I'm trying to compile a project with Gradle, but when I run it I get a ClassLoader error saying that classes in my compile dependencies cannot be found. I see from here that it is possible to include external dependencies in a 'fat jar' through editing the jar group in build.gradle:
jar {
from { configurations.compile.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) } }
However, I don't particularly want to package as a jar. Is it possible to do something similar when compiling to an exploded directory?
Also, a second question springs to mind: reflecting on making a 'fat jar' and thinking about the modules system in Java 9, how would one go about compiling external dependencies into modular jars using Gradle?
I am not sure if this is duplicate but i couldnt find similar question.
I have a build.gradle file in the MainApp. which has dependencies on another project. Currently look like the below.
dependencies {
compile project(':TestAPI')
the TestAPI itself is another project, and it includes its own build.gradle file. How Can i make the MainApp's build.gradle to call the TestAPI build.gradle first and then use the output jar file as its own dependency?
You might ask why I want to do this. because each of these projects are an individual repository in the gitlab, and I do have CICD pipeline, when I trigger the MainApp pipeline, I want it to compile the TestAPP pipeline first and use its jar as dependency and then proceed with MainApp pipeline.
Any hints or suggestion is highly appreciate.
#Emily Wong try see this link
I think you could work with multi-modules in gradle and build MainApp and gradle will build and include TestAPI module naturally.
Note: check if MainApp are including all dependencies into final jar ( gradle modules and other implementation dependencies )
Eg. if you need create a MainApp.jar with all dependencies as a fatJar try to add this task in MainApp/build.gradle
jar {
// if you have main class
manifest {
attributes "Main-Class": "${mainClassName}"
duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE
from { configurations.compileClasspath.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) } }
I've tried everything by now, so I hope someone in here can tell me more...
Im trying to produce an executable .jar from a IntelliJ Gradle JavaFX project. I used the standard setup that IntelliJ provided, I changed the Gradle.build file however.
The new file I got from here: Non-Modular Gradle (openjfx.io)
I have a main class that has some basic code in it and a launcher class that does not extend Application and is specified as the Main class in the jar manifest.
For now I only use javafx.controls and basically everything is as the example they provided here.
When doing the ./gradlew jar command I get the error:
no module-info.java found
Which - as I understand - is not required if I use the Non-Modular approach?
However if I add it I get the error:
Entry module-info.class is a duplicate but no duplicate handling strategy has been set.
I tried every other option out there, all of them lead to either the 2. error or the jar was produced but not executable due to the fact that it can't find the Application class...
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I just want to point out that I've never really used Gradle before and have never formally learned any coding, but can fiddle my way around usually.
For the sake if it my build file:
plugins {
id 'application'
id 'org.openjfx.javafxplugin' version '0.0.9' // this is old right?
repositories {
dependencies {
/* uncomment for cross-platform jar: */
runtimeOnly "org.openjfx:javafx-graphics:$javafx.version:win"
runtimeOnly "org.openjfx:javafx-graphics:$javafx.version:linux"
runtimeOnly "org.openjfx:javafx-graphics:$javafx.version:mac"
javafx {
version = "16"
modules = [ 'javafx.controls' ]
mainClassName = 'main.class.with.Code'
jar {
manifest {
attributes 'Main-Class': 'main.class.with.Launcher'
from {
// this is what causes the module duplicate error I think (at least it did in my other tries)
configurations.runtimeClasspath.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) }
Using gradle 5.4 with a project dependency from external folder in a netbeans project.
The external folder contains resources like images, xml and custom objects that can only be created by this netbeans project. These external assets are then used to create binary files that get packed into a separate jar by that netbeans project.
These same external resources are also used during runtime for development in the gradle project. While I need the resources for development in the gradle project, I do not need or want them to be included in any jars anywhere for any reason when using the task build command because only the binaries are needed for distribution.
How to exclude the external resources from any and all jar files in the gradle project but allow them to be used for the classPath so I can run the project?
Some code examples of failure.
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'application'
apply plugin: 'idea'
sourceSets {
main {
resources {
srcDir '../ExternalResourceFolder/assets'
jar {
dependencies {
runtimeOnly files('../ExternalResourceFolder/assets')
jar {
distributions {
main {
contents {
exclude '../ExternalResourceFolder/assets/**'
Tried many more things like adding to classPath and exclude but it would just be clutter to add them. Changing from sourceSet to dependency only moves the problem around from "build/lib" folder to "build/distributions" folder.
Had to exclude per file type in the end.
sourceSets {
main {
resources {
srcDir '.'
exclude ('**/*.j3odata','**/*.mesh','**/*.skeleton',\
So I have a multi project setup that looks something like this
Root Project
--> common
--> project1
--> project2
--> 3rd_party_api
So common obviously contains a bunch of code shared across the other projects. Projects 1 and 2 are fine because they are wars and contain the common jar file as a dependency without any issues.
The problem I have is with my 3rd_party_api project. This is quite a small jar file that we will be delivering to other teams so that they can integrate with our code. Most of the java code required is contained in this project folder however there are 3 or 4 classes that are in the common project and need to be included in this library. Because it has to be standalone I need to wrap those classes in the jar file.
I have tried various iterations of srcDirs and source but I can't for the life of me figure out an easy way to do this.
As I've said I've looked at different approaches but my latest attempt looked a bit like this:
project(':api') {
defaultTasks 'jar'
apply plugin: 'java'
sourceSets {
main {
java {
srcDir 'src/main/java'
srcDir fileTree(dir: '../common/src/main/java').matching { include 'com/my/classes/**' }
dependencies {
compile project(':common')
This compiles successfully but the extra classes from common are not included in the jar.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks Dirk,
Didn't quite work for me but got me thinking about other approaches. I eventually got it to do what I needed using a custom jar task. Something like the following:
defaultTasks 'lib'
dependencies {
compile project(':common')
task lib( type: Jar, dependsOn: classes) {
from sourceSets.main.output
from (project(':common').sourceSets.main.output) {
include 'com/myclasses/stuff/**'
include 'com/specificclass/MyClass.class'
maybe something like:
jar {
baseName = 'yourJarFileName'
from('path/to/your/dir/') {
include 'local/path/from/there/**/*.jar'
didn't checked this ... so don't blame me if it does not work out of the box ;)
other possibility would be to define your custom sourceSets ... but never tried this either.
I am using Gradle for my Java project and I was wondering if it's possible to prevent gradle build from creating a jar file each time executed.
Also, is it possible to have a custom task for creating the Jar with dependencies at a specific location build/myAppJar/.
Here's what I have so far for the custom task:
task toJar (type: Jar) {
from configurations.compile.collect { zipTree it }
manifest {
attributes 'Implementation-Title': 'myApp',
'Implementation-Version': 1.0,
'Main-Class': mainClassName
The above code will create the jar file under build/libs, and the file does not contain the compiled files, only the dependencies.
Thank you!
The build task comes from the java plugin. You can control when a jar is built with something like this:
jar {
onlyIf { condition }
You can set jar to be built when you declare something else to be true, or hard set it to false to never build a jar.
You can include sourcesets in your toJar custom task, to include compiled files into your jar.
task toJar (type: Jar) {
from sourceSets.all
You are explicitly calling for all compile time dependencies to be included in the jar here: from configurations.compile.collect
ref: Gradle java plugin