Is it possible to use tokens from auth0 for authentication? - java

Is there a way to use Java with auth0?
I have an Ember app that get its token from,
but I can't find any documentation of how to consume that token through the Java API.
I can do it by generating the token from Java API, but this is not what I want.
Here are the steps I want to have:
Ember app gets access token from (not from the Java API)
Send each request to Java API with the token bearer in the header
Java API should interpret the token and then serve the requested data if all is good

This quickstart shows you how to build a Java API that will look for a JWT access_token generated by Auth0 to validate each request made from a client.
The client (the Ember app or any other client) will request an access_token in the authorization call to Auth0, indicating the right audience (the identifier for your backend API). That access_token can then be used against the Java API.
You can debug the token in The aud claim should contain the identifier of your backend API.


Quarkus Rest Client with Client Credentials Access Token

My quarkus backend is calling a rest web service which requires an access token. The access token is generated using client id, client secret and grant type client credentials. The token is valid for a couple of days.
This quarkus backend then propagates the data to an angular frontend.
I have a couple of questions:
Is there an out of the box implementation from Quarkus framework?
If not, please guide me if I should use httpclient or any other library for getting the access token.
How to check for refresh token?
How to save the access token, so that it can be used for other requests by other users?
Otherwise I end up generating an access token every time a user calls the rest service.
Since there is no answer, I will write here how I implemented this:
I use a to call the oauth server for getting the token with the client id and secret.
I cache the token using quarkus-cache and when the token expires, the quarkus-cache is invalidated and rebuilt with the new token.
Suggestions or better solutions are welcome.

Parse ADFS token in Java

I set up login in web application with ADFS.
Authorization request looks like:
ADFS performs authorization and redirects to the app:
One knows that the token from code parameter contains claims such as username etc. How to decode the token and extract the claims?
The Postman flow for this - refer Postman : Authorisation Code Grant on Server 2016 - ADFS 4.0.
This code grant is the flow you have described.
As per the other answers:
Use the authorize endpoint
Get the code
Send the code to the token endpoint
Get the JWT
Use to examine the JWT.
The flow follows the OAuth 2.0 standard. Please note I am not expert in ADFS, however I know OAuth 2.0 well.
The authorization flow consists of multiple options with different steps. In your case you are using the code profile (specifying response_type=code). The authorization step you did is only first step, there are a few steps to follow
you can search on "OAuth 2.0 with ADFS" e.g.
Authorization request
you will receive an OAuth code (usually not aving any information value, it is only a code)
code parameter contains claims such as username etc
This is wrong assumption
Using this code you need to call a token service from backend to receive an access token (e.g. using HttpClient).
POST /adfs/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
you will receive an access token. This step ensures you application is really authenticated with the identity provider it knows.
According to the post linked above:
The interesting bit is the itself, it is in fact a JSON Web Token (JWT). That’s to say a signed representation of the user’s identity and other grants.
I am unable to confirm that, but you can try. Usually (with other identity providers) the token is only a token and the client neeeds to call a "user information" service to get any user identity claims, however seems the ADFS gives you some shortcut.
Then you can use any JWT library to decode/validate the jwt token (com.auth0/java-jwt/3.0.1)
com.auth0.jwt.interfaces.DecodedJWT jwt = com.auth0.jwt.JWT.decode(token);

How to communicate between two java servers using public private key API token

I have two Java Spring applications, one is working as client and other as server. Client is Spring RESTful service.
My requirement is:
Once a server wants to communicate with a client, it should send some token. The token will get validated by client. If the token is valid then client performs some task and sends success result. Otherwise the response will be like not valid token and client does not perform any task for that request.
I think what you need is JWT token, you can learn JWT token and java in JWT token, using the java lib to generate token and validate.
The way to transfer token is to add custom header in request header, so you can just add a filter to intercept the request and validate the token.
If you want use authority not just a simple token you can use spring security and JWT token, the demo and reference can see REST Security with JWT using Java and Spring Security and demo.
In my project,I using spring security+ spring session rest+ hazelcast,it's also a way to protect my rest api by token.
You can chose the method you need and if any question you can comment under the answer.

Java Rest API secured by Azure AD

I've an angular app which calls a java rest api to get the data. We need to secure these apps by azure AD.
I'm using ADAL.js library for angular app and trying to find any library which can be used for rest api but haven't found any on the internet. All the samples are provided for webAPi which is using Microsoft's OWIN framework.
Currently my understanding is that, our angular app will call to Azure AD to get the access token and will send that to java rest api.
Its a JWT token signed by RSA private key.
I can get the public key from JWKs uri and validate whether the JWT token and its signature is valid or not. If it's valid, the rest api will send the response back to angular app
- Is it enough on rest api side? Don't we need any communication between Rest api and Azure AD ? What if someone steals the access token and use that (within its expiration period ?)
I was under impression that resource server ( java rest api) also needs to talk to Authorization server (Azure AD) but not sure if it's really required for JWT tokens.
#Deb,I found your reqirement matched this scenarios----Web application to Web API.I recommend you refer to this document( If your front-end used the Angular App, you could use passportjs to pass Azure AD authorization. Please refer to documnet(
Its a JWT token signed by RSA private key. I can get the public key
from JWKs uri and validate whether the JWT token and its signature is
valid or not. If it's valid, the rest api will send the response back
to angular app - Is it enough on rest api side? Don't we need any
communication between Rest api and Azure AD ?
If you got the access_token,you could call your REST API with this token in your request. You need not any communication between REST API and AAD. But please note, you need make your API application trust another application
What if someone steals the access token and use that (within its
expiration period ?) I was under impression that resource server (
java rest api) also needs to talk to Authorization server (Azure AD)
but not sure if it's really required for JWT tokens.
You also can set the expiration time in your application for the tokens. See the part 'Token Expiration' in this document(

What OAuth protocol is this API using and is there a standard OAuth Library I can use to authenticate with it?

I have come across this private API that authenticates using OAuth API (Not sure what version or flavor of OAuth it is). My working knowledge of OAuth isn't that great so I need some directions to sort this out.
Here's how I was able to to test it manually using Postman/Advance Rest controller Chrome extensions and make a successful query to access a protected resource.
Step 1. Made a POST request to the OAuth Service URL with specific headers. The response includes the OAuth token
Authorization:OAuth oauth_consumer_key="<<key>>",oauth_signature_method="PLAINTEXT",oauth_signature="<<secret>>%26"
Here's an example response format. The response includes the OAuth token and the Oauth token secret (Both of which I need to use to access the protected resource in the next step)
Step 2. Make a POST/GET request to the protected resource after setting the Authorization header with Key, Secret and OAuth token
Authorization:OAuth oauth_consumer_key="<consumerKey>",oauth_signature_method="PLAINTEXT",oauth_signature="<consumerSecret>%26<oauth_token_secret>",oauth_token="<oauth_token>"
Now, Here are my questions:
What version of OAuth is this API using?
Is there a standard OAuth client library that does the authentication and lets me query for protected data without me having to manually construct the POST call with headers like above, get the token (by parsing the response and extracting the token), make another POST/GET manual call with another formatted header to access the protected resource? If so how?
I tried scribe-java and extended the but I can't get it to work. Then I wondered if I understand the API version properly. Because this private API gives me just one URL to get the token. Not sure what Authorization URL, Request Token URL & Access Token URL are in this context.
I even tried looking at the Google oauth client library for Java but I can't find an example using it that fits my context. Any help understanding this is appreciated.
You're using OAuth 1.0. The Scribe library is the way to go with Java: In your case so-called 2-legged authorization is what it needs to do. Here's sample code for 2-legged OAuth 1.0 with Scribe:

