We have few application running on the same tomcat something like: app1.local, app2.local, app3.local...
When a user authenticates in one of them, we get cookies from JOSSO in our realization of AgentFilter, where we make some operations with JOSSO_SESSIONID.
Cookies contains only JSESSIONID and JOSSO_SESSIONID.
They are always different, then a user switches between app1, app2 and app3, but I found, that "SESSION_INDEX" on the JOSSO server is always the same for the user.
Seems like "SESSION_INDEX" is only updated for the user, until he quits or gets a timeout, and I think that SESSION_INDEX is like JOSSO_SESSIONID for our IdentityProvider, not ServiceProvider that we created for each of our instances(app1, app2, app3).
So the question is:
How can I pass that "SESSION_INDEX" in the cookies from JOSSO to our Agent Filter? Or maybe not in cookies?
Maybe I can use josso_assertion_id somehow to get the value of session_index?
I only know how to use josso_assertion_id to get JOSSO_SESSIONID.
I will be grateful for any help!!!
I have a java web application. I implemented a login system, with user rights a while ago, and included a "remember-me" functionality with unique string ID's saved client side in cookies.
This has worked ok, except for the fact that the remember me functionality always fails on first page load whenever a new session starts. However, since most users access a non-restricted page first, complaints has been absent. Nonetheless, I'd like to fix it. Here is what I have learned.
I use implementations of javax.servlet.Filter to check if a user has rights to se a page. for example baseURL/pages/admin/*. Filter interface has a method called doFilter, which accepts a ServletRequest, and ServletResponse object as parameters. I cast these to HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse. The HttpServletRequest gives me access to cookies and session.
If i iterate through the cookies, I find my "remember"-cookie, with the unique ID as a value. However, this ID is wrong.
Now, in my Servlet class, which follows the front controller pattern, I also have a check for user logged in, and remember me. But because this is executed after the filter, it is not sufficient to check only here. Still, I do want to check for every page, even if it is not restricted, as it changes the layout slightly if you are logged in.
The java HttpServlet service method accepts a HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse object. In other words, no need for casting here. Funny thing is though, If i try to access my cookies from here, it will give me an identical id for the session cookie, but a completely different uid for my "remember"-cookie.
I have found that my system adds new remember cookies for each of my filters. And if I try to access a page in the admin path, both cookies from /webapp/pages, and cookie from /webapp/pages/admin will be present in chrome inspector. When accessing the cookies in the filter, the /webapp/pages/admin is the only one that will exist. Oppositely, the /webapp/pages is the only one that will exist in the front controller servlet service method.
I guess this is because of the mapping of said filter and servlet, which matches the path of the cookie. The problem is that I never intended there to be cookies stored hierarchically, and only want the one to be stored, at /webapp/pages. My system has now stored plenty of these deeper pathed cookies all over my client network, and whenever a user logs in and out, they might get out of sync with a new uid.
Is there a way I can force retrieving the /webapp/pages cookie over the /webapp/pages/admin cookie? Or is there a way to retrieve both? I could just check both uid's for a match if I can manage that (hence the title of my question)
For the future, I have made sure to set the path of cookie storage, so that the same path will be used, but as the cookies has a year to expire, this will not solve my problems for a long time, unless I find a way to check the correct cookie.
The answer to the title question is; you can't.
The browser will decide which cookies it deems most relevant, and there is nothing you can do to change that. When your filter is mapped to a subpath, and servlet is mapped to a higher path, you will get the best matching cookie for each path.
The specific problem in the question text is caused by a bad coding pattern. The remember me cookies should be stored at a specific path when created, in this case /webapp/pages. This will prevent the cookie from being created as multiples, in hierarchical paths.
There is still the problem of already existing cookies client side. These can be handled by adding the following javascript in a central area of your code, somewhere where you'd know that all users will encounter it:
document.cookie = 'remember=; path=/webapp/pages/user; expires=' + new Date(0).toUTCString();
document.cookie = 'remember=; path=/webapp/pages/admin; expires=' + new Date(0).toUTCString();
This will set the unwanted cookies to expire at an already past date, effectively deleting it.
Now only one cookie with name "remember" will exist for the domain, and both servlet and filters will fetch the same cookie, regardless of their mapped subpaths.
IWS is a desktop application with its own webBrowser component to call Scripting web-app when needed. Scripting is located in a Tomcat6.
Scripting is basically an JSP application. (Really it is an engine who builds an JSP application from the human actions over its graphical interface, like define flows, buttons, content, etc, but I am talking about the "Script" it generates as an JSP)
I need to hack Scripting so it can share space (via frames) in that webBrowser component of IWS application.
The IWS call 2 times to start.jsp:
the first time, in a hidden way (probably a direct http query from IWS code), without any special parameters. The original start.jsp do 2 302 (so the call visits 3 pages total) it ends using the jsesionId both in cookie and as a parameter (but not at the last 302)
second time, with the jSessionId and a bunch of important parameters. It only uses the jSessionId as the parameter. As far as I have seen in fiddler, no cookie is used when it works correctly as jsessionId is inside its own
So I guess that the first time ìt is just to get a new jSessionId.
The solution I am trying now is to replace Scripting starting page with a new frames page which, in one of the two frames it holds, it loads the web aplication, and another application in the second frame. Depending on data from the first frame it will update the second frame.
So something like to:
we had start.jsp... (really it is called something different)
and we end with:
start.app.jsp (which is original start.jsp, just renamed)
start.jsp (is the new including html which wraps the previous start.jsp)
The new start.jsp uses its own url, changing start.jsp into start.app.jsp, to invoke the true Scripting application inside an iframe.
But I have been suffering from like session problems. I am not an expert in tomcat. I learned that it controls the session with cookies or with parameters. I think it is configured to work with the URL sessionId but I am not really sure. I have set META-INF/settings.xml to disable cookie use in sessions, but it still show the cookie in the cookies list.
My problem is that in that second time start.jsp is called, it appear than somethink like an "old cookie" is being used, ignoring the jsessionId from the URL. Some weird errors appear at WWG00000E: WWGAIL - Error: ID was not provided for function getInteractionKVPair Detail:
It is like it is returning to an old cookie with another jsessionid. That 'old' jsessionid is the same each time the error shows up.
Sniffing with fiddler, I see that the second start.jsp starts with the right jsessionId in the URL, but its cookies are like from another session, and it stops to add the jsession id with each redirection since this happens. It is like it is executing in a completely different universe. Is this normal?????
Currently I am trying without avail to force the cookie jSessionId and also the links so they include the jSessionId.
Please, do you have any idea?
Edited2: if I place it without frames (restoring default start.jsp). At IWS works only the first time (interaction), while in any subsequent one the problem start to appear...
Ok, solved at last...
At least with this version of Tomcat:
A call to a jsp without jSessionId creates a new jSessionId in your app cookie.
Any further on in time html request will use the cookie jSessionId instead of the one present on the URL, so you lose any type of multisession support.
It is something special than in a webBrowser component, doing a two steps connections, the first request never have an associated cookie, so it works OK, giving you a cookie with a new jSessionId, and then you can do a new, cookieless, second request which uses the jSessionId of the URL and have not cookie or have "a default" cookie without jSessionId. When this webBrowser requests a jsp page without jSessionId in its URL, as said, the problem starts, so if the first request includes a non jSessionIded call, Tomcat gives you a jSessionId which is set on your "default app cookie", so the second request ignores any URL jSessionId to use the one on that cookie.
In a web browser, I have observed that in at least firefox, cleaning the cookies is not enough to eliminate this "default cookie". But maybe it could be the classic "It takes too long so you think it is clean but really it is not". Not sure.
I know this sounds confusing. I have not the time to do further testing about this.
As far as I have understood, it is like, when it works OK, it is working like with an "session cookie" (without jSessionId), while when it does not work it takes the "default cookie" (with jSessionId) and starts ignoring URL jSessionId.
I have sent an email to the dev mailinglist of Tomcat. (One said that the correct place was the user mailinglist... but here you are ;-) )
i would like to have a discussing with you about a login pattern and ask for your input.
Especially my idea is used for a Androird Applicaion
PHP -> Native Android with AsyncHttpClient -> Activity
I dont need help for the authentication or the login procedure itself. Just about the process afterwards, if a user is already authenticated.
Imaging your having one Activity in Andriod with Login fields, thats refers after a right Login to another ShowData-Activity.
The Cookie of the Weberver (Apache + PHP) is stored in the SharedPreferences.
If the user is coming back to the application but is still logged in, as his PHPSessionID is still valid, how can we bypass the login Activity and redirect directly to the Data-Activity.
Should there be a second cookie that stores something like "logged_in", "true"
and the Android APP then checks
(If logged_in-cookie == true) { Start data-activity}
Or should there be another call to a site on the webserver that returns a true value?
If(webseite_response==true){redirect to data activity}
Im not sure about the Best practise even under a security point of view.
Even if the user session is not active, someone could just send an "true" to the Andorid application, and then the user would be in the Data-Activity (even if no data is showed there)
Looking forward to your answers.
Best regards
I would suggest storing two values in the shared preference
1)a boolean for the logged in status
2)the cookie
The during app startup,check if logged in status is true,if true you can then verify the cookie.If the cookie is valid,proceed,if its not valid,display the login interface.
Seems like a very nice and easy solution.
Just have a look at Facebook SDK for android and see how they have implemented the authentication mechanism. It should help.
I need to implement a simple remember me option in a java servlet with cookies, without using any advanced framework.
First, at login, I create the cookie and send it in response to the browser (client). The value to be stored in the cookie is just a simple hash from username + password.
How should I manage the incoming request from the browser, sending the cookie?
My approach is to check between registered users if there is any user that has the hash from username + password equal to the value in the cookie?
Is this approach correct?
Also, I did not understand exactly what is the mechanism of the expiration date. Does the browser delete the cookie when it is expired, it not, how do I check if the cookie is expired?
As long as you're not using HTTPS the method you suggest is highly insecure. I would suggest to generate some sort of session token (e.g. use java.util.UUID.randomUUID()) and set this as cookie and store it somewhere on the server side so you later can identify the user associated with this session id in the cookie.
This gives you the opportunity to reset a certain session cookie if you think there's some fraud happening and there's no direct relation between the user name/password and the cookie id you use. But note: this method is still vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle attack.
Concerning the expiration: yes the cookie becomes invalid and might get deleted by the browser if it is expired. But you can set the cookie to something in the year 3000, so it lives forever.
i want to know how to generate a url in a servlet. I have a login servlet, and every time that add a user i want to gen. a url for each user profile.
Can anyone help me please?
The easiest way is to declare a servlet mapping like the following:
Now, whenever you get a request for MyApp/Users/UserId you read the request path, get the userId and check if the user exists. If not you return 'Not found'. Otherwise you return the user's page.
This is a quick and dirty implementation of a RESTful service.
I think the solution of kgiannakakis is very good. I just want to add some details, because reading the comment of Agusti-N I have the suspect that may be he is missing something.
Let's say that you have the UsersServlet described by kgiannakakis, a jsp called showUserProfile.jsp and an userBean that has all the properties of the user's profile needed to be shown in the jsp.
When a new user registers to your application, you need to do nothing more than you already do now. Just register a new user in the db, and forget the login servlet.
Now suppose that I registered to your app with my username alexmeia.
When someone digit the url yourApp/Users/alexmeia the UsersServlet is called. This servlet gets the username alexmeia from the request url, checks in the DB if
this username exists and if exist load all the properties of this user in the userBean.
After that, forward to showUserProfile.jsp, which shows the user profile reading it from the userBean.
Obviously, if the user alexmeia is not in the Db, you can redirect to a generic userNotFound.jsp, or go to home page and show a message and so on...
This works for all the registered users in the same way. You don't need to really create a real new url for every new user.
It sounds like you might want to look into REST technologies. There is a tutorial here you might want to have a look at.
Do you need URL rewriting? Something like this, perhaps, but instead of RMI generate your own user id