MYSQL One connection for one class - java

I am learning about MySQL database and I cannot quite understand one concept. Lets say there are two methods in the same class as the one shown below. Now, do i have to use Connection connect = dbConnection.getDBConnection(); in each method or is there a different way to declare one connection and use it across multiple methods?:
private void setUpdateButton(ActionEvent event) {
Connection connect = dbConnection.getDBConnection();
Statement stmt = connect.createStatement();
if(txtID.getText().trim().isEmpty()||txtFirstName.getText().trim().isEmpty() || txtSecondName.getText().trim().isEmpty() ||
txtGender.getText().trim().isEmpty() || txtAge.getText().trim().isEmpty() || txtHomeAddress.getText().trim().isEmpty() || txtPhoneNumber.getText().trim().isEmpty()) {
showAlert("Invalid Input!", "All fields need to be populated before updating.");
}else {
String sqlQuery ="update student_information set Age ='"+Integer.parseInt(txtAge.getText())+"',Name ='"+txtFirstName.getText()+"',Surename='"+txtSecondName.getText()
+"',Gender='"+txtGender.getText()+"',Address='"+txtHomeAddress.getText()+"',PhoneNumber='"+txtPhoneNumber.getText()+"'where ID="+Integer.parseInt(txtID.getText());
showConfAlert("Update Completed!", "Record has been updated!");

Creating connections is a costly operation, so I think you should open the connection at the application startup, and close it on exit.
If your program is not multi thread you would be fine with a simple global object, otherwise other strategies should be used.
You can create a singleton for your app with a method returning the connection.
public class App {
private static App self;
private Connection connection;
private App(){
public synchronized App getInstance(){
if(self == null){
self = new App();
return self;
public synchronized Connection getConnection()throws SQLException {
if(connection==null || !isValid(connection)){
// Create a new connection
return connection;
private boolean isValid(Connection conn) {
// Check if the connection is valid otherwise return false
return false;
public static synchronized void close(){
} catch (SQLException e){
// Swallow exception
} finally {
self = null;
You can get the connection anywhere like this:
Connection conn = App.getInstance().getConnection();
You should make sure to close the connection on exit, maybe with a shutdown hook.
You could also, create a wrapper around your connection that forwards all connection methods to the original connection , with the exception of close that marks the connection available , this way you create something like 1 connection pool.
If the connection is available you return it otherwise you either wait or throw or do what is most appropriate for your application.


Tomcat doesn't sync with the mysql database

I'm currently working on a college project, and I'm creating a very simple e-commerce style website.
I'm using JDBC driver manager and connection pool for the connection to the db, while using Tomcat 9.0 as the container.
The problem is: when I modify some product through the website (let's say the amount available for example), the website doesn't always reflect the changes, while I can always see the data correctly in MySql Workbench.
It actually works one time out of two on the same query:
I run the query for the first time after the changes -> it shows the old value
I run the query for the second time after the changes -> it shows the new value
I run the query for the third time after the changes -> it shows the old value
And so on.
I've already tried to set caching off (from the query, using the SQL_NO_CACHE), but it didn't seem to solve the problem, I've tried to use Datasource instead, but it causes other problems that most likely I won't have the time to solve.
This is the connection pool file, which I think might be problem, I'm not that sure tho:
public class DriverManagerConnectionPool {
private static List<Connection> freeDbConnections;
static {
freeDbConnections = new LinkedList<Connection>();
try {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println("DB driver not found:"+ e.getMessage());
private static synchronized Connection createDBConnection() throws SQLException {
Connection newConnection = null;
String ip = "localhost";
String port = "3306";
String db = "storage";
String username = "root";
String password = "1234";
newConnection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://"+ ip+":"+ port+"/"+db+"?useUnicode=true&useJDBCCompliantTimezoneShift=true&useLegacyDatetimeCode=false&serverTimezone=UTC", username, password);
return newConnection;
public static synchronized Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
Connection connection;
if (!freeDbConnections.isEmpty()) {
connection = (Connection) freeDbConnections.get(0);
try {
if (connection.isClosed())
connection = getConnection();
} catch (SQLException e) {
connection = getConnection();
} else {
connection = createDBConnection();
return connection;
public static synchronized void releaseConnection(Connection connection) throws SQLException {
if(connection != null) freeDbConnections.add(connection);
I really hope you can help me, I haven't found any solution online!
I guess it is because of auto-commit is disabled. Please try using #Transactional or set auto-commit to true. You can also try to use db.commit after each statement.
As per your connection pool implementation, all connection in your pool seems to be auto committed false.
Please check you have properly committed the connection after executing the query or not.
So it might be the case that, when executing the query after changes with same connection it reflects those changes, done earlier and on other connections, old values are might get returned.

Creating Connection Pool In Standalone Java Application

I need to use a connection pool in a standalone (as in non-web) Java application. Where I work, we are not allowed to use APIs without going through layers of security, and the job needs to be completed soon. Below is my attempt at creating this connection pool.
I have unit tested this code and tested it within the context of the overall application a hundred times and in all cases the tests passed with zero errors, and in addition the performance of each run is just under three thousand times faster than a simple connect, retrieve data, disconnect in serial approach; however, I still have nagging concerns that there could be issues with this approach that I simply haven't unearthed yet. I would appreciate any advice anyone has concerning the below code. This is my first post on this site; please let me know if I've made any errors in etiquette. I did search this site about this problem before posting. Please see below the code for an invocation example. Thanks. --JR
package mypackage;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
* Note: This class is only instantiated once per application run.
* Multiple instantiations, as specified in the release notes,
* are not supported.
public class ConnectionManager {
// Use a blocking queue to store the database connections.
// The application will only be called once, by a single user,
// but within the application many threads will require
// a connection.
private BlockingQueue<Connection> connectionQueue = null;
// Load the connection queue with a user-defined number of connections.
// Params contains a map of all non hard-coded variables in the
// application.
public ConnectionManager(int howMany, Map<String, Object> params) {
Database database = new Database();
connectionQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Connection>(howMany);
for(int i = 0; i < howMany; i++) {
// Return a connection from the queue, waiting up to 15 minutes to do so.
// 15 minutes is hard-coded because it is the standard time-out for all
// processes at our agency. This application must complete in less
// than fifteen minutes (is currently completing in thirty five seconds).
public Connection getConnection() {
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = connectionQueue.poll(15, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
catch(InterruptedException e) {
catch(SQLException e) {
return conn;
// Returns a connection to the connection queue.
public void returnConnectionToManager(Connection conn) {
// Called on the last line of the application program's dispatcher.
// Closes all active connections (which will only exist if there
// was a failure within one of the worker threads).
public void closeAllConnections() {
for(Connection conn : connectionQueue) {
try {
catch(SQLException e) {
Invocation example:
private ConnectionManager cm;
public Table(Map<String, Object> params, String method) {
cm = (ConnectionManager) params.get("cm");
// Execute a chunk of SQL code without requiring processing of a
// result set. Acquires connection from pool via cm.getConnection
// and releases connection via cm.returnConnectionToManager.
// (Database is just a helper class with simple methods for
// closing prepared statement, result sets, etc.)
private void execute(String sql) {
PreparedStatement ps = null;
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = cm.getConnection();
ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
catch (SQLException e) {
finally {
Your code looks good, but there is one serious problem, that clients of your API needs to take care of getting and releasing connection, one of them forget, and memory/resource leak is ready.
Make a one place in which you posts your queries to execute, in this place take connection, execute query and return the connection to the pool. It will secure you that the connections are returned. If you need to invoke multiple queries one after another in a single connection make the method accept an array or list of SQL queries to execute in order. The idea is to encapsulate each request to the db, so you manage all connections. It could be donethat you write an interface that has en execute(Connection conn) which you need to implement, and you could have then some Service that takes such object gives it a connection and then releases the resources back to connection pool.
Something like:
interface SqlWork {
execute(Connection conn);
SqlWork myWork = new SqlWork () {
execute(Connection conn) {
// do you work with the conn here
class SqlExecutionService {
ConnectionManager cm = ...;
public void execute(SqlWork sqlWork) {
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = cm.getConnection();
} catch (Your exceptions here) {
//serve or rethrow them
if (conn!=null) {
Example of use:
SqlExecutionService sqlExecService = ...;

MYSQL shows too many processes from java application

i have a java application which connects to mysql database using MYSQL connector. problem is when application started, MYSQL process list shows many connections than i requested in process list (attached image).
i have two threads running which connects to database within 5 seconds and 11 seconds. but, when i refresh mysql process list, it shows server's host ports are changing rapidely than threads are running. normally its changing 3-5 ports per second. can someone please guide me any optimizing issues or any changes to test with this?
I have created a class which connects to DB at initialization and that class's object is in a places where needs DB connectivity. and that class having all methods which using to query from DB.
my database connectivity class code is
public class Data{
static Connection con; //create connection
static Statement stmt; //create statement
static ResultSet rs; //create result set
static HostRead hr = new HostRead();
static int db_port = 3306;
static String db_root = "";
static String db_name = "chsneranew";
static String db_user = "root";
static String db_pass = "";
/**Constructer method*/
public Data(){
System.out.println("error in database connection");
con = getConnection();
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
try {
} finally {
public static Connection getConnection(){
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://"+db_root+":"+db_port+"/"+db_name, db_user, db_pass);
stmt = conn.createStatement();
return conn;
catch(ClassNotFoundException er){
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Error found ...\nDataBase Driver error (Invalid Drivers)\nUsers Cant login to system without database\n\nContact System Administrator","Error",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
return null;
catch(Exception er){
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Error found ...\nDataBase Access error (Invalid Authentication)\nOr\nDataBase not found. Details are not be loaded \n\nUsers Cant login to system without database\n\nContact System Administrator","Error",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
return null;
public String getUserName(){
Statement stmt2 = getConnection().createStatement();
ResultSet rss2;
String sql = "SELECT name FROM gen";
rss2 = stmt2.executeQuery(sql);
return rss2.getString("name");
catch(Exception er){
return null;
i am calling getUserName()method in my threads. using
Data d = new Data();
You need to close the connection, the connection is not closed that is why it is still there in the list. You need to Connection conn above so that it may be visible to rest of the code.
You are calling the getConnection() method three times when you want to read the data via the getUserName() method. Two times in the constructor when your constructor of the Data class is called (one for the if(...) check, one for the con = getConnection() line) and one time when you actually want to read the data at the getConnection().createStatement() line. So you have three connections to the database, and that is just the getUserName method...
Rewrite your code that only one connection is established and this connection is reused for any further execution.

How to use connection pooling

I am new in connection pooling.I have a created a connection pool in mysql that adds five connections.Now i want to know what is the application of connection pooling,i.e after creating that pool how to use that.. i am pasting my code here
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Vector;
import com.mysql.jdbc.Connection;
class ConnectionPoolManager {
String databaseUrl = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/homeland";
String userName = "root";
String password = "root";
Vector connectionPool = new Vector();
public ConnectionPoolManager() {
public ConnectionPoolManager(
// String databaseName,
String databaseUrl, String userName, String password) {
this.databaseUrl = databaseUrl;
this.userName = userName;
this.password = password;
private void initialize() {
// Here we can initialize all the information that we need
private void initializeConnectionPool() {
while (!checkIfConnectionPoolIsFull()) {
.println("Connection Pool is NOT full. Proceeding with adding new connections");
// Adding new connection instance until the pool is full
System.out.println("Connection Pool is full.");
private synchronized boolean checkIfConnectionPoolIsFull() {
final int MAX_POOL_SIZE = 5;
// Check if the pool size
if (connectionPool.size() < 5) {
return false;
return true;
// Creating a connection
private Connection createNewConnectionForPool() {
Connection connection = null;
try {
connection = (Connection) DriverManager.getConnection(databaseUrl,
userName, password);
System.out.println("Connection: " + connection);
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
System.err.println("SQLException: " + sqle);
return null;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
System.err.println("ClassNotFoundException: " + cnfe);
return null;
return connection;
public synchronized Connection getConnectionFromPool() {
Connection connection = null;
// Check if there is a connection available. There are times when all
// the connections in the pool may be used up
if (connectionPool.size() > 0) {
connection = (Connection) connectionPool.firstElement();
// Giving away the connection from the connection pool
return connection;
public synchronized void returnConnectionToPool(Connection connection) {
// Adding the connection from the client back to the connection pool
public static void main(String args[]) {
new ConnectionPoolManager();
can any one help?
The purpose of connection pooling is to maintain a number of open connections to a database so that when your application requires a connection it does not have to go through the potentially resource and time intensive process of opening a new connection.
When an application requires a database connection it 'borrows' one from the pool. When it's done, it gives it back and that connection may be reused at some later point.
Once you have obtained a connection, you use it in your application through the JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) API.
Oracle's basic tutorial for using JDBC can be found at
Another thing to keep in mind is that alot of work has gone into developing connection pools already, and it probably is not necessary to reinvent the wheel, except perhaps as a learning excercise. Apache Tomcat's connection pool implementation can be used outside of Tomcat (for example, in a standalone Java application) and is fairly flexible and easy to configure. It can be found at
I would say the code is pretty self explanatory.
You create an instance of the pool, personally, I prefer to use a singleton, but that's another topic
ConnectionPoolManager connectionPoolManager = new ConnectionPoolManager();
Now, every body that wants a connection, is going to need a reference to this manager. When you need to, you request a free connection from the pool...
public void queryDatabaseForStuff(ConnectionPoolManager cpm) throws SQLException {
Connection con = cpm.getConnectionFromPool();
Once you're finished with the connection, you pass it back to the manager...
try {
} finally {
Now. You might like to investigating a blocking process that will block the current call to getConnectionFromPool while the pool is empty, meaning that it will either throw an exception (if you want to include a time out feature) or a valid connection.
When re-pooling a Connection, you might like to check to see if the Connection has been closed or not and have some kind of revival process to ensure that the pool is awlays close to capcaity...
Please check this link for getting detailed answer -
You don't need to recreate your Connection object pool , instead please use the libraries provided by Apache . Please be clear of the following :
1 - Why and what made you think of connection pool ?
2 - Use the following Apache commons-dbcp lib in your Maven project and then use the classes as per documentation .
3. Does this solve all your problems ?
ITs Better to perform the connection pooling via in built API
DBCP or this.
Its always better let these API perform the connection pooling and programmatically creating and maintaining the connection pooling always painful activity.

Custom java.sql.Driver Implementation Connection Handling

Currently, I load the below custom driver (, get a connection, create a Statement, execute a query, gets the results and close the connection. I open and close a connection for each query. Is this common practice or is there an standard way to share the open connections?
public static void main(String[] args) {
java.sql.Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:test://8888/connectme", props);
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement;
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from table");
//loop through rs and pull out needed data
public class TestDriver implements java.sql.Driver{
private final TestSchema schema;
private Properties props = null;
static {
try {
DriverManager.registerDriver(new TestDriver());
} catch (SQLException e) {
protected TestDriver() throws SQLException {
schema = TestSchemaFactory.getInstance().getDbSchemaFromFile(SCHEMA_FILE);
//loads in and parses a file containing tables, columns used for business logic
public Connection connect(String url, Properties info)
throws SQLException {
TestSqlConnection conn=null;
//connect logic here
return conn; //will return an instance of TestSqlConnection
public boolean jdbcCompliant() {
return false;
Yes, it's more common to use a database connection pool. This will allow connections to be reused without the overhead or closing/re-opening. Here's a link to DBCP which is one implementation of a database connection pool:
Ideally you should write a separate factory class (can be static)
say ConnectionFactory which returns a connection object.
Also I see that you are not using try/catch/finally block while creating
connection.I strongly suggest to close the connection in finally
clause otherwise you program may suffer from connection leak if any
exception is raised and causes abrupt behavior.
Ideally you should close the connection after your operation is complete in finally
clause.In web based application if you are using connections pool
then closing connection will return the connection back to pool and
will be available for use.

