Hibernate 5 plugin does not consider fileName in <outputDirectory/> configuration - java

I'm upgrading to Hibernate 5 and found this plugin :-
But when we run this, it does not create my file with name "hibernate-schema.sql", it creates it as directory and file name is as dialect name "sqlserver2008.sql".
Is there any way i can configure it to create my file as named "hibernate-schema.sql".

It doesn't look possible with that plugin.
The documentation for the gen-ddl goal shows only that the output directory is configurable.
Also, the source code for the mojo only has code to construct a file name based on the dialect and it does not read any options other than the output directory.
Can you change the code that is relying on a certain filename to look for the dialect name instead?


Maven Checkstyle Plugin - Change location of file checkstyle-checker.xml in ${project.build.directory}

Trying to clean up my ${project.build.directory}, I noticed that maven-checkstyle-plugin puts three files into my target folder: checkstyle-checker.xml, checkstyle-cachefile and checkstyle-result.xml.
I was able to redirect the last two into their own folder target/checkstyle:
<cacheFile default-value="${project.build.directory}/checkstyle/checkstyle-cachefile"/>
<outputFile default-value="${project.build.directory}/checkstyle/checkstyle-result.xml">${checkstyle.output.file}</outputFile>
All I could find about checkstyle-checker is under propertiesLocation.
There is says:
If successfully resolved, the contents of the properties location is copied into the ${project.build.directory}/checkstyle-checker.properties file before being passed to Checkstyle for loading.
Can I change the location the contents of the properties location are copied into? Or is there another way to make the plugin write the checkstyle-checker.xml file into my custom folder target/checkstyle?
You cannot change the location of ${project.build.directory}/checkstyle-checker.properties without modifying/overwriting the plugin.
The documentation sounds clear regarding this point.
A gaze into the source code reveals, that checkstyle-checker.properties is hard coded. ... and the path (${project.build.directory}) is "deep in" maven/plexus.
Same applies to (the location of) checkstyle-checker.xml: DefaultCheckstyleExecutor.java#L723

How to create an additional JAR for a specific folder with maven

I have a maven project, I need to generate three separate jars
one for the main application (default)
one for the source code (maven-source-plugin)
and one for my app documentation which reside in target/docs
Question: How can I create a jar containing only the target/docs folder?
You could add the following to your maven pom.xml file, build/plugins section:
Which is basically:
Using the maven-jar-plugin, jar goal to pack a new artefact for the project
Adding (or attaching) it as a classifier (docs suffix appended to the normal convention for project artefacts, e.g. artifactId-version.jar)
Setting the target\docs as source of files, using the standard ${project.build.directory} property instead of target (which is its value by default)
mvn clean package
You would then have as part of the output
The jar file normally created, e.g. sample-project-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
The new docs file, e.g. sample-project-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-docs.jar

Maven: run plugin twice during a phase, interleaved with another plugin

For our end-2-end test we need to execute the following logical flow:
Create and set up e2e schema (user) in the database (pre-integration-test)
Run Liquibase to initially populate the schema (pre-integration-test)
Add e2e-specific test data to the DB tables (pre-integration-test)
Start Tomcat (pre-integration-test)
Run the web application in Tomcat (integration-test) using Protractor
Shut down Tomcat (post-integration-test)
Clean up the DB: drop the schema (post-integration-test)
For running SQL the sql-maven-plugin is used, however this flow doesn't fit the regular POM layout:
The SQL plugin has to run during pre-integration-test twice, before and after the liquibase-maven-plugin
The SQL plugin has to run before Tomcat plugin during pre-integration-test, however it has to run after during post-integration-test, so that the DB schema is dropped after Tomcat has shut down.
As far as I could conclude from Maven docs, the order of plugins in the POM defines the order of execution during the same phase, and a plugin cannot be mentioned twice in the same POM.
Question: Is there any way to achieve this, apart from writing a shell script that would invoke Maven multiple times?
P.S. found a similar unanswered question.
Given the sample POM below:
<echo message="hello there!" />
<echo message="hello there 2!" />
We are actually configuring:
The maven-antrun-plugin to print the hello there! message
The exec-maven-plugin to print the hello-from-exec message
The maven-antrun-plugin to print the hello there 2! message
Goal executions are all attached to the same phase, validate, and we would expect to be executed in the same defined order.
However, when invoking (the -q option is used to have exactly and only their output):
mvn validate -q
we would have as output:
[echo] hello there!
[echo] hello there 2!
That is, for the same phase, Maven executed the defined plugins, however merging all of the defined executions for the same plugins (even if defined as different plugin sections) and then execute them in the order to merged definitions.
Unfortunately, there is no mechanism to avoid this merging. The only options we have for configuring plugins execution behaviors are:
The inherited configuration entry:
true or false, whether or not this plugin configuration should apply to POMs which inherit from this one. Default value is true.
The combine.children and combine.self to
control how child POMs inherit configuration from parent POMs by adding attributes to the children of the configuration element.
None of these options would help us. In this case we would need a kind of merge attribute on the execution element or have a different behavior by default (that is, Maven should respect the definition order).
Invoking the single executions from command line as below:
mvn antrun:run#print-hello exec:exec#exec-echo antrun:run#print-hello-2 -q
We would instead have the desired output:
[echo] hello there!
[echo] hello there 2!
But in this case:
We are not attached to any phase
We are invoking directly specific executions (and their configurations) via command line (and via a new feature only available since Maven 3.3.1
You can achieve exactly the same via scripting or via exec-maven-plugin invoking maven itself, but - again - the same would apply: no phase applied, only sequence of executions.

Maven: Replace token in source file before compilation

I want to replace a token #NAME# in a source file (in my case *.java) before compilation.
I try to use google replacer plugin but I am open for anything which will help me.
The pom file look like this
<value>New content</value>
But after I run mvn package the output is:
--- replacer:1.5.3:replace (default) # MyProject --- [INFO] Replacement run on 0 file.
Because there is no error I do not know what I have done wrong.
Defined phase is wrong
Defined include is wrong
I think there are two options.
If you keep using the plugin I think you need to add the ${basedir} to the include statement:
If you dont want to modify the file in src/main but filter the file and add that one to the build you can use the standard resource filtering and the buildhelper plugin to add those "generated sources" to the build.
So step one would be using resource filtering to copy the file: http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-resources-plugin/examples/filter.html
And then use the http://www.mojohaus.org/build-helper-maven-plugin/ to add those sources to the build.
Some IDEs (IntelliJ) will recognize /target/genereated-sources automatically if you keep using that folder (its not standard but very common). If you search for "maven" and "generated-sources" you will find quite some tutorials.
Hope this helps :)
While this is something you usually should not do in the first place, sometimes you have no choice (in my case it was "converting" an old project to Maven with changing as little of the code as possible). The above somehow did not work (while I could replace a placeholder in the source file and add the generated-sources folder to be compiled, it complained about duplicate source files).
Then I found an easier way by using the templating-maven-plugin as described here http://www.mojohaus.org/templating-maven-plugin/examples/source-filtering.html:
Put the file with the placeholder in the folder /src/main/java-templates. Excerpt from my source code:
public static final String APPLICATION_VERSION = "r${project.version}";
Add the following to your pom's plugins section:

Extend properties file by including another properties file. Maven

Can I use 'include' option (or something like this) to include any properties file to another properties file?
So,I have two properties files:
1. "firstPropertiesFile" which contains the next string:
include = secondPropertiesFile #it's path to second property file
"secondPropertiesFile" which contains the next string:
key = value
Also I have resource file (file which will be filtered by resources:resources goal) contains:
When I invoke resources:resources goal, I expect the next steps:
Resources plugin look into firstPropertiesFile file and see that it contains refer to another properties file.
The plugin go to reference (path to second property file) and see necessary key and gets value (in our case- value).
But this way doesn't work in maven. Could you hint me how to realize this?
P.S. This option is supported in Apache Commons Configuration: http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-configuration/userguide/howto_properties.html
("Includes" chapter).
There is nothing built in to standard Java Properties to do this, you need to code it if you want this or use a library which does this already.
In Maven, you can achieve something very similar Properties Maven Plugin.
I will not support the include semantics you are expecting, but it can compose a properties file from multiple sources. The example bellow will combine two properties files, which you can access from allprops.properties. This is especially useful when different sets of properties files must be used in different systems or environments.

