how to access user feed/posts using android facebook sdk - java

I want to read a facebook logged in user feed/stories published by him/her or from friends pages or groups etc visible on their wall.
I was able to accomplish login, reading user posts. But i was not able to figure out how i read the posts/ feed from other users which we normally see from friends or pages or groups when they open facebook proprietary app.
The only workaround i can think of is reading friends list and their posts and showing them on current logged in user posts. Not sure why i get the same result when i use me/feed or me/posts.
Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putString("fields", "message,created_time,id,full_picture,status_type,source,comments.summary(true),likes.summary(true)");
params.putString("limit", "100");
/* make the API call */
new GraphRequest(AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken(), "/me/feed", params, HttpMethod.GET,
new GraphRequest.Callback() {
public void onCompleted(GraphResponse response) {
/* handle the result */
System.out.println("Festival Page response::" + String.valueOf(response.getJSONObject()));
try {
JSONObject jObjResponse = new JSONObject(String.valueOf(response.getJSONObject()));
catch (Exception e) {

This is documented on the User object of the Graph api. And, as of the Graph API v2.6, there is basically one main endpoint from which you get posts from a user.
/{user-id}/feed includes all the things that a user might see on their own profile feed; this includes, e.g., shared links, checkins, photos and status updates. This also includes posts made by friends on the user's profile.
The following endpoints return subsets of the above:
/{user-id}/posts returns the posts created by the user (on their own profile or the profile of a friend), and it may include any kind of content such as shared links, checkins, photos and status updates.
/{user-id}/tagged returns the posts created by friends and shared on the users's profile.
By default each returned post only includes the story field with a textual description of the post. But you can use the ?fields=... parameter to request as many Post fields as you want.
You'll need the user_posts permission for any of these to work.
The following endpoints are deprecated:
/{user-id}/statuses returns only status updates posted by the user on their own profile. [removed after Graph API v2.3]
/{user-id}/home returns a stream of all the posts created by the user and their friends, i.e. what you usually find on the “News Feed” of Facebook. [removed after Graph API v2.3]


specific IDs do not accept my access token in RestFB for Facebook

I try to fetch multiple objects through the RestFB API. I have a list of IDs (endpoints?) and want them to be bulk-fetched by RestFB. Therefore I use FacebookClient.fetchObjects(). The problem which now occurs is that one of the IDs in my list seems not to accept the token. I'm not that into the token system of facebook. The only token I generated is the app-token.
Two IDs used in the list:
working ID: 1104054513000418
not working ID: 1106761186063084
These IDs belong to posts which are from the same author and there is not real difference between them but the content.
Trying to fetch data by these IDs manually (no bulk-fetch) I have the same issue. So it is not an issue with the misusage of the multiple fetch method.
FacebookClient.AccessToken accessToken = new DefaultFacebookClient().obtainAppAccessToken(appId, appSecurity);
FacebookClient fbClient = new DefaultFacebookClient(accessToken.getAccessToken());
// consider filteredSocialItems as given
List<String> filteredItemIDs =
.map({ item ->"sourceId") })
JsonObject json = fbClient.fetchObjects(filteredItemIDs, JsonObject.class, Parameter.with("fields", "name,id"));
Caught: com.restfb.exception.FacebookOAuthException: Received Facebook error response of type OAuthException: (#100) Requires user session (code 100, subcode null)
com.restfb.exception.FacebookOAuthException: Received Facebook error response of type OAuthException: (#100) Requires user session (code 100, subcode null)
at com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient$DefaultGraphFacebookExceptionMapper.exceptionForTypeAndMessage(
at com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient.throwFacebookResponseStatusExceptionIfNecessary(
at com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient.makeRequestAndProcessResponse(
at com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient.makeRequest(
at com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient.makeRequest(
at com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient.fetchObjects(
at com.intellij.rt.execution.CommandLineWrapper.main(
Solving the problem was a bit exhausting. It was an issue with an old facebook app version.
Facebook apps are created within your Facebook developer account
Since Facebook changed a lof of its API rules here lies the problem. You cannot just access a post by its ID like using 1104054513000418 you also have to prefix the ID of the page/user who created that post. So if your page's ID is 589476469431696 you actually need to create a combined ID out of both like 589476469431696_1104054513000418 -> "{page_id}_{post_id}". I have no idea if this is interchangeable.
So after creating a new app I was able to get this to work.
Another info: as I was looking for a user access token all the time - I found it within my facebook app advanced settings. But it seems I don't need it any more.

How to get Google plus friends email id for android? [duplicate]

Im creating an application to login in Google+ and get friends emails.
Im authenticating succesfully and get token back , but when i fetch friends list , the user class of any single friends has emails=null...
here is the code (After already signed in and get authenticator class):
// Generated libraries for Google APIs
using Google.Apis.Authentication.OAuth2;
using Google.Apis.Authentication.OAuth2.DotNetOpenAuth;
using Google.Apis.Services;
using Google.Apis.Util;
using Google.Apis.Plus.v1;
using Google.Apis.Plus.v1.Data;
// For OAuth2
using DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging;
using DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth2;
//....code for authentication skipped ....
//...callback from json (authentication success)
PlusService ps = new PlusService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
Authenticator = authenticator
PeopleFeed peopleFeed = ps.People.List("me", PeopleResource.CollectionEnum.Visible).Fetch();
//After that when i inspect peopleFeed[0].Emails <--- this is null..
any help?
The Google+ API only returns public information. So even if you are permitted to see a person's email address, it does not necessarily mean that the information is public and that it will be returned.
Furthermore, the documentation at only guarantees that the list of people returned will contain the person's
and that to get other information about the person, you will need to do a people.get against that ID. But, again, note that you may still not get their email if that information isn't public.
You could also use the Contacts v3 API to get friend's email addresses. You can cross map this to Google+ contacts by looking at the gContact:website element for the contact that comes back in the XML response:
<gContact:website href='' rel='profile'/>
In that element's href attribute, 1234567890 is the person identifier that would match the id field of the relevant person resource from people.list of the Google+ API.
Note that the profile link is not guaranteed to come back for a contact entry. This occurs when the contact has not been linked to a Google+ profile.
My first guess would be that it's a rights management issue. I remember when I asked for my Google API key, I had to mention what information I want to get.
Could you check your API key settings in the Google Developer network and see if you need to enable it there?

Post on Facebook pages via Graph API with Facebook4j

I want to create a tool wich allow a user to post his planning on several media at once : he has to fill a form with his establishment week planning, then I post it via newsletter, on his facebook and on his website.
I am struggling with the facebook part. I created an app and made the page subscribe to this app then I tried to use Facebook4j to post something on the page but I am not even able to get the page.
Here is my code :
Facebook facebook = new FacebookFactory().getInstance();
facebook.setOAuthAppId("{app_id}", "{app_secret}");
facebook.setOAuthPermissions("public_profile, manage_pages, publish_pages, publish_actions");
facebook.setOAuthAccessToken(new AccessToken("app_id|app_secret", null));
try {
ResponseList<Account> accounts = facebook.getAccounts();
} catch (FacebookException e) {
which always return me the error :
An active access token must be used to query information about the current user.
How can I have an active access token in order to post on pages which suscribed to my app?
NB : I am not sure I actually need an app. If there is an other way to post on multiple pages without asking for logging each time, I am ok with that too. (some kind of permanent page token maybe?)
Okay first, yes you need an app to perform these requests.
To get what you describe you are requesting the permissions needed correctly, you still miss one - namely pages_show_list.
In addition you have to set the OAuthAccessToken to the users token not to the app token.

How to retrieve Facebook user post with criteria?

I have an application which syncs user data from source to destination.
Current Use case: Sync Facebook photo to dropbox.
I have implemented following steps to retrieve user photos:
Take user access token; then exchange it with extended access token.
Save the extended access token to DB.
Poll to Facebook on Timeline Photo album with the help of extended access token and using lastSync check to check if new photo is present.
If there are any new photos available, then get those photos and upload them to user's Dropbox account folder (assuming that we have Oauth permissions for user's Dropbox account). Finally update lastsync in DB as currect timestamp.
My new use case is to get Facebook posts/photos with criteria like if n number of comments are posted to a photo/post; then retrieve it and sync it to Dropbox. In this case; it can be a old post or photo too.
I tried it with Real-Time update subscription but it didn't helped me much.
Any help on the above use case will be very helpful.
BTW, I am using Restfb.

Delete a Facebook posted messages by using the Facebook GRAPH API? (For Android)

I'm stuck on delete a Facebook wall posts by using Facebook GRAPH API, which is for android.
The above site is which i use for the delete part.
and I put method into param and override delete through http method.
I request the publish_stream, read_stream, user_photos, email during Facebook login to get a permission.
private void deleteStatus() {
try {
String id = "100003613093757_108952429235193"; // I put another ID //for test.
Bundle param = new Bundle();
param.putString("method", "delete");
BasicInfo.FacebookInstance.request(id, param, "POST");
} catch (Exception ex) {
The problem is, this only comes out with false. This is when I implement the method, which is requested address in chrome, through the Logcat.
You can only delete Facebook statuses that your app created. If the user made the post with a different app or on Facebook's website, you can not delete it with your app via the Facebook API.

