I tried to set value in TextView using my array logic.
Instead of my actual value it might set address of string in
textview. I'm guessing this issue is simple, possibly not specifying .toString()?
Value that is being outputted:
My code:
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
val = carDAO.carOutput(carId);
for (Car details : val){
builder.append(details + "\n");
Your code is actually append someObjectClassname#hashcodenumber i.e com.android.carModel.Car#eacea24f in your case to stringBuilder. To get the desired output you need to do something like this.
`builder.append(details.getName() /*or anything*/ + "\n")`
Do you have access to the Car class? If so, add this method:
public String toString() {
return carName;
Replace carName with whatever you want to display. This toString() method is part of the Object class that all classes extend, and when overridden, it will change what something like a List will display.
The code that we already have return us JsonObject. What I want to do is to add a new key and the value for it.
For example, we have an object like this:
I want to transform it into this:
I didn't find what I need in documentation except using put method. So I wrote this code:
JsonObject object = getJsonObject();
JsonString val = new JsonString() {
public JsonValue.ValueType getValueType() {
return JsonValue.ValueType.STRING;
public String getString() {
return "complete";
public CharSequence getChars() {
return (CharSequence) "complete";
object.put("status", val);
But it doesn't work, crashing with :
I can't understand what is wrong. Have I any other option to complete such a task?
I don't think JsonObject instances are meant to be modified.
I think your best option is to create a new object, copy the existing properties and add the new property to it.
You can use https://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/json/JsonObjectBuilder.html
Not sure if object.put works but you can use the following way to append the details to JSON value:
You can create a different JSON object with the key and value that you want to add to the JSON object and the user object.merge(status, complete, String::concat);
merge() checks for the key:'status' in your JSON object if it does'nt find it then it adds that key:value pair or else it replaces it
.You are not able to compile it because you may not be using jre 1.8.
I've Just verified the following method:
Just create a new JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject not javax.json.JsonObject)
JSONObject modifiedJsonObject= new JSONObject(object.toString());
modifiedJsonObject.put("status", "complete");
I have a method that takes in a JSON and takes out the data and distributes it to various strings so that they can be set in an entity and persisted. My example below is quite simple but for my actual code I have about 20+ fields
For example see
public Projects createProject(JsonObject jsonInst) {
Projects projectInst = new Projects();
String pId = jsonInst.get("proId").getAsString();
String pName = jsonInst.get("proName").getAsString();
String pStatus = jsonInst.get("proStatus").getAsString();
String pCustId = jsonInst.get("proCustId").getAsString();
String pStartDate = jsonInst.get("proStartDate").getAsString();
//Set the entity data
Notice if a varible dosent have a corrosponding entry in the Json this code will break with null pointer exception. Obviously I need to validate each parameter befopre calling .getAsString()
What is the best way to do this from a readability point of view I could create 2 varibles for each parameter and check and set for example.
String pName = jsonInst.get("proName").getAsString();
Or should I wait for it to be set
Which of these do you think is the best parameter to use for preventing errors.
Is there a way to handle if something is set on a large scale so that I can reduce the amount of code I have to write before I use that varible?
You can create a method that will take field name as parameter and will return json value for that field :
private String getJSONData(String field,JsonObject json){
String data=null;
return data;
you can call this method for each of your field:
String pId = getJSONData("proId",jsonInst);
By this way you can not only escape NullPointerException, but also avoid code repetition.
I have a code to replace stream of string. I need to search a specific string that is defined in the key of properties file
String result="";
int i=0;
while (i<listToken.size()){
result = listToken.get(i);
while (enuKey.hasMoreElements()) {
String key = (String)enuKey.nextElement();
// String value = propertiesSlang.getProperty(key);
if (listToken.get(i).equals(key)){
String value = propertiesSlang.getProperty(key);
listToken.get(i).replace(listToken.get(i), value);
But it doesn't replace word. How I can replace words using properties.
It's because you forgot to assign the result, using the method set():
listToken.set(i, propertiesSlang.getProperty(key)));
assuming listToken implements AbstractList
Why complicate things with replace(). As far as I understand your code you can simply do -
String value = propertiesSlang.getProperty(key);
listToken.set(i, value);
I see you have modified your code again to
listToken.get(i).replace(listToken.get(i), value);
Just so that you know String class is immutable. So operations like replace() or substring() will give you a new String and not modify the original one. Get the new String and set it in your list listToken.
I have a requirement where i have to print the values which are getting saved in a database. I have pojo object which i am passing it in a list and then saving the entire list in database. Please find the below code.
List dataList=new ArrayList();
Vehicles vehiclePojoObject=new Vehicles();
Now i have to print the values which is contained by vehiclePojoObject. How can it be acheived. Please guide. Thanks in advance.
Note: There are not one object but multiple objects which are getting stored in the list.
Other than the solution posted by #McMonster, you could also make sure that your POJO's override the toString() method so that you can print a customized, and most likely, more readable string representation of your object.
Add vehiclePojoObject to the Vehicles List object, like
List<Vehicles> vehList = new ArrayList<Vehicles>();
Vehicles vehiclePojoObject=new Vehicles();
vehList.add(vehiclePojoObject); //Here we are adding pojoObject to list object
And get Vehicles List data through for-each
for(Vehicles vehicle : vehList){
System.out.println("Vehicle Name: "+veh.getName());
System.out.println("Vehicle Color: "+veh.getColor());
Expanding on #npinti answer of overriding toString()
In your POJO file, add this function:
public String toString() {
String output = "Name: " + getName() + " Color: " + getColor +
" Model: " + getModel() + ....;
return output;
then you can loop through your list to and call .toString() on all the objects to print out all of the features
for(Vehicles vehicle : vehList){
Assuming that you want to store objects of different types on the same list and have a single method for printing all private fields of those object regardless of their types you can use the (reflection API).
By the help of reflection we can change behavior of list at runtime
List dataList = new ArrayList<>();
// Print the name from the list....
for(Vehicles vehicle: Vehicles) {
Hope this helps!!!
I have a HashMap. I am trying to retrieve the value and print it using the key from the user-code.
The code is:
lib.addbook(book2.getISBN(), book2);
Book ret = lib.getbook("978-81-291-1979-7");
Current Output:
O/P: LibraryPackage.Book#527c6768
I want the output to be a string and to display the actual value not the address of the book.
You have to implement (and override) the toString() method in your Book class, and specify what you want the output to be. E.g.:
String toString()
return this.author+": " + this.title;
commons-lang has a great utility for this if you don't want to override the .toString() method, or need to represent it differently in different situations:
Here's a call to build a string based on reflection:
String str = ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(object);
In fact, this is a great way to implement the .toString() method itself. Another alternative use of this class would be a field by field creation of the string:
String str = new ToStringBuilder(object)
.append("field1", field1)
.append("field2", field2)