I haven't had a lot of practice with patterns and application architecture. In a nutshell, I have to find certain attributes which object features. Some code will better describe task:
IAttribute {
IAttribute analyze(IFunction func);
//up to 10 different attributes
ArgumentsAttribute implements Attribute {
Map<String, ArgType> args = new HashMap<>();
IAttribute analyze(IFunction func) {
for (Argument arg : func.getArgs()) {
args.put(arg.getName(), arg.getType());
if (!args.isEmpty()) return this;
return null;
ReturnAttribute implements Attribute {
IAttribute analyze(IFunction func) {
if (func.hasReturn) return this;
return null;
AttributeAnalyzer {
List<Attributes> analyzeAttributes(IFunction func) {
List<IAttribute> attributes = new ArrayList<IAttribute>();
attributes.add(new ArgumentAttribute());
attributes.add(new ReturnAttribute());
for (IAttribute attr : attributes) {
attr = attr.analyze(func);
if (null == attr) attributes.remove(attr);
return attributes;
However, this implementation seems to be a little strange. I don't like the fact that Attribute is sort of holder, but it has to implement method to find itself. In my opinion, the best practice would be an opportunity to overload static methods, but obviously its not possible. In this way, we would separate holder from analyzing logic without adding new abstractions(maybe I am not right).
IAttribute {
static IAttribute analyze();
ConcreteAttribute1 {
int x = 0;
static IAttribute analyze() {
if (x != 0) return new ConcreteAttribute1();
return null;
ConcreteAttribute2 {
String s = "";
static IAttribute analyze() {
if (!s.equals("")) return new ConcreteAttribute2();
return null;
AttributeAnalyzer {
List<Attributes> analyzeAttributes() {
List<IAttribute> attributes = new ArrayList<IAttribute>();
for (IAttribute attr : attributes) {
if (null == attr) attributes.remove(attr);
return attributes;
In addition, I have to filter spoiled Attributes. So, are there any ways of refactoring to make this code looks better?
If you have a distinct analyze function for each concrete attribute, with little or no overlap, then your initial code sample may not be all that bad. However, I would then change the signature of the method to boolean analyze().
If there is more overlap in the way attributes are analyzed then you might consider a single method boolean analyze(IAttribute) inside your AttributeAnalyzer class (or in a dedicated class).
To avoid duplication in the code, is there a way to extract to a separate method of the selected code?
class Builder
private final List< UnitIf > unit = new ArrayList<>();
private final List< TimeIf > time = new ArrayList<>();
public Builder withUnit( final UnitIf aUnit )
//Extract to method
if( aUnit != null )
unit.add( aUnit );
return this;
public Builder withTime( final TimeIf aTime )
//Extract to method
if( aTime != null )
time.add( aTime );
return this;
My goal is to simplify the code by eliminating duplication. But the parts of code use different data types.
Add a method
public <T> Builder addIfNonNull(List<T> dst, T x)
if (x != null) {
return this;
and implement withUnit like
public Builder withUnit( final UnitIf aUnit )
return addIfNonNull(unit, aUnit);
and change withTime the same way.
Non-generic version
If you don't want it to be a generic method, just omit the type parameter T and change the type of x to be Object:
public Builder addIfNonNull(List dst, Object x)
if (x != null) {
return this;
Internally, the Java compiler will compile List<T> to just List. I think it is called "type erasure".
I'm writing a function to check multiple conditions in an array, if they are all true then return true.
For example:
public class Attribute {
private final String key;
private final String value;
boolean canContactDogOwner(List<Attribute> attributes) {
boolean hasDog = false;
boolean isSubscribed = false;
boolean isOkToCall = false;
for (var attribute : attributes) {
if (attribute.key().equals("dogName")) {
hasDog = true;
} else if (attribute.key().equals("isSubscribed") && attribute.value().equals("Y")) {
isSubscribed = true;
} else if (attribute.key().equals("okToCall") && attribute.value().equals("Y")) {
isOkToCall = true;
// 1.
return hasDog && isSubscribed && isOkToCall;
void foo() {
List<Attribute> attributes = new ArrayList<>();
attributes.add(new Attribute("isSubscribed", "Y"));
attributes.add(new Attribute("okToCall", "Y"));
attributes.add(new Attribute("mobile", "12345678"));
attributes.add(new Attribute("landline", "1346346"));
attributes.add(new Attribute("email", "white#email.com"));
attributes.add(new Attribute("dogName", "Alex"));
boolean canContact = canContactDogOwner(attributes);
Two questions:
When all conditions are meet, the loop can be break, but if I add a check there, we would be checking every step in the loop, which doesn't look good. Any suggestions?
Is there a better / concise way to do it?
Like following?
boolean canContactDogOwner(List<Attribute> attributes) {
return attributes.stream().allMatch(A,B,C);
You can modify method canContactDogOwner to be like this,
boolean canContactDogOwner(List<Attribute> attributes) {
List<Attribute> conditions = new ArrayList<>();
conditions.add(new Attribute("isSubscribed", "Y"));
conditions.add(new Attribute("okToCall", "Y"));
return attributes.containsAll(conditions) &&
attributes.stream().anyMatch((attribute -> attribute.key.equals("dogName")));
A working and cleaner approach (IMO) will be to use some abstract data type like Map in this case..
static boolean canContactDogOwner(List<Attribute> attributes){
Map<String, String> attributeMap = new HashMap<>(); // empty map
attributes.forEach(attr -> attributeMap.put(attr.getKey(), attr.getValue())); // populate map
return attributeMap.containsKey("dogName") &&
"Y".equals(attributeMap.get("isSubscribed")) &&
"Y".equals(attributeMap.get("okToCall")); // Constant-String-first on equals check to avoid nullPointerExc with less code, yet clean
The code above with the comment is self-explanatory, so not adding details of the code.
But it is worth mentioning that
the complexity is still O(n) like other solutions here, n - number of elements (attribute objects)
flexibility to add or remove more conditions in the return statement
map as a chosen data-type and <Constant>.equals check avoids key validation and nullPointerException respectively.
If you are fascinated with Java-Streams, you can modify the code like this too..
static boolean canContactDogOwner(List<Attribute> attributes){
Map<String, String> attributeMap = attributes.stream()
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Attribute::getKey, Attribute::getValue));
return attributeMap.containsKey("dogName") &&
"Y".equals(attributeMap.get("isSubscribed")) &&
You could check if all condition is meet only when you set a value to true,
it will happen only 3 time.
And more concise way, probably with stream().anyMatch() but i'm not sure it will be more readable
Stream and allMatch(Predicate predicate) is a better way to do it in my opinion, but keep in mind that allMatch() take a Predicate as an argument, so you need to provide one.
I would suggest you encapsulate the attributes and create a class
something like Owner.
public class Owner {
private boolean isSubscribed;
private boolean okToCall;
private String mobile;
private String landline;
private String email;
private Optional<String> dogName;
public Owner(boolean isSubscribed, boolean okToCall, String mobile, String landline, String email, Optional<String> dogName) {
this.isSubscribed = isSubscribed;
this.okToCall = okToCall;
this.mobile = mobile;
this.landline = landline;
this.email = email;
this.dogName = dogName;
public boolean canContact() {
return this.isSubscribed && this.okToCall;
public boolean hasDog() {
return dogName.isPresent();
This way you do not have to deal with the if loops, the Owner object will say if they have a dog and can be contacted, etc.
public static void main(String[] args) {
Owner owner = new Owner(true, true, "12345678", "1346346", "white#email.com", Optional.of("Alex"));
boolean canContact = owner.hasDog() && owner.canContact();
I think you can have two lists of your conditions and attributes and then check whether attributes contain all condition or not.
public static Boolean allConditionsExist(List<String> attributes, List<String> conditions) {
return attributes.containsAll(conditions);
To convert your conditions and attributes to a list you can do something like this.
List<String> conditions = Arrays.asList("dogName","isSubscribed", "okToCall"); // add all your conditions
List<String> attributeKeys = attributes.stream().map(Attribute::getKey).collect(Collectors.toList());
Then call
allConditionExist(attributeKeys, conditions);
Assuming that every attribute is present only once, you could write
boolean canContactDogOwner(List<Attribute> attributes) {
int matches = 0;
for (var attribute : attributes) {
if (attribute.key().equals("dogName")) ||
attribute.key().equals("isSubscribed") && attribute.value().equals("Y") ||
attribute.key().equals("okToCall") && attribute.value().equals("Y"))
if (matches >= 3) {
return true;
return false;
For the stream way you could write a Collector, constructed with a list of Predicates and returning a boolean. Wouldn't be the fastest...
Something like:
public class AllMatch<T> implements Collector<T, Set<Predicate<T>>, Boolean>
private Set<Predicate<T>> filter;
public AllMatch(Predicate<T>... filter)
this.filter = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(filter));
public Supplier<Set<Predicate<T>>> supplier()
return () -> new HashSet<>();
public BinaryOperator<Set<Predicate<T>>> combiner()
return this::combiner;
public Set<Characteristics> characteristics()
return Stream.of(Characteristics.UNORDERED).collect(Collectors.toCollection(HashSet::new));
public Set<Predicate<T>> combiner(Set<Predicate<T>> left, Set<Predicate<T>> right)
return left;
public Set<Predicate<T>> accumulator(Set<Predicate<T>> acc, T t)
filter.stream().filter(f -> f.test(t)).forEach(f ->
return acc;
public Function<Set<Predicate<T>>, Boolean> finisher()
return (s) -> s.equals(filter);
public BiConsumer<Set<Predicate<T>>, T> accumulator()
return this::accumulator;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Integer[] numbers = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8};
System.out.println(Arrays.stream(numbers).collect(new AllMatch<Integer>((i)-> i.equals(5),(i)-> i.equals(6))));
System.out.println(Arrays.stream(numbers).collect(new AllMatch<Integer>((i)-> i.equals(5),(i)-> i.equals(9))));
Please, Is there an elegant and efficient way of doing the following in Post Java 8 i.e.
1. Looping through an arraylist
2. Reading the object
3. Calling different methods of potentially different objects using the values contained in the arraylist items
I did look at streams, switch statement, but it was much messy than my if-else.
Any help will be appreciated. Just looking for continuous improvements
List<JAXBElement<? extends Serializable>> bodyElements = eventRequestBodyTypeSrc.getContent();
for(JAXBElement element: bodyElements){
}else if(element.getName().getLocalPart().equalsIgnoreCase("B")){
}else if(element.getName().getLocalPart().equalsIgnoreCase("C")){
}else if(element.getName().getLocalPart().equalsIgnoreCase("D")){
}else if(element.getName().getLocalPart().equalsIgnoreCase("E")){
I think you have a bit of an XY Problem going on. I would refactor this at a higher level to encapsulate the strings and their related actions. Here's a rough concept using an enum:
enum Action {
A("a") {
void doSomething(Serializable value) {
// ...
B("b") {
void doSomething(Serializable value) {
// ...
private static final Map<String, Action> actionsByName = Arrays.stream(values())
.collect(Collectors.toMap(a -> a.name, a -> a));
private final String name;
Action(String name) {
this.name = name;
abstract void doSomething(Serializable value);
public static void processElement(JAXBElement<? extends Serializable> element) {
Action action = actionsByName.get(element.getName().getLocalPart().toLowerCase());
if (action != null) {
} else {
// ...
As a lean solution I would gather all mappings first as follows:
Map<String, Consumer<Serializable>> dispatchers = new HashMap<>();
dispatchers.put("A", this::methodA);
// etc.
...and dispatch the elements like that:
Consumer<Serializable> dispatcher = dispatchers.get(element.getName().getLocalPart().toUpperCase(Locale.US));
if (dispatcher != null) {
This question seems awkward but we are facing a strange behaviour while retrieving the PropertyDescriptors of a javabean.
Here are the execution results on 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8 of a simple piece of code, compiled with 1.6 compliance.
Java 1.6 execution:
java.beans.PropertyDescriptor#4ddc1428 <- Not important
java.beans.IndexedPropertyDescriptor#7174807e <- Yes I have an indexed property
Java 1.7 execution:
java.beans.PropertyDescriptor[name=class; propertyType=class java.lang.Class; readMethod=public final native java.lang.Class java.lang.Object.getClass()] <- Not important
java.beans.IndexedPropertyDescriptor[name=values; indexedPropertyType=class java.lang.String; indexedReadMethod=public java.lang.String JavaBean.getValues(int)] <- Yes I have an indexed property
Java 1.8 execution:
java.beans.PropertyDescriptor[name=class; propertyType=class java.lang.Class; readMethod=public final native java.lang.Class java.lang.Object.getClass()] <- Not important
java.beans.PropertyDescriptor[name=values; propertyType=interface java.util.List; readMethod=public java.util.List JavaBean.getValues()] <- Ouch! This is not an indexed property anymore!
Why has it changed?
The javabean specs states about accessing a property with an index. It is not said as mandatory to use an array as the container of the indexed property. Am I wrong?
I read the specs and chapter 8.3.3 talks about Design Patterns for Indexed properties, not the strict rule.
How to make the previous behaviour coming back again without refactoring all the app ? < Old application, lot of code to modify, etc...
Thanks for the answers,
JavaBean class
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class JavaBean {
private List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>();
public String getValues(int index) {
return this.values.get(index);
public List<String> getValues() {
return this.values;
Main class
import java.beans.IntrospectionException;
import java.beans.Introspector;
import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor;
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IntrospectionException {
PropertyDescriptor[] descs =
for (PropertyDescriptor pd : descs) {
From JavaBeans 1.01 specification, section 7.2 “Indexed properties”:
A component may also expose an indexed property as a single array value.
Section 8.3 is describing the design patterns which introspection recognizes, in the absence of explicit BeanInfo. Section 8.3.3 is saying that only array properties will trigger automatic recognition of indexed properties.
You're technically correct; it is not mandatory to use an array. But if you don't, the spec says you have to provide your own BeanInfo to expose the property as an indexed property.
So the answer to your question's title is: Yes, Java 1.8 is JavaBean specs compliant.
I'm not sure why List properties were ever supported. Maybe a future JavaBeans specification was going to support them which has since been withdrawn.
As to your final question: I think you'll have to create a BeanInfo class for each class with List properties. I expect you can create a general superclass to make it easier, something like:
public abstract class ListRecognizingBeanInfo
extends SimpleBeanInfo {
private final BeanDescriptor beanDesc;
private final PropertyDescriptor[] propDesc;
protected ListRecognizingBeanInfo(Class<?> beanClass)
throws IntrospectionException {
beanDesc = new BeanDescriptor(beanClass);
List<PropertyDescriptor> desc = new ArrayList<>();
for (Method method : beanClass.getMethods()) {
int modifiers = method.getModifiers();
Class<?> type = method.getReturnType();
if (Modifier.isPublic(modifiers) &&
!Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) &&
!type.equals(Void.TYPE) &&
method.getParameterCount() == 0) {
String name = method.getName();
String remainder;
if (name.startsWith("get")) {
remainder = name.substring(3);
} else if (name.startsWith("is") &&
type.equals(Boolean.TYPE)) {
remainder = name.substring(2);
} else {
if (remainder.isEmpty()) {
String propName = Introspector.decapitalize(remainder);
Method writeMethod = null;
Method possibleWriteMethod =
findMethod(beanClass, "set" + remainder, type);
if (possibleWriteMethod != null &&
possibleWriteMethod.getReturnType().equals(Void.TYPE)) {
writeMethod = possibleWriteMethod;
Class<?> componentType = null;
if (type.isArray()) {
componentType = type.getComponentType();
} else {
Type genType = method.getGenericReturnType();
if (genType instanceof ParameterizedType) {
ParameterizedType p = (ParameterizedType) genType;
if (p.getRawType().equals(List.class)) {
Type[] argTypes = p.getActualTypeArguments();
if (argTypes[0] instanceof Class) {
componentType = (Class<?>) argTypes[0];
Method indexedReadMethod = null;
Method indexedWriteMethod = null;
if (componentType != null) {
Method possibleReadMethod =
findMethod(beanClass, name, Integer.TYPE);
Class<?> idxType = possibleReadMethod.getReturnType();
if (idxType.equals(componentType)) {
indexedReadMethod = possibleReadMethod;
if (writeMethod != null) {
possibleWriteMethod =
findMethod(beanClass, writeMethod.getName(),
Integer.TYPE, componentType);
if (possibleWriteMethod != null &&
Void.TYPE)) {
indexedWriteMethod = possibleWriteMethod;
if (indexedReadMethod != null) {
desc.add(new IndexedPropertyDescriptor(propName,
method, writeMethod,
indexedReadMethod, indexedWriteMethod));
} else {
desc.add(new PropertyDescriptor(propName,
method, writeMethod));
propDesc = desc.toArray(new PropertyDescriptor[0]);
private static Method findMethod(Class<?> cls,
String name,
Class<?>... paramTypes) {
try {
Method method = cls.getMethod(name, paramTypes);
int modifiers = method.getModifiers();
if (Modifier.isPublic(modifiers) &&
!Modifier.isStatic(modifiers)) {
return method;
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
return null;
public BeanDescriptor getBeanDescriptor() {
return beanDesc;
public PropertyDescriptor[] getPropertyDescriptors() {
return propDesc;
I am facing the same issue. I am trying to save StartDate and End date as List from JSP but it is not saved and values are wiped out. In my project, there are start date and end date fields. I debugged BeanUtilsBean then I observed that fields do not have writeMethod. I have added one more setter method for each field in my class and it works.
java.beans.PropertyDescriptor[name=startDateStrings; propertyType=interface java.util.List; readMethod=public java.util.List com.webapp.tradingpartners.TradingPartnerNewForm.getStartDateStrings()]
This is a JavaBeans crapspec problem, which only allows void setters. If you want this-returning setters, then you can't have JavaBeans compatibility and there's nothing Lombok could do about it.
In theory, you could generate two setters, but then you'd have to call them differently and having two setters per field is simply too bad.
<cc:dateInput property='<%= "startDateStrings[" + row + "]" %>' onchange="setPropertyChangedFlag()"/>
<cc:dateInput property='<%= "endDateStrings[" + row + "]" %>' onchange="setPropertyChangedFlag()"/>
public List<String> getStartDateStrings() {
return startDateStrings;
public String getStartDateStrings(int index) {
return startDateStrings.get(index);
public void setStartDateStrings(int index, String value) {
startDateStrings.set(index, value);
public List<String> getEndDateStrings() {
return endDateStrings;
public String getEndDateStrings(int index) {
return endDateStrings.get(index);
public void setEndDateStrings(int index, String value) {
endDateStrings.set(index, value);
I'm needing to get a unique method identifier to use as a key on a HashMap.
I'm trying to do something using stacktrace and reflection and user the method signature. But the problem is I didn´t find a way to retrive the complete method signature (to avoid methods overload).
I would like that somethink like this works:
public class Class1 {
HashMap<String, Object> hm;
public Class1() {
hm = new HashMap<String, Object>();
public Object method() {
if (!containsKey()) {
Object value;
return get();
public Object method(String arg1) {
if (!containsKey()) {
Object value;
return get();
public Boolean containsKey() {
if (hm.containsKey(Util.getUniqueID(2)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public void put(Object value) {
hm.put(Util.getUniqueID(2), value);
public Object get() {
String key = Util.getUniqueID(2);
if (hm.containsKey(key) {
return hm.get(key);
} else {
return null;
class Util {
public static String getUniqueID(Integer depth) {
StackTraceElement element = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[depth];
return element.getClassName() + ":" + element.getMethodName();
But the problem is the two methods, with this strategy, will have the same ID.
How can I work around?
You can append + ":" + element.getLineNumber() but you'd still have to worry about the case where two overloaded methods are put on one long line.
Looking at the StackTraceElement methods, it doesn't seem possible to get a unique method identifier this way. Besides, the code is not very readable in my opinion.
I'd suggest you try to be more explicit and do
if (hm.containsKey("getValue(int)") {
or something similar.