Allowing static method to access DAO - java

I'm building a web application using Spring MVC which parses JSON requests into POJOs using #RequestBody/Jackson.
When Jackson creates a POJO, I cannot autowire my DAO service so instead I have created a way to access the DAO statically via a utility method.
private static DAOService daoService;
public static User getUserById(int id)
return daoService.getUserDao().getById(id);
I have spring populate the daoService on application startup which is just a holder for my DAOs.
I do this because my entities that Jackson creates need to retrieve other child entities from the database to complete itself.
This seems to be working but I'm concerned as to whether or not this is safe. Can anyone foresee any issues with this?
I'm assuming it's safe since daoService is never mutated, and the getById method only acts on its own arguments.
public void setSlot(int id) {
this.slot = EntityUtils.getSlotById(id);

You proposal is valid and safe.
If you want to keep your bean clean of the deserialization process you may create a Jackson converter to convert from Long to your Bean. It requires a bit of plumber but it may worth it:
First annotate your field with a custom converter:
public class Foo {
#JsonDeserialize(converter = SlotConverter.class)
public void setSlot(Slot slot) {
this.slot = slot;
Then define the converter with the SlotDao annotated with #Autowired. The converter converts from Long to Slot:
public class SlotConverter extends StdConverter<Long, Slot> {
private SlotDao slotDao;
public Slot convert(Long id) {
return slotDao.getSlotById(id);
Finally, jackson has to be configured with a custom Spring instanciator. Thus SlotConverter will be instanciated and configured by Spring:
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
mapper.setConfig(mapper.getDeserializationConfig().with(new SpringHandlerInstantiator(applicationContext.getAutowireCapableBeanFactory())));
The following code will deserialize Foo using the slot id:
Foo foo = mapper.readValue("{\"slot\":10}", Foo.class);
Hope it helps!


Can I explicitly call custom validator from service in Spring Boot?

I have a custom validator class that implements Validator, like this:
public class MyCustomValidator implements Validator
I want to be able to call its validate() method from a Service.
This is how this method looks:
public void validate(Object target, Errors errors) {
// validation goes here
MyClass request = (MyClass) target;
if (request.getId() == null) {
errors.reject("", "Id is missing";
I don't want to have this validator in my endpoint, because I need to fetch the object to be validated from the database and then call the validation on it, so I need to do it from my service.
Can you please guide me on how to achieve this?
Use validation annotations in class but don't use #Valid on request body, then spring won't validate your class.
public class MyClass{
private Integer id;
private String data;
Autowired Validator first
private final Validator validator;
Then for class validate using the validator conditionally when needed.
if(isValidate) {
Set<ConstraintViolation<MyClass>> violations = validator.validate(myClassObj);
if (!violations.isEmpty()) {
throw new ConstraintViolationException(new HashSet<ConstraintViolation<?>>(violations));
The Validator interface is, as far as i understand it, called as soon as a matching object (determined by the public boolean Validator.supports(Class clazz) method).
However, your goal seems to be to validate an object of MyClass only at a specific time, coming from your persistence layer to your service layer.
There are multiple ways to achieve this.
The first and most obvious one is to not extend any classes, but to use a custom component with some notion of a validation function:
public class CustomValidator{
public void validate(MyClass target) throws ValidationException {
// validation goes here
if (target.getId() == null) {
throw new ValidationException("Id is missing");
And inject/autowire it into your service object:
public class MyClassService{
// will be injected in first instance of this component
private CustomValidator validator
public MyClass get(MyClass target) {
try {
return dao.retrieve(target);
} catch (ValidationException) {
// handle validation error
} catch (DataAccessException) {
// handle dao exception
This has the benefit that you yourself can control the validation, and error handling.
The negative side is the relatively high boilerplate.
However, if you want different Validators for different CRUD-Operations (or Service Methods), you may be interested in the Spring Validation Groups Feature.
First, you create a simple marker interface for each Operation you want to differ:
interface OnCreate {};
interface OnUpdate {};
Then, all you need to do is use the marker interfaces in the fields of your entity class,
using the Bean Validation Annotations:
public class MyClass{
#Null(groups = OnCreate.class)
#NotNull(groups = OnUpdate.class)
String id;
In order to use those groups in your Service Class, you will have to use the #Validated annotation.
public class MyService {
void validateForCreate(#Valid InputWithGroups input){
// do something
void validateForUpdate(#Valid InputWithGroups input){
// do something
Note that #Validated is applied to the service class as well as the methods. You can also set the group for the whole service, if you plan on using multiple services.
I for once mostly use the built-in Jakarta Bean Validation annotations in combination with marker interfaces, because of their ease of use and almost no boilerplate, while staying somewhat flexible and adjustable.
You could inject Validator and call validate
Validator validator;
And then call validate:
Set<ConstraintViolation<Driver>> violations = validator.validate(yourObjectToValidate);

How can I serialize a class from a Spring project to Redis, to later deserialize the class to a Guice project?

I would like to serialize a class object inside my project which is using Spring RedisTemplate, with some serializer, to a Redis database so that I could later deserialize it within another project using Guice and some serializer (and no Spring dependencies). Is there some sleek/good way to do this?
I would like to be able to run a server on the Spring side and connect to it with light weight Guice workers that don't come with all the Spring overhead. The workers should be able to get from and put/set to the server hosted by the Spring server.
Reading from the Redis database feels complicated since RedisTemplate does things automatically, but it seems like reading and deserializing on the Guice side has to now be done manually, negating many of the the benefits of using Spring and Guice.
I am a rather inexperienced developer intern and I have been given a relatively large project to work with (somewhat alone), it can be a bit overwhelming at times. A good solution on how to get the Spring, Redis and Guice to work together would be much appreciated.
// This is just a very abstract example of a way I'd like things to work in the end
// Also I didn't write out the serializers here to avoid
// a cluttered question, but their implementation is very important.
// Spring side
// A class to be serialized and deserialized
public class Foo {
private String id;
private Set<SomeClass> someClassFiles;
public getSomeClassFiles(){
return this.someClassFiles;
private RedisTemplate<String, String> redisTemplate;
private SerializerService serializer;
public void put(String queue, Serializable object){
String message = this.serializer.serialize(object);
Long queueSize = this.redisTemplate.opsForList().rightPush(queue, message);
// Guice side
// A class to be serialized and deserialized
public class Foo {
private String id;
private Set<SomeClass> someClassFiles;
public getSomeClassFiles(){
return this.someClassFiles;
public class GenericRedisService{
private final RedisService service;
private final SerializerService serializer;
public Serializable get(String queue) {
String message = this.redisService.blpop(3, queue);
return this.serializer.deserialize(message);

Stateless Factory with EJB

I have a requirement to get pdf documents from my system. I'm using Apache Fop for this - and this library is using 2 files to generate pdf - xsl file with structure and styling and xml with data. So I'm getting xsl file from web resources, but now I need to generate xml with data from database. I tried this solution:
I have this interface:
public interface PrintableDocument {
Object getJaxBOjbect(Long personId);
That's one of the stateless bean to get object, I need 10 more beans like this to get different data for different documents.
public class PrintableDocumentOne implements PrintableDocument {
private SomeRepository repository;
public Object getJaxBOjbect(Long personId) {
// Getting information from database
// formulating Object with data and returning it
So now I want to create Factory like this one:
public class PrintableDocumentsFactory {
private PrintableDocument printableDocumentOne;
private PrintableDocument printableDocumentTwo;
private Map<String, PrintableDocument> map = new HashMap<>();
public void init() {
map.put("one", printableDocumentOne);
map.put("two", printableDocumentTwo);
public PrintableDocument getPrintableDocument(String type) {
return map.get(type);
And on the service bean I want to use this factory:
public class DocumentServiceBean {
private PrintableDocumentsFactory factory;
public byte[] getPdf(InputStream xsl, Long id, String type) {
PrintableDocument printableDocument =
Object jaxBOject = printableDocument.getJaxBObject(id);
//Use this object to get pdf and return it to web controller.
But now I'm getting null from getPrintableDocument from factory. I think the problem is that I need stateless beans, and they are getting picked back to EJB container, when getPrintableDocument method ends. So my question is: how can I manage this kind of situation?
EDIT 1: Missed PostConstruct annotation on init in Factory. Fixed that, still have the problem.
EDIT 2: If I will have #Singleton on my Factory will it hold just one by one instances of stateless PrintableDocument beans or it will return pooled instances instead? Because now I have to refill strategy holder map on factory when system will need another been to answer the request.
You could try to use #EJB instead of #Inject to inject the PrintableDocumentsFactory into your DocumentServiceBean.
Try adding a #PostConstruct annotation to PrintableDocumentsFactory.init() method. Currently the init method won't be called, so no get registered in the map.

How to use Spring MVC #JsonView when returning an object hierarchy from a Rest Controller

I'm building an application which uses Spring MVC 4.10 with jackson 2.3.2.
I have a Project class which has children Proposal objects and a Customer object. These Proposal objects are complex and I want to return a summarized JSON view of them. A similar situation happens with the Customer object. I'm trying to implement this with #JsonView annotations.
I wanted to ask if extending the views of the member object classes in the container object class view is the way to do this or, if not, if there is a cleaner way to implement this that I am unaware of.
Before today, I was under the false impression that you could annotate your controller with multiple views and that the resulting JSON representation would be filtered accordingly.
#JsonView({Project.Extended.class, Proposal.Summary.class, Customer.Summary.class})
#RequestMapping(value="/project", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public #ResponseBody List<Project> findAll() {
return projectDAO.findAll();
Where each class had its own JsonView annotations and interfaces
public class Customer {
public interface Summary {}
public interface Normal extends Summary {}
public interface Extended extends Normal {}
Nevertheless, it is only the first view in the array that gets taken into account. According to
Only one class or interface can be specified with the #JsonView
annotation, but you can use inheritance to represent JSON View
hierarchies (if a field is part of a JSON View, it will be also part
of parent view). For example, this handler method will serialize
fields annotated with #JsonView(View.Summary.class) and
and the official documentation in
To use it with an #ResponseBody controller method or controller
methods that return ResponseEntity, simply add the #JsonView
annotation with a class argument specifying the view class or
interface to be used:
So, I ended up extending the views of the members in the view of the container object, like this
public class Project {
public static interface Extended extends Normal, Proposal.Extended {}
public static interface Normal extends Summary, Customer.Normal {}
public static interface Summary {}
and changed my controller to this
#RequestMapping(value="/project", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public #ResponseBody List<Project> findAll() {
return projectDAO.findAll();
This seems to do the trick, but I couldn't find documentation or discussion about this situation. Is this the intended use of JsonViews or is it kind of hackish?
Thank you in advance
-Patricio Marrone
I believe you have configured your views as necessary. The root of the issue is not Spring's #JsonView, but rather Jackson's implementation of views. As stated in Jackson's view documentation:
Only single active view per serialization; but due to inheritance of Views, can combine Views via aggregation.
So, it appears that Spring is simply passing on and adhering to the limitation set in place by Jackson 2.
I use Jersey+Jackson but issued just the same problem.
That's a trick that I'm doing for my application to let me require for several JSON Views during serialization. I bet it is also possible with Spring MVC instead of Jersey, but not 100% sure. It also does not seem to have performance issues. Maybe it is a bit complicated for your case, but if you have large object with big amount of possible views, maybe it's better than doing a lot of inheritance.
So I use the Jackson Filter approach to require several views in serialization. However, I haven't found the way to overcome the issue of putting #JsonFilter("name") above the classes to map, which does not make it so clean. But I mask it in custom annotation at least:
public #interface JsonMultipleViews {}
The filter itself looks like this:
public class JsonMultipleViewsFilter extends SimpleBeanPropertyFilter {
private Collection<Class<?>> wantedViews;
public JsonMultipleViewsFilter(Collection<Class<?>> wantedViews) {
this.wantedViews = wantedViews;
public void serializeAsField( Object pojo, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider, PropertyWriter writer ) throws Exception {
if( include( writer ) ) {
JsonView jsonViewAnnotation = writer.getAnnotation(JsonView.class);
// serialize the field only if there is no #JsonView annotation or, if there is one, check that at least one
// of view classes above the field fits one of required classes. if yes, serialize the field, if no - skip the field
if( jsonViewAnnotation == null || containsJsonViews(jsonViewAnnotation.value()) ) {
writer.serializeAsField( pojo, jgen, provider );
else if( !jgen.canOmitFields() ) {
// since 2.3
writer.serializeAsOmittedField( pojo, jgen, provider );
private boolean containsJsonViews(Class<?>[] viewsOfProperty) {
for (Class<?> viewOfProperty : viewsOfProperty) {
for (Class<?> wantedView : wantedViews) {
// check also subclasses of required view class
if (viewOfProperty.isAssignableFrom(wantedView)) {
return true;
return false;
protected boolean include( BeanPropertyWriter writer ) {
return true;
protected boolean include( PropertyWriter writer ) {
return true;
I can use this filter like this:
public static String toJson( Object object, Collection<Class<?>> jsonViewClasses) throws JsonProcessingException {
// if no json view class is provided, just map without view approach
if (jsonViewClasses.isEmpty()) {
return mapper.writeValueAsString(object);
// if only one json view class is provided, use out of the box jackson mechanism for handling json views
if (jsonViewClasses.size() == 1) {
return mapper.writerWithView(jsonViewClasses.iterator().next()).writeValueAsString(object);
// if more than one json view class is provided, uses custom filter to serialize with multiple views
JsonMultipleViewsFilter jsonMultipleViewsFilter = new JsonMultipleViewsFilter(jsonViewClasses);
return mapper.writer(new SimpleFilterProvider() // use filter approach when serializing
.setDefaultFilter(jsonMultipleViewsFilter) // set it as default filter in case of error in writing filter name
.addFilter(JACKSON_MULTIPLE_VIEWS_FILTER_NAME, jsonMultipleViewsFilter) // set custom filter for multiple views with name
.setFailOnUnknownId(false)) // if filter is unknown, don't fail, use default one
After that, Jersey allows us to add Jersey Filters on the point of running the application (it goes through each endpoint in each Controller in start of application and we can easily bind the Jersey filters at this moment if there is is multiple value in #JsonView annotation above the endpoint).
In Jersey filter for #JsonView annotation with multiple value above endpoint, once it's bint on startup to correct endpoints depending on annotations, we can easily override the response entity with calling that utils method
toJson(previousResponeObjectReturned, viewClassesFromAnnoation);
No reason to provide the code of Jersey Filter here since you're using Spring MVC. I just hope that it's easy to do it the same way in Spring MVC.
The Domain Object would look like this:
public class Example
private int id;
private String name;
private String extendedInfo;
private Date updateDate;
public static class JsonViews {
public interface Min {}
public interface Extended extends Min {}
public interface Meta extends Min {}
public interface All extends Extended, Meta {} // interfaces are needed for multiple inheritence of views
We can ommit putting Min.class in my case on those fields that are always required not depending on view. We just put Min in required views and it will serialize all fields without #JsonView annotation.
View All.class is required for me since if we have, for example, a specific set of views for each domain class (like in my case) and then we need to map a complex model consisting of several domain objects that both use views approach - some view for object one, but all views for object two, it's easier to put it above endpoint like this:
#JsonView({ObjectOneViews.SomeView.class, ObjectTwoViews.All.class})
because if we ommit ObjectTwoViews.All.class here and require for only ObjectOneViews.SomeView.class, those fields that are marked with annotation in Object Two will not be serialized.

How can I select Spring bean instance at runtime

Based on parameters passed to a method, I need to select from one of many Spring beans that are implementations of the same class, but configured with different parameters.
E.g. if user A invokes the method, I need to call dooFoo() on bean A, but if it's user B then I need to call the very same method, only on bean B.
Is there a 'Springier' way of doing this other than sticking all the beans in a map, and deriving a key from the parameters passed to my method?
We face that issue in our project, and we solve it through a Factory-Like class. The client class -the one that needed the bean at runtime- had an instance of the factory, that was injected through Spring:
public class ImTheClient{
private ImTheFactory factory;
public void doSomething(
Parameters parameters) throws Exception{
IWantThis theInstance = factory.getInstance(parameters);
So, the IWantThis instance depends on the runtime value of the parameters parameter. The Factory implementation goes like this:
public class ImTheFactoryImpl implements
ImTheFactory {
private IWantThisBadly anInstance;
private IAlsoWantThis anotherInstance;
public IWantThis getInstance(Parameters parameters) {
if (parameters.equals(Parameters.THIS)) {
return anInstance;
if (parameters.equals(Parameters.THAT)) {
return anotherInstance;
return null;
So, the factory instance holds reference to both of the posible values of the IWantThis class, being IWantThisBadly and IAlsoWantThis both implementations of IWantThis.
Seems like do you want a ServiceLocator using the application context as registry.
See ServiceLocatorFactoryBean support class for creating ServiceLocators mapping keys to bean names without coupling client code to Spring.
Other option is to use a naming convention or annotation based configuration.
for example, assuming that you annotate Services with #ExampleAnnotation("someId"), you can use something like the following Service Locator to retrieve them.
public class AnnotationServiceLocator implements ServiceLocator {
private ApplicationContext context;
private Map<String, Service> services;
public Service getService(String id) {
return services.get(id);
private void checkServices() {
if (services == null) {
services = new HashMap<String, Service>();
Map<String, Object> beans = context.getBeansWithAnnotation(ExampleAnnotation.class);
for (Object bean : beans.values()) {
ExampleAnnotation ann = bean.getClass().getAnnotation(ExampleAnnotation.class);
services.put(ann.value(), (Service) bean);
Sticking them in a map sounds fine. If it's a Spring-managed map (using util:map, or in Java config), that's better than creating it somewhere else, because then Spring owns all the object references and can manage their lifecycle properly.
If the beans (A, B) you are talking about are SessionScope its no problem at all, they will be selected correctly.
public class BusinessLogic {
private BaseClassOfBeanAandB bean;
public void methodCalledByUserAorB() {

