I have a mongo collection with objects like these:
"_id" : "a2d",
"entityType" : "Location",
"type" : "STRING",
"_id" : "a1_order",
"entityType" : "Order",
"type" : "STRING",
Trying to append the _entityType to all document's id where it is not present at the end id the id (the first object in the above case).
Using mongo with Spring, but I'm already stuck with the first step, to get all the objects with no entityType in id.
Thinking about something like this, with regex, but I'm not sure how should it look like:
Query query = new Query();
query.addCriteria( Criteria.where( "id" ).regex( "here i need the entity type of the current document" ) );
You can build your regex by '^' ('starts with' Regex).
So you need a function who point in all documents and check this filter
List<Document> result = new ArrayList<Document>();
StringBuilder idPrefix = new StringBuilder();
List<Bson> filters = new ArrayList<Bson>();
filters.add(Filters.regex("_id", keyPrefix.toString()));
for (Document d : yourCollections.find(Filters.and(filters)))
You actually want a "reverse regex" here, as you need to use the data in the document in order to match on another field.
Presently you can really only do this with MongoDB using $where, which evaluates JavaScript on the server. So for spring mongo, you need the BasicQuery instead, so we can construct from BasicDBObject and Code primatives:
BasicDBObject basicDBObject = new BasicDBObject("$where",
new Code("!RegExp('_' + this.entityType + '$','i').test(this.id)"));
BasicQuery query = new BasicQuery(basicDBObject);
That will test the "id" field in the document to see if it matches the value from entityType at the "end of the string" and without considering "case". The ! is a Not condition, so the "reverse" of the logic is applied to "not match" where the field actually did end that way.
Following is the structure of my MongoDB document userActivity.
"_id" : ObjectId("5e49569f93e956eeb28eb8a6"),
"userId" : "123",
"likes" : {
"videos" : [
"_id" : "abc",
"title" : "This video is part of test setup",
I am using Spring Data MongoOperations to manipulate MongoDB collections. And below is the code to remove a video from videos array in likes sub-document. I have tried to first filter the document as per the user's userId. And then apply filter to update function as per videoId.
public UpdateResult removeVideoLike(String videoId, String userId) {
Query queryUser = Query.query( Criteria.where("userId").is(userId) );
Query queryVideo = Query.query( Criteria.where("id").is(videoId) );
Update update = new Update().pull("likes.videos", queryVideo );
return mongoOperations.updateFirst( queryUser , update, UserActivity.class );
This runs without errors but the entry is not removed. The UpdateResult has following values
matchedCount = 1
modifiedCount = 0
upsertedId = null
I am confused if it is able to match the entry in the array, why it is not removing it? What I am missing?
I am a little confused as to how to add an element to an array in an exisiting mongodb document, or why my results are not showing properly and how I expect.
There is only one document in the collection and will only ever be one. The mongo document looks like when I do a db.collection-name.find.pretty() command in a mongo session on the command line:
"_id" : ObjectID("1234567890"),
"details" : {
"calculations" : [
"count" : 1,
"total" : 10,
"mean" : 2.5
"count" : 2,
"total" : 20,
"mean" : 6.4
I want to add another object to the calculations list.
The Java code I am running is based upon THIS example:
// Get the database and collection
MongoDatabase database = mongo.getDatabase(dataBaseName);
MongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection(collectionName);
Document document = collection.find().first(); // will only ever be one document
// The object comes in as a Map
Map<String, Object> incomingMap = new HashMap<>();
incomingMap.put("count", 3);
incomingMap.put("total", 4);
incomingMap.put("mean", 7.9);
// convert to a Document
Document newDocument = new Document();
incomingMap.forEach((k, v) -> {
newDocument.append(k, v);
// append this to the collection - this is where I am confused
// for this example just hardcoding the _id value for simplicity
collection.updateOne(new Document("_id", "1234567890"), Updates.push("calculations", newDocument));
However when I do a System.out.println(collection.find().first()) in the code after this or db.collection-name.find.pretty() in a mongo session the new document has not been added. There are no errors thrown and completes fine.
What I am wondering is
Is the line collection.updateOne(new Document("_id", "1234567890"), Updates.push("calculations", newDocument)); correct?
Has it been added but not been saved - if so how do I save?
Can I do this at a document level, for example document.update(new Documen(Updates.push("calculations", newDocument)); or similar?
I have also tried collection.findAndUpdateOne(new Document("_id", "1234567890"), Updates.push("calculations", newDocument)); with the same result
Is how I am getting/hardcoding the document ID incorrect?
You have filter condition issue (your _id is ObjectId type)
new Document("_id", ObjectId("1234567890"))`
Always make sure your documents updated correctly. Look code fagment:
UpdateResult result = collection.updateOne(filter, update);
log.info("Update with date Status : " + result.wasAcknowledged());
log.info("Nº of Record Modified : " + result.getModifiedCount());
I am using Java driver for mongo-db and trying to add multiple query criteria using BasicDBObjectBuilder. I have a text field where an XML is stored as String so we are using regex to form the query.
Below is my query and the output I am getting:
.start("$regex", ".*Main>[\r\n]<.?.?.?.?action>"+MainValue+".*")
.add("$regex", ".*Details>[\r\n]<.?.?.?.?action>" + DetailValue+ ".*").get());
regexQuery.put("NAME", "Video");
What I am getting as query is :
{ "REQUEST_XML" : { "$regex" : ".*Details>[\r\n]<.?.?.?.?action>Change.*"} , "NAME" : "Video"}
The first part with .start("$regex", ".Main>[\r\n]<.?.?.?.?action>"+MainValue+".") is not getting added to query.
Can you please let me know what is the issue ?
You are overwriting the key value pair. "$regex", ".*Details>[\r\n]<.?.?.?.?action>" + DetailValue+ ".*" overwrites "$regex", ".*Main>[\r\n]<.?.?.?.?action>"+MainValue+".*".
Use $or to pass both regex expression.
Something like
BasicDBObject regexQuery = new BasicDBObject();
regexQuery.put("$or", Arrays.asList(new BasicDBObject("REQUEST_XML", new BasicDBObject("$regex", ".*Main>[\r\n]<.?.?.?.?action>"+".*")),
new BasicDBObject("REQUEST_XML", new BasicDBObject("$regex", ".*Details>[\r\n]<.?.?.?.?action>"+".*"))));
regexQuery.put("NAME", "Video");
This should output query like
{ "$or" : [{ "REQUEST_XML" : { "$regex" : ".*Main>[\r\n]<.?.?.?.?action>.*" } }, { "REQUEST_XML" : { "$regex" : ".*Details>[\r\n]<.?.?.?.?action>.*" } }], "NAME" : "Video" }
Using 3.x driver
import static com.mongodb.client.model.Filters.or;
import static com.mongodb.client.model.Filters.regex;
Bson regexQuery = or(regex("REQUEST_XML", ".*Main>[\r\n]<.?.?.?.?action>"+".*"), regex("$regex", ".*Details>[\r\n]<.?.?.?.?action>"+".*"));
From system.profile collection I have documents like this:
"op" : "command",
"ns" : "..",
"command" : {
"count" : "..",
"query" : {
"$and" : [
"responseLength" : 48,
"millis" : 18,
Some queries don't have the command field instead they have 'query' field. I want to check if 'command' field exist. If it does then append that to my Stringbuilder object, if not append 'query'.
I have tried to use Projection as suggested by Davide by but still I am not finding a way to checking if query exist, if it does then append that.
DBCollection collection = mongoTemplate.getCollection("system.profile");
DBObject query = new BasicDBObject("command", new BasicDBObject("$exists",true));
BasicDBObject fields = new BasicDBObject("command",1).append("millis", 1).append("ts", 1);
DBCursor cursor = collection.find(query, fields);
while(cursor.hasNext()) {
return sb;
You need to use the following method:
public DBCursor find(DBObject query, DBObject projection);
From java doc:
projection - specifies which fields MongoDB will return from the documents in the result set.
I want to define a document in MongoDB in order to keep a list of key-value pairs in addition to some more information . I need to query on keys and extract just values , not whole the document. Let’s say it looks like:
{ title :” Do not stop me now”
Artist: “Queen”
Info :{
Metadata: [
{key: “genre”, value: “Rock” },
{key: “bps”, value: 120}
I selected this format based on http://java.dzone.com/articles/indexing-schemaless-documents
I want to query like select “genre” from song where artist is “Queen”
My current code is:
BasicDBObject eleMatch = new BasicDBObject();
BasicDBObject up = new BasicDBObject();
BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
query.put("info.Metadata", up);
BasicDBObject fields = new BasicDBObject("info.Metadata.$",1).append("_id", false);
DBObject object =collection.findOne(query,fields);
I tried to extract value like:
System.out.println( (((BasicBSONList) ((BasicBSONObject) object.get("info")).get("Metadata")).get("value")).toString());
But I cannot get access to "value"
How I can solve it?
The positional operator return an array of one element. So, what you are converting to string is an array and of course you will get a kind of java id.
Cast it to array and get its first element