Spring Pageable doesn't work for ordering - java

On the internet I found that Spring can do pagination as well as ordering for a list of data retrieved from the database. Accordingly, I created my test class as following:
public void testPageable() {
int pageSize = 5;
Sort sort = new Sort( Direction.DESC, "someColumnA" );
Pageable pageable = new PageRequest( 0, pageSize, sort );
List<SomeObject> listOFSomeObject = getDao().getListData( "paramOne", pageable );
When I analyze the List I never get ordering of someColumnA in a DESC fashion, although I get back only 5 records which is correct.
Can someone please let me know what I might be doing wrong? Just as an FYI, I am using Hibernate for database access and Spring named query.
Code for getListData()->
public interface SomeRepository
extends JpaRepository<EntityMappedViaHibernate, String> {
List<Object[]> getListData( #Param(value = PARAM_ONE) final String paramOne, Pageable pageable );
My Hibernate entity is as follows:
#NamedQueries(value = {
#NamedQuery(name = "SomeRepository.getListData", query = "select id, someColumnA from EntityMappedViaHibernate where id = :paramOne")
#Table(name = "entity_mapped_via_hibernate")
public class EntityMappedViaHibernate implements Serializable {
// Code Omitted on purpose

So those of you who are struggling like me the solution to this problem is that you need to have the query inside the Repository. In my case it has to be inside the SomeRepository. So in the code of the repo do the following:
public interface SomeRepository
extends JpaRepository<EntityMappedViaHibernate, String> {
#Query("select id, someColumnA from EntityMappedViaHibernate where id = :paramOne")
List<Object[]> getListData( #Param(value = PARAM_ONE) final String paramOne, Pageable pageable );
No need to have the NamedQuery inside the EntityMappedViaHibernate. That's it!!
Hope someone find the answer and do not struggle like I did.


Elasticsearch QueryBuilder: find by ids and prefix

I'm implementing custom repository based on Spring Data Elasticsearch:
#Document(indexName = "product", createIndex = false)
public class ProductDocument implements Serializable {
private String id;
private String name;
public List<ProductDocument> findByIdsAndName(List<String> productIds, String name) {
Query query = new NativeSearchQueryBuilder()
.withQuery(QueryBuilders.prefixQuery("name", name))
return operations.search(query, clazz, indexCoordinates)
The problem I'm facing is that the query is not working, e.g. I save into ES items like
and then call the method
assertThat(productRepository.findByIdsAndName(List.of("1", "2"), "Pika")).hasSize(2);
repository method returns an empty list and assertion fails. I've also tried to implement query like
Query query = new NativeSearchQueryBuilder()
.withQuery(QueryBuilders.prefixQuery("name", name))
but it fails either. The problem seems to be about prefixQuery because when I remove it the query works.
What am I doing wrong?
Are you sure the id is the _id elasticsearch also searches for. It could be that it is a property of the document but the actual id is something else.
I had this issue. So I stored a document with an id attribute but elasticsearch assigned an id itself which had nothing to do with the id of the document.
Maybe try with postman or a restcall to check what exactly is inside elasticsearch after saveAll.
I've found a work-around:
public List<ProductDocument> findByIdsAndName(Collection<String> productIds, String name) {
BoolQueryBuilder queryBuilder = new BoolQueryBuilder();
queryBuilder.must(QueryBuilders.matchBoolPrefixQuery("name", name));
Query query = new NativeSearchQueryBuilder().withQuery(queryBuilder).build();
return operations.search(query, clazz, indexCoordinates)
Still I think that this is a bug. I've filed an issue here: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-data-elasticsearch/issues/2188
Let's wait for maintainer's response.

Expose endpoint with native query without creating entity

I want to run some native queries and expose the results through endpoints, but I want to do this without having to create all the entities. I just want the data obtained from the database to be exposed as it comes.
I found some suggestions at: Create spring repository without entity
However, I was not able to make them work. I'm very new to Spring.
I tried Maciej Kowalski's solution like this:
public interface CustomNativeRepository {
Object runNativeQuery();
public class CustomNativeRepositoryImpl implements CustomNativeRepository {
private EntityManager entityManager;
public Object runNativeQuery() {
return entityManager.createNativeQuery(
SELECT 1 as col1, 2 as col2, 3 as col3
However, no endpoints were exposed, as happens when you extend CrudRepository. Should I have done something else with CustomNativeRepositoryImpl? I don't know how to proceed.
I also tried Gagarwa's solution:
public class RootEntity {
private Integer id;
public interface RootEntityRepository extends JpaRepository<RootEntity, Integer> {
#Query(value = """
SELECT 1 as col1, 2 as col2, 3 as col3
UNION ALL SELECT 7, 8, 9""",
nativeQuery = true)
public Collection<Object> findFromCustomQuery();
The endpoint http://localhost:8080/rootEntities was exposed, but when I accessed it, I got the exception: "Relation root_entity does not exist". So, I created the table in the database:
create table root_entity(
After that, the endpoint worked, and returned an empty array (the table root_entity is empty in the database).
I tried to access the endpoint: http://localhost:8080/rootEntities/search/findFromCustomQuery, but I got an exception (Couldn't find PersistentEntity for type class).
Again, I was not able to make it work.
After trying a lot, I made some progress doing the following:
public class CustomQueryController {
private EntityManager entityManager;
public Object runNativeQuery() {
return ResponseEntity
SELECT 1 as col1, 2 as col2, 3 as col3
With the code above, I can access http://localhost:8080/myEndpoint and see the result of the query.
However, the endpoint didn't appear in the endpoints listing that is showed in http://localhost:8080/. I had to type it manually in the browser. I would like the endpoint to be exposed in order to see it in Swagger.
Also, I have a feeling that there must be a better way to do this. And I want to learn.
I would like help to:
Get a solution that works and exposes the endpoint.
Understand what I did wrong and how to implement Kowalski's and Gagarwa's solutions.
Being able to expose the endpoint for the last solution (CustomQueryController).
Thanks in advance!
try changing your CustomQueryController to implement RepresentationModelProcessor
public class CustomQueryController implements RepresentationModelProcessor<RepresentationModel<RepositoryLinksResource>> {
and implementing the process method with:
public RepresentationModel<RepositoryLinksResource> process(RepresentationModel<RepositoryLinksResource> model) {
if (model instanceof RepositoryLinksResource) {
model.add(Link.of( "http://localhost:8080" + "/myEndpoint", "myEndpoint"));
return model;
I tried the first example that you have put here and it worked for me. But there is a bit of change. I have used PersistenceContext.
To return a Link as response I have used Link of WebMvcLinkBuilder.
In the below example I have used two tables Employee and Address in PostgresSQL . Both have area_code in common.
public interface CustomNativeRepository {
List<Object> runNativeQuery(Integer name);
public class CustomNativeRepositoryImpl implements CustomNativeRepository {
Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
private EntityManager entityManager;
public List<Object> runNativeQuery(Integer areaCode) {
Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(
"Select e.first_name as name from employees e where e.area_code = ? "
+ "union all " +
"Select a.address as address from address a where a.area_code = ?");
query.setParameter(1, areaCode);
query.setParameter(2, areaCode);
List<Object> response = query.getResultList();
logger.info("Response from database: {}", response);
return response;
RestEndpoint Layer
#GetMapping(path ="/employee/{areaCode}")
public ResponseEntity<?> getEmployeeByCode(#PathVariable(value = "areaCode") Integer areaCode) throws NoSuchMethodException {
List<Object> response = customCustomerRepository.runNativeQuery(areaCode);
Link link = WebMvcLinkBuilder.linkTo(WebMvcLinkBuilder.methodOn(EmployeeController.class).getEmployeeByCode(areaCode)).withSelfRel();
return ResponseEntity.ok().body(CollectionModel.of(response, link));
Few examples which may help. link1   link2
Note: I have not created any Entity classes in my code base.

Filtering in Spring Data JPA Repository using QueryDSL with a nullable foreign key

I've been having this issue where I am unable to properly filter on a table using querydsl which has a nullable foreign key. I stripped down my use case into a very simple scenario.
Say we have 2 entities, MyEntity and TimeRangeEntity. My Entity only has an ID and a foreign key to the TimeRangeEntity. The TimeRangeEntity only has a start and an end time and an ID. BaseEntity, that these both extend from, only has the ID set with the #Id annotation.
#Table(name = "TEST_OBJECT")
public class MyEntity extends BaseEntity {
#OneToOne(cascade = { CascadeType.MERGE, CascadeType.PERSIST })
private TimeRangeEntity actionTime;
public TimeRangeEntity getActionTime() {
return actionTime;
public void setActionTime(TimeRangeEntity actionTime) {
this.actionTime = actionTime;
public class TimeRangeEntity extends BaseEntity {
#Column(name = "START_TIME")
private Instant startTime;
#Column(name = "END_TIME")
private Instant endTime;
public Instant getStartTime() {
return startTime;
public void setStartTime(Instant startTime) {
this.startTime = startTime;
public Instant getEndTime() {
return endTime;
public void setEndTime(Instant endTime) {
this.endTime = endTime;
I've constructed a default method in my repository to run a findAll with a predicate using querydsl to build the SQL syntax
public interface MyRepository extends JpaRepository<MyEntity, Long>, QueryDslPredicateExecutor<MyEntity> {
default Page<MyEntity> paginateFilter(PaginationInfo info, String filter){
int page = info.getOffset() > 0 ? info.getOffset() / info.getLimit() : 0;
PageRequest pageRequest = new PageRequest(page, info.getLimit(), new Sort(new Sort.Order(info.getSortDirection(), info.getSortProperty())));
return findAll(createFilterPredicate(filter, myEntity), pageRequest);
default Predicate createFilterPredicate(String filter, QMyEntity root){
BooleanBuilder filterBuilder = new BooleanBuilder();
return filterBuilder.getValue();
I also wrote a test that should work given the code presented. What I'm trying to do is just filter based on ID. The caveat is that the FK to the TimeRange can be null. I'll note that this a contrived example to get my point across and the solution can't really be "just enforce the FK is not null."
#DataJpaTest(showSql = false)
#ContextConfiguration(classes = TestConfig.class)
public class MyRepositoryTest {
private MyRepository sut;
private static final int count = 3;
public void setup(){
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++){
sut.save(new MyEntity());
public void testPaginationWithStringFilter(){
PaginationInfo info = new PaginationInfo();
Page<MyEntity> page = sut.paginateFilter(info, "1");
assertEquals(1, page.getTotalElements());
page = sut.paginateFilter(info, "10");
assertEquals(0, page.getTotalElements());
The problem that I'm running into is that it isn't filtering on the ID if the FK is null. All I'm doing when I save is setting the ID. I know the problem is because I can see the filtering work properly when I comment out the line filterBuilder.or(root.actionTime.startTime.isNotNull()); but it doesn't work when I have that in.
This generates the following queries. The first is for the "working" filtering where I can filter based on ID (line commented out). The second is for the filtering with the actionTime included.
select myentity0_.id as id2_38_, myentity0_.action_time_id as action_t3_38_ from test_object myentity0_ where lower(cast(myentity0_.id as char)) like ? escape '!' order by myentity0_.id asc limit ?
select myentity0_.id as id2_38_, myentity0_.action_time_id as action_t3_38_ from test_object myentity0_ cross join time_range_entity timerangee1_ where myentity0_.action_time_id=timerangee1_.id and (lower(cast(myentity0_.id as char)) like ? escape '!' or timerangee1_.start_time is not null) order by myentity0_.id asc limit ?
Looking at this, I'm almost certain that this is due to the snipper cross join time_range_entity timerangee1_ where myentity0_.action_time_id=timerangee1_.id since it validates that the entities match, which they cannot if the range foreign key is null.
I've been pulling my hair out trying to get this conditional working that only checks the time range's table properties IF the FK is not null but I cannot find a way using querydsl. Any advice/guidance/code snippets would be stellar.
EDIT: Just translating to straight SQL, I got this query for the generated JPQL(translated to this example since I used it with real data):
select * from test_object cross join time_range range where test_object.action_time_id=range.id and lower(cast(test_object.id as char)) like '%1%';
With a null FK, that didn't return a row as expected. Changing this to a left join from a cross join ended up working properly.
select * from test_object left join time_range on test_object.action_time_id=time_range.id where lower(cast(test_object.id as char)) like '%1%';
With that, is there any way to specify a left join with the querydsl predicate executor? This seems like it'd be the solution to my problem!
Try to use Specification instead of Predicate
private Specification<QMyEntity> createFilterPredicate(final String filter, final QMyEntity root) {
return new Specification<QMyEntity>() {
public Predicate toPredicate(Root<QMyEntity> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query,
CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder) {
Join<Object, Object> actionTime = root.join("actionTime", JoinType.LEFT);
return criteriaBuilder.or(criteriaBuilder.like(criteriaBuilder.lower(root.get("id")), "%" + filter + "%"), criteriaBuilder.isNotNull(actionTime.get("startTime")));

Getting a list of results by using CRUD Repository

I am new to using CRUD Repository.
I have a database table with three columns:
course_id, name, course
I want to get a list of course_id give name, example,
SELECT id FROM table WHERE name='charmaine';
However, I do not want to do it with query but using crud repository.
There is an error shown in my controller.
May I know there is this error?
My controller
#GetMapping(value = "getting/{name}")
public String getting(#PathVariable("name") String name) {
List<CourseMaster> getIds = CourseService.findIdByName(Name); —> error icon here
return getIds; —> error icon here
public List<CourseMaster> findIdByName(String Name) {
return CourseMasterRepo.findByName(Name);
public interface CourseMasterRepo extends CrudRepository<CourseMaster, Long> {
List<CourseMaster> findByName(String Name);
You have to autowired service class in your controller like.
CourseService courseService;
#GetMapping(value = "getting/{name}")
public String getting(#PathVariable("name") String name) {
List<CourseMaster> getIds = courseService.findIdByName(Name);
return getIds;
if your code is done in java spring you must use hql language in hibernate, that is a interface of sql query.
hql query that use lambda expression is very simple and useful.
For example,
String hql = "FROM Employee E WHERE E.id = 10";
Query query = session.createQuery(hql);
List results = query.list();

Filtering database rows with spring-data-jpa and spring-mvc

I have a spring-mvc project that is using spring-data-jpa for data access. I have a domain object called Travel which I want to allow the end-user to apply a number of filters to it.
For that, I've implemented the following controller:
private TravelRepository travelRep;
public ModelAndView search(
#RequestParam(required= false, defaultValue="") String lastName,
Pageable pageable) {
ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView("travels/list");
Page<Travel> travels = travelRep.findByLastNameLike("%"+lastName+"%", pageable);
PageWrapper<Travel> page = new PageWrapper<Travel>(travels, "/search");
mav.addObject("page", page);
mav.addObject("lastName", lastName);
return mav;
This works fine: The user has a form with a lastName input box which can be used to filter the Travels.
Beyond lastName, my Travel domain object has a lot more attributes by which I'd like to filter. I think that if these attributes were all strings then I could add them as #RequestParams and add a spring-data-jpa method to query by these. For instance I'd add a method findByLastNameLikeAndFirstNameLikeAndShipNameLike.
However, I don't know how should I do it when I need to filter for foreign keys. So my Travel has a period attribute that is a foreign key to the Period domain object, which I need to have it as a dropdown for the user to select the Period.
What I want to do is when the period is null I want to retrieve all travels filtered by the lastName and when the period is not null I want to retrieve all travels for this period filtered by the lastName.
I know that this can be done if I implement two methods in my repository and use an if to my controller:
public ModelAndView search(
#RequestParam(required= false, defaultValue="") String lastName,
#RequestParam(required= false, defaultValue=null) Period period,
Pageable pageable) {
ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView("travels/list");
Page travels = null;
if(period==null) {
travels = travelRep.findByLastNameLike("%"+lastName+"%", pageable);
} else {
travels = travelRep.findByPeriodAndLastNameLike(period,"%"+lastName+"%", pageable);
mav.addObject("page", page);
mav.addObject("period", period);
mav.addObject("lastName", lastName);
return mav;
Is there a way to do this without using the if ? My Travel has not only the period but also other attributes that need to be filtered using dropdowns !! As you can understand, the complexity would be exponentially increased when I need to use more dropdowns because all the combinations'd need to be considered :(
Update 03/12/13: Continuing from M. Deinum's excelent answer, and after actually implementing it, I'd like to provide some comments for completeness of the question/asnwer:
Instead of implementing JpaSpecificationExecutor you should implement JpaSpecificationExecutor<Travel> to avoid type check warnings.
Please take a look at kostja's excellent answer to this question
Really dynamic JPA CriteriaBuilder
since you will need to implement this if you want to have correct filters.
The best documentation I was able to find for the Criteria API was http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/j-typesafejpa/. This is a rather long read but I totally recommend it - after reading it most of my questions for Root and CriteriaBuilder were answered :)
Reusing the Travel object was not possible because it contained various other objects (who also contained other objects) which I needed to search for using Like - instead I used a TravelSearch object that contained the fields I needed to search for.
Update 10/05/15: As per #priyank's request, here's how I implemented the TravelSearch object:
public class TravelSearch {
private String lastName;
private School school;
private Period period;
private String companyName;
private TravelTypeEnum travelType;
private TravelStatusEnum travelStatus;
// Setters + Getters
This object was used by TravelSpecification (most of the code is domain specific but I'm leaving it there as an example):
public class TravelSpecification implements Specification<Travel> {
private TravelSearch criteria;
public TravelSpecification(TravelSearch ts) {
criteria= ts;
public Predicate toPredicate(Root<Travel> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query,
CriteriaBuilder cb) {
Join<Travel, Candidacy> o = root.join(Travel_.candidacy);
Path<Candidacy> candidacy = root.get(Travel_.candidacy);
Path<Student> student = candidacy.get(Candidacy_.student);
Path<String> lastName = student.get(Student_.lastName);
Path<School> school = student.get(Student_.school);
Path<Period> period = candidacy.get(Candidacy_.period);
Path<TravelStatusEnum> travelStatus = root.get(Travel_.travelStatus);
Path<TravelTypeEnum> travelType = root.get(Travel_.travelType);
Path<Company> company = root.get(Travel_.company);
Path<String> companyName = company.get(Company_.name);
final List<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<Predicate>();
if(criteria.getSchool()!=null) {
predicates.add(cb.equal(school, criteria.getSchool()));
if(criteria.getCompanyName()!=null) {
predicates.add(cb.like(companyName, "%"+criteria.getCompanyName()+"%"));
if(criteria.getPeriod()!=null) {
predicates.add(cb.equal(period, criteria.getPeriod()));
if(criteria.getTravelStatus()!=null) {
predicates.add(cb.equal(travelStatus, criteria.getTravelStatus()));
if(criteria.getTravelType()!=null) {
predicates.add(cb.equal(travelType, criteria.getTravelType()));
if(criteria.getLastName()!=null ) {
predicates.add(cb.like(lastName, "%"+criteria.getLastName()+"%"));
return cb.and(predicates.toArray(new Predicate[predicates.size()]));
Finally, here's my search method:
public ModelAndView search(
#ModelAttribute TravelSearch travelSearch,
Pageable pageable) {
ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView("travels/list");
TravelSpecification tspec = new TravelSpecification(travelSearch);
Page<Travel> travels = travelRep.findAll(tspec, pageable);
PageWrapper<Travel> page = new PageWrapper<Travel>(travels, "/search");
mav.addObject("page", page);
mav.addObject("schools", schoolRep.findAll() );
mav.addObject("periods", periodRep.findAll() );
mav.addObject("travelTypes", TravelTypeEnum.values());
mav.addObject("travelStatuses", TravelStatusEnum.values());
return mav;
Hope I helped!
For starters you should stop using #RequestParam and put all your search fields in an object (maybe reuse the Travel object for that). Then you have 2 options which you could use to dynamically build a query
Use the JpaSpecificationExecutor and write a Specification
Use the QueryDslPredicateExecutor and use QueryDSL to write a predicate.
Using JpaSpecificationExecutor
First add the JpaSpecificationExecutor to your TravelRepository this will give you a findAll(Specification) method and you can remove your custom finder methods.
public interface TravelRepository extends JpaRepository<Travel, Long>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<Travel> {}
Then you can create a method in your repository which uses a Specification which basically builds the query. See the Spring Data JPA documentation for this.
The only thing you need to do is create a class which implements Specification and which builds the query based on the fields which are available. The query is build using the JPA Criteria API link.
public class TravelSpecification implements Specification<Travel> {
private final Travel criteria;
public TravelSpecification(Travel criteria) {
public Predicate toPredicate(Root<T> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder builder) {
// create query/predicate here.
And finally you need to modify your controller to use the new findAll method (I took the liberty to clean it up a little).
public String search(#ModelAttribute Travel search, Pageable pageable, Model model) {
Specification<Travel> spec = new TravelSpecification(search);
Page<Travel> travels = travelRep.findAll(spec, pageable);
model.addObject("page", new PageWrapper(travels, "/search"));
return "travels/list";
Using QueryDslPredicateExecutor
First add the QueryDslPredicateExecutor to your TravelRepository this will give you a findAll(Predicate) method and you can remove your custom finder methods.
public interface TravelRepository extends JpaRepository<Travel, Long>, QueryDslPredicateExecutor<Travel> {}
Next you would implement a service method which would use the Travel object to build a predicate using QueryDSL.
public class TravelService {
private final TravelRepository travels;
public TravelService(TravelRepository travels) {
public Iterable<Travel> search(Travel criteria) {
BooleanExpression predicate = QTravel.travel...
return travels.findAll(predicate);
See also this bog post.

