Generic QuickSort causing StackOverflowError - java

This is a practice problem in the Java book I'm working through. Basically, the goal is to sort an array of generic-type elements in increasing order using compareTo.
I'm trying to use QuickSort to do it. Here's my code:
public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>>
void sort (T[] arr)
// If arr is null, empty,
// or only has 1 element,
// it is already sorted
if (arr == null || arr.length == 0
|| arr.length == 1)
// Call overloaded sort method
sort(arr, 0, arr.length - 1);
public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>>
void sort(T[] arr, int left, int right)
// To be used while sorting
int i = left;
int j = right;
// Check if left and
// right indices are out
// of order. If they are,
// nothing can be done
if (right <= left)
// Middle element used
// as pivot
T pivot = arr[(left + (right - left)) / 2];
// temp will be used
// to swap elements later
T temp;
// QuickSort algorithm
while (i <= j)
// Look for values on
// the left greater than
// the pivot and values
// on the right smaller
// than the pivot
// When you find both, swap them
while (arr[i].compareTo(pivot) < 0)
while (arr[j].compareTo(pivot) > 0)
// Check that i hasn't
// passed j already
if (i <= j)
// Swap the items
temp = arr[i];
arr[i] = arr[j];
arr[j] = temp;
// Move both indices
// to their next position
// Recursive calls to the
// sort method
if (left < j)
sort(arr, left, j);
if (i < right)
sort(arr, i, right);
The trouble is, when I test this using the following array:
String[] wordArray = {"Droplet", "Blueberry", "Elephant",
"Fate", "Apple", "Coconut", "Darjeeling"};
I get a StackOverflowError at the following line:
while (arr[i].compareTo(pivot) < 0)
And then a bunch of repeating ones at this line:
sort(arr, i, right);
The repeating errors at the line above tells me it might have something to do with infinite recursion happening, but I don't know why it would be.
I also don't know why it's throwing the error at the while loop line... it looks like the logic I used in comparing arr[i] to the pivot is okay?

The line to choose middle element for pivot should be:
T pivot = arr[left + (right - left) / 2];
the current code is effectively using T pivot = arr[right / 2], where the index right / 2 could be less than left, resulting in a pivot value that doesn't exist within the range left to right.
Consider the case where a pivot value less than all of the element values in the range left to right is used. This could cause the first loop to advance i past right or even past the end of the array, which could cause stack overflow or segmentation fault.


Can someone explain this quicksort algorithm to me?

I'm a little confused on quicksort.
For example, with this algorithm taken from using the middle element as the pivot point:
public class QuickSort {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] x = { 9, 2, 4, 7, 3, 7, 10 };
int low = 0;
int high = x.length - 1;
quickSort(x, low, high);
public static void quickSort(int[] arr, int low, int high) {
if (arr == null || arr.length == 0)
if (low >= high)
// pick the pivot
int middle = low + (high - low) / 2;
int pivot = arr[middle];
// make left < pivot and right > pivot
int i = low, j = high;
while (i <= j) {
while (arr[i] < pivot) {
while (arr[j] > pivot) {
if (i <= j) {
int temp = arr[i];
arr[i] = arr[j];
arr[j] = temp;
// recursively sort two sub parts
if (low < j)
quickSort(arr, low, j);
if (high > i)
quickSort(arr, i, high);
Can someone explain the 2 recursive calls at the bottom, as well as why there is a need to create an i and j variable to copy the left and right markers.
Also, can someone explain the difference between a quicksort algorithm using the middle element vs using the first or last element as the pivot point? The code looks different in a sense that using the last / first element as the pivot point is usually written with a partition method instead of the code above.
Quicksort is based on divide and conquer method, first we take a pivot element and put all elements that are less than this pivot element on the left and all the elements that are greater than this pivot element on the right and after that we recursively perform the same thing on both sides of pivot for left side Quicksort(array,low,pivot-1) for right side Quicksort(array,low,pivot+1)
This was the answer of your first question
and now what is the difference between choosing the middle or first element as pivot so
when we choose first element as pivot after sorting when i becomes greater than j we swap the pivot element(first element) with j so that the element that we chose as pivot comes at the place where all elements less than it comes at the left side and all elements greater than it comes it the right side.
and when we choose the middle element as pivot its already in the middle so there's no need to swap it.
This is a variation of Hoare partition scheme. The "classic" Hoare partition scheme increments i and decrements j before comparing to pivot. Both this example and the questions example include the partition logic in the main function.
void quickSort(int a[], size_t lo, size_t hi)
int pivot = a[lo+(hi-lo)/2];
int t;
if(lo >= hi)
size_t i = lo-1;
size_t j = hi+1;
while (a[++i] < pivot);
while (a[--j] > pivot);
if (i >= j)
t = a[i];
a[i] = a[j];
a[j] = t;
QuickSort(a, lo, j);
QuickSort(a, j+1, hi);
The questions code increments i and decrements j after comparing to pivot.
The partition logic splits up a partition so that the left side <= pivot, right side >= pivot. The pivot and elements equal to pivot can end up anywhere on either side, and may not end up in their sorted position until a base case of a sub-array of size 1 is reached.
The reason for using the middle element for pivot is that choosing the first or last element for pivot will result in worst case time complexity of O(n^2) if the array is already sorted or reverse sorted. The example in this answer will fail if the last element is used for pivot (but the questions example will not).

How can I implement the recursion in my Quicksort algorithm?

I'm trying to implement quicksort in Java to learn basic algorithms. I understand how the algo works (and can do it on paper) but am finding it hard to write it in code. I've managed to do step where we put all elements smaller than the pivot to the left, and larger ones to the right (see my code below). However, I can't figure out how to implement the recursion part of the algo, so sort the left and right sides recursively. Any help please?
public void int(A, p, q){
if(A.length == 0){ return; }
int pivot = A[q];
j = 0; k = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < A.length; i++){
if(A[i] <= pivot){
A[j] = A[i]; j++;
A[k] = A[i]; k++;
A[j] = pivot;
Big Disclaimer: I did not write this piece of code, so upvotes is not needed. But I link to a tutorial which explains quicksort in detail. Gave me a much needed refreshment on the algorithm as well! The example given has very good comments that might just help you to wrap your head around it.
I suggest you adapt it to your code and write som tests for it to verify it works
Quicksort is a fast, recursive, non-stable sort algorithm which works by the divide and conquer principle. Quicksort will in the best case divide the array into almost two identical parts. It the array contains n elements then the first run will need O(n). Sorting the remaining two sub-arrays takes 2 O(n/2). This ends up in a performance of O(n log n).
In the worst case quicksort selects only one element in each iteration. So it is O(n) + O(n-1) + (On-2).. O(1) which is equal to O(n^2).*
public class Quicksort {
private int[] numbers;
private int number;
public void sort(int[] values) {
// check for empty or null array
if (values ==null || values.length==0){
this.numbers = values;
number = values.length;
quicksort(0, number - 1);
private void quicksort(int low, int high) {
int i = low, j = high;
// Get the pivot element from the middle of the list
int pivot = numbers[low + (high-low)/2];
// Divide into two lists
while (i <= j) {
// If the current value from the left list is smaller than the pivot
// element then get the next element from the left list
while (numbers[i] < pivot) {
// If the current value from the right list is larger than the pivot
// element then get the next element from the right list
while (numbers[j] > pivot) {
// If we have found a value in the left list which is larger than
// the pivot element and if we have found a value in the right list
// which is smaller than the pivot element then we exchange the
// values.
// As we are done we can increase i and j
if (i <= j) {
exchange(i, j);
// This is the recursion part you had trouble with i guess?
// Recursion
if (low < j)
quicksort(low, j);
if (i < high)
quicksort(i, high);
private void exchange(int i, int j) {
int temp = numbers[i];
numbers[i] = numbers[j];
numbers[j] = temp;
Link to tutorial

Algorithm to partition the array using the pivot element

I was trying to solve following programming exercise from some java programming book
Write method that partitions the array using the first element, called a pivot. After the partition, the elements in the list are rearranged so that all the elements before the pivot are less than or equal to the pivot and the elements after the pivot are greater than the pivot. The method returns the index where the pivot is located in the new list. For example, suppose the list is {5, 2, 9, 3, 6, 8}. After the partition, the list becomes {3, 2, 5, 9, 6, 8}. Implement the method in a way that takes at most array.length comparisons.
I've implemented solution, but it takes much more than array.length comparisons.
The book itself has solution, but unfortunately it's just plain wrong (not working with some inputs). I've seen the answer to this similar question, and understood "conquer" part of Quicksort algorithm, but in this algorithm values are partitioned using mid-value, but in my case using of 1st array value as a pivot is required.
This is the pivot routine from the linked answer (adapted from source here).
int split(int a[], int lo, int hi) {
// pivot element x starting at lo; better strategies exist
int x=a[lo];
// partition
int i=lo, j=hi;
while (i<=j) {
while (a[i]<x) i++;
while (a[j]>x) j--;
if (i<=j) swap(a[i++], a[j--]);
// return new position of pivot
return i;
The number of inter-element comparisons in this algorithm is either n or n+1; because in each main loop iteration, i and j move closer together by at exactly c units, where c is the number of comparisons performed in each of the inner while loops. Look at those inner loops - when they return true, i and j move closer by 1 unit. And if they return false, then, at the end of the main loop, i and j will move closer by 2 units because of the swap.
This split() is readable and short, but it also has a very bad worst-case (namely, the pivot ending at either end; follow the first link to see it worked out). This will happen if the array is already sorted either forwards or backwards, which is actually very frequent. That is why other pivot positions are better: if you choose x=a[lo+hi/2], worst-case will be less common. Even better is to do like Java, and spend some time looking for a good pivot to steer clear from the worst case. If you follow the Java link, you will see a much more sophisticated pivot routine that avoids doing extra work when there are many duplicate elements.
It seem that the algorithm (as taken from "Introduction to algorihtm 3rd ed") can be implemented as follows (C++) should be similar in Java`s generics:
template <typename T> void swap_in_place(T* arr, int a, int b)
T tmp = arr[a];
arr[a] = arr[b];
arr[b] = tmp;
template <typename T> int partition(T* arr, int l, int r)
T pivot = arr[r];
int i = l-1;
int j;
for(j=l; j < r; j++) {
if (arr[j] < pivot /* or cmp callback */) {
// preincrement is needed to move the element
swap_in_place<T>(arr, ++i, j);
// reposition the pivot
swap_in_place(arr, ++i, j);
return i;
template <typename T> void qsort(T* arr, int l, int r)
if ( l < r ) {
T x = partition<T>(arr, l, r);
qsort(arr, l, x-1);
qsort(arr, x+1, r);
However, its a simple pseudocode implementation, I dont know if it`s the best pivot to pick from. Maybe (l+r)/2 would be more proper.
Pretty simple solution with deque:
int [] arr = {3, 2, 5, 9, 6, 8};
Deque<Integer> q = new LinkedBlockingDeque<Integer>();
for (int t = 0; t < arr.length; t++) {
if (t == 0) {
if (arr[t] <= arr[0])
for (int t:q) {
Output is:
5 <-- pivot
There is video that I made on Pivot based partition I explained both the methods of patitioning.
And based on your(the other) approach
And for the code. This is a code I wrote for pivot being the first element and it takes O(n) Comparisons.
void quicksort(int a[],int l,int n)
int j,temp;
if(l+1 < n)
int p=l;
for(int i=l+1;i<n;++i)
The partition function below works as follow:
The last variable points to the last element in the array that has not been compared to the pivot element and can be swapped.
If the element directly next to the pivot element is less than the pivot
element. They are swapped.
Else if the pivot element is less than the next element, the nextelement is swapped with the element whose index is the last variable.
static int partition(int[] a){
int pivot = a[0];
int temp, index = 0;
int last = a.length -1;
for(int i = 1; i < a.length; i++){
//If pivot > current element, swap elements
if( a[i] <= pivot){
temp = a[i];
a[i] = pivot;
a[i-1] = temp;
index = i;
//If pivot < current elmt, swap current elmt and last > index of pivot
else if( a[i] > pivot && last > i){
temp = a[i];
a[i] = a[last];
a[last] = temp;
last -= 1;
return index;

Need help understanding recursion with array sorts

My task is to write a recursive method called quadSort that splits an array into 4 parts which are sorted by quadSort then the first two (A and B) are merged into one array (X) and the second two (C and D) are merged into one (Y) then those two are merged into one. The quadSort should call quadSort() 4 times (once for each part). My problem is that I have the base case completed but I can't figure out how to write the recursive portion of the method. Can anyone help me understand how to go about this or show me an example? Thanks in advance.
Edit: Here is my attempt
public static void quadSort(int array[], int index, int length){
for (int i = 1; i<array.length; i++){
if(array[i] <= 1000){
for(i = 1; i<array.length;i++){ //Start point for the insertion sort
int key = array[i];
int j = i-1;
while((i>-1) && (array[j] > key)){
array [j+1] = array[j];
array[j+1] = key;
} //End insertion sort
int split = (array[i])/4;
This is a weirdly modified mergeSort, where rather than recursing all the way until you get 1-length sub-arrays, and only then starting to merge, you recurse until the sub-array length is 1/4 of the original array length, sort that with whatever sorting algo you'd prefer (quicksort?) and then merge it back up. It is not clear what it is expected if the array does not have at least 4 elements. You can adjust it to whatever you need it to do in that case.
Using pseudocode it would be something like this:
quadSort(array, l, r):
m = array.length/2 - 1
//First checking if it is the base case
// i.e. l and r define one quarter of the array
if((l == 0 AND r < m) OR //First quarter
(l > 0 AND r == m) OR //Second quarter
(l == m+1 AND r < array.length - 1) OR //Third quarter
(l > m+1 AND r == array.length - 1)) //Fourth quarter
quicksort(array, l, r) //Base case
//Not the base case, hence we proceed to further split the array
//and recurse on quadsort, before proceeding to merge
m = (r+l)/2
quadsort(array, l, m)
quadsort(array, m+1, r)
merge(array, l, m , r)
merge(array, l, m, r):
//Standard merge procedure from mergesort

Are the following two recursive sorting methods the same?

I've been working on selection sort and bubble sort using recursion. I've finally come up with two methods, and they worked perfectly fine. But as I took a final look at those, they look like just one one method which is selectionSortRecursive. Could you tell me the difference (or are they the same)?
public static void selectionSortRecursive(Comparable[] list, int n)
Comparable temp;
if ( n > 1 ){
for ( int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++ )
if(list[i].compareTo(list[i + 1]) > 0){
temp = list[i];
list[i] = list[i + 1];
list[i + 1] = temp;
selectionSortRecursive(list, n - 1);
public static void bubbleSortRecursive( Comparable[] list, int n)
Comparable tmp;
if (n >1) {
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
if(list[i+1].compareTo(list[i]) < 0)
tmp = list[i];
list[i] = list[i+1];
list[i+1] = tmp;
bubbleSortRecursive( list, n - 1);
The only line which is different is
if(list[i].compareTo(list[i + 1]) > 0){
if(list[i+1].compareTo(list[i]) < 0)
and provided compareTo is implemented correctly this will do the same thing.
BTW the if(n > 1) check is redundant. And I would move tmp to the most inner scope you can.
Both sorts are bubble sorts. A bubble sort "bubbles" values to the top/right position.
A selection sort selects the lowest/highest value repeatedly, swap in the selected with the position it needs to place it. i.e. the swap would be outside the loop to find the lowest/highest.
It's both bubble sort, one bubbles the element from the top to the bottom, the other one does it the way round. Selection sort is different: it searches the smallest elements of all remaining (unsorted) elements and places it in the next slot, it does not change any other elements. Bubble sort, instead, always compares tow elements and swaps them is the first one is bigger (or smaller) than the second one - which is what you are doing.

