vaadin 7.75 How to add combobox to a grid? - java

I'm on Vaadin 7.7 and I switch tables to the grid. Only I can not personalize my cells as I would like. Here I would like to add comboboxes on a column from an arraylist and retrieve the chosen value.
Here's some of my code:
Here I create my IndexedContainer
IndexedContainer indexedContainer = new IndexedContainer();
indexedContainer.addContainerProperty("Type de véhicule",String.class,"");
Here I add my items:
Finally I put my object in editable and I use this function to do actions during the backup:
grid.getEditorFieldGroup().addCommitHandler(new FieldGroup.CommitHandler() {
public void preCommit(FieldGroup.CommitEvent commitEvent) throws FieldGroup.CommitException {
public void postCommit(FieldGroup.CommitEvent commitEvent) throws FieldGroup.CommitException {
If you have any ideas or suggestions do not hesitate :)
Good night

You could use something like this:
List<String> values = obtainValues();
IndexedContainer container = new IndexedContainer();
//Add other properties...
container.addContainerProperty("comboBox", ComboBox.class, null);
//Do more stuff
ComboBox cb = new ComboBox();
And, in grid declaration, you may use an addon that allows grid to render components.
Grid grid = new Grid();
//Even more stuff
grid.getColumn("comboBox").setRenderer(new ComponentRenderer());
To obtain the value of the comboBox:
Item item = container.getItem(itemId);
ComboBox cb = item.getItemProperty("comboBox").getValue();
String value = (String) cb.getValue();

Try this:
where getComboState is:
private Field<?> getComboState() {
ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox();
return comboBox;


Java JList doesn't show elements

I have a JList which is supposed to display a list of school tests. When I add values to this list in Swing Designer then it displays everything correctly, but when I try to display my own data it still shows the values initialized in Swing Designer. How to display my own set of data in JList? My initial update in code:
public void updateFrame(MainFrame mainFrame)
DefaultListModel<Test> listModel = new DefaultListModel<Test>();
for(int i = 0 ; i < this.getTestList().size() ; i++)
listModel.add(i, this.getTestList().get(i));
JList<Test> currList = new JList<>(listModel);
Also my ListListener doesn't activate at any moment, but it's another problem, maybe easier to figure out after the first one.
class ListListener implements ListSelectionListener {
public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {
DefaultListModel<Test> listModel = new DefaultListModel<Test>();
for(Test test : model.getTestList())
JList<Test> currList = new JList<Test>(listModel);
Again, don't swap components but rather models, something like:
public void updateFrame(MainFrame mainFrame) {
DefaultListModel<Test> listModel = new DefaultListModel<Test>();
for(int i = 0 ; i < this.getTestList().size() ; i++) {
listModel.add(i, this.getTestList().get(i));
// ***** get rid of this *****
// JList<Test> currList = new JList<>(listModel);
// currList.setVisible(true);
// mainFrame.setList(currList);
// ***** and instead simply do this *****
If this doesn't work, then yes, create and post your MCVE

Refresh JTable firetableDataChanged is not executed

I try to update my JTable with the fireTableChanged() Method after i imported the names of spreadsheets from excel in my datastructure but the Method is not executed. I confirmed with a test that the data is correctly imported and that the jtable should have the necessary informationen.
What do i have to do that the JTable is correctly updated?
I found several other links to this topic but none of them worked for me:
Refresh Jtable
How to make JTable show refreshed data after updating database?
JTable How to refresh table model after insert delete or update the data.
AbstractDataTable fireTableDataChanged() does not refresh jtable
Can't refresh my JTable with new data
public class Model extends Observable {
String[][] data;
List<Arbeitsmappe> AMList = new LinkedList<>();
public void setAMList(List<Arbeitsmappe> aMList) {
AMList = aMList; //new List replace the old
this.getData(); //The 2dimensional Array is filled with the names from the list
JTextField cellEditorTF = new JTextField();
DefaultCellEditor cellEditor = new DefaultCellEditor(cellEditorTF);
ContentTable = new JTable(model.getData(), Model.columnNames);
//Cell Editable FALSE
//Single Interval Selection
//Cell Listener - When Cell is edited the new informationen is safed in AMLISt
Action action = new AbstractAction()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
TableCellListener tcl = (TableCellListener)e.getSource();
Model.AMList.get(tcl.getRow()).Speichername = String.valueOf(tcl.getNewValue());
// System.out.println("Row: " + tcl.getRow() + " " +[tcl.getRow()][1]);
TableCellListener tcl = new TableCellListener(ContentTable, action);
JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(ContentTable);
public void update(Observable arg0, Object arg1) {
if(arg0 instanceof Model){
Model model = (Model) arg0;
String cmd = (String) arg1;
((AbstractTableModel)ContentTable.getModel()).fireTableDataChanged(); is called out of models definitions, it should't be, must be part of code, class void that override AbstractTableModel and its methods
as aside this method reseting all custom properties for model, and important part of methods for JTable (e.g. override for XxxTableCellRenderer/Editor)
read API in part methods for fireTableXxxXxx, there are notifiers for all JTable/AbstractTableModel's lifecycle, be sure that youare used the correct notifier for every actions/event

getSelectedItem JComboBox with GlazedLists AutocompleteSupport Returns Null

I'm a bit new to programming so sorry if there is a few things that could have been done better
My combobox is successfully filled with my string array and the auto-complete works fine. I just cant get the text in the combobox.
returns java.lang.NullPointerException
private ArrayList<String> arrRekening;
private ArrayList<String> arrEienaar;
private String[] sarrRekening;
private String[] sarrEienaar;
public NewConnectionPoint() {
arrAccount = new ArrayList<String>();
arrOwner = new ArrayList<String>();
FillCombo(arrAccount , "Owners", "OwnerName");
FillCombo(arrOwner , "Accounts", "AccountName");
sarrOwner= arrOwner.toArray(new String[arrOwner .size()]);
sarrAccount= arrAccount.toArray(new String[arrAccount.size()]);
JComboBox<String> comboAccount = new JComboBox<String>();
AutoCompleteSupport<String> supAccount = AutoCompleteSupport.install(comboRekening, GlazedLists.eventList(Arrays.asList(sarrAccount)));
JComboBox<String> comboOwner = new JComboBox<String>();
AutoCompleteSupport<String> supOwner = AutoCompleteSupport.install(comboOwner,GlazedLists.eventList(Arrays.asList(sarrOwner)));
JButton btnShow = new JButton("ShowSelectedr");
btnShow.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
//Error occurs at this line
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, comboOwner.getSelectedItem().toString());
//Data loaded into arraylists from a Database with sql
private void FillCombo(ArrayList<String> ComboElements, String sTable, String sColumn){
Data.changeQuery(sTable);// database connection fine returns and fills combobox
String sReturn=;
}catch(Exception e){
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e);
The fundamental difficulty you're experiencing here is that you're trying to leverage the GlazedLists package without properly embracing it's core utility: EventLists.
You can easily side-step your difficulties if you use EventLists rather than ArrayLists.
If you really want to you can keep your FillCombo method returning an ArrayList (perhaps better name as getElements()) but straight-away initiate an EventList, use the GlazedLists EventComboBoxModel to link the EventList to the JComboBox and then you'll find your combobox getSelectedItem() should work fine.
The modified code to hook a list up to a combobox with autocomplete support will look something like this:
FillCombo(arrOwner , "Owners", "OwnerName");
EventList<String> ownerEventList = GlazedLists.eventList(arrOwner);
EventComboBoxModel<String> ownerModel = new EventComboBoxModel<String>(ownerEventList);
JComboBox comboOwner = new JComboBox(ownerModel);
AutoCompleteSupport<String> supOwner = AutoCompleteSupport.install(comboOwner,ownerEventList);

Vaadin 7 ComboBox rendering

So I am experiencing some odd behaviour using Vaadin 7 and the ComboBox component. Essentially, what is happening is that when it first renders the form, it appears to neither have selected the null selection nor any of the items added.
I have attempted to recreate this behaviour with the following code and this demonstrates the issue.
protected void init(VaadinRequest request) {
final FieldGroup binder;
FormLayout form = new FormLayout();
final Label output = new Label();
ComboBox box = new ComboBox("My Dropdown");
final PropertysetItem fields = new PropertysetItem();
fields.addItemProperty("country", new ObjectProperty<String>(""));
binder = new FieldGroup(fields);
binder.bind(box, "country");
box.setItemCaption("aus", "Australia");
box.setItemCaption("uk", "United Kingdom");
box.setRequiredError("Country is required field");
Button submit = new Button("Submit", new ClickListener() {
public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
try {
output.setValue((String) fields.getItemProperty("country").getValue());
catch (CommitException e) {"fail!");
By default the ComboBox has allow null selection set to true. So there is a blank entry, which represents a null value selection. However the ComboBox's value when first rendered neither represents the null selection nor one of the items but an empty string.
So when I load the form and click the button the outcome is neither a failure, which it should be because I haven't selected anything yet, nor one of my selections.
This is causing an issue for me in a more advanced UI application but very much the same thing going on here.
Could anybody enlighten me as to what is happening here?
Many thanks,
So when I load the form and click the button the outcome is neither a
failure, which it should be because I haven't selected anything yet,
nor one of my selections.
Combobox is not empty as you think. It has default property value, that you set as empty string:
fields.addItemProperty("country", new ObjectProperty<String>(""));
Thus form pass validation, because empty string is also a value and empty string != null.
Change this row:
fields.addItemProperty("country", new ObjectProperty<String>(""));
fields.addItemProperty("country", new ObjectProperty<String>(null, String.class));
box.setNullRepresentation("-- Select Country --");

add mouse listeners to drop target

DefaultTableModel modeltable = new DefaultTableModel(8,8);
table = new JTable(modeltable);
table.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder (, 2));
int height = table.getRowHeight();
DnDListener dndListener = new DnDListener();
DragSource dragSource = new DragSource();
DropTarget dropTarget1 = new DropTarget(table, dndListener);
DragGestureRecognizer dragRecognizer2 = dragSource.
DnDConstants.ACTION_COPY, dndListener);
DragGestureRecognizer dragRecognizer3 = dragSource.
DnDConstants.ACTION_COPY, dndListener);
i have a problem with adding mouse listeners to "table" which is drop target, to accept drop component wherever it drops from the mouse. in this code when component drops in to a drop target it always goes to a default position. i cant customize the position on drop target. please someone help me with this.
thanks in advance
Those listeners are far too low-level. The appropriate approach for implementing dnd is to implement a custom TransferHandler and set that custom handler to your table.
public class MyTransferHandler extends TransferHandler {
public boolean canImport(TransferHandler.TransferSupport info) {
// we only import Strings
if (!info.isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor.stringFlavor)) {
return false;
JTable.DropLocation dl = (JTable.DropLocation)info.getDropLocation();
// ... your code to decide whether the data can be dropped based on location
public boolean importData(TransferHandler.TransferSupport info) {
if (!info.isDrop()) {
return false;
// Check for String flavor
if (!info.isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor.stringFlavor)) {
displayDropLocation("Table doesn't accept a drop of this type.");
return false;
JTable.DropLocation dl = (JTable.DropLocation)info.getDropLocation();
// ... your code to handle the drop
// usage
myTable.setTransferHandler(new MyTransferHandler());
For details, see the example in the online tutorial linked to in the Swing tag description, namely the chapter Drag and Drop The code snippet above is c&p'ed from the BasicDnD example.

