Java inheritance, two-step inheritance - java

I have the main abstract class that is a base for bunch of classes. Some of them does not need all the fields and methods from the main abstract class, so I have created second abstract class and splitted main abstract class into two parts. The main abstract class contains, for example, a, x fields and their getters/setters, the second abstract class inherits from the main and contains additional b, c fields and their getter/setters. There are simple classes that are inheriting from the main class,and more complicated are inheriting from the second class. I want to create objects of each class as instances of the main class. Is it right way to do that? I have to type check and cast when I want to use methods from the second abstract class. It makes my code complicated. How can I solve this problem?
MainAbstractClass ---> SecondAbstractClass ---> MyComplicatedClasses

One of the OO principles is Favor composition over inheritance.
This means that common behavior is not provided through base classes but via Component classes which are passed in via dependency injection (preferably as constructor parameters.

The answer depends on your actual needs.
You can instead choose to store the extended abstract class specific fields in a class that does not implement your base class and make it a member of more complicated classes.
You can choose to keep everything in a single base class and nothing forces you to use all the fields of an interface in every class that implemented your interface.
You can also keep using your approach but since you store the classes as an instance of the base class, it will be hard to read.
I believe that if you think code does not look very good, it is probably not good. However, there is usually no single answer to this kind of design questions and the best solution is relative to your preferences.

I think this need of type cast is a smell of fragile design. Here when we assume MyComplicatedClass ISA KIND OF MainAbstractClass as shown by TJ Crowder then object must behave as MainAbstractClass (meaning it can honor only API of MainAbstractClass). If it expects special treatment as MyComplicatedClass its false commitment and will need Casting. Such casting (by identifying type) goes against OO principles and kills polymorphism. Later this will end up in Ladder of InstanceOf and type casts as in the scenarios rightly pointed out by T.J. Crowder.
I would suggest readdress the design. e.g. though our all user defined type instances ARE KIND OF Object, but we use Object API only for methods defined in Object class. We do not use Object o = new MyClass(). There are occasions in frameworks or like Object.equals() method where type cast is needed as API is defined before even concrete extension is written. But it is not a good idea for such simple complete (without open hooks for extensions) Hierarchies.


Should I Program to an Interface or an Abstract Base Class? What exactly does that phrase mean?

In object oriented programming, I have read that you should program to an interface not an implementation but do they mean literal interfaces (no shared code at all)?
Is it okay to program to an abstract base class that would have been an interface except that there were variables in this "interface" that all sub-classes were expected to have? Replicating a variable across sub-classes would have been an inconvenience because if I changed the name of one of the variables in one of the sub-classes I would have to change the name of that variable in all of the sub-classes.
In following the principle of "program to an interface not an implementation", is this okay or would you create another interface on top of the abstract base class and program to that interface?
You want to program to interfaces because it means lower coupling. Note that interfaces in Java are more flexible since they can be implemented by a class anywhere in the class hierarchy unlike abstract classes (as a result of single inheritance). Such flexibility means that your code is reusable to a higher degree.
The important point of "programming to an interface not an implementation" is that of the general principles mentioned above, even if they might cause some minor inconveniences.
Also, even if you program to an interface, you can always implement said interface (or parts of it) by means of abstract classes if you'd like, achieving both low coupling and code reusability at the same time.
It's always okay to program to abstract or even concrete classes, however it's better if you can avoid it.
This discussion might be helpful or this one and of course this one.
Note: C++ doesn't have interfaces. You might argue it doesn't need them.
you should program to an interface not an implementation but do they mean literal interfaces (no shared code at all)?
Possibly. Where it makes sense to do this, it can work very well. Note: in Java interfaces can have code as well.
Is it okay to program to an abstract base class that would have been an interface except that there were variables in this "interface" that all sub-classes were expected to have?
If you need fields in the implementation an abstract class can make sense. You can still use an interface as well.
Replicating a variable across sub-classes would have been an inconvenience because if I changed the name of one of the variables in one of the sub-classes I would have to change the name of that variable in all of the sub-classes.
This is where using an IDE helps. You can change a field, class, method name in all your code with one action.
is this okay or would you create another interface on top of the abstract base class and program to that interface?
You can code your implementation to an abstract class, but the users of that class should be using an interface if possible.
e.g. HashMap extends AbstractMap but implements Map. Most people would use Map not AbstractMap

How to get around the lack of abstract fields in Java?

Assume, we have an abstract class A and we want to force all subclasses to have a certain field. This is not possible in Java, because we can not define abstract fields.
Workaround 1: Force subclasses to implement a method which delivers the wanted value.
abstract class A {
abstract int getA();
Drawback: Each subclass has to implement a method for each abstract field we want to have. This can lead to many method implementations.
Advantage: We can use the method getA in the abstract class and implement methods with it in A without implementing them in each subclass. But the value behind the method can not be overwritten by the abstract class.
Workaround 2: Simulate the abstract field by forcing the subclass to give the abstract class a value.
abstract class A {
int a;
public A(int a) {
this.a = a;
Drawback: When we have multiple fields (> 10), the super constructor call will look a bit ugly and confusing.
Advantage: We can use the field a in the abstract class and implement methods with it in A without implementing them in each subclass. Plus, the value a can be overwritten by the abstract class.
Question: Which workaround is the common way to reach the goal ? Maybe there is a better one than the above ones ?
The abstract method is probably the most object oriented.
If you have too many fields, you may want to regroup those in a POJO (if a new concept is appropriate).
I prefer the first one . i dont love to couple classes in fileds name , how they handle state and how they save it. the first one is more close to open/close principal
I recommend to avoid inheritance. inheritance is very frigle and hard to maintenance. remember effective java advice - prefer composition other inheritance
I think opt.1 is the cleaner by far. A few getters and setters is not a big deal, and I doubt that many use cases would have more than just a few abstract "fields".
About opt.2, you forget that constructors are not inherited, and thus would require all sub classes constructors to be implemented in a way that takes a into account.
Workaround 2 is very common because of 2 advantages:
1) the one you mentioned - the field does not belong to the subclass - it belongs to the parent and that is important because it was "demanded" by the parent and because the parent can use it
2) When sub-classing from the parent you are very aware of this field because when you implement the constructor you must pass it on. If I saw the first workaround I wouldn't know what to understand from it, in this way I understand that the parent class needs this field to work, so it must have a meaningful value.
note: if you have a class that has 10 fields that need to be initialized something is probably wrong in your design.
1. Actually its not about what one prefers but its about the flexibility, and the ability
to adapt changes.
2. Its always better to Encapsulate Behaviors that keeps changing, either into an Interface or Abstract class.
3. You 1st Workaround will be good in places where you need different implementation for the same Behavior in Different classes. Then at this place either an Interface or your 1st Workaround will be a good choice.
Consider Painting as a Class with paint() Method.
paint() method can have Stroking, gliding, shading etc styles of doing it.
Then its better to Encapsulate that method into an Abstract class or an Interface.
public interface Paint{
paintDoIt(String style);
4. Your 2nd Wordaround will be good in a place, where you want certain behaviors to be MUST implemented by the Subclass.
Consider Car as an Abstract Class, Now to be car its very important that it must have
a Steering, 4 wheels, Engine, etc. So these features must be implemented.
where as other features like music system, LCD ,etc are optional and depends on the car type.

Why is having an abstract subclass of concrete class bad design?

After all ANY java abstract is an abstract subclass of Object. Sometimes we need to force the subclass to implement some methods, but may already have a pretty well defined hierarchy with concrete classes.
For example: I have a well functioning hierarchy with
Vehicle<--- Car
and now I want to add ElectricCar to this hierarchy.
I also want all the different types of electric cars to implement certain behaviors like getBatteryLife or something-
Why would it be a bad idea to make ElectricCar abstract ?
there's nothing wrong in making it abstract. if your business requires you to make it abstract, it's fine. Like you said, lots of classes in Java lib are abstract and still extending Object.
It's not bad, per se. Not common, but not bad. The only thing I can think of is understandability: if I saw a concrete class Car that I could instantiate, I would normally assume that any child of it was also instantiable, because 99% of code works this way.Then I'd be confused, for a second, about not being able to instantiate an ElectricCar.
It could be argued that this pattern breaks the Liskov Substituion Principle since you can't pass "ElectricCar" wherever "Car" is expected if it's declared abstract (you could pass instances of ElectricCar subclasses of course).
In this particular example, the concrete electric cars (hydrogen powered/plug-in/etc?) I would expect to inherit directly from "Car" since they satisfy an "is-a" relationship and are a proper specialisation of "Car". If you wanted to described some common behaviours and traits they should provide then they should also implement an ElectricCar interface.
It seems what you really want is the ability to inherit from Car (since that is what they are) and share/re-use common implementations of electric car related methods. In this case you are looking at a multiple inheritance problem or a need for mixins, neither of which are directly supported in Java.
Providing an abstract class in the middle of a concrete hierarchy may be one way around this, but it's not pretty.
Personally I would prefer to define an Interface for ElectricCar and then allow the implementing class to define the methods. Then you can share the behavior of getBatteryLife through another mechanism.
I've built some pretty deep hierarchies of Inheritance and I tend to avoid them do to the brittle nature they tend to build up over time. One Base class might make sense, but I would think about how you can compose your object model to share behavior w/o inheritance if possible.
In you example I would say that supposedly the Car class should be abstract (or an interface), too. But there is nothing wrong with the ElectricCar being abstract.

Why avoid the final keyword?

In java, is there ever a case for allowing a non-abstract class to be extended?
It always seems to indicate bad code when there are class hierarchies. Do you agree, and why/ why not?
There are certainly times when it makes sense to have non-final concrete classes. However, I agree with Kent - I believe that classes should be final (sealed in C#) by default, and that Java methods should be final by default (as they are in C#).
As Kent says, inheritance requires careful design and documentation - it's very easy to think you can just override a single method, but not know the situations in which that method may be called from the base class as part of the rest of the implementation.
See "How do you design a class for inheritance" for more discussion on this.
I agree with Jon and Kent but, like Scott Myers (in Effective C++), I go much further. I believe that every class should be either abstract, or final. That is, only leaf classes in any hierarchy are really apt for direct instantiation. All other classes (i.e. inner nodes in the inheritance) are “unfinished” and should consequently be abstract.
It simply makes no sense for usual classes to be further extended. If an aspect of the class is worth extending and/or modifying, the cleaner way would be to take that one class and separate it into one abstract base class and one concrete interchangeable implementation.
there a good reasons to keep your code non-final. many frameworks such as hibernate, spring, guice depend sometimes on non-final classes that they extends dynamically at runtime.
for example, hibernate uses proxies for lazy association fetching.
especially when it comes to AOP, you will want your classes non-final, so that the interceptors can attach to it.
see also the question at SO
This question is equally applicable to other platforms such as C# .NET. There are those (myself included) that believe types should be final/sealed by default and need to be explicitly unsealed to allow inheritance.
Extension via inheritance is something that needs careful design and is not as simple as just leaving a type unsealed. Therefore, I think it should be an explicit decision to allow inheritance.
Your best reference here is Item 15 of Joshua Bloch's excellent book "Effective Java", called "Design and document for inheritance or else prohibit it". However the key to whether extension of a class should be allowed is not "is it abstract" but "was it designed with inheritance in mind". There is sometimes a correlation between the two, but it's the second that is important. To take a simple example most of the AWT classes are designed to be extended, even those that are not abstract.
The summary of Bloch's chapter is that interaction of inherited classes with their parents can be surprising and unpredicatable if the ancestor wasn't designed to be inherited from. Classes should therefore come in two kinds a) classes designed to be extended, and with enough documentation to describe how it should be done b) classes marked final. Classes in (a) will often be abstract, but not always. For
I disagree. If hierarchies were bad, there'd be no reason for object oriented languages to exist. If you look at UI widget libraries from Microsoft and Sun, you're certain to find inheritance. Is that all "bad code" by definition? No, of course not.
Inheritance can be abused, but so can any language feature. The trick is to learn how to do things appropriately.
In some cases you want to make sure there's no subclassing, in other cases you want to ensure subclassing (abstract). But there's always a large subset of classes where you as the original author don't care and shouldn't care. It's part of being open/closed. Deciding that something should be closed is also to be done for a reason.
I couldn't disagree more. Class hierarchies make sense for concrete classes when the concrete classes know the possible return types of methods that they have not marked final. For instance, a concrete class may have a subclass hook:
protected SomeType doSomething() {
return null;
This doSomething is guarenteed to be either null or a SomeType instance. Say that you have the ability to process the SomeType instance but don't have a use case for using the SomeType instance in the current class, but know that this functionality would be really good to have in subclasses and most everything is concrete. It makes no sense to make the current class an abstract class if it can be used directly with the default of doing nothing with its null value. If you made it an abstract class, then you would have its children in this type of hierarchy:
Abstract base class
Default class (the class that could have been non-abstract, only implements the protected method and nothing else)
Other subclasses.
You thus have an abstract base class that can't be used directly, when the default class may be the most common case. In the other hierarchy, there is one less class, so that the functionality can be used without making an essentially useless default class because abstraction just had to be forced onto the class.
Default class
Other subclasses.
Now, sure, hierarchies can be used and abused, and if things are not documented clearly or classes not well designed, subclasses can run into problems. But these same problems exist with abstract classes as well, you don't get rid of the problem just because you add "abstract" to your class. For instance, if the contract of the "doSomething()" method above required SomeType to have populated x, y and z fields when they were accessed via getters and setters, your subclass would blow up regardless if you used the concrete class that returned null as your base class or an abstract class.
The general rule of thumb for designing a class hierarchy is pretty much a simple questionaire:
Do I need the behavior of my proposed superclass in my subclass? (Y/N)
This is the first question you need to ask yourself. If you don't need the behavior, there's no argument for subclassing.
Do I need the state of my proposed superclass in my subclass? (Y/N)
This is the second question. If the state fits the model of what you need, this may be a canidate for subclassing.
If the subclass was created from the proposed superclass, would it truly be an IS-A relation, or is it just a shortcut to inherit behavior and state?
This is the final question. If it is just a shortcut and you cannot qualify your proposed subclass "as-a" superclass, then inheritance should be avoided. The state and logic can be copied and pasted into the new class with a different root, or delegation can be used.
Only if a class needs the behavior, state and can be considered that the subclass IS-A(n) instance of the superclass should it be considered to inherit from a superclass. Otherwise, other options exist that would be better suited to the purpose, although it may require a little more work up front, it is cleaner in the long run.
There are a few cases where we dont want to allow to change the behavior. For instance, String class, Math.
I don't like inheritance because there's always a better way to do the same thing but when you're making maintenance changes in a huge system sometimes the best way to fix the code with minimum changes is to extend a class a little. Yes, it's usually leads to a bad code but to a working one and without months of rewriting first. So giving a maintenance man as much flexibility as he can handle is a good way to go.

Is a Java interface an abstract class? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
implicit super-interface in Java?
(4 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I'm working through some homework and a question on a previous exam paper asks to name all of the abstract classes in a given UML diagram. Fairly straightforward, I suppose. There are one abstract class and three interfaces. Do these interfaces qualify as abstract classes, in general?
Thing is, while technically interfaces may be represented as classes in languages like Java, I wouldn't consider them classes.
Abstract? Hell yes. Class? No.
Interfaces cannot have constructors, neither properties, fields, function bodies, etc. Interfaces cannot be inherited, they are implemented (again, technically it might be true that implementing an interface is actually inheriting it in specific languages, but that's not my point.) Interfaces are more like 'contracts' as they do not define any behaviour whatsoever like classes.
Now if this is a homework then you shouldn't really argue about these sort of stuff with the teacher. Just check your lecture notes and see if the word "class" is mentioned anywhere in the your teacher's definition of interface.
All interface are indeed abstract
Actually, you can declare an method as abstract within an interface... except any 'checkstyle' tool will tell you the abstract keyword is redundant. And all methods are public.
If a class implements an interface and does not implement all its methods, it must be marked as abstract. If a class is abstract, one of its subclasses is expected to implement its unimplemented methods.
To echo other answers, an interface is not a class.
An interface is a reference type, similar to a class, that can contain only constants, method signatures, and nested types. There are no method bodies. Interfaces cannot be instantiated—they can only be implemented by classes or extended by other interfaces.
Interfaces are not part of the class hierarchy, although they work in combination with classes.
When you define a new interface, you are defining a new reference data type. You can use interface names anywhere you can use any other data type name. If you define a reference variable whose type is an interface, any object you assign to it must be an instance of a class that implements the interface
To better explain why an interface is not a class, consider the following:
1/ an interface is a type used by values
2/ a class is for Objects
Object a = new Date();
String s = a.toString();
The type of the variable 'a' is Object (which is actually a type notation in Java source code meaning a reference to an Object),
but the class of the object it points to is Date.
The type (Object) only affects what code is valid according to the compiler's type-checking, but not what the code actually does.
The class of the object affects what the code does, so that the a.toString() call in the second line returns a String that looks like a Date, not one that looks like "java.lang.Object#XXXXXXXX".
Since an Interface is a type, it is used for values only, and will not represent what objects will actually do in term of runtime.
In Java though, theres a twist to the tale - all Interfaces in Java extend java.lang.Object! Try adding a method:
public void notify();
in an interface and see what happens..
An Interface extending a Class - Does that make the Interface a Class? Or the Class an Interface?? Uhh-huh.. Guess it was a hack that had to be done to prevent interfaces overriding the definitions in java.lang.Object that implementations of the interface had to extend anyway.
You've only asked about the abstract side, but don't forget the class side - I wouldn't call an interface a class, so even though interfaces are abstract (as per the specification), I still don't think they count as abstract classes. It may be worth explicitly explaining that though :)
Yes, an Interface is implicitly Abstract. Look behind the scenes as to the way it is encoded to a .class file.
Semantics are a funny thing though; under exam conditions "abstract class" would have to literally be compiled from a .java source file using abstract class in the Class' declaration.
An interface contains prototype of methods (i.e Declaration ) not defination but Abstract class can contain defination of method & atleast one Abstract method (method with only prototype)
Interfaces are used to break the Object Inheritance.
They could hold two or more objects of several classes
and classes hierarchies.
Look at an interface as an outlet plug. All classes
implementing an Interface need to have one, the same
way a computer, a coffee machine, a ventilator and a
refrigerator need to have the same device to get
Abstract class looks like interface. Abstract classes can have implementations where as interface can't have any implementations.
Then, there is a question. Can we call abstract class as interface if they only have method signatures?
I think, abstract classes, unlike interfaces, are classes. They are expensive to use because there is a lookup to do when you inherit a class from abstract class.

