I have 10 MP4 files which I am embedding in my application. When I open my application in Edge, i am able to play all the 10 files smoothly, but in chrome, they don't work properly. I have to refresh the browser couple of time, to make them work.
Though, they work fine if I open the MP4 link directly on chrome.Any idea why they don't work properly on chrome. I am using Vaadin to build my application
I also noticed, if keep only 6 videos, then they work fine. If I put more than 6, then I start seeing the issue
seems to be a known issue stackoverflow.com/questions/25249578
To start off, I am launching a jar over Java webstart and it has worked fine on all browsers in my lab. An issue arises where, at a customer site with all their various IT restrictions, it only seems to work on Chrome but fails on IE and Safari browsers.
I launch the jnlp via an html file through the browser. The link I used was:
<script src="https://www.java.com/js/deployJava.js"></script>
Launch ApplicationApplication</a>
I attempted to change this to:
<script src="https://www.java.com/js/deployJava.js"></script>
Launch Application
Reason being is my company has another webstart app that works in all browsers at this customer's site and their link looks more like the replacement.
So what I'm seeing with the replacement is that the JNLP is not being launched from the browser but instead being downloaded locally. When launched it attempts to find the jar relative to where it was downloaded. Not sure what I'm missing and why it is trying to download instead of launch via webstart?
Any ideas? Thank you!
I have been fighting with this a lot in the past. So couple of rules in general needs to be followed in order to go smoothly.
make sure your URL where jnlp sits is not cached, maybe you need to develop some Pragma No Cache, etc. things on the server so it doesn't treat it as static resource
clear cache of JNLP, see https://www.java.com/en/download/help/plugin_cache.xml
Check the shortcut icon on Desktop(assuming OS is windows), sometimes it creates crappy shortcuts, you can edit the shortcut and put always your URL, not the cached one
if that doesn't help you need to upgrade or downgrade java, depending on the case
In the past I even made special script which was downloaded and executed on client machine to fix the shortcuts .lnk files because of this buggy java functionality.
for days now I'm having a lot of issues of IE 11 with Java.
On my father's computer there's an Intranet Java app that works only with IE, not any other browser.
Until couple of days ago it worked almost perfect. I tried updating Java and since then it doesn't work with IE 11.
No Solution
I tried a lot Googling and looked for other peoples similar problems, none of the solutions people offered has worked for me.
I tried un-installing and re-installing many times. At first the Java was completely blocked, now I have installed an older version (Java 7) which works when I go to java.com and do the Verify Java Version.
However when I open the app (which opens through IE 11) I get this 404 message.
Other Browsers
In FireFox it actually opens the screen IE should open using Java, however the rest of the program is not compatible with FireFox so I am forced to use Java. But it shows that the problem is definitely in the hook of Java with IE but I can't figure out what it is.
As same as the title, is that possible to achieve this right now. Since I have already had application that works on web browser. I want to create a java version app which just simply load the URL and performs most of the functionality as the web browser.
I have tried to use JavaFx webEngine, it can show the content of the page, but it does not support upload or download. For simplicity reason, I do not wish to rewrite code to handle upload/download or even more duplicate stuffs in feature.
I have tried JDIC, but seems it is abandon project and I have got such error:
org.jdesktop.jdic.init.JdicInitException: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jdic in java.library.path
I do add the jdic.jar which I download from nowhere to the lib path.
I also tried this link (http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/514/Embed-ActiveX-controls-inside-Java-GUI), but it is from 10 years ago and some components have been remove from JDK.
Any help will be appreciated!
I'm having a problem printing line graphs from AMCharts.
On my page, the chart is right, but when I try to print it, some spaces are blank.
For example, this image shows how I see the image on my page:
When I try to print it (CTRL + P), some spaces are blank. Look this image:
The problem happens only with IE8 or lower.
In IE9 and IE10 this problem happens when I put in compatibility mode.
In other browsers it works OK.
I need it working in IE8. We have some terminal servers running Windows Server 2003 and can not update the version of IE.
Using another browser is not possible either, because we need multisession and only IE provides this option. We plan to upgrade our servers to a new version of Windows, but it will require some time, and I'm looking for a quick fix.
From what I researched, the amCharts builds the graphics using SVG.
However, in IE8 (or IE9~IE10 using compatibility mode) it uses VML.
Is there any way to make it work with IE8?
Or convert the VML code generated to an Image using Java (language used in the system)?
I researched but dont find anything that can help me.
Is there anything I can do to make it work properly in IE8?
I've been learning java for a while. I recently decided it's time to leave the simple console applications and start making applets. Everything is great so far except the fact that I can't find a way to run any applet made in eclipse on either of my browsers.
I downloaded this example to make sure everything is alright and it still renders the very same result when loaded in the browser.
When I open the html file the only thing in the tab is the border of the applet and the line "Error: click for details" top left. After I click the Java Console comes up and all that it says under the block of key instructions is:
Detected from bootclasspath: C:\PROGRA~1\Java\jre7\lib\deploy.jar
I don't even know if this is any sort of error report or just a notification... after the console is cleared it won't come up again...
I tried with: IE 8 and Chromium 17 on winxp 32
Applets on webpages run fine.
Please help me! This makes me very sad. The fact that I don't know anything about JRE and whether it needs any further configuration after installation gives me hope that there might be a simple and trivial solution to my issue.
Not too sure what your issue is right now. That's not an error report, just saying that deploy.jar, from the JRE, is being used.
When you say the example "renders the very same result" what result is that?
Can you properly run the "this example" you posted?
Are you compiling the project properly into a jar?
Are those jars in the same directory?