fill out and submit a form on a webpage (without showing GUI of a browser). I have chosen Selenium for this.
However, how do I "pack" or "ship" Seleniums required browsers with my application? I.e. Selenium requires a browser executable to run the webdriver. I do not know which browser my target audience is using. How do I ship my application to run on any windows clients computer, without requiring them to manually install the browser?
Or am I on the wrong trail and there is a better option than selenium to fulfill my needs?
I had created a java application for selenium webdriver.
FirefoxDriver driverff= new FirefoxDriver();
used to create a new Firefox instance.
This is working fine.
I want to create a java web application to do the same.
I have embeded the same code in the servlet class in the doget() method and it throws
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/openqa/selenium/firefox/FirefoxDriver
Can someone tell me how i can fix this?
From an end to end perspective, what oi want to achieve is that a web page (done using servlets) has some buttons which when clicked need to open a selenium web driver and run the selenium scripts. I am assuming the java application for web-driver can be called using servlet.
If there is some other alternative to achieve this, please do suggest.
The error message means that Java can't find the class in question. Make sure it's on the classpath of your web app.
That said, you may run into problems later: Linux web servers often don't have an attached display so no X server is running. That will make it hard to start a browser :-) If that's the case for you, look up Google for "selenium xvnc" or "selenium headless"
I have a website which uses a Java applet. I am trying to automate it using Cucumber & Selenium WebDriver. However, every time I run the website in browser, I get a java security alert (see image), which should be explicitly allowed to proceed further.
Sample image - Java Security alert image
At present, I am unable to proceed beyond this step. Any help would be really appreciated.
I've had a whale of a time attempting to figure this out, considering the limited documentation that I can find outside of the API itself.
I have a liferay portlet that simply clicks on a button, pops up a form with a bunch of fields, and then submits that form.
I want to use Selenium (or really any automation tool that can do this with Liferay) to similuate 100-500 concurrent submissions.
Has anyone used Selenium with LifeRay in a similar manner?
Selenium is a good tool to test the correctness of you web system, NOT to test the permormace of this system. For Stress testing you should use another tool, like JMeter http://jmeter.apache.org/ . Or you can code test script with HtmlUnit http://htmlunit.sourceforge.net/