Match everything but the following regex? How can I go about this? - java

I'm using this REGEX which selects the part (2017-03-06T17:32:33.618) which I need to ignore while matching: \d{4}(-)\d{2}(-)\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{3}.
I used all possible combination to get that "Match everything but the following Regex" result I need. But I can't seem to get it working.
String test =
" drawId, MIN(draw.draw_date_time) nearestFeatureDraw FROM draw WHERE draw.draw_date_time > " +
"'2017-03-06T17:32:33.618' GROUP BY draw.lottery_info_id ) nearestDraw on nearestDraw.lotto_id = " +
"WHERE 1 = 1 AND = 3 AND lower( LIKE '%blablabla%' " +
"ORDER BY jackPot DESC ORDER BY nearestFeatureDraw DESC ";
boolean pleaseBeTrue = test.matches("Input your Regex here please, and return True");
I would appreciate your help to get the right Regex to match everything but that exact DateTime.

Make a temporary variable temp that does not contain the timestamp, then invoke the matches() method on it:
String temp = test.replaceAll("\\d{4}(-)\\d{2}(-)\\d{2}T\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}.\\d{3}", "");
boolean pleaseBeTrue = temp.matches("Input your Regex here please, and return True");


Can't undertand why my regex in Java doesn't work

I'm trying to find pieces of text on the webpage I fetch that lay between 'align="left">\n" and '</form>\n</td>' substrings.
I wrote a regex:
and tested it at where it works just as I need.
But in the Java code it can't find anything.
My test code that I'm trying make working:
String frontPage = "<html>\n<head>\n<title>Hello</title>\n</head>\n" +
"<body>\n<table>\n<tr align=\"left\">\n" +
"<td>Hello \n<form>\n<input type=\"submit\" value=\"ok\">\n" +
"</form>\n</td>\n" +
"<td>World \n<form>\n<input type=\"submit\" value=\"ok\">\n" +
"</form>\n</td>\n" +
java.util.regex.Pattern p =
java.util.regex.Matcher m = p.matcher(frontPage);
List<String> parts = new ArrayList<>();
while (m.find()) {
if (parts.size() == 0)
System.out.println("No page parts found");
else {
System.out.println("Something matches at least");
It finds matches if only first two groups specified, but when I add at least simple (form) sequence to the last group, it stops matching anything, and I can't even guess why.
Add DOTALL to the compile. Like
See it here at ideone.

Insert a space after every given character - java

I need to insert a space after every given character in a string.
For example "abc.def..."
Needs to become "abc. def. . . "
So in this case the given character is the dot.
My search on google brought no answer to that question
I really should go and get some serious regex knowledge.
EDIT : ----------------------------------------------------------
String test = "0:;1:;";
test.replaceAll( "\\:", ": " );
// output: 0:;1:;
// so didnt do anything
SOLUTION: -------------------------------------------------------
String test = "0:;1:;";
**test =** test.replaceAll( "\\:", ": " );
You could use String.replaceAll():
String input = "abc.def...";
String result = input.replaceAll( "\\.", ". " );
// result will be "abc. def. . . "
String test = "0:;1:;";
result = test.replaceAll( ":", ": " );
// result will be "0: ;1: ;" (test is still unmodified)
As said in other answers, String.replace() is all you need for this simple substitution. Only if it's a regular expression (like you said in your question), you have to use String.replaceAll().
You can use replace.
text = text.replace(".", ". ");,%20java.lang.CharSequence%29
If you want a simple brute force technique. The following code will do it.
String input = "abc.def...";
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
for(int i = 0; i < input.length; i++){
char c = input.getCharAt(i);
output.append(" ");
return output.toString();

password validation and UNICODE

How to validate regex for condition:
Password must not contain any sequence of characters immediately followed by the same sequence of characters. I am having other conditions as well and am using
to validate for immediate sequence repeat. And it is failing. This piece of code returns "true" for 3rd and 4th strings passed; I need it to return false. Please help.
String s2[] = {"1newAb", "newAB1", "1234567AaAa", "123456ab3434", "love", "love1"};
boolean b3;
for(int i=0; i<s2.length; i++){
b3 = s2[i].matches("^(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[a-zA-Z])(?=.*(..+)\\1).{5,12}$");
System.out.println("value" + b3);
You can try with negative look-ahead (?!.*(.{2,})\\1).
For those who are wondering what \\1 is: it represents match from group 1, which in our case is match from (.{2,})
With Ron's suggestion I found which methods in java helps; matches(), find() work differently. find() helped me.
Guido's suggestion am breaking up code for different rules. Here's my code; yet to refine it: For checking repeat of any sequence using (\S+?)\1
String regex = "(\\S+?)\\1";
String regex2 = "^(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[a-zA-Z]).{5,12}$";
p = Pattern.compile(regex);
for (String str : s2) {
matcher = p.matcher(str);
if (matcher.find())
System.out.println(str + " got repeated: " +;
else if(str.matches(regex2))
System.out.println(str + " Password correct");
System.out.println(str + " Password incorrect");

extract values with java regex

I begin with regex and i want extract values from a String like this
String test="[ABC]Name:User:Date: Adresse ";
I want extract Name, User , Date and Adresse
I can do the trick with substring and split
String test = "String test="[ABC]Name:User:Date: Adresse ";
String test2= test.substring(5,test.length());
String[] chaine = test2.split(":");
for(String s :chaine)
System.out.println("Valeur " + s);
but i want try with regex , i did
pattern = Pattern.compile("^[(ABC)|:].");
but it doesn ' t work
Can you help me please ?
Thanks a lot
String#split is really the best way to accomplish what you are trying to do. Having said that, with regex, the following will give you the same output:
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("^(?:\\[ABC\\])([^:]+):([^:]+):([^:]+):([^:]+)$");
Matcher m = p.matcher(test);
while (m.find()) {
System.out.println("Valeur " +; // Name
System.out.println("Valeur " +; // User
System.out.println("Valeur " +; // Date
System.out.println("Valeur " +; // Address
You have to escape the [ and ] here is a working example.
Note that your code is probably more easily maintained than regular expressions in cases where the regular expression becomes complex.
Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use
regular expressions." Now they have two problems. - Jamie Zawinski

pattern match java: does not work

i am trying to find a certain tag in a html-page with java. all i know is what kind of tag (div, span ...) and the id ... i dunno how it looks, how many whitespaces are where or what else is in the tag ... so i thought about using pattern matching and i have the following code:
// <tag[any character may be there or not]id="myid"[any character may be there or not]>
String str1 = "<" + Tag + "[.*]" + "id=\"" + search + "\"[.*]>";
// <tag[any character may be there or not]id="myid"[any character may be there or not]/>
String str2 = "<" + Tag + "[.*]" + "id=\"" + search + "\"[.*]/>";
Pattern p1 = Pattern.compile( str1 );
Pattern p2 = Pattern.compile( str2 );
Matcher m1 = p1.matcher( content );
Matcher m2 = p2.matcher( content );
int start = -1;
int stop = -1;
String Anfangsmarkierung = null;
int whichMatch = -1;
while( m1.find() == true || m2.find() == true ){
if( m1.find() ){
//System.out.println( " ... " + );
start = m1.start();
//ende = m1.end();
stop = content.indexOf( "<", start );
whichMatch = 1;
//System.out.println( " ... " + );
start = m2.start();
stop = m2.end();
whichMatch = 2;
but i get an exception with m1(m2).start(), when i enter the actual tag without the [.*] and i dun get anything when i enter the regular expression :( ... i really havent found an explanation for this ... i havent worked with pattern or match at all yet, so i am a little lost and havent found anything so far. would be awesome if anyone could explain me what i am doing wrong or how i can do it better ...
thnx in advance :)
... dg
I know that I am broadening your question, but I think that using a dedicated library for parsing HTML documents (such as: will be much more easier and accurate than regexps.
Here is an example for what you're trying to do adapted from one of my notes:
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String tag = "thetag";
String id = "foo";
String content = "<tag1>\n"+
"<thetag name=\"Tag Name\" id=\"foo\">Some text</thetag>\n" +
"<thetag name=\"AnotherTag\" id=\"foo\">Some more text</thetag>\n" +
String patternString = "<" + tag + ".*?name=\"(.*?)\".*?id=\"" + id + "\".*?>";
System.out.println("Content:\n" + content);
System.out.println("Pattern: " + patternString);
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(patternString);
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(content);
boolean found = false;
while (matcher.find()) {
System.out.format("I found the text \"%s\" starting at " +
"index %d and ending at index %d.%n",, matcher.start(), matcher.end());
System.out.println("Name: " +;
found = true;
if (!found) {
System.out.println("No match found.");
You'll notice that the pattern string becomes something like <thetag.*?name="(.*?)".*?id="foo".*?> which will search for tags named thetag where the id attribute is set to "foo".
Note the following:
It uses .*? to weakly match zero or more of anything (if you don't understand, try removing the ? to see what I mean).
It uses a submatch expression between parenthesis (the name="(.*?)" part) to extract the contents of the name attribute (as an example).
I think each call to find is advancing through your match. Calling m1.find() inside your condition is moving your matcher to a place where there is no longer a valid match, which causes m1.start() to throw (I'm guessing) an IllegalStateException Ensuring you call find once per iteration and referencing that result from some flag avoids this problem.
boolean m1Matched = m1.find()
boolean m2Matched = m2.find()
while( m1Matched || m2Matched ) {
if( m1Matched ){
m1Matched = m1.find();
m2Matched = m2.find();

