I'm trying to Automate a web application selenium 2.0 [webdriver+java].The web application is currently deployed in our UAT servers on our local network.My test cases are executing, but I have to manually enter the Proxy Authentication details for my Chrome instance at the start of the test execution. I have tried all the solutions provided on stack overflow but still, the authentication message pops out.
This is the code I'm using in my driver initializing process
package com.misyn.ess.ui;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.openqa.selenium.Proxy;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeOptions;
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities;
* #author User
public class DriverClass {
private String baseUrl;
private String driverPath;
private String driverName;
private static WebDriver driver;
private static DriverClass driverClass;
private DriverClass() {
try {
baseUrl = "";
driverPath = "E:\\Work_Folder\\SelTools\\chromedriver.exe";
driverName = "webdriver.chrome.driver";
//Set the location of the ChromeDriver
System.setProperty(driverName, driverPath);
//Create a new desired capability
DesiredCapabilities capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.chrome();
// Create a new proxy object and set the proxy
Proxy proxy = new Proxy();
//Add the proxy to our capabilities
capabilities.setCapability("proxy", proxy);
//Start a new ChromeDriver using the capabilities object we created and added the proxy to
driver = new ChromeDriver(capabilities);
//Navigation to a url and a look at the traffic logged in fiddler
// System.setProperty(driverName, driverPath);
// driver = new ChromeDriver();
// driver.get(baseUrl);
} catch (Exception e) {
Can anyone give me a solution how to give this proxy username and password thing from the application itself than manually entering details on the pop-up(Authentication), any help would be much appreciated.Thanks
the currently answered one is only for
As of Selenium 3.4 it is still in beta
Right now implementation is only done for InternetExplorerDriver
Where I'm using selenium 3.0 and Google Chrome as my web browser.
You can do via MultiPass for HTTP basic authentication
Download the extension from
Download the extension as crx. You can get it as crx from chrome-extension-downloader
After that the config is simple.
import java.io.File;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeOptions;
* #author Phystem
public class ChromeAuthTest {
WebDriver driver;
public ChromeAuthTest() {
System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver", "chromedriver.exe");
private void initDriver() {
ChromeOptions cOptions = new ChromeOptions();
cOptions.addExtensions(new File("MultiPass-for-HTTP-basic-authentication_v.crx"));
driver = new ChromeDriver(cOptions);
private void configureAuth(String url, String username, String password) {
public void doTest() {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new ChromeAuthTest().doTest();
I have used a sample site for testing.
Provide your url,username and password in the configure Auth function and try
public class DriverClass {
private String baseUrl;
private String driverPath;
private String driverName;
private static WebDriver driver;
private static DriverClass driverClass;
public DriverClass() {
try {
baseUrl = "";
driverPath = "E:\\Work_Folder\\SelTools\\chromedriver.exe";
driverName = "webdriver.chrome.driver";
System.setProperty(driverName, driverPath);
Proxy proxy = new org.openqa.selenium.Proxy();
proxy.setSslProxy("" + ":" + 3128);
proxy.setFtpProxy("" + ":" + 3128);
DesiredCapabilities desiredCapabilities = DesiredCapabilities.chrome();
desiredCapabilities.setCapability(CapabilityType.PROXY, proxy);
driver = new ChromeDriver(desiredCapabilities);
} catch (Exception e) {
The proxy setting has been added with desired capabilities to pass values to proxy authentication,worked finally
This code (from Avishka Perera's answer) does not work for me:
The username and password set in this way do not take effect for the http/https proxy - the Proxy Authentication box still popped up.
I'm using Selenium java 3.141.0, ChromeDriver 2.33 and chrome 70. What works for me is to follow Mike's answer here Selenium using Python: enter/provide http proxy password for firefox .
Create the zip file, then add the extension like this:
ChromeOptions chromeOptions = new ChromeOptions();
chromeOptions.addExtensions(new File("src/test/resources/proxy.zip"));
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(chromeOptions);
One catch is that the above code will run into error if you set "--headless" argument because chrome in headless mode cannot have extension (Is it possible to run Google Chrome in headless mode with extensions?). If your Chrome runs in Docker container and cannot show the UI, then to get this solution work, you'll need to run with Xvfb instead of in headless mode.
Simple method to add authenticated proxy using selenium wire in Both firefox and chrome
In python
pip3 install selenium-wire
from seleniumwire import webdriver
from selenium import webdriver
Add proxy in below-mensioned format
proxy= "username:password#ip:port"
options = {'proxy': {'http': proxy, 'https': proxy, 'no_proxy': 'localhost,,dev_server:8080'}}
pass proxy as an argument
driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=chrome_options, executable_path="path of chrome driver", seleniumwire_options=options)
driver = webdriver.Firefox(seleniumwire_options=options, executable_path="path of firefox driver", options=firefox_options)
Verify proxy applied by requesting the url https://whatismyipaddress.com/
But selenium log shows it runs in without proxy because we are using an external package to apply proxy.
I know this is an old thread, still leaving a solution which worked for me using browsermob proxy, for someone who still needs an option.
Maven dependency:
Java Code:
// I am using firefox
System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", "C:\\Selenium\\geckodriver.exe");
BrowserMobProxy browsermobProxy = new BrowserMobProxyServer();
browsermobProxy.setChainedProxy(new InetSocketAddress(PROXY_HOSTNAME, PROXY_PORT));
browsermobProxy.chainedProxyAuthorization(PROXY_USERNAME, PROXY_PASSWORD, AuthType.BASIC);
FirefoxBinary firefoxBinary = new FirefoxBinary();
FirefoxOptions firefoxOptions = new FirefoxOptions();
firefoxOptions.setBinary(firefoxBinary );
WebDriver webDriverWithProxy = new FirefoxDriver(firefoxOptionsWithProxy);
The approach that worked perfectly fine for me is by using AutoIT.
Install autoIT and prepare a simple script as shown in the picture attached and execute the script file from your testscript using Runtime.getRuntime().exec("\YOUR_SCRIPT.exe") before navigating to the baseURL.
I'm trying to set up my webdriver so that it can execute tests in parallel from the xml sheet, this it does, but I find sometimes it opens up blank chrome windows of "data;"
I've researched around other questions and all the answers seem to say things about putting the webdriver as a new threadlocal<RemoteWebDriver>, which I am already doing.
This is the WebDriverSetup.java file I am using:
public class WebDriverSetup {
private static ThreadLocal<RemoteWebDriver> threadDriver = null;
public WebDriver driver(){
return threadDriver.get();
public void setUp() throws MalformedURLException {
//Set up the path to the chromedriver so that the user will not have problems if they don't have the system path variable set up.
System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver", TestExecutor.projectDirectory + "/chromedriver.exe");
//Set the hub URL
String seleniumUrl = "http://" + TestExecutor.hubUrl + "/wd/hub";
//Turn off logging because as of selenium-standalone-server-3.0.1, there
//is an "INFO" message that appears in console that could be mistaken for
//an error message.
//threadDriver needs to be on its own local thread
threadDriver = new ThreadLocal<RemoteWebDriver>();
//Set chromeoptions so they open headless on the VM, but the VM imagines the
//tests as if chrome was running full screen on a desktop session.
ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
//Apply the options to the chromedriver session.
URL seleniumHubURL = new URL(seleniumUrl);
threadDriver.set(new RemoteWebDriver(seleniumHubURL, options));
and this is how I am calling it from my test:
public class Demo_1_Filter_Users_By_Firstname extends TestBase.ClassGlobals
private WebDriverSetup webDriverSetup;
private EventFiringWebDriver driver;
private File logFile;
public void main(){
//The main method
public void testSetup() throws IOException {
//Setup the webdriver
webDriverSetup = new WebDriverSetup();
driver = new EventFiringWebDriver( webDriverSetup.driver() );
//Set up an eventhandler on the event so that all the logging functions work
EventHandler handler = new EventHandler();
driver.register( handler );
//Setup the logfile
logFile = commonMethods.newLogFile();
commonMethods.log(logFile, "------TEST STARTED------");
public void testClosure(){
//Close webdriver session, log test done etc
The error that I am experiencing doesn't happen every time, and I don't understand why the window is hanging on data; even though the first line of my main method is to create a new webdriver session, and then using that session, open the web application through driver.get()
I am using chromedriver version 2.41
The latest stable version of ChromeDriver (88.0.4324.96) appears to have fixed this:
Resolved issue 3641: Page not getting loaded/rendered when browser window is not in focus with Chrome Beta v87 and chromedriver v(87/86)
I've been having this issue for a while and updating my chromedriver.exe file finally solved it.
After (foolishly) upgrading Appium Server along with various project libraries, such that I cannot tell which, if any, caused the problem, my previously running Appium framework suddenly started failing upon attempting to locate any elements.
The server starts (either manually via desktop or through the java code) and it launches my emulator (if not already loaded), makes the connection, opens the app (in the case show, simply settings) and fails as soon as it tries to validate that the settings main page is displayed by checking the existence of the "Settings" text:
Given the settings app is displayed (FAILED)
(java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can not set
io.appium.java_client.android.AndroidElement field
com.mindtree.pageobjects.SettingsMainPage.header to
The Appium server versions for both desktop and nodeJS is currently 1.7.2 I believe the problem started when I was originally at 1.7.1 or 1.7.2 and it succeeded in doing an auto-update on the desktop version to 1.8.1.
Selenium version is 3.11.0 (tried various flavors from 3.9.0 through 3.13.0)
Appium Java client is 6.0.0-BETA5 (tried 6.0.0-BETA4, 6.0.0, 6.1.0)
Java is 1.8
The JBehave test step that reports the error:
#Given("the settings app is displayed")
public void givenTheSettingsAppIsDisplayed() {
main = new SettingsMainPage(driver);
if (main.pageLoaded())
test.logGivenPass("the settings app is displayed");
else {
test.logGivenFail("the settings app is displayed");
The corresponding page object snippet:
public class SettingsMainPage extends MobilePageObject {
public SettingsMainPage(AndroidDriver<AndroidElement> driver) {
System.out.println("Settings Main page class has been initialized");
#AndroidFindBy(xpath = "//android.widget.TextView[#text='Settings']")
AndroidElement header;
#AndroidFindBy(id= "android:id/title")
List<AndroidElement> titles;
#AndroidFindBy(id= "android:id/summary")
List<AndroidElement> summaries;
public Boolean pageLoaded() {
return helper.isDisplayed(header);
Googling this particular error returns a few hits, but no offered solutions.
Any guidance appreciated.
edit: I should add that the failure seems to happen upon initialization of the page object via the page factory, since the text "initialized" is never shown, it fails while trying to initialize all the page elements, specifically the first one, at least according to the error message.
My base page object is below:
import java.time.Duration;
import org.openqa.selenium.support.PageFactory;
import com.mindtree.helpers.AppiumUtils;
import io.appium.java_client.android.AndroidDriver;
import io.appium.java_client.android.AndroidElement;
import io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.AppiumFieldDecorator;
public class MobilePageObject {
AndroidDriver<AndroidElement> driver;
AppiumUtils helper;
public MobilePageObject(AndroidDriver<AndroidElement> driver) {
this.driver = driver;
PageFactory.initElements(new AppiumFieldDecorator(driver, Duration.ofSeconds(15)), this);
helper = new AppiumUtils();
Edit Update: Downgraded the Appium Server through NodeJS from 1.7.2 to
1.7.1. Result: no change, same error reported.
I am using Appium server 1.8.1, selenium 3.13.0 and java client 6.1.0. I use the page object model like following and it works fine.
public class SettingsMainPage{
public SettingsMainPage(AndroidDriver<AndroidElement> driver) {
PageFactory.initElements(new AppiumFieldDecorator(driver), this);
System.out.println("Settings Main page class has been initialized");
#AndroidFindBy(xpath = "//android.widget.TextView[#text='Settings']")
AndroidElement header;
#AndroidFindBy(id= "android:id/title")
List<AndroidElement> titles;
#AndroidFindBy(id= "android:id/summary")
List<AndroidElement> summaries;
public boolean pageLoaded() {
(new WebDriverWait(driver, 20)).until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(header));
return header.isDisplayed();
catch(Exception e){
return false;
And you must define your desiredCapabilities like following:
public static AppiumDriver<MobileElement> driver;
public static AppiumDriver<MobileElement> setupDesiredCapabilities(String appPackage, String appActivity,
String udid, String platformVersion, boolean noReset) {
DesiredCapabilities caps = new DesiredCapabilities();
caps.setCapability("deviceName", "Android phone"); //any name
caps.setCapability("udid", udid);
caps.setCapability("platformName", "Android");
caps.setCapability("platformVersion", platformVersion);
caps.setCapability("appPackage", appPackage);
caps.setCapability("appActivity", appActivity);
caps.setCapability("noReset", noReset); //optional
try {
driver = new AndroidDriver<MobileElement>(new URL(
""), caps);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
return driver;
Make sure you have define static AppiumDriver and use the same
driver object to call constructor of each page.
I am running the below code, to open a URL. However, I am getting error as "NoSuchSessionException". Kindly suggest.
Is it because of the below versions I am using.
Selenium--> 3.12.0, Firefox Setup 50.0 and geckodriver-v0.21.0-win64
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxOptions;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxProfile;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.internal.ProfilesIni;
public class Gmail {
public static void main(String[] args){
System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", "D:\\Drivers\\geckodriver.exe");
FirefoxOptions options = new FirefoxOptions();
ProfilesIni allProf = new ProfilesIni();// all profiles
FirefoxProfile prof = allProf.getProfile("Abhi_Selenium");
//FirefoxDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(options);
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(options);
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
You have 2 ways to use a existing Firefox Profile to access a Web Application as follows:
Using DesiredCapabilities() and FirefoxOptions():
public class FirefoxProfile_dc_opt {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", "C:\\Utility\\BrowserDrivers\\geckodriver.exe");
ProfilesIni profile = new ProfilesIni();
FirefoxProfile testprofile = profile.getProfile("Abhi_Selenium");
DesiredCapabilities dc = DesiredCapabilities.firefox();
dc.setCapability(FirefoxDriver.PROFILE, testprofile);
FirefoxOptions opt = new FirefoxOptions();
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(opt);
Using FirefoxOptions():
public class FirefoxProfile_opt {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", "C:\\Utility\\BrowserDrivers\\geckodriver.exe");
ProfilesIni profile = new ProfilesIni();
FirefoxProfile testprofile = profile.getProfile("Abhi_Selenium");
FirefoxOptions opt = new FirefoxOptions();
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(opt);
Note: Ensure that you have already created a Firefox Profile as Abhi_Selenium before you trigger your Test.
As you are still seeing the exception as no such session, perform the following upgradation/cleanup steps:
Upgrade JDK to recent levels JDK 8u181.
Upgrade Selenium to current levels Version 3.13.0.
Upgrade GeckoDriver to GeckoDriver v0.20.1 level.
Ensure GeckoDriver is present in the specified location.
Ensure GeckoDriver is having executable permission for non-root users.
Upgrade Firefox version to Firefox v61.0.1 levels.
Clean your Project Workspace through your IDE and Rebuild your project with required dependencies only.
(WindowsOS only) Use CCleaner tool to wipe off all the OS chores before and after the execution of your Test Suite.
(LinuxOS only) Free Up and Release the Unused/Cached Memory in Ubuntu/Linux Mint before and after the execution of your Test Suite.
If your base Web Client version is too old, then uninstall it through Revo Uninstaller and install a recent GA and released version of Web Client.
Take a System Reboot.
Execute your Test as a non-root user.
Always invoke driver.quit() within tearDown(){} method to close & destroy the WebDriver and Web Client instances gracefully.
You can use FireFoxProfile class and FirefoxOptions class to set a profile.
FirefoxOptions options = new FirefoxOptions();
FirefoxProfile firefoxProfile = new FirefoxProfile(pathToProfile);
On the first look the path to firefox.exe is missing. There is my setup:
public class foo{
private static WebDriver driver;
public static void setUpClass() {
FirefoxOptions options = new FirefoxOptions();
ProfilesIni allProfiles = new ProfilesIni();
FirefoxProfile selenium_profile = allProfiles.getProfile("selenium_profile");
options.setBinary("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe");
System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", "C:\\Users\\pburgr\\Desktop\\geckodriver-v0.20.0-win64\\geckodriver.exe");
driver = new FirefoxDriver(options);
// #Before, #After, #AfterClass and #Test
Windows 10 - 32 bit
Selenium Version:
3.0.0 beta 3
Firefox 48.02
Eclipse Luna 32 bit
package newpackage;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;
public class MyClass {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// declaration and instantiation of objects/variables
System.setProperty "webdriver.firefox.marionette","D:\\Selenium\\geckodriver.exe");
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
String baseUrl = "http://newtours.demoaut.com";
String expectedTitle = "Welcome: Mercury Tours";
String actualTitle = "";
// launch Firefox and direct it to the Base URL
// get the actual value of the title
actualTitle = driver.getTitle();
* compare the actual title of the page witht the expected one and print
* the result as "Passed" or "Failed"
if (actualTitle.contentEquals(expectedTitle)){
System.out.println("Test Passed!");
} else {
System.out.println("Test Failed");
//close Firefox
// exit the program explicitly
org.openqa.selenium.firefox.NotConnectedException: Unable to connect
to host on port 7055 after 45000 ms. Firefox console output:
This kind of issues are coming in selenium 3.0 beta version.
If you are using using Selenium Standalone jar then you have to pass marionette as capabilities and initialize FirefoxDriver as follows:
DesiredCapabilities capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.firefox();
capabilities.setCapability("marionette", true);
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(capabilities);
Tried with geckodriver v 0.10.0.
String driverPath = "<path to gecko driver executable>";
public WebDriver driver;
public void launchBrowser() {
System.out.println("launching firefox browser");
System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", driverPath+"geckodriver.exe");
driver = new FirefoxDriver();
Trying to use PhantomJS(com.codeborne:phantomjsdriver:1.2.1) for some headless browser testing along with BrowserMob Proxy(browsermob-proxy-2.0-beta-9) to capture HAR files and Javascript execution.
It works for urls with https(eg. https://www.google.com) and I get the HAR.
However for http(eg. http://www.google.com) I get the following error in the BrowserMob logs
INFO 02/02 22:45:03 n.l.b.p.j.h.HttpSer~ - Version Jetty/5.1.x
INFO 02/02 22:45:03 n.l.b.p.j.u.Contain~ - Started HttpContext[/,/]
INFO 02/02 22:46:29 n.l.b.p.h.BrowserMo~ - java.net.UnknownHostException: www.google.com when requesting http://www.google.com/
INFO 02/02 22:46:54 n.l.b.p.j.u.Threade~ - Stopping Acceptor ServerSocket[addr=/,localport=13000]
Following is how I setup PhantomJS
public RemoteWebDriver getDriverInstance() {
DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
//code to get Proxy is below
capabilities.setCapability(CapabilityType.PROXY, getProxyObject());
capabilities.setCapability(PhantomJSDriverService.PHANTOMJS_EXECUTABLE_PATH_PROPERTY, "./bin/phantomjs");
capabilities.setCapability(CapabilityType.ACCEPT_SSL_CERTS, true);
capabilities.setCapability(PhantomJSDriverService.PHANTOMJS_CLI_ARGS, new String[] {"--web-security=no", "--ssl-protocol=any", "--ignore-ssl-errors=yes"});
WebDriver webDriver = new PhantomJSDriver(capabilities);
return (RemoteWebDriver) webDriver;
public Proxy getProxyObject() {
Proxy proxy = new Proxy();
//publicIp is localhost for testing purposes.
String proxyLocation = this.getPublicIp() + ":" + this.getBrowserMobProxyPort();
return proxy;
Still looking for a solution.
Is it normal to expect such messages from BrowserMob?
I, most probably have not setup something correctly or missed a part. Would be awesome if anyone who has faced this issue, help me out or point me to a solution. I have done some searching but not found a solution that resolves this.
Also if there is additional information needed, please let me know.
I am using a newer version of BrowserMob Proxy, but the following Scala code works for me in loading HTTP and HTTPS websites:
import java.io.File
import net.anthavio.phanbedder.Phanbedder
import net.lightbody.bmp.BrowserMobProxyServer
import net.lightbody.bmp.client.ClientUtil
import net.lightbody.bmp.core.har.HarEntry
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils
import org.openqa.selenium.OutputType
import org.openqa.selenium.phantomjs.PhantomJSDriver
import org.openqa.selenium.phantomjs.PhantomJSDriverService._
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.{CapabilityType, DesiredCapabilities}
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
object PhantomJSTest {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val bm = new BrowserMobProxyServer
val proxy = ClientUtil.createSeleniumProxy(bm)
val phantomjs = Phanbedder.unpack()
val capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities
capabilities.setCapability(CapabilityType.PROXY, proxy)
val driver = new PhantomJSDriver(capabilities)
run(bm, driver, "http://www.google.com")
run(bm, driver, "https://www.google.com")
def run(bm: BrowserMobProxyServer, driver: PhantomJSDriver, url: String) {
val har = bm.getHar
har.getLog.getEntries.foreach { e: HarEntry =>
val file = new File(s"screenshot-${System.currentTimeMillis}.png")
FileUtils.copyFile(driver.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE), file)
println(s"Captured loading of ${url} screenshot to ${file.getCanonicalPath}")
Here are the libraries I am using (from my build.gradle file):
compile 'commons-io:commons-io:2.4'
compile 'org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:1.7.16'
compile 'net.lightbody.bmp:browsermob-core-littleproxy:2.1.0-beta-4'
compile 'org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-java:2.45.0'
compile 'com.codeborne:phantomjsdriver:1.2.1'
compile 'net.anthavio:phanbedder-2.1.1:1.0.0'
Hope this helps you debug the issue you are running in to.