How to inject a value from into #PayloadRoot namespace-value - java

in my project it's necessary to inject a value from the file, profile-dependent, into the endpoint-class to the namespace-variable of the #PayloadRoot annotation.
The problem: the namespace-value must be a constant and in spring I can't inject a value into a final variable.
I find an advice to inject in this way:
#PayloadRoot(namespace = "${my.namespace}", localPart = "getMyRequest")
public JAXBElement<MyResult> myMethod(#RequestPayload JAXBElement<MyInput> request) {
but ... it doesn't work.
Has anyone a working solution?

You could do one of the following:
1) Use reflection once you have the appropriate value (but you need to make sure that you set the value before the endpoint mapping occurs): example here
2) Extends the class PayloadRootAnnotationMethodEndpointMapping and in the method getLookupKeysForMethod, use a custom a method getQNameFromAnnotation where you will inject the correct value of the namespace.
private QName getQNameFromAnnotation(PayloadRoot payloadRoot) {
return new QName(/*INJECT YOURNAMESPACE HERE*/, payloadRoot.localPart());


How to extract the url from

I have this
And I want to extract the url "http://localhost:8080/upload". How can I extract it?
I tried something like this, but the url is null:
String url = config.getPropertyValue("url");
Where getPropertyValue:
public String getPropertyValue(String propertyKey) {
return properties.getProperty(propertyKey);
U can use #Value in your class
in your property file U can define
In Your class
private String url;
then U can access the value using variable url
Unfortunately I do not know what class the config object is instatiated from which makes it hard to understand what the properties.getProperty() method call is doing. Therefore, I'll give you a a more general answer. As you are using Spring, you basically have two very elegant solutions to retrieve data from your application property files. If you just need a single value (as in your example the url.up field), then you would typically directly inject that value into the class that needs this data as in the following short Kotlin snippet (in java this would be very similar, just look up the #Value annotation on the internet).
class PropertyPrinter(
#Value("\${url.up}") private val url: String
) {
fun postConstruct() {
println("URL is: $url")
The other way would be to create a dedicated config class that hold a bunch logically connected fields and add the #ConfigurationProperties annotation. See here for a more in depth explanation.
You should use #Value annotation. For example:
private String url;
The url variable holds http://localhost:8080/upload.
You should use #Value or appContext:

How do I use a variable from an application.yml file in my normal code?

For example, let's say that in my yml file I had a variable called indicator. And based on what the indicator variable's value was I want the code to do something different. How would I access the yml variable in the regular code and use it accordingly?
You can use this:
private String x;
string: hello
x will be "hello"
You need to use Spring Expression Language which says we should write it as
private String appName;
For Default value if key is not present in yaml/yml or properties file
#Value("${ defaultValue}")
private String appName;
The last way you can fetch value is using environment object
private Environment environment;
String appName = environment.get("");
You can add #Value annotation to any field in your beans.
String myString;
Works with constructors as well.
public MyClass(#Value("$(") String myString) {
You can use #Value on fields or parameters to assign the property to some variable.
Property example:
private String indicator
Parameter example:
private void someMethod(#Value("${indicator}") String indicator) {
Then you can use indicator as you want.
Note: the class where you use #Value should be a Spring Component
With Spring-Boot, you have the file application.yml automatically provided for you. What you can do is adding a property in this file, for instance: someValue
Then, in one of your Spring Bean (either define with #Component or #Bean) you can retrieve this value using the annotation #Value. Then, do whatever you want with this variable.
For instance:
public class MyClass {
private String myProp; // will get "someValue" injected.
// Just use it in a method
public boolean myMethod() {
if(myProp.equals("someValue") {
// do something
} else {
// do something else
The best way to do this is not to have a tight coupling between Spring and your "normal" code at all, but instead to use the normal Java features like constructors along with Spring #Bean methods:
class MyService {
final String indicatorName;
MyService(String indicatorName) {
this.indicatorName = indicatorName;
... in your configuration class...
MyService myService(#Value("") String indicatorName) {
return new MyService(indicatorName);
Two notes for Spring Boot specifically:
The #ConfigurationProperties feature allows you to map properties onto structured Java data classes and is typically cleaner than using #Value by hand.
Always namespace properties that you define yourself to avoid future collisions with other libraries, so instead of use I recommend looking at DataSourceProperties in Boot to see an example of how to set all this up.
More broadly, though, when you say that you want the code to "do something different", it sounds like the better option might be to have different classes that get activated under different circumstances. Both Spring profiles and Spring Boot auto-configuration help to do this.
The problem statement can be re-defined as Configuration Management in Java.
You should have a component like ConfigManager that gets instantiated as part of your application start up. That component will read a properties file, a yaml in your use case. Subsequent app logic will fetch these values from the ConfigManager exposed as simple key/value pairs.
All that is left for you to identify how to read and parse values from yaml file. This is already answered here:
Parse a YAML file

Spring - Dynamically injecting based on qualifier value

In Weld, I can do the following to get dynamically inject config values from some source:
public static #interface ConfigValue {
String value();
public String stringValue(InjectionPoint ip) {
ConfigValue configValue = ip.getAnnotated().getAnnotation(ConfigValue.class);
return myConfigMap.get(configValue.value());
The equivalent Spring, however, matches based on the value of the #ConfigValue annotation.
I would like Spring to call a method to allow me to inject custom values for all fields annotated with #ConfigValue.
I'm aware of this:
However that's a very complex solution for a seemingly simple problem. I'm wondering if there's a simpler solution...
Spring has InjectionPoint class. The catch is that your #ConfigValue annotation should not have Qualifier annotation. Then you can have a single method to produces various values.
However, if you choose to have #Qualifier on your #ConfigValue annotation, then you will have to have multiple producing methods one for each value of #ConfigValue. I dont seem to have come across anything equivalent to #Nonbinding though.
I have tested this for user object, not String.
PS: another approach is to have one "defining" annotation and one "non-defining" annotation on the injection point to serve your need.

Change #Rest rootUrl at runtime with AndroidAnnotations

I'm using a rest service with AndroidAnnotations, configured like so:
#Rest(rootUrl = "",
converters = {MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter.class})
public interface IStuff
public Response fetchAllStuff(Request req);
So what happens when I need to change the URL at runtime? If the URL is hard-coded in the annotation, what would I do to change it? Is there some way I could have it in a properties or XML file as well?
As explained on the wiki, you can simply define a void setRootUrl(String rootUrl) method and it will be generated as a setter on the final class

Can I control how spring controller method arguments are instantiated?

Consider the following interface/object hierarchy in a spring project:
public interface MyInterface {
//method defenitions
public class MyClass implements MyInterface {
//method implementations
I use MyClass in a controller method where it is read from the requests body:
#RequestMapping(method = POST, value = "/posturi", consumes = "application/json")
public void createEntity(#RequestBody MyClass myClass) {
//handle request
The jackson library is used to read json data and convert it to a java object.
I would like to change the type of the parameter in the controller method from MyClass to MyInterface. This does not seem to work since the interface can't be instantiated with the new operator. But it could be created like this:
MyInterface instance = applicationContext.getBean(MyInterface.class);
Is it possible to make spring/jackson instantiate the object this way? I would like to do this so that my controller does not need to be aware of what implementation is used.
It should be possible with Converters. See documentation Question is, how do you know which class you return by converter? Rather rethink your design to use POJOs in input.
I have solved this now and the concept is quite simple but the implementation can be a bit tricky. As I understand it, you can annotate any type with #RequestBody as long as you provide a HttpMessageConverter that can convert from a http request to your desired type.
So the solution is:
Implement a HttpMessageConverter
Configure spring so that your HttpMessageConverter is used.
The second part can be a bit tricky. This is because spring adds a bunch of default HttpMessageConverter that can handle common types such as strings, integers, dates and I want these to continue to function as usual. Another problem is that if jackson is on the path, spring also adds a MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter for generic json handling such as converting to concrete objects, maps and so on. Spring will use the first HttpMessageConverter it finds that claims to be able to convert to your type. The MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter claims to be able to do so for my objects, but it is not able to, so it fails and the request fails. This could be considered a bug...
The chain that I wanted was:
Springs default HttpMessageConverters.
My own HttpMessageConverter
The MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter
I found two ways to acheive this. First, you can declare this explicitly through xml.
<!-- All converters in specific order here -->
The downside of this is that if the default HttpMessageConverter chain changes in later releases, it will not change for your configuration.
Another way to do it is to programatically insert your own HttpMessageConverter before the MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter.
public class MyConfiguration {
private RequestMappingHandlerAdapter adapter;
private MyHttpMessageConverter myHttpMessageConverter;
private void modify() {
List<HttpMessageConverter<?>> messageConverters = adapter.getMessageConverters();
int insertLocation = messageConverters.size() - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < messageConverters.size(); i++) {
Object messageConverter = messageConverters.get(i);
if (messageConverter instanceof MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter) {
insertLocation = i;
messageConverters.add(insertLocation, myHttpMessageConverter);
The second alternative will continue to use the "default configuration" even if it changes in later releases. I consider it a bit hacky and not at all elegant but the reason I think it is a valid soulution is that there seems to be flaws in the MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter claiming to be able to convert to types it cannot convert to. And also that you cannot explicitly add a HttpMessageConverter to a specific position in the chain.
For now I am going with the second option but how you do is up to you...

